94 Kwgllglfdilu swim endow blaming Editor mum Hal Study in Not Necessary To Install Gasoline Pumps All Stephens cat for ration now in atead of walling for steady to be com pleted Is Ioun one BIrrie has been waiting for lie trans partition rtudy or reward weeks now and there In no sign of it wilting of the IMrmh the bay has been studied to timid Inw mi anyway it couml were to wait for IB other study of up ehoreiinc or trot tnoul Li from eludy thattr being condtrltd my tr mi in if1 one or look into pest sttnitee it would limb enee to Santiago bile ably order study into ariutly Tbeu tndrvde enrimmert There is nothing wrong with council merger na mm exercising common nurse The ism gm fw purely not go complex II Is In on am In overdo Examiner vs Ith srmt emu Orvferle Robb Publislvwoenenl to it yet time someone on cotde stood up and said something positive about the city marina and development of Neapenielt Bu lngerrml This tweet Boss St ens said the dryannotwrttryearor ofoerplan for development of the bay He nlddae city should Intel gnome Ml Boating eothuriaste mint have read with may last week that the griddle work premonition fallil would be too to oorvventent to Install pus ptmrpa at the marina Good news this week though rotde bucked up Aid Stephens Ind instructed the committee to have another look at the mailer Aid David IfrOlymonl pointed out in mndl this week ttve dty nurirrr Ia Mint and mum hfcrdcg mum commune It the arnlnatlon of present Ind future Inns portationeorndors in the dly halite ms ww prtlerna and so on Ill so tutor itll wry Ald Poul Wenonch was tirelone dark burrows will WM gnu ernttteot Itetenreut the im hardly worthy of Its name it it does not provhie at trial minuan servioe to wait for spot in the trgtrlrrosr He wanted rourtoil blueprint of the bay DOWN MEMORY LANE 10 YEARS AGO IN CITY Barrie mariner June 27 1063 Of pthre at new Boyat Victoria Hospital him Helen sbaoahan administrator cut ribbon Tea served at Womenr Auxil WIS minder Iirot Barrie howllal was type Ii Arch Grove be chlopening took Laidhw Restriction by tary Emery Engineering twtlagaf tween Dtmtklnrid mi now Si Maryn Brenda site Tbro yrs later Barrie General Hospital ups melted twat nte Canadian Tire park tog lot In 1902 south wing or present What was opened on floor St and re lNew wi added in IDII and 1952 ours are on Boos St in 1928 Itnther pro was required from Mr Judice Stevrari onToronto 5t and estate oi on Roan St in arrie stating hired and wife Ia pron lice and 0911131 Timed Royal ictorio hie Joseph If So repent care tantra antAnne Warden of Until mutt Gilli rtlflon fret mod rib at em new mandarin IieberB South QC UP for Simone North one of ego members named by File to conduit downtovm Park Prime llirrist Westminster defence general star and orth Sis double ltcd Appeal were Mayor WHO resid ehalrman of Demolition Barrie Grade DB fee for defence policy being set of Smith saw active service overhear Iruciove Heating testbed at Queens Park Dyirstn allowed only one hit to Corby Adams Plaza star shortstop 11an hit two homers and cher Smith member of board Loroy Boner gar board member and ofcer for hoypital flower the rose was presented to tire Ia Cooke by Kinsmen president Hendy lamb on clubs Rose Day Slmoo County presented sobolerohtp awards to ltTItlldnMIIW by crlksler Pearson of Canada tn World War No and Is cen rtudcnt of national Don Dyltstra wee pitching Gary Thirst batting star as heat Barrie Plaza tn Boar Davey secretary named campaign chairman for 1964 Un IicltnodIIIlVilo ehlhg tea Cooke Donald cry If Boberlron pioneer preterit boardt Warren Wit bile rotation arrles official It etudcnle Martyn Stellar fith Freeman Wililam Rowe Linda Gneson Linda Wootvlri Phydis IioCal meltdcmtetionunk made by liator Centre and Bert Snob grove of CKDB memmrmm iNIERPRETlNGTHE NEWS Concrete Guidelines find Fresh Confusion If PETER BUCKET WASHINGTON all Chief Antler Warren Burger some leuedihat miorily of the Wrote Com weed or meta guidelines to curb Molly but there are in dlcatlcar that last weeks decl slon may mean freah ronfuriun in Amateur courtrooms for the flrat time bare ma ioriiy of the nine Supreme Gotni lurllrea bar ruled that oommuniif ItIndIrdI rather then nellonal stand Irdooold be tried to deiennlne whether book magazine film or other work to pornographic Whereas In earlier court had ruled that material mart be utterly without redeeming Io dIl valuoI rharge that bar been almost imeribie Io provethe Burger maloriiy provided lose stringent inlet prcfatlon ma litre limit ironic id he field Street Ontario Telephone norm Second Clans lfall Bedrtrellunlluvberow Mont postage guaranteed DIllyr Sundays and Statutory lloildryr excepted Subscription rates dIlIy by terrier Tie weekly WAD year Tragic copier 12 By mail Irrie $11M yeerlyt ElmeoI County tithe yearly Brianne oI CInIdI 32m ynsrlyr All other countries new yearly Iiotar throwoff mot yearly Natioan Adrertlrtng Offlcest uQueen St West Toronto l7lT bid hilturt SIw lionheal Member of the Canadian Freer and Audit Bureau of Clrrule The CInedtIrr Press Ir exclus lustyx entitled to the tree for re pnh cation at Iii news dispatch ea In Ihla fue Amc rated Pres ur Itcuvor and also the local um publish ed therein The Barrie Examiner elalrm ydght in all original adverv til and rdiiorlri material ere Ited by in empluym Ind ro prbduccd ln thlr newsprpcr Copyright ftrrtriratlnrt Nuru her will register it maximum paper credited loll or tfeoocfortb usurlfy explicit material muei also have eerlous lttcrar Irtirtlc oolrtlw cat or MLclnt Mira to es cepe port neuron Mr llirtiol William Douglas moat tillerIl IIIcJIhIf oi the court appears to be the only one who mute the court to crop ardrng II more altogether The ollrers share belief that obscenity Ir not protected by constitutional gttaraulera of free speech CONFIDENCE LIMITED are only five mentorsPres ideal Nixons for appointeea intend by Justice Byron Illhfae rer While further foot player tiled John Kennedy cit con dent that they could entire where tree lambda and and oluceulty be or The out dillchiefl Ieued such mills as police raids on puddle librarian banning of It mnrt any prlalicatlon govern merit regirnentailon of the VJllllc mind and other home The couria declrlort had gen erated time It troubled debate to American legal circle In among ptblirhcrr movleenak ire droi others most directly ale The New Yoia Timer for ex Amie has provided notable exrnarla of the difficulties trend by those whroihglgle nogmleilgr expose come on prnep but who have become disturbed Ibord the Ipread ofarrfult book stores movie houser and other evidence of what Nixon ltbcir perntlrsiverteu into the most remote community In lbe Us The Timer which had been crusading Ignlnrt dirty movies and prostitution around New York CrtyI Timer Samara raid In an cldtodal One may eorterda uurreer vrdiy the legitimrry of cum muntlys tierlre to get rid of ob leciloneble ptlallc dlsplIye or to curb the lllitljkii of hardcore pomcuuohy and atlll be Ilnrmod by the obebiI eilect of the courts Illl nIr FUTURE ODSCUHED The difflcultiu which critter Ioresce In the Burger maiortty dcclrinn are liker lo tome whnrt lower courts and Juliet Ittempt to decide what the courlr Wld mcott llovtever caretnily chosen the prom may have eppelrgd tn the tire imitate the mm to open up the urea ttflcultlea of inter pretation that have bedevltled ccttrtr III the part The malorliys guideline Ill ciude such phraser Ia average person mtvlempornty com rrrunlly standards utienl interest In patent orfen sive way and retinal Vllue Itura than one lawytr bIr ai read asserted that any or III of un prhrm are open to varying luterpretrtlonsv And Ilthnugb the majority moved from notiorrl to oonarunlty rtandrrd for deter hail mining obeeerliy It did not any whether lite cerruturnlly war to be state county city or nelgidborbcodI AI one New York lawyer In said movie the can be found In Tirnu Square would riot be drown In the mlddloclerr dia trial of Queen It may like rub wave of court dccialotu many of them riftIcing Ieborlourty to the su preme Court before the aran guitica are either cllrlhed or abandoned The problem la mnpotmded by the fact illll marry looser prosecutors and other egri file cills In the UB are elected rather than appointed one of them Attorneme erai Irlnlr Kelley oi Minlvlgan commentei now prosecuting Ittnroeyr in every courtly and state will he run eluding and ever jury in every little corn nuthlly will have melt at each new book play an movie naval melon off the Wnb mum SOVBREIGNTY ConCerrjr Over Principle If STEPHEN SCOTT IllOBLiIIIIt BAY Nwr tCPI 0oaterrt over Arttlc sovereignty II II old Is Ono federalloti end as new at the most modern plane flying over the Canadian North Ycrterdlp it er nutter of other le iodIy It is Ihrt plus or security and new other things doiirrr Ind rte Yesterday it vvrr Paddy llamlltort uh fellow Itorrntle lilting on the edge of In uninhabited Arctic Irland flying LM Union leek today II II bored or more wage of showing the Maple ital It once wIe British tear one Maori Mil Ame cInr Ind othera wlll pollute lt Yesterday roverelgrvly iri yolvcd worrch ovcr northern land today It ILW Involve the sea Yesterday it we child to berren unmr lend pee pied with or live Mime today It 11 claim to treat ure home of oil and gas and mlnerIla There are about threeqtrIr lera of million nitrate mller in Canadas Arctic lithi pelagr containing about 1000 persons mostly Eskimot tinny of them have yet to QUEENS PARK came to terms with northern clviltrrtion Prime tilrrlnler Trudeau has said that no one dlapuiea Canadian claim in fhlr land of Ira and snow and unique beauty therearo those who are dis to mac Iton Cane larr tenltodal claims over IOIM oi the we lers between the Ialandv Sovrelruty over this vast ireglort II more thIn govern vneutraurvellleoce of tanker trip through the Northwest IIstage or participation in all and gar explorritn It in people and their ma oblnesoarreulno trip from Ottawa to this BIfIln Island metropolis Teodlof the Drum mutulr attempting to truth Clnrdar northern rover einaly to in feet an aircraft In Iratrlp In Icebreaker company detachmentIbr thing that center the time beef on or over the mostly deserted Ind cold land whore polentlri lust now is being recognized TllATd OUBS at too in to fly over this Iren end my thIlI ours raid an armed form pilot of In Intievdnrtrrtne TrIctver Iireraft who flew here from Him Sculll Irv May He landed herI Ifteran Ihowibowmgmrnemeilr that went Am lougrrrngo rurvelttrrtce aircrth lock oil on Ithour random urrreritrtg that took Cert liike Willlrrna of Lind say 0th rod hit grow oi II II for north Filenoere and to the western Iringes of the archipelago Tote wrr Iuotber oi the It ielsrt 1ttrrucImorrtlrt Arming eguty tr III Irrrred Inrcea in test Not long boron Capt Wil liInu took oil In or IVtel Irvl Id flown in the MM Twn Otter lo dithed Ice island Ti float Ing off Ellesmere to cundud merrlrge ceremony The civil proceeding were Irwfoolic exercise in roma war to rumor tor llnlmlbat the Amer an on the let rtd had neglected to report murderpolice Millionll yeIr lnrp Irving head or the BUMP Divirlen which er eornpasser the Arctic lllltttil was en log out tradition under on II it is dilltdlltln the Flg North to determine where polieeuora Itrrtx and sovereignty slope For many yeIrI Canadian northern leverelgnty III the man or men Iuch an Teddy Hamilton now oixotv tewe III on unpopulatndl Irllhdl is He ArtOmbudsinqn 0r Boards Counsel By DON OIIEAIIN Queen PIrtr Bureau Former mlnlrtnrdovorythrn Bob Macaulay lr bsck on tho uene As may have me to your ni tentlon the brilliant but unor thodox member or the latterdny Frost end early ftobartr Illnllrl Irirrsllouu ha been hunted gart erai counsel to the energy CANADAS STORY Quebec City Ind St Johne Newfoundland are Carthdes two most butllohcarred etcr Quebec ruffcred the most darr Ige from wart but bl Johnr wreteliecked the roost timer Trrern war great deal of chest or Novdormdlrrnd in the American Itevohvlouary We the War of tbtz mud both World Wars trv WOMEN WORKER In thi there were itoiouo married women in the ferrule labor force in Canrda cutt Iiifutlttl 567 per cent of the to male labor iotce BIBLE THOUGHT But it II and for me via drew here to Ian lure rid my tmrt In the Lord Geri Ital may declare all thy warkr PaIlmI TItzI our greatest need is to be near to God All clue that it good and worthwhile will 21an Draw high to nod and lie will draw nigh nvtlo you the last time St Johns war Ic lunlly captured was In Scpervv ber 1151 when IBrttlrh force drove out the French to def France ltrrcw that the hcvmr Yehrs lvor war comrnp to an end ltlfl wanted mill British territory to be In bet ler position to Mirtlate at the peace fable French intelligence reEuled that Newfoundland was get guarded becotlie the Brttlr were cutting In much money on Halifax Four varrhip wore rent from Frnncu commondvtl Cornpte dlfaurronvtlle and ruled ltrItlsh warrhlps outsdr llrcrt In for The French landed at Bay cl Built on June It and marched board tAnd naturrliy he Is in the middle pi tempest it would hardly be Bob if he werent Opposition menan In the house have been IrIrlrtg darki look queetlohr cowl what be It doing and whit he is being mud Avid Union Car to lresmen have accrued blrn of log ombudemzot rather than coun St Johns Suffered FrenchsErtglish Ware on St lolvns which they ran tured on June It The Brrilrb garrison war taken by Iurprisa mi wmtttp In the better we Ilro prtured lltouuver ill Brithlah rcrlasla nucklvAn putetcou spared fouled troop at Ferry IInd They Included the Bryn Anvericnnr regiment of in II and German merrenader rent mended by Colonel William Ame bent travel force commanded hy ford Culvllln also arrived off It drhnvorr September It not thrre war hard fightlnl until September to when dtlottrsmvillc surrendered lie and his retailers who Iorvlved wcro sent back to French in Britlrdv drips oTIlIiII JUNE Tl EVENT IbIblrcuch Ind Indiana marrncred at Lcclrete th Dovcrl New Hampshire rmIttatttrew Cooling berm trip from lfudson Bay to Serial chewarr filvcr tillInhn Grit formed CAN Ida Lnrrd Company in Upper Canada selto the board Ito burn and lackeday llr like old tllrtrs And as In molt of them you hrve to Igree with hfeemley Insofar nr being counsel to the energy board la concerned there are probably few any trwym in the province better qualified This it man who won membrr of the Ontario llyrlrn Cornmltslcn and their war the Ilretmlrtlelcr oi tnrrgy we had In the province Ive gruped bl field so well that ire wrda pool on nucierr energy which was widely ac elalmcd Beyond this he now In itr cogulted ll one of the belt bar rimre In the provrrrce Then when he luckier Job hu gives it complete dedicntlon Whatever he is bring pulrl the government and the people ct Ontario are lucky to get him DEFENDEIINEEDED And II he ir action an an om budrman then good for him The energy board to rppolnlet to rat in the public interest it fllrih inaction to data but been to appeve natural ng rller throughout the province ft probnhly nlrovwlll be parting on electricity rates Ind rn celvnhly eterr gasnlrno rind itrrt oil in the future gar rate hurting alway covert large nretv Ind nonnat iy doaenr of municipailttu There hat been In turbulence in the hearings to that Ietdorv have the munlrlpnltller hamlet together to present the pubic li of the question In wood ilcn to the Ipplchnt company Yet mu questionIre my corn lert had Ikilled defer 1c cl public lntoeut definrtct la needed for equity And it IlIcntvin lv recognit tag this then he Ie doing his 1rr urt bert can be none pittance for the raid Ind ille WIWHMWWW The Arctic ls Pride Pollution And Dollars Our Job war In lly the Uni ion Jedi add the men who marl IT yearr in the North with the HIIlIP The lob of the Ilnmlltonrlu the early days will to protect sovereignty from Dams Ind Norwegrnnr who did not In pt Ill unrdtrn terrltorlri claims TodIy the concern lr dltlen errt Shipping rlttce including theArvertrana Ind the Btu Ilans maintain thI they have the right oi plIIIge through rtoclt rfrIiiI Ir lbe Northwest PairIge CeltIdI doesnt disorderthat but In Itvlr on erercirlrtg control The Omaha ITllllie lirrtft effectively pull the Northwest Willa at tile kind or rouge poli cvmklou If it hadnt been clear in moet Canadian thrill now Well DOI dung Ittbotarrtlellr Ilrte little whenvtbe flrrt Trudeau governmentmade the conerpt or th harmonica environ ment thenaw reotrr era for Ceurda in Ioterurtiun IIIlalrr NEW APPROACH The iredltirasl View of foreign poll1 hes alweys relIted lo the Ieettritroftbaetelelnirnwrer patce Ir Nixon would at wlttr bonerand wrr iobgbl or prevented for similar re Mill the hIrmonloua environ men of the Trudeau forth icy ntricrneht rd April mo Ind no of 10105 Iod CIuIdaI uttering at Santiago out your ll concerned with many eouel Iyold but new upersedf brute as war Ind peace There include environmental bIrIrdI In our WM tanker Pollution of the high tenuompowlatlen on lend frrnine lion social lulllee for euoua peoplea main tnlnlng Itrong central govern mil to deliver the benets of sCInIdl Hwym rm Irdilinlorlienmeiuithvrmid virtnlrer Ada raid like it or not Crude ir warding III northern envdron meni through lella pollu tlnn rune Severelme and environ ment women the Canadian mind when the Amerlran Inter Manhattan war are corted through the northern lee by the CanIdlIrt eoIrt guard Fear of Amerkn optrr aliens in the North viIIee bade album in the North defer back to Confederation Cenrdr qutrlred all of the Iiudanrrs BIy Co territory in mo but It run out until to yeIrI later thl it lot quel llonnble control or the vaguely delltved Britten Wk nation to the north of that territory TENUOU CLAIMS Britirh claim to their blends var tehunua brrcd tor the moat part on the activ titer of erplorcrr dating brctt to Martin Ircblalter ittllm xIod to the cellulite of who rr tin tnoo neither Canada nor the Brlltrh were run of the boundarler of the lcvrllorvl nor the reliability of the Brll lrh title to it But Gordon Brnllh in report no territorial rover elgnly made for the northrm Ittrlrs department in the points out that the British were Indoor for Canada to have the lslanda Ila quote on British rule nlal office moron saying The object in annexing there unexplored tmllerlcr to Curb Ida Is apprehend to pro veui rim United Slater from claiming them and not from my likelihood of their protittl of any value to Canada it was not until the late tome and early mils lhut the Norweutrns and Dana Ive all claims to no em fared Incidentally lrv lltd Crnadn gave no claim to Wrangel Island on the other side of the pole to the Soviet Union The Union inch of Canada was not flying with any regu larity In the Far North uutll rm when the tint RCMP tie tIchmertta were estrhlir and regular ship patrol In liltutetl Sryr llr Smith in the com clurlun of his report Canadians mlaht be little tau complacent mm the unit northern more rhown tn bright red on llerra torjr iamillIr prolectlun if they nuprcclstrd fully the tri bulrltonI that aoeorrtpenlei the acquisition of them and It they underrtood that with title more ineptllude or little less their on our part or little more Ierrervltu com petition from Iome other atate av siliel they might not hlta been hurt Toriry Coretta l1 Ipcndlnf more and more money to pro tcl there iriIndr thrt In ernal social dtrorder in tree Iocieiler is greater theeu to 0m readily than potential noclelr er Ind bar oriented Cenrdrr ouiwerd took Interd lngty By till he meant the global and clandestine activities oi In orgrnlutlon like the Palein Liberetlon Novrarrent when killertentacles ruched Into the Munich ulymoiu IIrt contourI greater danger to the node order than try oceanroaming nuclear Ivhmrrioel nave nrnrt commute III Ind Ivan Beadhie rlprt Irm In creating than entre Elretietltil not rltrlcctlonr lb In Cr Till drool former Alanna law pro furorwlth flfukllsr mind the faced hot and heavy criti clnn for thil change in errtpbl lit The huge and growing ten land and air threat from Soviet lldl presumably thine mlli tIrLItreurth It still there And lo the mantra American de terrent with major Irdrt from armed Eur an powers The Trudeautier treat for rhlft to based on the thrrlr the till rte hIIIote of terror has been entailed The IIS and Soviet mllitrrl establirhmeuir have Iboul ruched parity after to yearn alarming Irrru buildup The real catrlyrt for the Nixon Brezhnev meeting is not only ntrlt there two men want in the way of lasting perce but the lltrry maehlnea oi each whlclllv will encourage them get No such balance on sech frndnoflr exlrt in the harsh Irea of human survival In livll world or in the growing rlntf tie to uve in effect nIturaI enoeccrtaln halrnce Vehicch llle rum anggert we ready to lg Ind make ght Wotch the PASSES VIRTUE TEII QUEBEC tOPlLoulr Ito recy former lrlrbrp of st try scluthe who died to tool been declared Chriillsn heroic vivtvev by the Veil eInI cred congregation led the ceum oi Hints The deck ration means the hlrtvop pastel preliminary lnvertga lion on the path to beatlllcatloh Illd eIlnIbooti lNlllil lETTltS TO THE EDITOR The mariner Inyiielculr tributlnnr II III Lellrre the Editor column or editorial pIgI when poeatbie feliere Ibould be restricted loft to too until Ind they Ibould be Ilgucri Ian include the wriiere Iddrerr Ind telc phone number Writers may If they desire