gt my at lieutenant tidll And liran Emnia watch as lico Williams roadster or the lionavieei ohm Allan lie rotundahonionosrdur lot preocrlanrr animator class It thop00thls IKL Is Topic soluos downturn in Lt to mate triers land alsr madamech up Parker said than me happin ed he no Aka Wendi butlikr Norm 92ser real ter and dart Strider develop er blamed the city tor dflil its iret an malaria land it claimed per rest at the home tantra la barre sre lines inch position Toronto itir Shelssreii tali Bsnleltes cant Iliad the horrors new so The lirst session oi rwlrttml lessens began Monday trium incr Photo HirrOnia Bead Residents Complain Oi Sewer costs Thrrc iiinonisitosd residents told innitili council hinndsy they tool the rates they will be charred to connect to the oily oi itarrlas proposed senor tnmhiina on their attest are ex nrhltrrn iha innialti trsidcris who arisb in rorinect to the sonar villi be charlrd the new rate as Barrie residenla which Li btpalootbiirotrluerntbdr property airs tor the line from the rents oi the road to the to line and use tent each loot lrorn tho property the horse shin Doris Emrriet marsh oi the deleratloo rain the oil Moot imatm on her property which means the ii be charred third to turmoil in tbo rower lieu Another resident Robert biarhich said spine oi the lets have irootarea nt up to the last and asked it they torrid pay the sermon alarai impairment bis ls over to or years All three residents raid lbry were also concerned that th qtrruty nl water train their wells world be aliected because the rrwer line is being built it iertnndrrthe road and their walls are only it in is ten deep ttaava Georu button told the residents lint it wont rest you andrenturrlrssymwsrt lo hart up to and he laid he thinks they an betas unisir asti iai tor lower rate than the city rhnrrcslts awnresiduals Secondly be laid hir Ilark li with lilat he did not ihltlli the city would allow lite residents to dcbenlurailo cost and it it did the and would be double in ten yearslio id say Township lipproles lmlslii roiistcii bna spread in allow lohrLLallrtrortbyrtn upon arm MW in arltali Gosmill Ea at the corner at and liilhrluy ii in Pain with providing he assumes rota pensthiiities act by council sir lorlantity told result at it rrrulrr inertial limday that is compap leased the store which is one oi three to head oniymgajilrt nut that opts or cry out can riotnreomnlodalo the third store lie said he met with oliiclais from the Simeon Candy District lienilhUeit and was yivrn sp proval lor second ecpuo aya lerii which he is pain to have Out Store in Painsvririt trlrar ler hlruul iie said it wt wrest approximately ii lla laid he has Alia asiuriied the responsibility at rrisirrtnn the solid at is planned so there wliibs misquote parties tor all lilies stores Council hdermtd lit lane wnrthy that it previously nude art nrresmenl with the owner at the glaze lhnivn per mil lor athir iinre would not be routed tuttii trace sleep the octet tbeprpperty was maria llr unworthy raid he would accept ihnt rorpoitdhtilty also artdcnrncii artred to grant the permit dreamer TiiiiiiTili ilciors AtBeSi In Comic Play By liUitiEir LBEilIil the rats option oi the sum rrlcr reason oi thrutro at Geor gian Callers auditodum was amashinr surcch The audience was in its tummtrzbest in dress and mood the choice at comedy Frydraua it rice in lier Eorbrwrhtlorth utmost continuous rounds oi hunter and the cast was in excellent loam it was hnrii to limit an actor and ililiirult to visit besl rtell tipped in the dual role at Victor Emmanuel Chandtbire husband at the beautiful itay monds and also Poole the hall porter at lllotei Cor nor was hbsolulriy cenvihrlr4 and iiierulihiy iitnrly Arainsl this port the experienced man at the world Dr Finale inter prrlrd by ion White had the lipid iranrh touch This line actor also will be soon in The liliard at its and Strictltl tius irnvsr Danica later in the tea Itrll The Georiiarr Theatre Comp any has brought in other expon lrrwcd and capable rosters and nttretses this reason Perhaps the role that liept the rtrJre irydeou comedy is continuous roiirre ni entertainment was that it ilnlrtlendo Chandebisa Zoo Alexander believable llsymon dc never let the more sex tier ctorersivo lacs excellent diction and obsolete rerua oi tlmlnr an Important to the remedy made ill rlny sparkle and crimes most chnrndrlll arid dellphl tul portrayal oi historian the maid was torn by lonelier Unit ucidosiuncd contrast to the rhntpwitted mold oi the hotel Eurcolo played by Susan Morgan 01th iormerrilrhtriubsinp or either oi the Con our with it hllibatld was about liltly marvellous Irma Furn oeri who took me port will an pcnr slit this reason lean crrmurinrrturns tetho Georpsn Theatre Compiny tor lollrth season She lays lipids and distinction to her role as Lurierine who or the Sparr iord Corina ilomenldos do liti lanrua iltr voice too has dov sloped nod Tuesday alibi cemo across the toetliphtr crnrly BlFFlCULT llOLid Guy banishment has also to turned to tho tumrony tor iourth reason lie nytli most dlliocuil role that oi Camilla Chandrblie who hes speech impediment and he ranted it all aucrrssluily Teny Judd at so returns to the company this rummer lie has become lav prlte here and was in his boat term as the butter in the Chen ttbise household homeowner an liuronla head should here no problem setting borne lrnprovemud loan lrnm amber in pay the cost at WILL Mimic WELD iircve Burton also said lhrro will be rentrarttta lament drawn up that will protrct the residents wells and react other aspects lie raid there my bare to be an inspection at the wells betora construction beiiru it it tools as lhnurh there will be lama llrs Ernrrlrir raid she is al ao redeemed that IiLtDlTI who does not book up to the rum will to arrest to by the Sim roe County illsirirt licailb Hit it my will our septic tanks are not wattle propor ty tbs chirped their Burton told he did not believe that would happen and raid no one would tom the ro aidrbls lo pointed with the sew rr ilo told this deputation or ever that it would best more to raaoeet with the sewer utter construction is romplrte iioairniold the nod ludailimaamil Is any control over the rails it did was allow the rity to build the line down main lirad ilo liild the city did not want to ampt rrshkntirri reward at llrsi and we had in iorea lhrm Vie bent over backwards in holy you so dont unit this cwncil he said Cotde errrrd to hold another mcrtirll to discuss the situation hiriher with oil the residents 11 inybriltlnibeeiiyand lid oottsrii intention but tar champagne tirbitriisleas on beer wallets lk reocmnded louder sessile streets and smaler lIo or beam mhoaucuu the nemstrratsintaseelrm resale no are near Ruhr nest rs rho hell lain trxts Lion in mdlypm problem tor smaller butldt vrbn buld mi lira houses limo erase are aristom billion barrara oi inlosmatian pirui mural hwnsbcri ladtealrd ibst little Li rtztit with the housing inrhatry in Ernie and tests will remain that nay until the rity ml the pmlm do some this about it it you rshtruird that it can about noon to service an rtrr are lot in the city and all three represerisdiu oi the industry It id trihirtrd the remainder oi the tlstm puts oi scmrrd lot atrixsiy tn amply and demand is Hurting Smaller Builders The rhnttlre hi mlimi land resdy in build on has ilirrles smaller builders in uusadry accorth to Alex librantit err attest oi the Barrie builtcrr Association The developm can ask any price they not brcruso oi the ihnrtrge be said There is no hominid price at alL He said the murrls natur ally more aervtael lots bid ad rallied he did not New law lbili would be dirk he said the only way he er arruiier miller can build home tor nrzlcr moon Li theprioeeithehtliimdrr HAW there was no probinri buy lnr serviced land last year be said this year its impos ribo There it sense but the price is on high its sarerd that Thrown buyers hire the Barrla mart all said it is dumb matter at cause and riled ii the builder hat in buy it at tidal the buyer has to pay at least that lnr tr crestrvews Iio ssid be solid later pro initial price treat on land uottd man that went bars to pay as much its sozrcatrd ll more seriirtd lots are made available the rib Id tinrtirr mi escaiaiihi ptio rs their little home chard hauls will be riimlnatrd tie said leti be an earn better ides ii the government were to in into the land but lnz and servicing brulooss hit bbrnaldi said he did not blow his rnahy lots the city wole have to put on the also let to trap lt arsbc but rcrd lhcro is doiinito sheri air or inner income hnlultu in Barrie tM DAMAGE Robert Dawson oi New Lisl earde Thornai Limbo at Don lillis were the drivers oi vehicles invoked in is collision on lhchwa fl lust north at the CPR or it lursday merrilnr Damage was estirruttd at Tilli Mimi EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY lm it Howard ohnsoris Hammer remarer To Be Built Here llnnird Johnsons restaur nrii is rxpeoltd to be opcassi on Baylieid Street North by Christi mus it was umottnccd this week The rcslntirnnt trill be iocst ed on Daydrld Street on the east side lost with oi medias odd it is not oi threeoi the lit inhlishments hhioh will be op l0liiil GENERAL ATTEMPTED ililEAKlN Thieves title attempted in break into the Baldwin college wouldbe limo ior input irnm ship Tuesday were scared away when burglar alarm went all Police say the alarm was trip rird when the door has it it iiiilEECAil ACCIDENT Damage was estimated at ll an iallowirtt three tar arci drnt on iiiihwny it near Con cession to 0m Township at one am Tuesday Tho drivers ihroivrd were Doreen lirlieewri nl Oriiiis Donald Luna oi hiount alderman alter the enerli gov ernment committee iscuiscd it on Dancesslori iedehta Town pumps iorrrt and lint 31m Cohen et ltlliowdaie All it the roles in Frydrnus termites are important mi in lrrvrovrii into the madness pt inexplicable situations and each role has alnrrtnr piano in tho mare oi birnrro happening The sexually inexhruaiib main louincl was iviii II poi lsheci perlormnsire liirhaei Burgess newcomer lo the eonrpany And John Evans lavorllortsretmssry Barrio tbcatrrvaoerr whose diversied career all alone television and him rnabirs him to brine wide dimensions to ids roles rave periormnora oi the Sphrdard Cortes that heightened the hysteria or several items it is this role perhaps more than any lilo othu that rmphasiies the sense or the absurd innate in Fry dedul plays Allah Park as anttslrri and er ot the total was rlrcll rest in appeariioto lore and characterization he was the porioct retired Scrrrmillalor discreet proprietor arid ditclp ltrlariin or bdri licrr Sch era the lisirian was played with emphasis by Paul Aspland Muhammat our name nurtures Bob ltlcirl it cwoseiierv lrrlrnlitln at the Barrie liiilliic day cam near Toileodslr and alsrtrl chard womans tiled in Ontario this year ihaother two are at iiiM iiiia and iierrlilton ilbiders oi the lraricliise tor the chain oi restaurants is or internal Canada Ltd rioiin Coltrtutlarlcbc prcstti asid litilltltliK ecnrdi rat oi the tint said he hopes do have the restaurants built and operating by Christmas The Bertie the has saluted because at location close to tita tor risidcnlini sections oi the city and because it is the heart or heavily traiclicd strict and summer playground area he said Planning ltlliciuis at rity llhull as yrt to be islets out tor the biuldtnu and minor variants involving oideyurds will ltkrly necessitate committee oi atl juslmcrlt hearing Committee Recommends Pumps Be Installed iii City Marina The Mic world committee will nonmetal to city council llonday night it allocate show for the institution at gas pumps ml the incessnry dodu at the city marten The torrvnil lee reversed on earlier decision not to install the altar beina mired by round in review the titration The milliliter at that time sonar hora hard at work this week httiidlrll icontn at his and leaves The lirtt tra tell the provincial relations which demand that nor tank be buried and be located considerable diiletrre trim the water email their the under lniiing too expensive Aid toss Stephens told rotor rii istt utrlt that the butcher Di busters at the rmriria merits the installation at the pnmpo ma ilk Saysbervieed land Shortage rtres in Barrie sdmilttax it REALTORS buildtrt and drieiopcrs look their problem to rity hail Tuesday Mill in try and had some artrsrts te illraa4 Meeting ill the problem oi the rising root or Lind and liaison in barns tttuhl Lam Alex lsirrandi Vivriavwvr builder Jarl Stellar detrlop rr Norm Shotsde traitor Illunainrr Pirate Smaller Lots And Homes Recommended By Realtor Norm SheliWril pmlderlt oi the turtle and District itall Estate Board said the bra rd supports in principle the idea at hiiildiny amnilei homes no Insilcr lots on smaller streets This is one was be said the my run more the billillr in el cheaper staple iamiiy homes livobcdroom houses are coming back he rshl both or terrier citizens and soon in laid council members build his in Barrie use butitiimt tor in Toronto market not Bsrrio msrkvi and alabasch that hliA mutants are out at reach inr tzm avrrnrii unrecarncr iri Bsr are granted mortal mind lnspiyiriu that developers in the past vrbo haw secured such Iprdal inninrs hira not been loaned to build Thero has to be more coop cratlen between the city and the thin tsptsdally tiers it was he providers which drsimiied area as growth area he it served Dorrie is already auilenn irom anmtos orrr spill lir dimmed with the city rstabtiahirta mature math rate to centre it it people want to live here what are lit nine to do turn them awnyi in the past limit grew actordirlx to the drmahd liltlll bum dotthaws IN within three or tour yr of tho Csnsdinn labor him will opt lur rrtlrrmriit at it years til nun Those people will in and we dont have that lie valid the rity to consider more licdbie route on proper ty csmluiiy wilhin the down than cure The people are here it ti that want heures ilr Sticiswcil said lets be httiu more llcitble lie raid traitors would lliltltlt are mlxlmi tsryinr incomi lrrariicis within it subdivision and sold it suiirstton that mobile homes are solution might be the next best thing but added this isnt the most stable way to develop housing Tillh Liin ilo raid the city timid push or lune limits on prolicts whitIt Danter omdlol plan indicates growth tote ol approsimalrly right per chi per ycur llr hhoisurii told he did not itrihir what Hours in art the population lncrtase at Should Barrie upstairs taint acrordinz to stormed Aid Jan ice Lilian solid Yes thihlr it should tinny yvcdpir thinli it should be piled iio sushi with Aid Jack iicrtisort with pro it want what mom on idJd lid eilrr til years and agreed lurtllrr that low down payments end hitch interest rates acrirunt tor Furl ot the lush cost at Ml till it was sugarslut to hir Slicin will that error ll the city did encourage builders through with change to build amsilcr homes on stiiuiitr lots the price would climb to match the price at rrriuarstied let soon so it ohsrnrd bands PRICE IllEElES Would tentyvrrr time his the rttertup been the anal down asked Gearrnitsrper cbeinnari ol the Dante plana itr board auusest to you the re woudriimb in the nor risi price nirimi autemsiirab iir Sheliweil adniiilrd the rcsilers do not hate arty ran lrol over the resale price There price rinsed the true market the Subdlv eri amtmcrls taxi comentibclwrrn the city iirvcinprr which stipulate err Ly what that iicvulopcra tarpon liltiikili are also drew seine abresoa umrrueb Shriswtit litltii thclrt tilint the pcvuie oi Dorrie want or van pity tor He said the ruii rsirtlr burnt horrid willingly to survey ol what Iiulttr buyers in Barrie and nctshii il ihr rity is irricrrllrd ile said he did not than what the lilttl would be ii the city were to double thc number ol lots on the martial tomorrow but cit it hotlid at least slap the rapid increase tor while lie ii doubtful the tried would rttr on below the 5th it now stand at DUNLDP biiitle Arnie irbotar ni Shanty hay lined and iiichaci Brown at liayiicid Stth Mrs lite drivers iii vehicles inioivcd in an arci dciil on Duriiop direct at Depot Street Thriday morning City Partly To Blame For Costs Developer The city earshot resilient to dirty its complicity tn the spit illian rest at sarvirrd iris and houses in the city accord ing ianck Stellar longtime developer and builder in tall ric Speakinn to the city develop rricnt rommitiro lnembcrs and oevrrai members oi the Dorrie ltlarrrrlna heard Tuesdtv night iii Stellar castipstod the oily planning department ior iniiiiip to rot spinesoi item the pro vinci pl idly district plan in the last til arr iwroiyrvo per cent ol the irirresird root in houses roar be blamed on uhsi happens riphi intbis room told All Stellar layiea the blame aquhrely on the city blast or our dcneiopnbie land is in stage two nod because there have been no district plans opprotrd it til late anothcr at years to art aomathlna um iormer member at the tier rie Houdini Bosrd himsrli llr Sioiiar Isl he docsrtt tnewloi municipality in Gillette hssnt had dirtrlct plan unprov rd in its yours liipieriiMlo one who can tell me at he sshl lie had no islets Council members listened nuiteiy vhllo ho bismrd the city in not in sitting that more developers to ylslrr their plans olon oi the annual rotrip tintn rd Monday at tho Gables liiirurniner lbotot have 32 lots on Allsridsle bill which shirt have rapistrri rd and which will never rte it it will be monument pay only tiled aired in taxes on that total it it were repla lrred would be paying station tear it told he couldnt get its eil about similar iris ivo listed ibiooi iol itll St Vincent Strict lur months now at 510000 and never had an altar hirartwhiir billoot lots in hilltop mar can pot limb tor barrlr he said is ltllillil to ward bcin ie laniiiy durh hope will disappear but nobody is even relations that possib liily Are we happy with not planning in ilsrrlo llu rehipiuincii about th rity planning dtpartmrht int run out hmendmrnl lo the rrrrrirri plan which aiircts unitup rtartrrrcnii which he itsii as done improperly lie said lhcrc uni no public hearingl en the ulitrndmcrl and it was not adlciiisrd in answer repartition iriirn council memhcrr llr stellar raid the ilorric ililtlticrs Atsrw ialion years are discussed the wisdom oi ttiahilsltlili land boots or rrrtalicr initiation and 1builders but nothinu rains pi ii tllti not blame iievrhvtori who held later tracts or land He said he would be ltiltttil od at developer sat with load that redid be built on but did nothinx with iiilut ihcta ii at one who has subdivision who doesnt want to go ahead with it dllALLBIl BUILDlill lie rnldlbo buildsrs nssocih lion would support more to have Litre developers in bout is his in the subdivision ler rmslier builders to buy iir stellar raid he thinks the rity is not appointing pronto sorttrrirnt enough to have any ill platuiinz Ciinmuri aces is ntcrhvi uriri lira members do have Luttuiiori tonsi but tutti inspections to the pianidnu pros cord are ncdtltti as well desire ill have as much as possible to shit builder builds is another bliOilttmlltli oi the plantain beard and the oily planners he said There titwil couple pl icilnlrli slides on the piannlnx board and mi lustihrumowrers tlo codiludrd by pirdietirii thurc will be it burm marital in the staple lunrlly homes this year and recommch the rity crrdib or buyers marlici rrosr the entire industry by opening up more lots Suggestions ToBe Studied City councils ritrrsi ueicrn iriirt cottrnilllre itiii hematite ricottltnrndatiens on lhil prob lem oi the thirst cost at housliin hi the city but not until it has hart time to study lie Allie motions triado by city builders roaltors and developers ioiioitinx lhrrehour session with rottrcarntatiirs el the three rrenpi Therdoy llirllit the city tirirlopmrot committee rat lrtirltl lrprrr discussion the ins rrltlnris until the general rov crmimt comniittcr does Aid ioui lrsirnrrr and hid luitito LaliIriu cash commrniod on the Impedance ol council re rcttny to the input treat the three ureupi Aid icrri cltslrrriali id rity drutirpptrnt said there time or input llolii alderman allrt the general yuvrrnnlcut innuiiiltte discussed it WW IcpaAsokanovuuicq ashwoaaaev