Un nnnnv here rut president It the Barrie IitnI Recru tiooel Fastball lesme Ind Rny Day league manner lend hand to titre the Iipht Citv etIndards Work on the ball park It lire Iiorrleoo Park in expctird in heirornplrted by out Fridry The team dimi ed tlml labour to con Itrurt ilre tannin Ind lighting in the part rImIner Iho tot League CoOperate To InSlall Lights Fence cirriom Ihoin ho to build ine in In Incredible rhort hail part in Its weeks in time for your leagues his loom merit Ask any rriembcr oi tire Barrie Iiron Recreational Feti hnll leInoe became this in medially trite theyre done I7cr Iinioq ten weeks Iii avenge at io membere oi the Inner per nipii have been toeIv Ilig It IlIc Morrison Park on Grove Rm Best inrtnliinr llIhle and tracing to Add to the cilye recreation iIrIliiieI Gerry president at the league explained it this way Approximately no people at tlrided tho omurl Greater Barrie Chnriilur ol Commerce Fun Coohmit Thursday night In oi baseball tields In Barrie Ind we had to have tleld Ior our tournament this weekend We numbed the Barrie Pith Ind Recrentlon Commis sion nod rhri oi mrde iiitrn In older they couldnt relate lie raid the league altered to Mom ill the Moor mes my It In chem to the city to install lhe limits and ienclng Ind ihe commission not the city mud The remission eltimattd ll would tont them between mood Ind mono Io perlorm the lab alone raid lir its will cost the shy only about tsoro ior materials The Iirtrlr similar to those to ready inauiiod It intIE Ire mercury vapour IInurI period In ctIloholinlsIv hy next Iri day it wont he norm in time in the tournament bolster but leased both with III Irrompllsirrienl Ind the speed with which the city moved to like them upon their for baseball The Ice rd the lhe league Is me tin In doing it inr them iliynarii Seeks issuancei unison OTTAWA CP 11IIlcderIi hem prosaic lunch to tilI vertiIItiIEIU Mahdi reganIdtshmdaiarpovz It threlth hermit Itrelih lure hindeloidthe monitor or What the product gt Ryiild lPMImroe North rnedkel dorttr uted ll Ilr Leland could Issue the while that no Iurti mnrchi Imps ccsleinlng trldlorethsn Ire on the trader in this court U1 ydiIiiIrtiy Iithdthn tmrn il Canadian mIrIrt rim riotl the minister said There Ire similar products mildile In made hi1 they do not here thI IIirie moieties II the Ptnmriri odutt Titania IhIrI sou Irem to he no lm IlIrnI It the present Dr Rynnrd noted that the Formula school rprIy used In ibisilllim oi respiratory roblerns In Imported letter II UadeIth The Pertussis medicated Il portrnr II Ioid In the Untied State by mummist lncior tunpornry relic or anal ronrrilioo OBITUth EDNA REID Funeral iervlm were hIld June to It the Lewis hinerIl some up this yen and uranium hopeful lt turne out lobe one tree ol and ti oi the better Irrioroinrnrnir Home In BrIdiord tor E3an Ilrid Iii oi lelroy Iioo died June To In York Candy Ilospt lIl Newmertet netire oi lttnlslii Tourishlp IirI RrId pintd lor the elite III opening oi tho lredtyterIIn Church In Siroud In mt rillh her brother Roy Ind Ilia Unil ed Church DTllili ior many year In Lelroy others live sin min inlcoty IliIIrI She runs predeeenred her lather William Bruce he her mother the louder SophII Trurnhley Ind hy her hthInd Without trying Itetd Sho to survived by Inn iIcI oi Air and by dauthl err Dorothy terror Ind Iro bet oi CIirnrr bro thcr Ray Jock oi Orllil Ir Lucy Dolhy ol Tixoo and in mrdnlitldrro Rev Grovce JWI oliIcIIlcd II the icnices IIllbeemri were rrInitnonI Ind nephew BuriIl It the tilt IlnI Cemetery in innlsiil Tonnshi CHIIMBEII or comuncr coorour It Sunoidnle Park The noun Wu designed to allow new nternherl to meet old menilr Illinn Blorgnn hegen the To Move Church To Museum Christ Church on ancient Luidmarlr located on Contention In Uerpra Township will be pinned this urnmer lo new Illa at live Simeon County this rum An old Anglican Churrh with In the diocese ol lornnio it ll helm dotiolrd lo the murrum by tho dlocesr and live congra inion with up towards the cost oi relocation Ross Charmn director or the museum raid the church will be pinned on new foundation near the museum Ind lnrm part at the developing piaiu tor Pioneer Village service oi dernriImItion still he held II IilhiliLEV STORE lnnlrlil council has decided to take no Ieiion on Inappllca tion by Clarita to reopen the tours Tromhicy store It the bottom at Concession un Iii Ii receives reports irnm lhn Simcoe Cuurdy District liealth the building Ind lire merits aiiiirrtin liltiiun oi Toronto will oliitinte All memhrrr oi the community Ire Invited to Iilrlid outing by putting on the tint iieak uhilo new members wntdicd FROM LEFT Larry Ilogarili Tom Owens ROAD CTNSTRUHION Joanne Lynch Lott Robertson lily Wit Bill Aininy Wlsmrr Iir Iliorltn Ermi Incr Pholal ed Ilr Dmirranid hls de tnnliiilr rind superintendent plrtmeni iI Iiioeitceuiiul thr iillit Dcrrmticr toil council niei iioy thni liarhour lioad should hr open In troiiic in two weeks lie raid III excavation run his completed not all stumps rtinov hill on Concession end Irercl rhouht be placed on the road by end at next wick ll TIIY sxtiuiumi warn ADS ruonn maul rylnstallationf IFONISHOP AT HOME SERVICE CALL ltliln AREA tsunami Out ei town eIlI Inllpel oi Engr slurred Ilarcli in with imlered driving on Sim roeCouniy Road It plendrd tut Iinrd tits Clinger oi th in timing in plants other than resident Ind ol driving while is blood Iicohol rotsoi was in court lttrsdry tor lenienclnr count uisruii honours LIdy Sereli IiIitlInd oilio our early hadmnhpram iIllyrrturntdtnSimcoetmn nuns promoted to the ir ThmdeyAntmIoroi simcee County Human by the will oi lord Pittioh my oi IIIIUInI menl Upper CIn Annual Barr roost inri Cert hm Reeve oi Iespn Township Aid Perri Roll Qan BIriIe olilclIlI nentItrItmmlhI mureinn Photo helm darirmuhi museums Irchise mire iiaevn oi Stunt IIIqu Queen Of The Fair Gantsl 1hr hrrtie Fdrudwryr ier has the creation carpetlticn to be held in the Inning Ind lonorsliie III oi Queen is the Fair enormity ntih Innlher now Moi ppm in my single girl living re in Srmoe Oomiy between the IUII Barrie Fair will be eeI The hIrriI AxrlmturII Soc ectedby psnel clinker in em new Till BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY 11 LIIPAlliED DRIVING lrenkitn Ernest ScIlon external or per cent were vitibdrasm by the Crown PROBAle WIan Alennder Boron ii at Barrie minted June oi oh tIlnIn goods worth under trot lrom Towers tiny ii by lelse receer condition II discharge Ind iris placed on piohoIlon ortunyenrs when ha epprartd in BIrrIr provincial It the chirp lhursdIy tannin prosinch court III Display Tonight until WIIeh Llone Worldo FIlr tIloIi Dont min the opporiunliy duh on the tint dry oi the AW The ee will tIhI Into ran IIdanion the outematr per totality dsIrm poise deport ntenl IndoierIII IppeIrnnce Theludsoe sill Interview eIch girl Ind the tint decirton will be made Ilitr ehowvln the curing dim th glrie will not me heth lng win but dresses Norm Anderson secreIIry tIeIsiirer oi the society said it Patriot Ilrldly below noo hlles BIrriI IIlr all receive cIsh prise oi tron Itih Iecnnd third Ind ninth place ilnlnherI winning lot too and tan each The top linlshen will he err period to participate In the ills Cushion NIIlonnI Ddalbitlon coiii Ni In Thronio in Mt The Iris will Ilro attend the Mini urnIto turd Soc lety constrith held In Toronto rIriy In the In our Peintinge on display from Deon Gallery Montreal him hlIcEI eotor oi the society In con vnoe the midst Mutt ted to end merge Iguana It nngph II Nlorm Andean Box Iily re Ill Andermi Ieid pui lor the tIir Ire well underway alciIle Ire Ispectinx even oluer show this rein the midway Installiyiniil he on hand egrin with IevrrIi II Its honest rides Ind Irryrse intents The lab will be hell It the Barrie lllimmds nn Em Rand irorn Mount 23 thraugh honor at ie Fair ToTatiue Conklln M1 which openly thillelltlroetiiihiiroihriii produoo livestock oorrtpclttlortt horse rims and many oth nmlr The Mr Is the biggest Innoal one In Simeon Goime Ind rules IIIth mount the rrlcutturtl ielrr la OntIrlo omovrtiw urenreetr Artist III prlre yrlriner oi New York uIIly pelntlnp todIy Ind tomoriw It Terrors GLurgeii solution of original Oil Paintings ever seen In this at Prired trout $20 $500t nndup OAII pointinor on high quality ennvor PAINTING liISPIAl TII IIIIY 7th uni ARIIIE IAVIIIID NW lo III Not AN in IAVAWIV lullltiltliltlllllllil