ohlm Mlle Iebool when reeenlly bold Ibelr Inch IbRTbln ll IDA llnl lime IbII lo the Well Indler Scull shorp Illended Illa Inn nAmI urns orrnornroir Iy MIL DIG HOLT won IrolIA ID Ibo our II Ibo June needs Mun Room Imam IIIIled b2 III bod the WIN Ide School wully remdodohlldren omny Illh Ibo boIrd oI Ido Itlu bod been IIIebLo Ibo Ie Ibrb II Illul II Ammo III 10 em Iilh In liren belt Ible Io Ibrummdalo my ll nulls doom eIrb omllood lyolul on In Iehoal la nInoo Iode IleIlu nlmnalnI runny Album ole llrI II II Onolawn no nrener oI Ibo Inlch Ind ll IdlIlLreI prvmm In heulu vllb Ibo Ibem Ibo Ila Rm Rnwurlblluy vereuee Ill mud or Itllllom llarrlr Ind olal llrl Seby The roll roll bool Plum ol You III oerod by menben IIo Oll IIrI poolenl balm Ior Ibo erenLry llrI Cocll Brolbel ob Ibo Mllol In her burnt balloon pardon nu are over by lln Wnlrer Ile We Prextoenr tore roamed Irnm me llIoln NunIoI llomo Ivble lloIplIIlbed Inn by CIIMR III lucky uluoer LILIRO Cniluma II Ibo Golden Yenrn IIII Ibleh III held II lho Oeodlollaw OIEIIIIII Iu Ibo Iblrl II II IblI Sluneu reluruadlo Illl on June IS Illor belnI III In Royal Vlelarlo IIoI LIor loo nob Dollou III on Idnolllrd Io III III on July IlulIlIonno lnrrlelllnlb memo lIm III an lo OIILII Ilunuy Another norm on roeelv reeonolllo Ior Iulrllun Bu Cellllll lrhool ln wluulnx Illa Ll booby II JeIn 0mm RR II OrIde mu Oooll lIIrrlr Ilro oI Ion III Ileoderoon ol IIer oero Illa malor Ine In Illa rIeIory our Ilr Ileld dry inter bu non loll Iroyly Ooomlulollonr On June Io IIII savor Rob Ioll RR by Ill wllh her IIIbrI Cyril Vlelro llolly lor IIIII II Cb Jenn JaquIII hmorol Ilorue ll boom Iud Iloreneo Noll als lIed IIIb Roy Ind ClIro lamb II III hell on Im II hr Irm nkndnmemlredlmmlm hm Illrrle SWIM Elmvat berry for Ibo raonexn lio Tlme Owed dumb gird Lm ILI In Ibruse under LI loo obuImInI ol the bond aI Kronor muted an mm In bl 161 Women lar III blue IHII Ind rorrylad Ihrtoxb Iore girzbeth Sander In men end Llrtyoao lirieu IIro Oodll Taro Allnoa Tourn ammo Neulon Robinn Oooulm LInr Glllo berl Churle bllIlI rod lIrIy Sml Bolder her lrumnliole IInI Ily Ibo Iero erenl III her ldluu Johnna bId IMIr DI Meher Ina OeorII Ind Eluy WIIIan In ol IrndInce Eluloe In Iowa lbe lo nodIII lrarn Solm llmnarlol IIoInIII an me II II Ibo Proberlln limb llllo Irilb meolloo loRonlu lbe borne ol Ilrl EIrl Mlur Ilsa al Orlllin llrI Ben Jobnloo mumb el al the nodule mow Inlrd by her daulhlor llro Dnvld 7131 came up lraru Toronlo lar Ibo overlay WI Itero lorry Io beor IbIl lIrI lleob lllller IRII In Ion lnlng IHH her doubler ln Toronlo bad Iall but Iorlunr only on Man erovbrohn Iod Ihoul Inerbelu lo besl Ior Ilme RoberI Orrnelr Inrnoor Thornlon RR armor IMIII In Ilmle III berured reeeally ln Ibo push malber lIrI Arlbur ermelr III II In her Ill year no bod been rIIIdenl II Grove Port Home Dnrrle she Ibo lul alvlbo Grim orally ol Ibil ronerolloo Bur lII nu al Ibe lnorolan Ilnlrn Cemelery CROSSLRNR Ry lIRS ALLEN III and SIM Jm IlImeI Ind boyI ol Curblira nere nook end only aI Ibo llnrner homo On lleInrnJIv oveulne lhe rommunlly IIch In Irnulornl Roll In nlxh III In Ilrr Ilrlnn Dnlnell mud bnwlneoo In lelr luluro marrlrl III In presenl or llolh erIn and Dnrolby blanked Ill lor Ibo lovely III and In Ilrll llIem In lbelr Elm Inle borne IIII Rmtl llrlwnln Illu Arm Iluokln Ind Rllll llIIel Minoan aI Rayner were lllurI by mark llro snm IIIea symoollly nl Illa oorrnrwlllly ll rllllldad In NH lnrno Arrher Iollw II Giraud July monomer 111a no waoeeullra SIII my In colonyum on 0hohao anlca Inauyl Erbbul Ioglven llp trying to be Irlend wllh her Io TELEVISION IRIDRI JULY Illl IwAlI My IJouooroy tTIMA Ionum Mm onInor loom Ire IIII lLunemn cm 1mde Flu Iel IIrom Rm Iwno won or Moro IIII TWu On MAM HMon Ilolow II MI III tLIro MA oul IFmdmu ly llIIIe dos PROGRIINIS AFTERNOON Illoun mmrrm IIan IIemomr llII TN TN lelR IIlwmlor km San In Id no lbTm 31 km II nlanl IGInIrII MINI III SN TAII II II bllIwn TII nylon World 7on III lull Ind Ibo lo row Iblo la be lhrzn nllh mllcrllznrous Ibovr cunrnncr rumor You In MM old Ihle Ind the bldrbry bu North You mo 30th III our ron no wall yon blow IIh unh oI Lll lollaIIII Inn If Lomomomom Imvnwemu Iomonooooeum oronuuooeroom sly ammo No II um 11 manor oI orllblnolle Naribl Lluee Iotrump bld ohm IIII III no Inlmv lyoo hold Mother lberoIrI rm Io be leml mm which motor IlIun undenth monoy Im none on too helm II wonder on lbu burl Ibo Ilnl LI Ibelher or IR Iboro LI roalcnnblo roam Ice dun Ind Ibo mood LI IbeIher Ibrea molomlobeue beII nmo warm II Ilnra eon be mode quH Illmsl lonely bl lo be Inoaeolyuuouhnloe you In olnlwsly IIIllaI lb llxbeIrrI lnlr Immlly Ioelnlrd uh notnmn ILIIIL And nblle ll LI onde Iron THE STARS SAY IRAN DIXON Solurdny July Arlel IIIIrob llAIrll IS Uhc ll nol In unloreleea Ib eumm Iudleuy IooIlI your xhoule Porlnenblpn obIIber personal or outlaw rumour Ilre Town IAanl rollIy Inn Rome youd plowed Io pend you dIy be preyIred lo do Iomelblny Ilse IA ponye Io dilly lheyll be back Ibon you need Ibem Gemlul IIIIy mm to Hold everylhln lIdy only oy Ibould bun Inrollrinz Iodn lrIIIhoIIyIIIIuo teIrIul Rourebold mm quo IlJIly ml II II bol er youyoull be Ibo emlra oI Imdblor ooo lIIee Ira July ISIAH 22 lrmn alloo lor yr II III Imyul Ilre dunno you who In nub lerI orervbay bod mood II rellId Surlum III mlslead no lrlru IAII Merl an HI nron IlIv Inr Illayll Mole nba Ole luen beloro reoellar Urlldron land In reoulro unusuol Illrullcn Ivrr youlo uoeleeled youll Ilnd the leanu lIkl Alu our Ilourrulul l1 Iublecl Io drurllo rovllluo urer whnl mm at Ilrrl lrlvlol mallrr Krnp your IIIemonII Ilmple and dim SIIIllIrIuI Nov ItDrr Ill II and IrllIllIeo You my or nail IIlok la malenhamo bore no onur crosswono ACROSS Iorbldden blonborol Sundrlod vou Ilnd gnunoll 1M oul danl lan Ilrol 234M II Who In tho nn now eonrslloolu nInlIero Vlh buyer and mu roIcIII SIIy WI ol quesllonoblo pllm III ooeueo IbII nil mm aIIen be mkltlb only nwbn IZ lbIl yummy Ibmll be Iv heedIn the peanut mo be ulMHdmkywva Ioduy nah ILun bury on The Inlen KJS Illre Ibinx la do II we partner In Illely In more Inn Ilh rire eh ILucoheIuI II lennouim II IIII uh Tour rfubs llzn you mull go he IlIm um thourh you my not ban more IhIn SI blur and Mala TbI only real on blem lI Ibzlbn beIrIr or lube would IenI teem ll Irumyr II parlour b1 ellher Rx Ind IAINII or Jn IDS AllInn clan Illl um Ibo beIIer lrum null Norm No Im th olee Inuo you rain blm Io III elubx ll be an lrcr bum oler our elubl you bid III helm III clubs Araln Hm Manlrd em both rm IMV Ilndn IoolnI obon uAel unlIy greater doom IN North II have umly Ibo rlzbl dlsorlmlon and blob rnrdo Io ram rem but In morally dillluzll In Iowa bib bl lbeel Indra In no bard Thu odd low III Ind Ill IrIlan mnlunz men on you IeIIlo In be obenl Ike Ilul roundup cartoon lDeemI Isl Dm no cancurlzu Item to L1 eoonnmrlullonr Short out In no IlleeIlIr Inlay Mold eIperlmeuII AourIuI IIIn Iblob Ill An all plan lore ll lnmor lo lhI boron llrlo ol Iodnyo candle llou Ioclultol dlleo In Irm Iary IIIeeo Irob IMlmb 20 Your money bar ulna Inl ll I9 ullb Ibo wlul when you won your wnllrlnllh llllle onhrn IorlI BLONDIE Business Failures Ilral llvo manlln thin year nl buolnum In Curl Iollel lelvlou llnblllllsl III thlMW Dunn and Ilrarlurrcl ol CnnaII Llrl labl WIInerrlny yur earlu L292 burl borer IIIled wiln bnbllmen nl lllomooo lz Orlarlo bed the lnrueu numu bot ol lallum II In ulllo KII OHM In llIbllllar rrmwel INN L71 and SHARON II III American Cars UIIAIIA CPI Nanb InmleIrnIn mmIIlnIIx rn IIII run In Conant arerw eldrI cumorlllorn SIllhIIro can rroorlod Wednesday ompIrInI Ilrurer Ior blur lITl IoIl IIIy 1m L1H Ilnyl ulu oI U5 and nnndinn mode neblelos Increnml by ml per III or polsonxrr eIrI and or per real or wmmcrolrl Iobleleo DONALD DUCIC Mn ABERHATHY mom Irru lu lhl IM LATEth 110007464 HAVE DINNER All EOOKLO AWE5 W5 70 LJE row mm mt Elux to MMHEQHOLE no yum ARKle NLRCMEA umgnuw nsJ Aft ANNA LLB sum THROW STOP EALLI hTA2 Ill Yul W53 DLU SEE CAN HE MAY TOR DINNCRMUMSI lkwornnc JIIIIIIIKXWWIIOWNIOUTWI FRAME IllE DOWN mm sumoulm mo Nils CARE 10 TIIE OWL IbIIloldon brlck Holdo IRWIII llh IIIn LPerennlIl nordn beII lllIIaIlIII word OH AMIIIIL sum Illh Greekrlly onuor ToolordoyoAnInor ILSomI InclIl ILAoproorL Loonrlueo ILIIIIIIn III hello lan Ethel InIlI IT Tllhor ol PI III II lllhl lb Hod Ihn IllIII lOIeIrIIn Groin Illl III In leIo II ow or vILPIor HuoledIy quIIon boo IuinIlIIb no moulbn earn our Moreuoul uAnI unl MO ILSnnaI ell 28 eleolol llelo uol ILIIoII Pwll II lIIllIn Luruln work Novel en Imrlclour OM BUZZ SAWYER GOMIIDVY SIASITO WON Ski FELL INTO PIRANIIAS THARIII asmve ANOTHER 6oMesurry rnms ruurrv ems REF FIELD TNINKS IIIE DONKN FELL 100 FONT RN IIJO IEOWE ME NOW IOOKV FELLERS GOT VE SOME IMM FIRMWIICIIES TU WASH E1009 WM SAW AID PROBABLY lllml WATERON WHO MARI IT LOOK llKTIlIiD ALLEN HERES YORN OL BULLET 111 mm Moole wmmw zoomor mm In om In Fm ILDIImIllI hueun non loo MID mun II mended roomm tlunoleon Dole omen III III TWII lOIII IA WI Ml IIIIII uronul IMIuaonIno IIllnulem Mlllnnlna nouml HPllly om IOvlblnq LII rmnlmn nImI BARNEY GOOGLE Iroonunvnr Lnamu rumor Vow Iran rnronmunrorvuurxo LlIOlooln IlEBJImbom Honour Iunn ILTIIIIIIIII HM ll Gonouollna LWIIINV bull If llomml leoorlen nrlnn By Rlolov IMocyllrln omn Sbondyo In For An Iyll ulIMJlllh gt yIll ooxud ml Mommy mum Mayo nl III or or Funny aoII Sam Hm aounlllon nul LIIUII slum Sprll out our nhorl wonln below Uso numbered lobe lrld Io apell camel answer to Eop Toplo IL balloon Hoe Alf looIoM HINT Inunuo LENNON 11W oomn Inn oIIIlI wnIrI My one rIro III To you ILQuoml SSDlolol IINolIn Pl Inl blou on ISSNL II gt mm Iolzoloro IIIIWHM To moo Wollm IImlly lMMI On In em Hwy Ind cm IIIII opIrIIloI Iooo cam my Cemlnobdl MilWNW POP ToPlclllllllIltlIIIlllllIIHlIIIIIIIIJII HOW STATISTICS ARE KEPT 0N IIEAVYIIEIGIITS ANSWER OO IIIIIIIIIIII nunIIIIIoIIIIIIIIIIIoIIII wIIrIrI ECHO LAVA IInr TIIIIIDAV Inn thy hormrn oh Iroron mm 4T0 DE ICEOLATED Ablullohnllyuorowloelllnul IAIIIISI WLIIRLIIXKWISI follow mommoo WINASEAEONI ooanossImo MISNATAX TEMTnlSIANMRS TURRRDREETONIS DAILY CRTPTOQUOTElleroo lluw lo work ll II uorlornuuow Ono lollrr obooLv Ilond Ior Iuolber In on urnyln II uled Inr Ibo Ibroo In Ior Ibo III 0i ole Slurlo lollrr Iyoolroohu lho lrnllb Ind common Ibo nordn III Mr Elrb doy lbI rode lelloro Iro dIIerInL cumoouurnn ACAURSNWII on runs DlIIAO nouoluoun Ianunsrwzr on room vuu rm munrumour MA runcour 15 SINGIle SINGH II MIMI Irdln IoIIerdIyI Ioonolor ANY lIlIIllicl CAN Ill blllhll INTERESTINMD THEREFORE ANY SUBJECT UN 15 META HAUE llORlNOIIILAIRI RILIDC HO norIm MOM IMAMI3 Io IIII Inn rnununuuonn Mo HWY NilIAIN IlDIqlvh In Role Home oml Mm Elul Wm Wolll my Mom IMovll II OH hole III emlwu XII mo Illlawn Home LN ml IiMldnlunI Ioorlol Fen Mlllon IMIII linen Iy III III um moo In Ill WM PUMW TNVA TM NIIIRBW IIom om moo HEMMI more In ram Ilallnolrrcouuo mien Amen Hem 32m Prom IHIIIIILIIIIO 5m mm Koo Hlnaoleno Jublleo ll Hnwovmomlmnl Hm Amollclo ml Ioom Lindy lynch WNW lllom Imn Ilml III Illo llnu cirm 1wn nu ma Como III WmTw LIAIqu III um In no iVIVII yum3 II In Dmru SMIIQIMI on IVwAIll11 II