Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jun 1973, p. 8

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Owe IIIoceans rmzzo PANTS SUIT sensor gyro PIIImWiJIiMIAmIidI umtheheIdxxItI re nun not Mistrial mhpoptterlnrnixmer hthuwmm ted Mr Ivlrnrtuts prvtioln outlet nitshbiuldarithlrmi annular then trIvIliItr SIiEilKING or PEOPLE Adoptions om room lot is on leaving the museum the turr iiy wtil true to Courhithln York Drink lor the niche ort trunnion The Tire dildo YMI Day will be held tomorrow uternom lmikeumilho clock it the Idtoui library It Itineslnn The public is invited FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE thr and Mrs Arthur IlItrr oi Mondrian Alberto Ind bit mimhrothtrulthohrlde IEWBMNWIBSAIII Behirenhndirlendtot Idr ndlirlIIarlqIhnbuiI Innydsedimmin dtirmisllwhr muryl itythti Thetwoietrrro lo Innslune iMlb7Ii21 hirSlmmdeThttrdiulduniI mo Ilrn Alien Gibsoujdn dthohidemornlndiide The tabla were decor1rd with Irnntunm oi Itnnrner now ere ihreetiered Inddinl rm centred the head We Alter dinner the trielmth netres Debhio Bottom Sharon Gibson KellyAme nnd Joan lsrle Caution presented tnI mole Itth many liits including diver tea nonire trotn thI ntrnbttit ehiidru Gary ster eo ltd Nnnq Itn lniorntai morotion de held or the borne its sad lire Russell CottLton iolloutnz lite Sunnldnio lined Kerrie donatin ne tire enzlzrmmi oi their doli dm momma Jerry owner the mo will use plans or nrrt Chinr or the Noam Eduction Itlhem ruin Ilrs Shelnun IIDtlIitT ol lltuto 30 BRUCE osmotnsdtnar grid was honored III dinner turty at his retirement lrnrn Cunnilan National Railway Jim to years service During dinntr MONDAY manr from member will meet at the to zuier man nltht which III on Dnninim ay holiday Juiy its in Toronto in the lIli Caught lip 1In Royal Tour the sleeve crowd hemmed them in Udndllherr Item Shes oorninr men It the Brotherhood oi Railroad Signalman tor East om Cmdn Above lir Rey holds holds the unpaved duh rot centred by on illuminat ed lrnin order right nude ekIeriy Mennonite dried The Owens her on iVl tIdr it it In it dwnblrr ot hh Ind Mn Inch ash in Borrie Tame mduated Itiit relief Unitarle od Wutuu treats odpuerte adore eluli Ontarioloodoo Inn It lion Iiuheicr oi Arts dam in payert oducatinJuAr Ix rm Iduete ht Barrie North Cola exists will cutthtuo her stud Dxeard Job Airline Official Coniides murmur on tort ihhwltwiw on to mom the odor oi her old initiated Drilli drets or the hit her late in her good Wily are there to may muslmmt Are The whiteboardod mnn shook his head In howlidcr Mt nod held her lundpro leotttely It ehuroh beih sud deli Mon rioting ovary where in the eity and the People sinrrd at them She mid be Wily it the had mldoceni dolhco teen one girl Morin teem laid to her oomonlont Ann overheard the rent Ind isnled her bond min in her hsnnt chief ot erbln nerron Witt on and tried Shes comina VrnoI mlnii Lil timid Emil boy next In him TlItent you been writhing Worried Birds Would Be Dry mmmiaim Mmmm Ilia Keir mainline not on non Mable Iie Illi irted to Book the 510 than that Preparation In the mI Iiartnd My Ind with In hour to eotrhint be periponod thrsnmi try MILIIIMIHIN umd It Em Isfphrrtiie Iier cook Mr Furnish Ire mower ior Beater Food Services At mute not out the birds tI pcrlnbio heating unit booed tor the out 1ht pheasant dried out lrltte more than they Irma have but didnt set any modinn in ind low ttnpiirncntn he IllIiI an Inch emu ui 4M norrrt llteutcrl Tho iifwn lab at nlr hostess us to be losing Its enter to German girls to doy bliss Deultrhlnnd rm no Bimini her hello in the rioudr Indher net bred do an inlrrtpid pilot iJuithantn the West Ger nidn Ilrltor is nd ltro doiruit to recruit rmrn iris Irslottdrdessu that it has had toiowcr its exnctlnt timid It oi proportons striptease dIncer noqu with tho tanner oi Ith ut lhr urticin cl nun not tortillth oi hither educdtion no longer In to Ilstod on Is innitnt rn quilt lirstlons Edith mandalsld Init nel Ind iormer steward etso hertell rm the tot he been tiemythoiozized She turn blind eye to let inches loss on the helm short or in notntds more on tho wright mics Wetting enough nod experience is 13 $133 is is LE Errs Woodvolume hadbeen ntIrlnItinxrineo lttesdd RICHARD IIIDON Burgess son at Ilr and Mrs lb Iitrr rest Shirley Avenue Earle received his Iimr Bachelor or Arts dtm lo Bushes Ad utinlsirntltnr irons University ol lertrrn Ontario London lllr ll lmlimie iwdit orIwtth Broadcnslin inc ht Windsor Airllno excelliiter heiiele liters are into main reliant wily rlrls no longer Ire It lrIcird to llylox At one time tool Ilrwudmet here Jouzht Iiler do cheep waoi seeing the world But My charter planes and group trntel have brought llyinn Within lbs reach at rnrny more people The second rerson ihlnk is lhtt the Itmrdess an been tilioI tor ll rem number oi novels Ind lilrns where the is depicted It Shearer Petitidge Top Goiiers it Fun Day IIsurreti Hervey Ieee Clteli 01 Ease Borden women goiterl II Fewer lilo Hines lily Flow Iere rursiI It tun dny held Ittbshltontyhoytlcim ct llooLs were meltitm ot the ind 15 motion it Ir hltbIiiiilsde norm compensations meteor hint to tmrhdm PRIZE WINNER clitoris ilT coiillthhTION nonunion tInle Mn IIInII received mains minim Master at Educon degree root to school lnIanrhy eily iimitliiunigdimm Ind Itos home every olhrr But tho reIl reIson ex Ann Ilrtrd one Itewrtdess who in the old dryr when nine were slower we bid they nieniy oi time to serve ihe nger luck that Iorne liilitiilll met we no on our feet lrom nutmound lirndhin5lmurhesn shown ioiiorhl their JmneddinIItColiiuStreet united mm horde Rev William PritI olllrnted The bride is the former lollno llobbodIuIhieroIIr Intl Deer All micron to Zeno plate It mat err Itbelher they in In his titles or mittens thtt Mammal never lento theirstnsii rel Iluuet into irlrni who reused me inlaid Anxiety 5h bu tlxytIMid buy liteyeerold Ilrl end iwnonihod hr She runstlo the post cilia three bigot tawny to tho gro cery iorandto her trionds bathe lor lrtnhaur ooiieehintcil Aii day long the is dren Ito slone lier bushes Mend tlo consonet her be Cnntbomo lino mi du fe thutncwmtmMI non Jomutd thnlr thus sons Andrew John and Peter nrr with tooth relliter Ind left their chi eo by ihemteitu until our midnizht Thrlr abutment next to as nine lion Ictoss tho street trons ruperrrurkei end reslsurnnt oses Its Charm brow the testes these your tiers lilllllnhlli Writ uy Insulin lI on their businern though Id try you know the retir your column Ill the time beam the quote on lot PieIso tell her flint yout Cm our 10 Ire loo Int been lying or used ther comet lrtbtt hlrIrr Ind Idler rir We mm liners lute nude the lot much more Ilreotlotls end the to her Em belore tomelhloe terrible hrooons The noulhlu tlet iotdltnsirr Ire endless ltrsirme how my veroe lnturotbelr bonnet err Ind Jewelry But their most yrlunoio tensions their ehltheo lhey rote unrunrded Ind inui in rrlii keep thundnie Ind round when you no this column to the gaperoionse mote sure the iIIinrlnI Chrysler Prod HmiiordmkilohhsJim SueeLBorrieThs brig puts Ire ltr Wm Ii hirIAnn RI dlol ANN LhNDERh TmslsCiliidrert ToGuardianiiIlgel not And hndrnt need be nith utI lhrneid dIu1h ter She is litelectvloor Ind night too mm It ledrt In tireilre Mdhlte neithed 115 pounds ior lbo iItt trn yesrs The girl he hesutltni her but the is enormous tre et iored lter ioteiy clothes In insulin to lose weight trI honxh her books on diet Ind lrl nutrition rent my tor Iiierr lore and Mt proxrlme out by eighties mini oi irrrd her mtilic ihersyy ererrthhtr tnxdet the sun but rho il conoieieiy unmoun the end will hm nolhlnz to do will of it quiet person 0hr ditet mentiiroud to Icth never seam to here my lrou hie with anyone but the her tow friends rod inconirni to bI alone with her boots and re earth Tho thin that battle me is um hsto never seen her es bread portions or dessertt ml the doesnt snark Ill day the way some tronurn do cent gure out Ibo the it It least to pounds overwelzht The irl is ln good built but not interested in oports Any suggestionuou In tiller will be rrulLy eppmieiedDeld III iloihrr neII medium late the ou bste never need your delights ert isiteninn tohds does not men tho but eIllor them There Ire closet rulers sure Is there Ire eiorel drinkers rule to doctor lor rumieie nhysini checkup Let him ritual diet Ind counsel lint Ind you tiI out oi lL hhcnyourlopte nnIbouthor rtelrh rholl probth Itnlt dolor romethinx shout it ran PEOPLE was FWM EWMDN lIIIs rend olner Itnr Gets Shanty tiny lFIrcro stu xinnser is no ionncr an obstacle the Creed Kny Gnntdy nuo Viol dltnttrrnio oducntion is glad ml mm am 10 Pm Guest colirrl lrtthtded Jenn llrrureli Doris Mott liery Pinonu Ruby stutter 1hr Wither were Boso Borden Shirley shesrer low rods Jen Sm not dirty Pitteau roeontt low rroolt ltltnl nto cutout second low not Shenly my winnerI were enters rrctour AND nruvnrttr errnoun ruortn EEIIVILE Inn ilDNDlt hu Arrnovnn cnborr Clinton 15 Ergo Rd Btrrie Dill 7167474 the Signal Department oi the in The bettilderrd old rmn hoteiortotultthtuiooninnn Ironrnrmberotenoidor Inset tier Mennonite rod that re htseksntown who or tole us so The award turned iorwnrd Angus tIil Itlth Iurle Meeting icy Mary Ciemuut Joyce Sto the past ll years he has ror ted as usistnrtt norm dulr hy it Matte wsrt tiern llenns Noreen Iltrd HIPS Putrldxo 1w our Illit Wiltion Mimi itc Holly litmllioii let hot little Guiana tlrrio Potent Janet Marmot mood low IIiIlIBhIyTIi1Weiilhldenn mu Ruin ninth Ieoerd lwr tlo ere It Bo nirvlo llelthsr tern Wool lo oh ten new rioies thmI leek June Fen eli iAn divo Pot line hit to Rt nt to Jon douur were pudmd toward the June meeting ol Anglo Stunty tiny goiter were Prt IIIIIAY ll hole mm Goii Course Lures at lr ggdthrhgmomdewu 9119 C11 01 er gimmtmmt iimilitditiut Whitehall the little out tuned Bnlco rtenoldt loo mlrs eonlrodtry drummed hrimmed hat with eiiw lord tier mm by Mum Bit North has retired eiter to order under tho margin halo voted in her direction Devotions were toittn by it Smith Gilit We Kiiiimr WWW 313 run will the stunt no it little 19 at Queen Grendpni ItIyLdJIneLIlollrnilumunr iioni my tit mm on mentottneCtosnlnn Nnonnl lur 1mm MM in seen her picture in wured by elnht members Johnnylmldiey Fern Ortweln Wow Bu his plans tor rs bouquet or me no mm tdoool the Queen mind It Committee reports were elven Grll 011M MI Mid tlrrnteutrtlesstdurlngthertun ltursion on bohsll oi Intel 2M Areport wumdirom them rner months were well hum me Ill oi knelty The cmd hemlion them utility meotittr held in New or in ieliow Israelites Presl It oi the Brotherhood in distorted and its tinted Inuit tin Reynold received let oi Railroad Signnitnen Chicano term the street tailored to The Seotrmbrr meeting will oi Width woods unsettled by Headquarters Chuck Chamber boon his way the elderly nun be held rival to with lire mrnagetnettt Inan been putt Ilinsddressedtbogalhqringm Added comment Well rho we rm inhinggtiw drtv ltd themtowd use according extended bertwtitmolhernest ind and rerredo hat on thin ttoli roll to Intnrrrd toMrt Reynolds WeItlterperv olhonor her he withlmlorlbobnudrlnblo at tho mltlin her on end out on the theirmtn to it courto lust shortly otter tun Dickson aollmiowcati DANCE HALL rho noted Aomnteiy lit punts nl ntsrmomsnnn Guam ten Coupler Only For his tortrvtllortr dinner Ind reception Other distinguished guest tn Firm FOR Film PERSONS held in Mr ltorooidr honor at dotted Robert illtobeii Winnie the Continentrl Iiiit Barrie pee General Chsirmnn lot Cen II Sutl1toor0erlingtii SIDEWAIMAIE mum Willmum MOTEL NEAR MRRIE PLAZA FULLY LICENSED UNDER LL80 rotssuit ttttw mum INNv ANTIQUES lllrhuy tinithnrst ll miles north out It Hurlr Pinon mutt PRESENTATIONS Id Enid John iinlt oi Montreal Several oruentollnns were Qiich mtitdiiimiiiini it Piitiiiii Dirkton presented Mr Reynolds eerotstznatr Gerry mom oltbrwnilrlmtninin Idtc ritual wrtisor ol rlmeh it lIJrhrrrhnnttlmrlrlrr one which included nations trom Toronto Iirom signal dupartmerll employ Followutl the dinner end on err Ind Lord iii Tumor tonislcns dance party woe taro Mr Reynolds unique with music by 11 tilt en migrated dusk set my and his brnd urrodtlrotortttultrottilirtinrtitttml

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