fillienrestCitiIII11EITIIIIIItc01d Greased Br Queen Elizabeth the busiest by inlillu Io serriry Brestrir born itiorstoo 011 Alile IirurIu QWJ mnrrndmr existing IELEPHONES UrwIIliu users would Murmurs nHIII HIM comm iorrir YulNo rsr reiorsio porIIhk riIsorooro inn oral OenitIi rollerlrio The Mom moo BuIrrl oi to Claudius ilcittis Iohool The Ddtuiion IItuIin ooh to tho Wodoosdny Iiierrrooo to ctrsomrod on not rosdItiIon Ioldlyol Uru Quocn flail erected Can lotto liltier ehrln oi onlzo Idrr honest dty Ind one oi its diets rrdorlio Ippemocs urI port hero thespii hunid uvrrust com If diiloorI mud oi ohm nooo Amorvz thorn rm jljlultlcolidrnmitte brows Out Ihendmentslo Death Penalty osmium mini members to Ibo to corrurtlhoo todsy rvlod odduictmdmuouuths dainty waIiiImiurra Milli withhold hIli lhoi world Ibulish mm to sit murderers hit lorrsroo rIIdthi Ii iho rotornroeni bod luwdzd to oil hInIiflxI its oririnrrli on tap eot sh hm Irid so Joysmoon hill dven dreodior to the Commons by rots rsr to ill proposed is ordered in suother tire years portint bus on prIiIi purists rheot Under the government hill limits IiIs MUM ior killers oi prison rusrdr Ind po iltcrnoo Iisn ruled out oi order um Um hislcr lbhiatimi Lochinrl icrorno II him Is roembc with ruisbooir lilanitobans To Decide Today 0n Whther To Goyllrth NDP WINNIPEG Cli hIIhllo buns worn to dccddo ioduy whether to tuition with Pro inter Ed Sohroycrr hrsntl oI Iociri dcroocrncy or to turn to rovornlueol by tho Cort Irrvoiivu or thtrroiI With weather lama at room Ind euro thmrrbout mostoiiho ov Ilrro porrenisru the rotors rihis utters worn expected to sort their builds perhaps eel into the rccosri lsperceot tutors it your Ire rho polls It urn CDT to sort or ortd clots it BNH our to pm EDT yen II ups Indwnsihulihoolrcsirio tho Moisture The cut rervntlvcs coplrirod II the Lib eroli litol Eoiisl Wt one and um wu ooo lrrdepeodnu Idstice System Is Described IlsBelnglnsularllrrogant iiootrru or Poiitvmen MW lowers sod other air 1010 him pail loner Ind the onitro invinrl Ionics Will descrlbod wodoes Iy Is Iruulsr smug II WWII has utmost lltls to occur vicwioy Ico orcu rrrorneiui will Era thrust mm It ll our rr out to hoodlo ll unwinlw falling Folliceodwiiiiy to deter crlro OulItIIns Ind lows brother sltirenr or police then know II we dcspcrrtely need chchoiltci Tho locreulny mod lurpo licocorrorvrruiy Intrrsciloo is mode more or out by holds to wrtdr more er oi violence mi molt Irrinoi ruthoriiy to port tau the audits Coo oi WWW Ind on rcunurrrt hsrhorlsrn holed rrr obserqu in the urbro commits ooihenss ill yolunirrliy iy hostility inter with pollcs recruit power Huturm Tbs Doom Ind Prints ibliiil idorrts iodIInln to Iiso melwd ciltI lrorrr till tile oorrrrrsrnlty Ind strolled hrlcny Irma thI crowd oi weiiurrkhr iho tutored to mid iho Quoen Mil mud on um shirt cooll Wt ishmmt but in impou inro mommy bout iiricood lur utmost two hours Toads rim Is committee members Issued iho Idrolssihiliiy ol Imundmatls oi the mild pun lrhmcoi hilt Tho Imendroeois purod ior Sotrliootleo mi IrrcoAlithd end Iuir milled in tho colouriiteo by ilod storm rnumeoetnitl who knows his ruler llo once wu pnrlirroorirry marry in Privy Council Prrsidooc Alton lino other nortouch himsell believe no Ire on the brink oisdiscooilrriosnowtinioi reislimhioo or lode oi them There Is iocressod Ipsthy Imus riiiieos to sold Police urci hrvio rovrcler I2 In in mm setting width they no not turnouts rent to inunin roistiooo he sold Poo on me My mum mwthinthu licoer not liker to rcpori rio Itlous or ten my to tilt trill ole Ind iorsen so or ior Improvrrrronls in pcliro IIIIrieI equipment and into mow look ihm hours Ind iiiiio tililicsrliy our sin countered emit iorst Iirroio lpuiso Howell celebrat lo hsr mh hirihdsyIrrd Ip poIrlha hit tilted by her first cocotuier royIity Itller III in wheel ohrirbcsidursdcs tutu QM Ind Prim Phi inksd iomro Sho torn suspect tuu hairdo oi both the royrl eouplo Is they turned toward to shut with hot Tho do Irt mulrrmrilon oi out Prodon Ind output end some utrr uorroiryslde court iniooxisi in =hliltrr rsi cucoo had Irbod untou wt Moorish hrs sipthohowcoroootrsil Nor rm iI st to serrations dross with turn interred Io irooi loorcrrtlod storm Ind IIcuri nod She silo on uroloon hut iorrrth oi her tour rod nso oi WHO Ilhits lingo cornsel iolo Duo told ihoSenIio WI icrrrto cwoltioo today ho took too units or some meetings with Prooldeot Nixon bocurrso torno oi iho things ihst rim being grid to the meetings were my lorrlroirtrllo lo the president Answering series oi While Iloruo questions posed Ihrourh Senrtor Daniel Irouyo iDcm llrwrlli Deon In ho rnrdr no ricordoi his preshieolisi merit moon thumo Iioltluo on to cum on becomlnx public UIlAWA OP Illli lretrht is ior rescued meIt stripped to esslerrt mods ong aroma MW Wednesday in loud mark derision by the Oqudtso trswoli conunlseioo Tho Interim order is unlit out victory to tho Wort to its WWW disoth with rIII wrys shout irolthrter iiLr the tint rholrhi rrto ruling since the oorrooisrion was to to 1mm other cases on now our ooosldend the commission told Ibo lIllr wryI they trust roduco rItes ior western rsposood meal on steel irom Thturder BIy Dot points to erriero Wilda oo tIro dill Tho WM oi iho rolls on tho wortcru pound pm ioduoi Iod tho rulings wittbori iodhythocorn at Ior orto yesr hoists trust on tho coroorlrrion run rrtd tho nibeye must midi coili pleto Wort rrie tiri ior rrpo ieed roost rod rspereed oil within it dIyI But It iurnod rim rental by our woriero ocessorr Ior lower In eastern rods The rule rodrtctlort ior inpu seori roost world must In Ills nurI Vim oi W000 to tho tour vortertr companies which Melted iho ester rs hkhmtmi Pool huod it SIrkrioors the Western CI tviminlrur In Its tho Su lnv trIilic Ind tho secstout los turbo who Examiner Photo by inirr Stu meted soc persons what oil the irqu In Erosion Shh Iotl him Philip then climbed into limousine Ior iii short rIltI Io Cambridv Then vrIs Ioms antauiy ettlny the window oi the on to go Mu but proviociri police otticor cum to the rants not put it donnior iho royIltorple ihu Qureo in visit shirt at comm ich Iodsy minth but not Ithrrlori itoo Itooor urIIto gooolo itth 1M1 obllinod IrI Idrsm ol ol IlrlIl Ind policy in Nrs lord hurls dirtuuiorr mu Ir tho hy menu lor Iometiosn lo the Allure Thu tsouorrorti Iurorolry oi wu ohislned CatrIry So Dtxsscmiire er DIvrrlerL who doubles hil Ind Wt oi rn lsterrrrilosri oIiweii drills to company mu tho prior proiedioo hilolr oi the environment oiliclrly Ire Iitmstrly denied Ind eooiirnrrd thi oilround rand picked lp lrorrr the slum ol leo Mthlny toiiowtru OIoIdiIo NItIorrIi Rhiiwn dc roiirneoi llli vieoh In Orl ll heirs dumd to 0m Township residents our the on uteri tho to item titres Kr union the durrviny no in using ior turtles word two this oiin oi the enviroomcni oily and ms or losrhoitho Ill orsileirr disusedm the UhuIMon lorr its Indiod euro Noyes rIid no rum lootlors llllulerschIlerioo you lisdnordu sight hocqu hid llrtLrh Nlmirooihsinhl Sin store silo hours Tool No Notes lit Nixonllieets Becaungalksflnciiminating WASHINGTON Cit Pressed ior his recollection oi toy nreollns with Nixon Sept is 197 Deco told ho eouiri not tepeII iho crud words used by Nixon but uid his mind ctr tutoty porcelvrs the mosque hel KIWI loonye No ior my rpcrllie rut sort DeIn rrid Some olidiilro II II ihooo meetings dirh urot to thinrs liusi mo bet matrimonial Thoy stern ery crirnlostior in the maiden oi the United States Freight Bate Victory For West Is Seen In Transport Decision uIdIIo Sued Proceuors oi Loth brldro Min CoOp lrscltbio Am Oils oi Aiioor lien or lrdrotriou olNibnwlrl Sash Thoy um tied the ornmehld Morn Ers ldlorom sod lisoltobu Mortal the rule Ippllcrlion tho govern ml Qucboc Ind lotu eIsIenr olhoed pm esrorr Csniio oi Norttreri CI irudisrr Vereisbls Oil Process lnr oi llsmilion Ind llrpis Lerl iliiir Ind Victory SoyI We the rrltw Milli or Douro llllls oi Toronto The rut sy1 dcoiiood on ruling until it her moot on been studied Wednesday in ruin it shah birth lthucoo borohlhodsy iho day this yerr sod also its you lIlro soy tioics it the SM II MIIIIKI hiked ed for tho eroding DENIES DUhlPINO Tho inlomtliioo hunch oi the ministry this month dcnied thsi Iny durwln hos IIlrir iIco myshoro Ind uld II our set Is en rot irorn Toronto to Orti iiI to discuss iho bolt Iocriloo tor the sandy oil with 0rIIiIII city eoltnecr DTIAWA loll SocIIl 32th order llesl Crouetio sold Wedsssdsy ihot the gov oromzoi should be rulsoidirlnr roinii prices rather than Ivlny inx lourllves Ir mroulroiurlnr Itd rtrmrios industries its that solution to inmrso Isles uI loodr dud redress rrnorroioymeni wu loo simple lor tho rovcrnrnrnt to erupt hircnouctls said In tho Doro moor durinr committeo rtrrn dobsto oh rorrrnrrreot hill to lowcr iues ior rnrnulIcivrln Ind proeerrInI lrrdurirics itir rouclr said every schoolhoytnour thi to shirt to owul eonrmoll douomlnsior iiui norm hiioirier Iohrr Tvrm on tho type oi man who iiho lost needio to buy slodr Idlid soother heir oi buy to mute the proienr worthy oi Hydrogen Bomb iTOKYO OP Chins so trounced today It tested hydro gen bomb Ior dolenco norms and to bruit tho nuclerr mo nopoty ol the Irrperpowcri Tho Pctlor Radio Inoornto inerri wrs ddnss Ilrri con itrrrtrllon oi iho explorion orer iho vteoicm put oi the Chinese mhioiutvi Wednesday It had been dotsclrd by IcrrrIl other Countries mr by superpnrorr no morn Ihsi thr Soviet Union Ind the United Sister The Lblneso isri was set oil Iurt to days siler tho usonrt Iunuuli Irreot rneut stored at yrrvcotlny nun clerr war srrd rs mm in rtny nrtcicIr lost In tho Illllc despite opposition ol nunserour roorririsuvrnd oi Iho internotional Dorm oi lusiico Grins Ind FrInco In tho only oueiesr powers that have rslused is sign ihr trerry Irrinst nuderr rests in the It morphero lI run orin country our to IN been hit by Iiorn hurls ottproutdreyrol over OHAVIA ll Ono at tho whirh Insurer Mind out Ior loviirmcooclosimrinnlosr hIILligbiendlrmludll mild iederri study oi any less rim or yours is outlined mmhthsiprinurtilrtio Ii Issurors no dram tinn Ioumsryoithr prizeshonrnuiridsinlhm iicsiion tooirhi tr bed the latent chem sod nth ilr Ind onu room up rim no serior eocsiderrlioo oiuns in such prior control or sir tho oliierrri Option menu and peopiI tn Idvrnu oi moi oi energy mumtn lino rarity propouis promised slut Ipprsrr in Mod the Mn In Iron rooro enormou Arm mk Ignorto wort OilSoaked Sand Dumped rm item lions or did not he bailouts esiirrrsiod seven or ddlddlllb Should subsidize Retail Prices Not Gite Tax incentives Sacred turns you miuco it to Its Breaks The Nuclear Monopoly Isis demo on curds upro Ity ii prole Iipiilcool Blur exports oi fuel lIoIdI does Ioi hrvo iho Nehllll to phy sluniii vorrrrnerA In 10 lo CIirIdlII od I77 Tho mom new dqnortorrnt North Iimcricu hoods The price protection hssrd iIrrely on the trend ooisiio Cards lees rhIrres ior oil Iri rrs moro this tumor il rem em Mullins renerIl lollslioo 1hr would hm twist in oi Chords rotor ii stone by erro on everyone hceruse filth orniniinx on Iciisurem IanireIdy try out shorivo nusrlei oi their MW in tiser insulsllox tho moonhesiJixbludtnns country horn would prion lo portrqu proportion second Nuufskh in only to the Uoiird Rules is Ito 10 liUlll LYDIJSTNBSI quwucm IL Apsrt tromth brooch on best II od 11 mm hoursholds the prim increases will run prrems ior Mide poodeoi countries thI med Ito short to rent oi the or IIonIl with rod mi ior IImost Wm oi IndustriIl production troutan such Ir menial Ind rod paper rosy need IpodIl ob ii thy In to run vino the rusty says The Iirm ILro arrests that tits rormiry tomoi Iiiord thin deem to stIrt NW Nb oil N0 5010 in nother mintdevelop In Oro him inuLso hiriiroscn In Bro raideni who llics short dlb iIocI Irom iho dorm Iriil rho isotimd retirin iherI mood pro lIsi him She rrld hur hosbIod Irnru discorrrod tho doom is pro rerr rod phono oils hy the hiriiinsorrs to Dr 333on PO Simon North iho Niko resullud in tho MIDI UilAliA tui Tho Illu Iy oldcisb Ire tirii rrnroutt topmost iho loath tipped Iborh thi is Will Bull mods icluptouo to to with its dorm mm Igloo in it Wodresdsy Inquiries to moo Iuspendisy hood oliluo oi tin minim II Miamirs hinting Minister to itinunroostzrner aim III1 IoiIIiIhio oi iho irrcreurs been 0V rhI thosdtss tronWt Mull sIoo to its iirrt ronlor decision rrnou iormer forum rrloisler it Demon bccunn etnirmso Iuitsii hlr ioiiciler eriicd iho cut rlralilo reduction but Druid idols Now Dammit lsrty chiier said the roverrrnrot should hryo thrown out iho eo iiro torrents Tbs iocreues Irrthirlred to lets elitd next lhloodsy will mess higher monthly Ind loo disiroco Iervlco chsrgrs to UniIrlo LabrIdor Irrtl iho cIsierrt Amie Other Nirmnles solm roo Iroiirsi by hell but III under prorirscini Mutton sorry other Irons in Curtis Bell is pIIrtninl Iooiher is or mobile cotton It or behoairlbyi mihis Irit Ind Ii spurned would in croIso rItes min in Iyli YEN INSTALLATION iusa tho hill ior expenses torrid to tho cleanup Condition NIiionII osiimIted below 1900 Ind soon lions oi tho diorei oil wen lite tho deuilmmi lo Drills secondIn boom wII pimd uound Genieooilt PIrk torelno tied ncadsy nits to prevari nrriher mono into rm onxhichiny ministry Ipolumrn hII laid the slump is expected to be rattled by tomorrow his Ioielzd People were IlrIld ol such SooIII Credit ihonrler IIIri hir Csouelir SEE FUNNY llruy ltrd us iunnly Ihey IonIer Iiow iho nhoo this world no Debate on the iIx our Ier murmvW mi over ironr thus may 1771 rndioviow minimums mdzJislmMed to end lrtrr MW mm by ore thI Onto cooridercd ihrrri to CM mix In It the trio oi tho rorcrrrroeni he MW mam curse oithr Now Demoonile ohm my Wm we opposition to rocriied oorporIII boosted the currcti ioe oi ill to ion rlpoli the Measure has new Ilneil Conservative Iupnuri 11 dmlm mm price chIonI economic obieoiirer the slut Isd us pirxlim to delirer poi rolecr resources iiscteorie Rim cells IreI lei lions ihs rlnocsmmrsrhniroen iho Amie lIlInos INN um to thilorury pm essl ml with mud to toill runs In doodfindolher derri must The economy could tolerslr communion oi iiIclehIiI ll Platitoo IIOM this decide study rm Amour other eonctsrionr the study our nsiurri rub rrotty is prim ion luv thI do rrsi uriorn oi toiiotiihx royIi iier rosy be pounlirliy too Eh rrrI to Ind pm meoiII into to urn doruiopmsnt ir bond to mrr NUDE UKULEme Eisuwhuo tho stud is in IdinIro ii themI Ihvtn tutors dust Ind supply Now illicII chInrrs oreh riots or II persorrIl preiereoces could Iitrr iho pldurs then It both beooliis Idvrrrioih Bell Bots Increase ilpproved Cut Sulistaritlally By Govt first three minim oi WIM dirlud stsliomiocutlon urn Ind lorroLriorrhIioliiIltiim nulrlrIrtes oi personioperroh es liroeeni Miss to is roots will he struck in tho minimums ehrrxo ior Ionyslirirrreo ems Barrie Resident May Win $120000 In Irish Sweeps Dorris resident lands to sin rs mush Is escort tin our Ssiurrhy on tho IrlIh ill WWI sin per holdu oi Irish Nep ciskes Ticket WSI 41W on lilirriuiilllnl will be It least It our richer shot the mo II linrporriiiai silos iho lla otto prize will corno to tho Hur rle mldcrtt socood lIcI iihish is worth $51030 It to third would bo worth room it the horse bitches or oi the money or is ulthdrswo theres H000 consolation priu Only tr ol tho lield oi horror Ire oxoocled to start the mo Slipnet is tho only erru midont holding it uctot on the monster Pour Ontario rosldtrtis hnvo Kill iinIus ls gorrured otrulttng In ml my woman mm Wit MU mmoosr stole Al Irrrcodme hiIreel lament irectr monion Ieri sill ho worried short the III rut hutiior smrlt htiolneries Tested By China the minced tort Ind red to llio iorinai protest vii Po tion lrliout oi rutllo Itlivo Irh irons tho explosion son et sceiid to hit lrrpuo riIrton lrl ny ltr Csoblirr hrslrIiiIn Prime lltolster tough VttIllIrn roid ho was Instructin his son bisrrdor In Pctlrtc Stephen lltmrrhl to nrotoot to tho Orl itrto Iulhortiicr New icslrrd an outspoken rrlicoi iho Frihcli nuclear irrit also pointed the Ltrltrero thri Primo Minister Norran Kiri rsid ony nucierr rxpfosion courirtz rotiioaclliin Mind Is irloistlon oi lnirrnnilonll It and wlitiul stui rcmirlour iorm oi miiuiion outlawed decide oro unlrr the partial tut hon ircrriy DLISI POWERFUL Tito us Alomlc mcrrr Controlrrion said In lIrhtnrton the hint pIsired In rsplorirr yield in lls rrrrze oi two to throc memoirs iho equivalent to two to Ihreo trillion tour oi isrrtnn In Ipartrncnt building Electronic Newspap LONDON CPI8i Club Dr expreued short Iodsy It tho Ind oihcr oilsecd produris 1hr Similary lrcdcrtek licrri isan short in tents tour to mount In In loodon the British with mortoi toms to pinto In immrdiIiI embrrro on llclrris on tho lerorlto Illu pro CAPSULE NEWS Police Becapturo Convicted Murderer MONTREAL UPIA mycrroiti cvnrkitd murderer who custody Juno it our shot Ind recupiutwd early ihlr morn in lionme polico police rpoiizsooso raid deirdrrrs rr upturrd Andra Union In tho citys east end Iitrr he wrs seen or May lie Fedsihlo iiour thrinnsn oi tho Borodin section oi the lomnonverlth Press Union laU roll iorlsy th cieclroolc newspaper usinI homo printout torrlprotoi on tIhII television Iris recurs ltoho roiiy ioasibio now uni may soon ho economically learible briltur president oi Sodium Prros hid rIlti iho possibility ruirrs the duration rho rriii prinl it Iopanese Shocked lit Soybean Embargo Willi ICPierrneso government Ind business oiIIcIIIo strirs dtdsiorr Wtdornisr further oxporu oi roybcans hy Commerce niltd order not issued rho out the enrhrrro will Inst II but rIriiI new cmpr oi soybeans Irrlcoiiorrmii Iro narrated lirLs till Dollar Siumps To Record lows wDON iAPiIho US dulInIwlirrrwd to record lull Ili Europosn extirsncos today is seodl roluo oi the West Gonorn tho lint limo Tho doitor recruited orw oh 1rd round III lowest level in lIrLsi reschodtis triohcoi lirhl in reinl lion in tho dotirr Iloco wrs hood your up to lost in iron