nmrwimnrMiamwm tavey 11 olitttrtt dammit Tsn nine round InotttiNorlhmEEme Infield Slml Barrio Maria $3 Stagi km in it at as St at Robb Publlaltarmal Manager Willa Editor Interline Nominal Amino Editor at at TINY 1131 nu articular it at 552 if County Planning Proposal Working Bose For AStori irittirttrm hineduaiitwuin Biatthatepoitthdnotall error tandoduabasie miniromtrliidtto nodoiihtanaptingthavtew thiawaa alart serious attrition the report at the er expansion plan oi Barrie and Ortllia that or Foe planning commute ID rinmliy the responsibility at these at Mmmgmmm $225 Ea E3 535 it 32 it Its Eiggsngi ii zit trnetsnloti muntdpal and wont tiieariselvesho dorm nudeto minixtratlon in the arm the non ad the Barrie brlei nxouneuluwul amalga 31 13 maxi yet presented ination oi the lily with uninitiated Vesv hr the mind lane in ihatintplthertporttneewied pra although the counter proposal ad on aluminum hyinniriuneerenmgenrntouascbatr named ieit the start the county TI will mint null oiilie mnmhtee met the general ominlllea Inlldqiaon that the major mm 03m gt Pilot demand for Millium 0i W04 partoilndritlandll wlliboleit 2de Rm We rodonal director orerunaotlntheeetut 1lia mom gaondatlonioraredtaotionyin munid le ergmglfgmmm Emhwmmmuu hen arts tamed an the than ironi ann tad 1a is Ilmglstfcertt to tumble rural rnriurbar munid alliioe Cindi an it it in ten mt Inked Bard in Built in on airline whim to mmZngltje Minot Eula it 31135 minim MWUAIJ and the Quebec mm Alumni MM the hiapla la lo 11 liter ha Sovereignty tin indirldn the em III in tire li we 11th eg make whim ms the rnaln im in the ooeition oi being subjected to the OHBIM mm mm rm iiauidrtr min auruenrberroiiba bet hmtlh pore oi the committee sametax nice as others met these at in Me truer hit dildil nuns mmr in Menuhast int b3 WT lll lillltt W0 mle tom the municipalth at it it Division High iii In Khmte goal their 53333 km belittle lawn mmmwtlltt hi Wml lhiwht2itihtttitti distillation are ll lolmlmhtllu ll my field Mpmnum wmfn Mk lb it it only in telav mtmhrtmul aerator levels oi government explained Mm MI mm cm man myth rta structural nu Paddy iehmnttmntbat not Ioniewbrre ehe Mwmmnm PM we ital consideration to avoid higher eons 622mm mmmmWWMammmrml porttoilrsemtyemmciitm and mum hm my 1mm MI imam AW mg mm orionty and mum drama tillahound to rtiradegree Weltennion and arteries madeevti 3111 Ind Willa titanium along it in WW ant to asked women by mm note the overtures maria to nemiade art item it no mils Wynch oomrttent oi the mint 1item to retain the county idruiniatratiun The Charade tug Wm that the lnttlal proposal at representation it Wm hm mm mm Irotiruoluritrn would he no inducement to am am me Mmmtg tor either ally to consider Pnce mated with magnate megdzmxt Mist Mimi animalth new mulb mono mm new eawoa ma onerrunv ll multipalltiea to replace the present If WWW Ind Place oi 6000 mom tam ea in the county and aim Ind tum mutation would nmtttv tirtwo At the In On 4th miner lien in Canard we twinth W7 to he transferred prfont tum Isolace insulating an army voersqoa are reere mebibarmhnrse if my Mmmmm mm we Prim Inde warn more mention the monthntana it is long way tron meeting de 0mm mg ml pm llia term Involad oi the cities at Barrie and Onlita lt tal minds iron the cities thet they should min belnx my 1W 1th utter Ielpm that any W1 Miloli led for extensive amalgamation tn the have representation in accordance with naynay rentrnuia area with these two their population rna tax oonlrtbtitiom lion cltat Wmtwno teenetnpe the villages of Port licheoll Barrie with ovnr 21 out population mu Wtar nu in no Hwjy and Victoria Harbour and limit of tild lianliy he expected to accent the mile mg Mitt rltloa week to create tut lwgf land and renetannitshene iormlng one rearesenlaiionas munieltnlity with fugigmiutetns malls iniiItiota Purim km commle woo pame it lion ammmmuil uidity rirtnLV once and tar in mm whengrnut rh iiMKlrFrgttmtg is olfidtntaeeft ma Wt ntldtltbea tram While an to in one at the my or iatlnr reliei entltoritarlan titles that exiit romnnter In am 501m ace in row mm mm ntcoo East Humminwneg Jgne 1923 D1n tin and Ed in broken nicolllatn err Sign ingrainlageniy inevitable the in 11 lotto tumls Westthlslusrosuted runrtmtnmtf gm it suror County oi Simone defeat for United Famora oi Ontario Trouble has Ilreody our wmm Wm WM mm as lleConhey his insurance non headed lav Premier tiniest Dniry ol mo installed antiwar oi Ken Wire Crown Hill Glioward Ferguwn ntii lrola on on prices that Presl thtllditli controls WGMYWWEOSltnlmlllasonliinnala talio werestrnnilernoxtmoiithr5t Mimi it hurt an rometnlnntbtionluoedattaL Fight nurses graduated lmm Royal Andrews took lead in Sunday Seiiooiju wily la lune Lt turret group to seek oxen rt Hasyltal 1th My Kidd tn to my team We om throw on input lid tlonaandadiatiiazrs nits gold medal Mayor mmma Worm 94 win om muy Amen IW5WCIM paylor Theyhate IINWdIWHII MtotcientzddllplomaeDrFred iioea got good pitching mm mm portng an II wouldmidltnlmaiailatcfegemon who also aontrikhilried both the teams mglklltlduimoyutn their $3 mil 9mm hams cont rune Emleltlc auss he itolllier PM Nnolruttlon two bath houses one Presbyterians Jim it enouniuttwmrlt woman infer near Bayfield Si dork other rear Allan Bel one for winners were nuiy lhlhble dale nation ntiariAiliow Dreams and Ken iieitenrie rBarrla Couns Soe WWW mm lmiJlatold DONHilldllws new movie to Clubs mone golf team loot ni Orlilta brim rise or 1mm mm 1m plus theatre orchestra titr 75 Local Playmwtre it Stennrt will at hoeERMt enttmhety eoted Winter liyeit Coming Georgi Alex Gilt Himn lumbar Viebhionl Mllmtttmm AMI tummy Huge mph BWL Hm WWI mm THE NO WHOBURGER Iwgliahltheaited iia rIrlco can never be utisinttot nitldtlanded on Kernprnltlt Bsyiii era iert Mritlaird lttnttoz Aii Trombiey mdhnlllffm 9m33mmllmul mm the inanimate repaired and Jack SedttloltnWilsonsmtyliaeihernmmgn liavo been armw tolfffti Wk lttr Wilma Ontario Con non Town Council give hoproyal it all intuit nitration In lhdulhyllllnumlgoi watiies engaged Grand Opera House im oilinz dustiilled eiroeb With and mm mm Nlml otlltltal Whole rert mnhwuqeti WNW tn Barrio which pro rniiiarrtier rnudb oeiloning THE WORLD TODAY WW it it it the tanner dread resints as they won all slmcee llernorlalrervlca held at liarrte Union hawthornhate lWEmlEatllltlweyounzNewlon Cerrietervhvlndenenrirniihilr iota Roblmoniarmer toolt DuiieririSirneoe hollows ind Beaver lieheliali Letsltgrlio bilirtte majority Charles Wiltht oi lite Grand Alex cietrmt merged nude Peiwlsng won slrnroe Centre William CliizeniBalld played hymns Se el or imi ant HI PorthhO Large For tutPrime illntiter wtaataa Foreign ttiiaira Anltytl but are not sure how to pto rate that Itintralianainiaror it rmitrthbr is been wt yummy By JOHN HAPIRON the European Corinnnn hintet ls dill than even it polls indi 11 3th osageuty lliemieri News service train it mimkrgdrwnod to about 35 her WI To large degree the ehante ml war mm 70W 1011 mamr Qigrlu lnatylealsohaaboen adama mt niewrwa ml ttt norttriiee elititld be wmwmommm in leadership Cough nurturn mmwmu It was mentioned mom IFtttllitntbetuimutir Bitteily Resented at its yttrium It to hit thinadhhidll iteu mat to itirlla hartt dtititi in it my gm Wm mm uruaiirinreaiuru nruaeau dim mitt rrrrtrer is back ights til ii roeorrantlfiigr iliiiiallstn new allegiances tied mt mm lnilhlw our the postwar three memwd mm ml more to at than it ratatouille el llttltitelvea relott with 30 WAN tinted the1 manllniln tn to Burnett Sim taryi itlyh Brlialn awn mm Cm meat at porn nude Ontario rn mat ghilulllihl mm as mutilate hin addition in tin iir iihit 3335 and especially in Montreal by REE mrmffllbg was ilrst in time militia lW Wally the it I10 litenmitlrmdgmgtfk ht mil it tidy the horn retainennurrliae Canalial rustic muvdtnreco titted tram therewith With titer the viard term we tn hm nenitratlnnllu thet MM canines Both are huge land realm MW 5m Mann of wit hzrhamimcgnilrtpm mm mm Rebellion losses hill in April In the movement iot Alinen Return hostage guaranteed mules presetin mewhat in mm mm Mam Whitehall closer to those ol the WW mm aunt the Muleoihllmirrr was bitterly Hunted by my Mmmmn mum tleii toIiha tin in tied Dally hilarity and dissociated with regional allt In MI mm the British strtuirrr ilulidm under latrd et with tuttitwltotmnmer mlwntulwnawpapen mwyglggummlln new rme of mm one elsglnrtudliitt the Anetral Miriam nbrkint relation lions by the tonuriitiee on Mlle umotlanmhepremlu htatieiiritrtalrn mm the thiamine with mtialn to theciiotlon rates titty bi mdamwlle 51 ulster tttlttunr tilt with the him at mmt nodmttvttr the most 1dr at not Nikita myqu me mm Nam mm mmmumm mm rerumrmreunginhtrtiii mostl AuxirallaiisI loathed and rriiiruad netlon was the their lhttmhaoeotioremneat Ellilit did not tmertumtontuI WWI start mt tie ny mail mumdL trntynu tnowtny Canada led stain in never WWI 1W Mellon oi the old denartrnent mm 0W WW Wilt Wm hit on nrtbni Numidal pul arrlt hm yerrtrt unto Ilia mitt switch the irraturrti participating at heiinuat in Film term at in at mmltlpal attain into the Wilmtdtctlonberrtua utditsltherdld lordElzlnolro iey County that lull natnue Iliexlattm with brittle and the the Vittnam tier whirb tin alt WWWW hill treasury edettltibetttiootttitt Itmoarsutrithhiu It was an important lion to at Canada trier yearly an werwlwliiilnrthislnnsaoitevdih midnottveionoumycur anathema torn easier to Even trimmer are Thlllttrwmtlieaw aalpariianteiitnariht wattle thniederaiion other countnea Moi yearly thallnited States to the emery mull116th mmbetlol mwdd uracilral and IN MM test bireaponaibo govern mm mm DUI my or major the inrmer mil oiiendeluiirt ln he still see the Japan eiperienmd peoplg tn the Kellie into three lecreiarirls mm mm mm by limmhmm Nltlonal Adrertlalttl oilieeli anthem ni Australlue raw ternailonai Control Commission wanllii Ilrouz handle on eminent ieli it was that too mu chm 9m ll mm its Queen it Well Threat materials bet on alter the Geneva Coolers Western Canadian mourns much Wilblllllivlnneml wnmnwuw Win nice in list Nil oi ilta Canadian women liter lbs ammo Ito ttu anhhttthh irettur was mgtm Withtines tat iiie eta Caurut are the Caitndlaru lrtliil iter tt IiontreaL lung not hard enough to alter Autirallaioolttlte nherprthgiuhrr marriettlnr in our mm mm letlitimromrdtutthn by economic denies demhrted toMenu rr maan una when dttoov idemhertithwsna In an Iliy away irom the dominant direct hivulirment in that her um 103 mimeng mm 511 of tree trade that elimiv 04 Ytthti River and Andlt Bureau oi limit American einoti metal are About loomiiier taboos at the on prelereaets on tumor am it St Johnl New rims worried about hitura stratus tn heltht it her Allancottimli WVtlmlvv 13 Will from cram Flour tnlils rrd matnit destroyed haw menarrsitnrrurumtue rnenr wnrs rnrerri also unr Thaumauisnnwmtm 1W Mittvan NVITE LEHEBS it time oi strain liav aha Malaysia and Tithllantl on teeth in about tome new kind at re and other expertennera ML lrely entitled to tbllm or is it rin Dillhul Arid liii hoops latiuushlp with tniionesia inmmEHEQEHIKFSLWEHy tired to close down IndItlIll itiHioal wn dimmed habitation oi ail am dlipate wind uhemployinent Nanalnio ac in this abet eredlud in it in tune tlmhiela with who population terms at tell in my titer was under ttlonger attack landmine Iinr whatlu man tenant in Mt mm it the than no other riiltilslei th taming may the Toilet held tvnvenilon mphum Md in ltlbmton that itd it the iietatre Quebec titted ou dlltlWWttulm II he raru rain in wltoll Well all thats gene The wuldltartestttatesitnoioe um mun up at manllesto urr pie edlzeralllgu mm mm world and lose hit an tail trootturelnntliomatrnm Arte poet ittr Amtratian nullllince how the arm tili Editor column W1 ll Wampum lmlld mm Md 01 Film Mull mm tdlloii ym when lsnnen one Letim Ihvulti benttrleiedta ill inattiat Canada toll the U3 it m1 eluted by 315 mile My will urban ibr lila soul llar the new broomman Whtiam try them mmtnent in butter Eroggum teglmgum Wand editorial material on tan that my tn mm tn cm on the he mhmmrlj too to too turd andwUUuOnewuirt um be II that bad contour and re nementarrreryuinrhuiut lntlitlrdeterinlnntiontocontrol ltitntl nurehturtirruehir nth MNfgfm IltouiHa lined and boil who later became nri it or tit tnttlt tantrum tout utuhearvuurd nun it the dominant us ilnuiiithelr tiniate term or wet mt thrommmumh thlwtltttutldrenaadirler rnlnttirrolCanrdairi 1801 Cupyrirht Registration Nun tn the right direotieri ire it is country to iaeau to therealin spherlc neithhon tor exarnola considerable criticism light It lumber Him helmets mister at the must recloua part oi ltie ti oi monarchy atthocontth booinliir maritimean mention that he war tryin to Sir John Mindanald tiled lit said later that he had we toenail and it ll tint tomtt tttltntl WWI in We trombone rune dotoo mhnithademm tut