I7 III III or Ww LARGE MON IDRKIIANSRH GUARWIEED yw better ANIsnerIomnuo Now unemur Ir rm onmnr um AioZ III II llllin $2585 IIIIISII Amen MOTORS In Budlord St Int IZOIIII mi ARRID FRAME AUGNIIIIINT SERVICE In Tuguwcmo III WW II ATERING DY II III NATIONAL RAPRRY CO II tome um ilm out In min to utetl mum In 4t It IN All VER thought Iboul tIILI DWI oomo thought CIR giving 7232414 001 is GREAT Altlillotl Trvellll Il Inn ot ADVERTISE ITS SIMPLE JUST CALII 1284414 NDUSTRIAL WAXES OLEARRIIS Hills BROOIIS Too liner It KB elantno Inn me room Invllllllll IWIMMlRO POOL wIILIlI LTD KIS KENROY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 728426514 OIN THE TO ADVERTISING TEAM Ito my not call mull Mm you Irloouetu III We Io mill In mm Izoztil 00K It thin Iec UTHE BAYMART MUSKOKA CARPETS IHE MUFFLER SHOP rn llIrrlI toutan to em ION LAKEVIEW DAIRY it Ill ml mm mm Iln mum Intllnnnmu mm annh MILITI mm mm It In Am Ion III Vemou PET ERREINO SPORT nnnnnneu Uriexilonnmulloulul 31mm Elmore lundail etc III 5m Tin Room Soils alert Ilonly SI 4995 lirmdoII Nylon Vlnyld rlr BRAND NEW Solid Ma RemI VIII bIIieln upI pin or All Ill India reeord bum in to wood ublnet UIoIl um Fine moo No $I 9995 hum nImoI lilo Borden Ind Grog Ilottso oi llrIenIIrI Prlrmiiio Randall THE BAYMARTA is Just north on liayiield on Ilighwey No 16 TI RICK SHALL ASONRY hkl lkl hail ll Directory mum 0W grain mi 72524 SInyo RGANS BY THE MASTERS come Locum ALI lottl 1M iWw Inay Ir rowi Wm nil tome LL II SEO moan mm no III III II Mn mm nu Wm WW Ml Ml NIH III Inn New mu Ill mm MI ILIHIIE In Ind Ilm lot ll In whine ronnnlon Itoo MMT WWJIIMIIMIX VIMJ Imi mum Ion IKveLI no mo IIIIII rt um oven Mn um um I1 mm In MI woman WWII tooli III III mm mo FARMERS MRKT NICKS DEAD STOCK DEAD STOCK Bad or twin eIltlI Ind norm Small Ininull removed lire For lIIl Iervlee PHONE Ptnmle 1m tollttli zt hourl day dIyI ml or ask tor of momma cm bl ZETIIITII Mm lIIO CIIARGIJ Founeod Outliliil mlINA Nielilonugoelrop opol uoeneI NI Wt 7282414 more on mm In LAURS DACII Neel EJtIiI liroier IARH SPWAUSIS IIIe limo um ruminant III DUNTIDOM IrlsIII TAKI will DI lhll Mooney II ADVERTIII TRIM NLIIIITED number YOU um In In Ion LIVESTOCK Fall In NY Donor itimtnuuu Ammo No IMMII nor Ito Mm Into My typiinglyugm eloch melting mnemvyyg II ooInmr ll mm quIIIII mm II Mn II ImII rim FARM MACHINE comm Quality enowN AND BELL Tarm DIIT Egulpmunl my IMEIDINDVSLLIVIDE gain Emma Tex COIEDICII Lino nI Dairy Inn on pmrni Ind Supplies MINT IN MI Mil arrI by twym Umbra Ill tor MMWF IF 11 IDloIaIpoiaIIllTL CALSA SPRAYERS ENG 741 New Ind Old Town Pharmacy IAllls SUPTLIES Pllldlotlonl mom AND SERVICE Donn II II GYM SPENCE Silott UOISIO nine dyds domino mum IDI Ian WRIT lion Want Ilds bl 10W FURNITURE tandem thorn Ill end My WAR ANYRHZRE Allilnwulomwanlcmiu AIR Hanulxturelo Runny IVOIIDISKMIIIAIII NO HONEY DOWN NO PAYMEIIS TILL AUGUST EVERYTHING TATIGED 10 5511 an 202 Dunlop Street West Phone noun new Barrie on Remenber Wool lbok For The Neon Sign On The Lawn Closed Mondays locksmth ROW FREIGHT Lid PRICES EllAND NEW ilItim Ind Box Sprint out $3995EACH Rutonla Mouton BRAND NEW blot Million Sud luau unmet II Ilnl Ionit Twit Soon etr Orr $34995 Sinrrr DIhl Shin HIdIine Rdlonlloiu new on buttons IInry pIilem Uh new only BAYFELD FURNITUREMART MI 70 Indeed BRAND NEW Kilan mill Eunvle Im not only $6995 home or Phenol In LPERSONALS llulll IL IN bl ll mu Ml bl mewnu tar In termed In my IIIII vim GW MINI WM HMI WI llll It 1N Ill luvor JUN mum Would III ONPl NM IMO UNIV IM Illml mu to ewwm Iu IIIIJ it AthOttI Mum to mm In lutI mI ml by on man In 19mm ended AM II no In WANIID WI WIIMM to IAN MMIIW lml Nine KIM talk on MM Illill Flu ItmtMilo lt noun Ilw dulhl mmnri Inn swim limit unlnoyl Jul LOST OFOUND BOD LO We Dutiwh oil Mill We mm mm mm Ilv VITATWIIIIAI mo IO HELP WANTED MANAGER AND ASSISTANT MANAGER woulnd by Itidln elruln II IndIrI lIIhton Ibops lnr now More opening noon In Georgian ilIII Darrlr llrIIe lend if none to Mr loved Town Indl Country lodire welr Slum I1 Orlue Rd Toronto HM 1L7 Iuoo SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS HEN ill WOMEN tor Dorrie Ind IIIITDIIIIOIRI Ireu APPLY TO STOCK BROTHERS DUS LINES LTD it Renown bi Dnrrll 728594 EXPERIENCED no Enmlm OIDJ tn Wm MI l0 HILP WANTID DUETO OUR REGENTSEXPANSION weNowREQULRETHESERlLCESDE LISTED BELOW WAREHOUSEMAN won autumn Hum BOOKKEEPER Ally qIlltrled to ulnl Sum SALES PERSON IIle module experience nut lllm In Inlltinte position In excellent Itertlng IIIIIIu Ind company paid bearlun 1lirphooa tor inlrntov Berkley HWY 2627 BAYFIELDST NORTH BARRIE PASTEUP ARTIST losdlon Iith one of the intent growing IIIan In CInIdI ideal working million or Iomrono Iho liteI dullenre tales prldo in wortmmblp ls nulek nod Imnln In pnstoup Ind II is looking III iuturn For tunhrr lilnrrmtlbn IrA Ippoinlment mil MT Cy Blots 7286242 to pm Monday to Friday Jun NIGHT SENT FOREMAN required by PROGRESSIVE COMPANY In ilnrrln Appirrnnll nuut IIIIe Iuperlisory onperiencn Ind broad machine or few Imeldne knowledge Thin position in ion tour wee Reply lo ROX Ell DARRIE EXAIIINIIII muons Sears SIMMONSSEARS PARTTIME SALES PEOPLE FOR DAYTIME WORK DURING THE FALL SEASON erson to TEMPORARY PERSONNEL OFFICE CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE lid Baylield St 000 am 400 pm Apply in ridHAT REAL ESTATE SALES PEOPLE WANTED MALE FEMALE GO WITH AWINNERI earning more with our itIIn Iro pmteri THREE NEW STAFF MEMBERS AS ONTARIO in work out oi DIP IN SALES CARERRI TT is PM thI it Italian Ind OI Uti Itll more Tirol Diltlo than my other lirm in Simone candy Your dinners ol it is iAt7i That In our llth my our IIII people did II IIIth REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Wnnted Tinnitus INDUSTRIALS wmAL lmmnnnnhnpmnltimtlogudttnunl MlomuIbuMmum mbonolorbotarthulmmh mumbmmedlnxmdmmmm khlbilvblorepemnnnbtlonudlnmll mmhllrelnmnupmld JOIN THE PRQTESSIONALS LRSTEIN RcolEsioteLtd TIDDUNLOP ST BARRIE PAPER ROUTES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Do you live in the or on one ol the sireeu listed below ANGUS HOLLY MIDHURST it you llll In or uound lbI Ilruenunnonad mu picnic lid out in Ipptienltoo below Ind return it In Till bAllIltl EXAMINER 7263422 Name Age Address Telephono EVENING AVON MAKES rr EASY SALES WORK 10 MEET PEOPLE AVAILABLE IN HARRIE Discover new inletesle Ind Dun ilotlrr mini have at rnIIIxood mthlIiBoIn min or Ifllllt pod penumi lty very good IIItlnx orange Wm In rpuie time two naneuy ii menu Telephone CANADIAN Is to get ItIrted III new or will hlrl Dillm AVON ARTIST OUTLET mm MALL ler no nos III BIIIio Ii 728400 PROGRESSIVE BUILDING SUPPLY DEATH matron WAREHOUSE MANAGER meet be experiment RIlllng to reloth bi Booedn My two lbp nmemiloo to meant Ippltrnnt Send realm to no not DItriI Dunn Jim SMART SET CANADAS NEWEST noun or LADIES nounouea enema SHORTLY IN GEORGIAN MALL Boyfioid Street III POUR Ippllcltlons lot NIGHT MANAGED Monr SALES um nouns no My TULSA KERNS OANADA MANPOWER lid Randell St Irl Juno 19 ll Am yin Judd Appllutlorn Iro bring renelvetl tor time Iitloru It the main tonnned SHINE NUNTY DOARD OI EDUCATION IIRNDALE RD ilAllllIE rte tor the next mmths Ilud out leIilonI will Ileo be con MIMIM noonmmrm In tor malntenwo omitmerit Ina ARE YOU INTERESTED we hm ooeIdnu in MENS HEAD AND FURNITURE OGood tuturI with promotion to department manage Ollunt be Intensive OBI well momrd Andy lernonnei Dept WOOLWORTII we ilaytleid St RIlrII IllH DUI IOEXPANSION oi our company we Tooulre PERSONALS UNWANIED HAI Removed by ILLECIRDLYSI 5500 per in Ir ll expertenu II Ilulliolllnd 7230543 ILWI PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS tomorrow onIM MoeIIIIIi Would you In to otilr Ilnou TIMI III IIMIIII CUIWIIIIMII ll dluuil Inmnm moon to II ll low In new Tum III In mun no your Mile III natnlno mII Inuth In mommy In II MI In St 6mm ruin HIV linen ARI sum in ouIII Imi 1km Ito val Ind IN MI Morther mmmtllTanllnll MI WU Momu mm llll mm MIMI Mm III TORONTO Unlnrto Mill MI to pdiwiml ow not Please do not coll the telephone company Tunnemm 11 me II It ill It In Him HATE imam mu Ma Compnllble to youmli ill to WANTED 1th 7mm Iuenne IIIII to tell II mm mm lniroduoatton Service II we An noprrnllre ln leorn Ill lill IeI oi the printing trade It Rio mint mm mm He will be In RITTII to explnln il dIrrtI Examiner MIITI es Tow belt IIIIII lemon Mudm il otter tun toll in you perIonIIIy tno oblige Ientlni ThlI poItllon oiirrl MW swan Itmudtaom can Div WUMWDmm IIIllIlTwTorvo moot WU lion MRI or drum SEL EmVE SERVICE IIIurn luturo and Ill employee benrilll lent mum IIII III J11 ewIIvIIIIIIn to in In II III BURLINGTON Onttrlo II ADI IN WNW NI AWV III mm mm rm Inur mom momJ MR5 DAVIS ml MM mm thw IILVIMVDI um tor omell lurmm our III In ewiiloll Itmr ulu CHARACTER READER AND ADVISER IIMI Le NIn lino fly Ilenlro III TIIIIm IIIout MI nn Inpulntmlnt nlmmy wallllolrallllollI men IIIr IIIoI not not IN MI WIT FIIW Iyntem In OH II 11mm 51 plume MI tlm om in III III Ml I07 luelgutlu Iondltion Anlt nwm uni In Inrn INN ntm IInI In IIIIIIIn rnttounn tlemlllII11 in em sod intro Mn III toot wIIII elite In II III In Mlmll 177M Limit lme litltll IAII otdu IL SALES HELP For Win Awly In pereon II THE SAYVETTE WIG BOUTIQUE 33 tor your Idyertlnng Home IA ARTS FOR SALE IIEN Wolllglmlo LIKE Iv SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS ltd Ind partdrne it Day Lvtmlllgnmlllli Du II GET OUT No experience required no will OF THE mu mu perwn tins NOT increIIiII numbers oi driven ORDER STANDARD BUSINN SERVICFSLTD lo MANY STREET billiillli In enrolltne II the may III between HD Ind 330 pm VIN Ind protection hot Jury Ind long time eonthtue to no mo pnndtiin now It beloafln to INT29 GET IN ON thin filth IIIlbrI or II on min IIldetImeeIrurop SOMETHING BIG AND DO IT NOW rluniiy or purltime one pending In your rlrournsllno ll my in Rood Irlnge DCMIIII Nle mm Emmi Iro numeroun Phone or will roodi We have to expand to liAlllllE OFFICE meet the dcmondl We need In lionell sincere IItes penon to loln us now Ind my long Phone 7282414 ARTS FOR SALE on mm mm IIIIwooo an lekrtm on In In letootorw 7mm mom to Mt WWII on tor 27759 Iln Iuv lVlImllllM poor In Ivy In In would now youm mmI IMO auger we IIIIoIIo AouIIIIn Millie TITInIm mtm m1 Ml VIII nommw iInInIy II IIIIIy minimum In noun toll 20 atollllwmuu mill menu new III HEWITT of mm UNVIID7III1IIIVIII$ Jo Itll mm mm mm onl lente Int III mod Irryeu III uh em med Indoor 1F 33V mm Im Ituu IIIIIIIIL on en um Iwmblo Ml IIII bell bttlt Tlllll mount lei Mm Iruwm mime MI mm IILIOV DIAFIIIII my TIA Itm In yaw non mutton llnio lInl IM Alnln mun well one IIII Ilbtl min It llm II III lull in damn loll bid ll Ella llloltk will III mo mil ll Inch um Ill11M Jim NAVITIUM DUI IM All um IIII MIMI ml mt Mlti Ill mm 7W not lose Ilno hmdlon diet to Roll of meaning In 1m Your dorm oi earning more with our turn on gmlerl IT IS IAOI Our combslon it Ls Itialdillorunrd no Plninleiu and til the highest in btulncsI Your llinlbd oi coming more with our itnn no greater GOWITHAWINNERI Call lid IeruIInn Tia401 lot Appointment Ind Wildenan lntorvlow CHOLKAN AND CO LTD 10 Collier SI lagging mu DELIVER TELEPHONE BOOKS FULL Oll PARTTIMI lien or women with entomo blies are needed In Barrie Ind Ill nirromdtni IreIII Delivery ItIrlI July 11 mt Send RIM Iddrens telopiwnn number type oi veich Ind lhourl ITIIIINI on pool rIrd DOA lAd Ontario onrnntn PUblIC seTVlCe REHABILITATION OFFICER Sl9225$22457 per week With the lilnIItry oi eniib Adult Oerdputionnl Croire ldrnr you will provid reltbllllltiml Ierytee lo lllllltel tPItlrntI in lilo KITCHEN VATEITIAO AREA QUAIJFICATIONS An Idurntlon level normeliy IIsoeiIted with it your oyroIIlIo education preleribb degree in one oi the Social eners lrom UlllVlll Il reeoIniIed eluding minimum at one yeIrI eriean Inlrohobllltntirm In the Illn litry oi IIIIIth or directly TI and oxpertenu lho mosstul eInItdoto mint be willing to live in lhI Killhmer Waterloo mo and to lunetlon with minimal Iuporvlniorl noose nrito or tolephnno Aron God lttizlirttt for In IppilrI tlun inrm uhlelr nnul bo eonphltd Ind returned by Juno to 1m to the iorlonnel Ottlee Adult OrcupntionI Cerdrr Digit P0 Iloi H000 Dnrrto Ortorlo Iil th Jami Apply in portion in MR SHEPHERD IIIF TIAIlIllll EXAMINER lio pm daily III II pm we mun um hel MIT Imuxwwrwmwwm III IooolImu may va nliireeelvmpldyronwton we run will Illll umnnouhdtor mm In AAAm3 Ill LIAIIIRIIIIIAIN mm Innis autumn bonnie tor exirl IIdeileion mm MIR Wed Iuonomn ml III wall it No orend llIth but II Mlllll me mm rm yortlorerbguenytve or moor pp II III III IIIKI II In II int In IwIMIIIMIlo IIIIItImtoIiI Pu tnn MI nu MI mllmul Imp VI TITO Tom My mum mom Ni qur ILIHIOLUX IMO Ltd MI owl innl tar to II WHOM III help mo my to oliui Ito mm to II living my not work witt II II you gm IIINI II IIIIrItII III III 1le MARIO IIIIMLWIAIIO la illtllt IIion EonttIni utuy Inn Immu Iun wa In Mon to flu Mm mm wrtnwwmwmu MI um yaw IIIIIIIITII WAITIIIIwllltl Milli be lxw mlmunel wine TM At our ll NI bu time II ORV all COOK In lull on to IO Monoe to Win LAIIIC In Mltl MI ARIIGUI and old Iwntitn me my to lltmm rIIIlwlii Mum ti howl knits IT mm mm III we ym old wIlnvI THINth mlll IM own nIlIy note udtr ma Imam llAtlol June maul Imln Ill How on Mil MIMI ltIuI otuo onnutn ouwnrm do wry IIIeIIIwn it nr or Ionkm AIIMI IN tunl In In Maw IreMI LI nnl III III mu mm mum rum MM III leno mmr Julti II will mun III rm rIoI mom would to oral im Mun bl ruIn lllllDll nm tun III wdw Ion Unveil lumen and AIIII Mu 3wa TWITi1 moron mm Nu Itll mom rourou uoIIuy mom IIIW 005 MonovthllnCNAIIIQDIIIllfrrllvttlluhprppLIIIIhnllAIllnwnaivtniunpIAnpAnuulhhqyA