Our in mint location otter yuan to lean awry ccboot prompt we rtdrv mum weapon lmummetmmvwv reasonau Your Day Care Problem Solved At hat Mobility loving cm and at lrruiora Open 13 and ll In llmliay to Friday arm to tt yran at BARBIE DAY CARE CENTRE id Infield SL 73ml DARRIE KIUDISKOOL 13 Oatuhl St ram 1715 MRS DAVIS CHARACTER READER AND ADVISER no appointment poem Lia TIFIIIN 5T DAlllilE JI leach mural and tau and mi ml our ncmnr toe ma DEW ram Losrorouno wt Dixle elm in mid our rum to PM Well mud to na mam mean ran lcr tonic lam maro next loo mm on an Momma II 11 um um IIWINT JUN II 71 I0 HELP WANTED BE TOPS WITH THOMPSON Join The Thompson Team Today Become topnotch real estate salesman with our surealire training program IF YOU THINK YOU CAN WE 00th Call Paul Thompson now at 7264230 luv the enlightening Ioctsl PAUL THOMPSON REAL ESTATE BROKER 333 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE THOMPSON HOUSESOLD WORD l0 HELP WANTED nnvs Ivaannlc WALKER STORES SALES STAFF PULLTIME Jeaneroll castlAl OFFICE CLERKS SECTION HEADS COMING EVENTS BINGO EVERY MONDAY CANADIANIIECION anneal SLYWSLMWM JACKPOT $400 NSSOIAHON I50 Im bul service from Vallrfl It won DTP DUPLICATE BRIDGE MONDAY 745111 TIIUIEDAYM let DUIINN AVENUE UNITED CHURCH IIAIL For talennatlea and partnan call mean TE TRAVELWAYS BUS LINES MARITIMES ll GASPE duty 25 iii alggst E55 SEE iii 35 Kia 3353 Barrie FLORISTS IN MURMS HOWERS Butte St mart lacl on any mm wawrvm and My two am rum III mogul FOR OUR NEW STORE IN GEORGIAN MALL mums mm GASPE COAST it not St moon Alla7 HARRIS FLOWERS NEW ENGLAND helm at re main AND CAPE COD Scpl2 MARITIMES INTERNATIONAL Sept lo COLONIAL VIRGINIA Sept 20 YOUTH SUMMER CAMPING TRIPS Elsi om can um mpg PLEA MARKET Idtld row isInIhyJulyA MHIM Too 00 pm at LAKE SHINE MOTEL ROYAL VICTORIA aalL ltlrvll to IE ltiaitc Erect Barrie HOSPITAL BARRIE ZELLERS COUNTY FAIR It Youre GOOD RETAIL STORE MANAGER With High School Graduation or Better We might help you to be an even better store Manager with Zchers TO HELP WANTED MANAGER AND ASSISTANT MANAGER required Ir trailing drain oi IadIct union slurp tor arw llorc opening coon in Georgian llllllllillf Please send ro lumc to Mr Iovrli Tour and Country Indira Itrar Show It triut ltd Turonlu MSA 17 Juw Manager Trainees Dining Room Manager Trainee JBS BIG BOY IIXCEILDIT COMPANY BENEFITS GENKROUS DMUNT ON ALL MERCHANDISE IN MEMORIAM lutItLL rm tnoimi lttla III Mill mm 01 nth omen dad can or CWT IMM lmhll IN CART 0F THANKS MIMNWM Ml MILLNewtoamum caramend II i0 HELP WANTED arm element In 3r Ir none are on mm YOU SHOULD ttlSEttVE NOW SENIOR titliiitttihiiil SECRETARY lm PLEASEAPPLYTO Mr Dave Lewis CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE yd We Offer Excellent Starting Salary Generous Bonus tor Managerl An lntcreatine Fringe Dencflra Program Rapid Expanded Progmm ExpensePaid Transfers Intcltyive Training and Orientation lo HELP WANTED Tilesearc some oi our quahlirationl We hear about yours Write In coniidcncc to PERSONNEL MANAGER ZELLERS LTD 5250 DECARIE BLVD BARBIE 0R meets IT QUOTA CLUB OF BARRIE ct venom run ward on are my low Width are ONTARIO PROVINCE OFOPPORTUNtTY ltle Ministry oi Revenue has vacancy in the lteiali MIMI Itlendl IM lllalwa Inc Hm pltn cum remind mu In It at WWII twill tot rJlt Inn rend 0nd mil PI SOMITIIIING FOR EVERYONE Antiques Art Glades Leather rrao rainy covertly Moon rrte Examiner Typing cs FAMILY RESTAURANT Geo Illilirlriilhir rarolii MONTREAL 248 PO JIM Milli tor appointment Jual BAKER or Bakers ASSIStant rcrlurrrd Ippiy Iorwnnrl Woolworth Toto Hayfield st Barrie lylt TEVENINO SALES WORK AVAILABLE IN BARRIE tivln More most have an male or lemule pond personal Ity very good working arrange ments Ttltpllnrtl CANADIAN ARTIST OUTLET RAYIIELD MALL 7267400 1140 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS IIEN IR WOMEN Ior liarrie and rillrounding area APPLY TO STOCK BROTHERS IIUS LINES LTD it Promo St Barrie 7235941 TP WANTED An apprentice to Irarn ail pha rcl oi the printing trade at Tltc ti lial Thin yIaaillun ulicla more term and all employee hcneiltl iFRIy III pawn in MR SHEPHERD THE BARRIE EXAMINER to pm daily DATA SHOES SALES HELP WANTED luil and partlimc Apply Data Shoe Store Iiarrie iiIIiiilIE rlnrn 7260851 required In harlic Previous ctptrlcncc necessary Salary plua Iommtasloll bash Write 11er Durrlo Exam MohawIC Computer Operator or petition in lull time manually with ideal warring gory tr Addreu ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT tor coat and tactory accolnlilng department oi iugl welt cotter lisilcd manutarturing concrm appicInt wil hlvc to years related experience until adequate background In dend ani rod mtrnu APPLY IN CONFIDENCE TD DECOR METAL PRODUCTS Iii Bay St EL Midland Ont 526BI1 Molnar Key Punch rirtiona tor keenmindcd proliclcnt pm to grow With one oi the uteri grourna chain in Dnnada Maire your tuture pith RADIO SHACK BARRITL Fat Illrthcr irrtormtilon and lppolnllllriil MISS DARLLNE IlOtaG mm FROM ml to pm TUESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SATURDAY MOI CAI ROME NUMBER Iyl FOREMAN Imaic or lanaici required tor htdl volume light assembly prodadionlincl thori icncc wrtil moving prediction line malaria in radio television or alternative teat belt type nIdIIstrtea la unalth APPLY IN CONFIwa IO DECOR METAL PRODUCTS 140 Bay St ll Midland Ont 52645451 acronym TAPTRROUTES AVAILABLE lNiMEDlATELY Do you live tn the arm or on one at the lliCElllliltil orient ANGUS HOLLY MIDHURST It you tin in or around the alnrclmnnaneo aral oiu fill out the application below and return It to tlIIttiilD EXAMINER mun Age Incr Jr Telephone Saica iax Branch in Oritlir tor JUNIOR AUDITOR Salary range $16400 109 per week Duties include auditing at various types or organiutiona Including Larger businealra atderahle mount oi travel away ironl home la involved Qualication required Include tclll yrnn expcrlcrlce In tho accounting or auditing Reid and the ability in Illa sound lodg menl Prcicrcncc writ be given leappliorlnte tltd have lumentully aonqlielcd at learl the Icooadycar examination ot recognized protestant moulding association comprehensive health beneiil Insurance and pcllrlon program In provided To Inairc application please write not tatcr than July mt marking cnvriopor CondcpIIIlAltdilar to under supervision ot rcnlor author It con Dlsnllcl omen Dmocmn Retail Sales Tax Branch 26 Colborna Street East OlIlIIa Ontario lulti BARNES WINES LTD requirol one manager and two permanent More clerk tor llr cw lion in the Georgian Mail In tiarrlr Ont WINE STORE MANAGER The iticilssllll applicant amid have retail ltore exocrirnce Experience in the wine lrvhlstry would be an asset car ta re quired al the More nlanaarr will be responsible tor vino cervicce twine and plum pantie banaocta aeddinpl etc and will expected to lcrvice tlto amounting area Plclaa ltatc aalary desired In applicatioll WINE STORE CLERKS Suarelsiul applicania allottid have retail Dior experience INTERVIEWS WILL DIl ARRANGED IN DARRIE FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 1m Plcace mall applications to BARNES WINES Um P0 Dar its 51 CATttJIttrNFS Olaarin lilting age experience etc Jyo DUETO OUR RECENT EXPANSION WE NOW REOUIRETHESERVICES OF THREE NEW STAFF MEMBERS AS LISTED BELOW IWAREHOUSEMAN with Grantlcurl Llclnce BOOKKEEPER Fully quatliicd io trill balance SALES PERSON Retail Furniture exocrlcndo mud Inrre are iullilmo pusltlollr with excellent Timing Tatarch and company paid brnrliia Tlltpllntlelill lntcrviawMt Becktay no BAYEIELDFURNITURE MART UNITED HWY 2627 DAYFIELD ST NORTH nanny Apply in mum in MRS DUNIIIY JWJMM CAREIHI OPPORTUNITY Sales oricplcd Nprclcntetiva with rmntgcmt potential Era ccttrrt IWDC atartlna salary phi commlaalorlat Box Eco ltnrrie Examiner lyi Competent TYPIST Must have calcium to words per minute to train an tclctype letter Please phone 7295517 or tIItrrlirw appointment Jyrt IKPIRIIIICID unarch wanta lollmt Inn rowI no country salon Drtuie rm mans an MRI 1154M laLIl cuax mono tor more We and rum matteW MW Itotlnwto KIWI Ivt Iluul llnl Ior putrm one not an tint who Tar Imuvlan moron moot W1 In roan ot pln Juli IIIVICI HICII In Itth Itch molten mu owlnu pl Ill WWI MIVI Hell Dillon Alma Darla corral IMO and dtnlna ream out tth nod Wm Intranet walm reload Ion tom amount loll mp ttotldw Inn at mm aaanlu mar pr mm Tut alnImI won II ranted Inlle can neonI ile and pllitlmc anma Mil bl II In IWHIMI IM VII amwnape pt tn city Apply In were any to nature Taxi Ctlpvanw bilaat Ink unreal an III hlpdl mm In Tatum Jti Milli annular lot lmialii Tow ante Pour attire Mt wt Apoilc anara may or item or II the wood otllre until lolv rate IILIAILI pellott worried Iof liml commit move In mi Ewe lac July and tonal Np young child nn iivo In or will mm lu JUN yua iWII lain mm culled tar lpa ma hlnlhn Ito In Iulia talu arpotilikl In mun mini DonI and not apply lilo malty warned rill IIVFNM 72 Till tot Marylou Wlllllwgg Willa lig met to in IIIle WWI Tr HIVmil time help lacvhrd tor appolntrncni cell timed lute AIK IDIII all KAI MI timi MM ltomaan and Ivan Incl lntll nurua liar and cook Iotudea tntlalana Home arrow Tlllpltoltl MINI IIIIIID IMI older look ll tlillbil Ind em lat lthIl Goad VIIMI MW Me WIV lint mom WAITIIIMIIIII ilill DD WINK ad ml and hm rIlcItKat Tall ptm ma wrest mom LAIl Writ wood autoim re In all mam at cm tar tantra Illlian In Berlin Willa Id Bolt in panic lramtnar 41 ItUDlllll mime tor diatribtr Men wail Telephone hoe Doc EMIT ttilrt mom JVN WANT WI order Ml Experienc ed In making pawl mm 2m JV ltolrllt wattle Milne In no whncc rectum wilt tnln Far appointment HIM putt CIA mctllnl ll llhd Elem law In Well plltom Apply Ldth III rr IIIII optnmiltiall laply Itottlc at Iatiillt laid Mail rt totem anl or ll lil Tr SALFSMAN REQUIRED to manure tarorlo ttardwut film In lllll Ind IWMM um Heart My alath Ilhlulm remuneration um loll cu Dln rte lxlrnimr Jrl IAIIIYIMI will up to Mill day Aw Ia ItarlI from To not In E4 uric Apai at or on your Itmra Driniu Donations ol ticrna lot was IL Mi Mt alto ultl be greatly appredaitd coMIIIo EVENTS NO GIAME STRAWBERRY II iW to or club nould FESTIVAL like to diniay your cam tor alto tallied Tomi aoaea Wednesday July to prn pilll avaltlola For traocmttlon and rental rcarmtinda call EDGAR COMMUNITY HALL Adult $1 uuidrcn II or mum in our rain Matteo will be bold iollr Pmltoolctt tree will Mythlldo owing Sunday JND ilARilltJ Service tollt FIGURE SKATING CLUB ANNUAL MEETING THURSDAY JULY 5th PM DARRIE ARENA ttipoinirai Everyone MeteoriteJ to HELP WANTED USEDCRR SALESMAN We have in uncrona in our and ear department or an ambitious person vitil drive and good lelca potential wt1 can sumasarur Irrllctrrn often can Dallo ALL COMPANY BENEFITS Rhatrm Cobra and Cold ltsThleSeason To Advertise FOR BEST RESULT EXCEIJENT COMMISSION BONUS AND INCENTIVES NO LIMIT IO EARNINGS Telephone Murray Watson Ior appointmrnt 7285558 Alirepiirl coniidrntiol MOFFATT MERCURY SALES 1973 LTD 81 ESSA RD BARRIE aomum benatln TO MECHANIC Oats It Mertlunlc required tor immediate analloyrncnt Working condition in Hell equipped allop Employee benciill Apply to IVAN QUISI Service Manage SadionScott Mo ors Ltd LiIcnnici Oldsmobile Cadillac 233 Bradford St TZ6l8l lltlllllllD Ia Mott aimtAttttz EMPLOYMENT WANTED Two Contact Puwml Mitt WM NAIIDIIIIIIS awaitich ydniad tuccaallui Iprilunl vat have an it mm Al Jll altloutlltl mow oi om Mallet Ia rm tor nonn home some lay In rat Inn at NyllFIIRiaI Illdlilm 13 in hatrihtttthitttt Weldon case an to put WTIIC VI Willi IX Ill new or tram Emmi MAY HELP YOU IDIIITOI FINA Aildwlll II llctriionitl MIMI OWW pr In an my pen Importation Avanaota Whit In wanted Awly gt tip LIT It in Mil mm In Ava or cell mm 1p Cali ardllm uriirnaMio WWIth by IAIVIIVTII liable llthIIbll DI loll Id beimll dilitirn batman NAIIBYMAII Ind Nelda cameraman no ml Totem marl NT IllIRRIWWWWJ Ii