to El isunnidale Arboretum Approved By Council pi CI Totsrlcxhcrs Irons St llIrys retool were honored Monday IIIth II dinner Ind pruentslioa by Ilsll mer ersi Eliseo Cameron ls relis lnzullcr 15 III in tho lemtlnr onltolthesn lrr Iptleol ohlectinnr lrom serrml city sldermm shoot on ctduro city council her red tolheprlndpla It In Iron tum In Simidsle Post as poled by the Barll llortl tur Il Sodzty The city developrrmt rom ntittco last lock nmmmtodttl the city sct Isido to Ions in lbepmtlnrthsuseolthc solo virtylnr Illylllnltm tree musoum chcrnl sldcrmcn lclt the controls would hm dose is to consist hill the Psrks sod JIIIIIIII Dunnalulon More rmnnmdinr council Ilhliltld err tom the arboretum It hisrys moot Resign 191 In Therm light Ind hills million Ola Tlorlsoo Ins been lrsnslerred In tctth orII same It John Visu ncy Illneslo centrsl Ind Aid Perri rhrdrnrsn ol the city development committee out the post date not all sstthln the term reluc cnre ot the psrts mission litre not tstioI ten Irm my from them II III he This osrlr to not under their irrisdlttloo Ind In did not council with them motion Irons Aid Rots Sil phat which would have returned Its comnutlees recommendsliou Ior Matias with ports Ion mettl II opted don by most Mon Ilslurocss lotttha com dlltisr did not slight consuls l1 Trout Works urn Consider Gas Pumps At City Marina Thspuhlic wt committee has been instructed by city wall In lnmtlzsls the less bllity ol installing pu pumps It the city marlns Ald Ross Stephens ntst the Issue It llondoy nlplls council niceltnr and said patrons ot the truths bars to bring us down to the morins In cult Manna Torlols The public works departmcm Is IrorEnx lowrrrl lostsliint mushrooms st the dly IrrIrloI bclore the boating smon rods clty council leosssd Mondry Inlpht Aid DIV hlsciysrusat told council he went down to the rnsrtm lrst week looking tor Miller Ind couldnt find one Ilisns tor the mostructilgpnd hshocdtheywuuidhelnbo ure sessmeods Kin Idwsrd school pupils plI Iitsteodlitnilh one scier Ind lirst Iildlowltl In somber close at bottle Irdtns It Is so only lsconrusirol but dsnysrous ho sold The mrnmltloe lcorned lIsl month that government rczuiu tlons rush the lnslnllrtinn at us pumps at nssrlns corn cotcd procedure which the mmsnilite deem uhdulrsble to lotion up Ald Stephen tools sisrhtir dillerent lWdL We not suit year or two bolero we get In ovusll plan or the de mloprncnl ol the hay lets lil stsll Ihcns sod llsre hsve to man than later then ii the thorn Ald nun McCIvrnont mood with its reosonlny For city Insrlns we dont provide anything now he said lets get on with It Ald Paul Wtescnrrr rolcd lolrtst the motion He sold theory the itstsnilan nl pl lsprenrstrnIIndnsue corn ill hus rccclmt committ he msnayomcrt ol IornIrr mayor mi 35 on Bailey cslind is run peslim lot In Interim ij dereloaned ol In It Forest Hill school Admirlnr one ol the Ilia they received on FROM Him bits lipid limo MIMI his Saullon Isl llrs Cameron Bonita er Photo City moral Monday olrht Ir med with comttire mor rncndItlon to permit drrtl er to build throeslory on soutmcot within to Icet at IItescoursc but not More In certslrs It did not set ht Ibe dtyl enxlntcrtoy deport moot has Melted IevcrIl tough guidelines lor the build lor hour credited on the cut side ot hrolxlll Street The Islerooum must be pro petty Iilmd and lined with ll och Ileid stone to the depth oi the lot horn the tootdli street properly the The city mod do out order on the protect Ir en lo spettosr iound the hul III closer thus the so loci and under city brim Hayden Ihs developer fgcmglonmcosllg 5hr an order he litlrd coorzll rut ed sl that time to rctsin the vs on non ssid tins his Mattiasth Illa commission knew about the pins la the srbontunr and mporlcd It SHORT Aid ItcCiymbot said he did not think it Its the sortImit lees Intention to slight soy body ere rotor Ill unsod the CITY NEWS 1113 MINI MAIN TUESDAV JUN rs 1m Building Conditions lire Set For Apartment Near Creekhed tie pttbtit wort commute rsld the use us not scttior or deul sod Idied the eorlceep Iouti chlltrl thIt no tutor qucot room would sutler Irons poor Incineerlnz plIu nuptial lo the ct thI constriction ott builder dtlknlrly Ilorrlrd the brim lie III told by the city but Mhldhu went Ihesd sod Ipcclllerllom osltollstrd Aid Dull tmmmr Milli lie tot ecmxll be belimr the Irtrrschi he couldnt built surely ts said lve Irdndtorolesnlootllb LunotI longtime ll pbouid poop II vols mlt this ltlr liqch lass been billed th cost It prepsan hylsss which establishes tin conditions louder which he no build oesr the nieroorme Aid Amber sstd It Is dillsutt to determine put her IIM mulihary hush us thisthirr Hal10 on No Aid Sir hens said he was in lsvor It lch ol Irboreturn hut wshtod to Ice the proper procedures tailored The socioty srsnta the sober ttumlntbspntlorltsoortro olIl protect but It not Mussel Ily lootioe tor ll acre site In th onus rid iiohtosunloeeduconll Alt lion Archer rhIlrIusI ol Tbrec senior sitincns Irons Grotto Park Home spent Man dsysllcrnooo rootlnr oll In the lMthrls lemrrslo pool It you part ol II pilot project errorscsd betwcu llrs loyco Poodoa volunteer worker It Grove Port lime Ind the YMCA ll enough senior cltir ens tote Idvsotsxe ol the tree swimming session they will continue until the end at the Iummcr hlrs Purdas solo or In orixlnsicd with the exams pro cram It the bolus total the exercises stntllsr lo swims lnn movement usrd to bid the residents that they srore scltlnr nod lor the sulmrnioz pool to be lnslrsll ed at the home In several oi them expressed In interest In lesnmlnr she said She said the partidwnls do not havelo know thou to Intro they lost have to lite Jenn lorun They re Ilcl wsler The program ls open to ment from Isculty monster It the Ontario Coilcuol Articul tura to prepare for tha tree museum The city development eommltr tie has our sued the arboretum run along ores oi the west bank ol the Kidd Creek rartno oerasps Loot lcet um Into the park The IIorIicuIIussl Society will now some with tit Dototo Ap rlcultursi Onlera rcprrsmtrlive to draw up tentative plons Appointments To Management Board city council has soprovrd the appointment to the Downth lmynrmncnt Ares board oi Willard KInIIo Ind hirs Shirley cil welt Inc blueprint tor the badqu Iona to to hm the committee consider Insist lns to woo Stu stout Ird Rom who onysculor citith to tho lisp nslrurdrrorntho latl rlesrtaaodsmccrnenlscsn month The board ol mousse be made by stills ltrr lur moot willmcet Wodotsdsy to don st mlool tor Tito three mldcotr who per horns sruoru usurious In to the built llortlouittnsi Assrr dIiioo IrI Guelph lsst west tlorl Word by Iron rm lirrlr Torllnr Torllmtoo llllrstprlssr Clu prlssr ling dy Cunphcll it cold prise rruo tors II II lllll prise Ill Schoolhoord wot lilhhhhl All ltnhi II to leet rsther thus to lcel Tree swim sessions Ollered To Senior Citizens Ill YMCA tidecd In Mmdsys session were Mrs ArthrI Snider ltlrs Edna Knltpt Ind hilss lsshcl le hm hm Snider too llncdloswhoeichslrmodoi the time so she Iwnd the Ir motion rspcclolly rclreshiso She used muscles she sever yet chssm to use otherwise llrI Purdno told Worhinr vrllhhtrs Iusdun III Tin Else harry soother rulunlrcr born Grcvo Pork lions and hire Verna Bsxicr Ind llsry June SIricssl Irorn the GOLF TOURNAMENT The columsndurl olllccr Base llosdcrr will be hurt luiv ll tor roll tonoerncrt II tho hsss lo which rucmbcre ol the Groom Barrie chamber Coin Irma have been invited CHAMBER lARiiECIJE IIInt steak barbecue will he held July com pm to pm It the amniotic Conr munity Groin Ior marten oi the Greater horrlt arsrnha oi Camus Ind their tires The sodsl Ivesdur will be In oppor IuhIly lo mt now members Ind the numbers ol the bond ol directors Roy Atkinson Is In chsrro ol Irrsnrcnreatr PRES AT MEETINGS The hour It dilcctnrs at Grcslcr Barrio Chosan oi Cun merto has screed ts sdInIt members oi the media to in bond mentors starth In Scri rsnbtto ANIMAL CONTROL ASHER LIurIeGrcx his boat rd es lonlsltl Thralluhips Isllstsnt solmtl normal oiftcur MAY ACCOUNT Expenditure ol 509162 Ior it won soprovcrl by the Sim lCounty ltornsn islhoiic Sep board use utthln Its ballot In mm mus expenses or IS sod lnsursnce were above ort Ilusi esthnItcs NE TEACHERS lisrrles ltornsn catholic Sep srste Schools will hva it new teachers thistsll At St John Visrw school blrr Sandra hlercrrnottullI rtplacc llrr lunlor lt school Kari CIdcrs will replace lllits Solution who hrs restored Ind issues this will replrcc Tmlr bitty who rm to line liordcn New tempers It or llorys school Ittll be Bernsrd Btturtie Door another Photo Ind Ires perlormed their his room ol the runner bloat day IlIbl It Dunkirk Part ConcertBand Continues Traditiori Of 50 Years hand pmd lts outdoor MIMI of tin season It Surrldsis tar tiast nirht It was romtlu Ilr Barons csrqtlonal stud termini and had her psrticlpalsly In IreI Why not nheareols and hue sddcd rest 1m and he ptAImn it Intensinuent Ior slrr poopie win adaptable It last bond sod mood IS the bond plsyrd lIIliahy In Latin tlevcr llotbn At ht Josephs amorous Irons Burl The Barrie Gly unrest Bard will be giving Tire Idilusral concert this sums Belly When the Barrie My Cotsch blob school SILIde to retired Inspire men Phyllis tlcilullcn precld cuntsJisnisutmn mustan lc cot ol the band sold Ionrs ol be my proud to uh on lrsdltlon thsl berm to Ibo dert curly rotor The Iudlence sot In laws Lytolhahsnd chairs in picnic tables and WWW PW ll otrninrr some Incmtm wrre Md WW misshz hire NcthIico explain In mil mi Sm cdscrerai arenhlltmtcrswl Iron rnnsicstomiitlny touches mm um Ind mm classical numbers As In most ronzrrts In the Anne Tutor name up with hcr human prior to ttl ms rsrt lttsIsqucr Photo setting or culture Mensch bsodsthIIs As the concert normed the bond perlmncd Shadow at Your 1mm mm mm hem Smile liorrs mo uni blsnlutv The hand under the disectloll Itch Rurulshtti Brm In Asmr ol Arthur Bursln ot Cookstou Icon compotltim It In Iollou Iho Ilse conduct the Numb by Wm mg to My mom Ins lulcb Girls By and the than too push statutory march Ninth Intermission they returned Iith Bloch ht TitusI lrsxn lisno Concerto Country Itoch music It llonllns blunt cm 5mm mule Dance llhrI Tlnln The blot swollen In numbers this year to It trons lssl esrI kl mesnthe crs Members note to us trons erlrt hlrh school to Allistno has madam ADAPIAIILE hlr hurrln told the audience music with lain rhythm was Success 0i Concert Band Points ToBandsheli lled 8vllllI1FL smug Summer Cnoccsts PM me made Ior IVlfo and MMN tor hloo om colored by In niht Paolo rm our lurch hm my root ladtbornrerrtlocltlolnllolths Manda procrrrn The Barrie Concert Bord toss to road lorml Ths LS monshtrs played stth smooth protection mod giving the audrnncu popular prorrsru at music lrosu miulcols Ind trim or Iscil so other wellhnown melodm One oi lhl sssost pleosInI pllt es on lsst ulrhts promos on the lilch lrtrn Rachmanin olls Second Piano Concerto This wn splrnoid cmtrnst to lcroy ArdrrIoII Blue Tsnlo it Its lrnpoible to listen Inn to IOClll llllD cursors Lynne llclllnoou who will teach mush on halllimo basis At Norton school now lesch ers will bo Ilrs hIsrle Dion Mrs lisrpnrct Nastasiuk Mrs II lchInnery Ind htrs Shown Stephens PROFESSIONAL DEVEIATPMENT religious education more rts one Insl two will be ol errd tor storms school leach crs throuyhouttho 1me his rurrrmer It SI Ilonices school III Borrlc Lay people are isthlt ed to III In on the cwrsa at cost at Ill SlTIhlATIION PROFIT The is members ol the hurls Neptune Swim Club lorotycd lit the Iulrnsihoo csrlier this year raised ems YIIYWCA discolor AI lloppcr Armoured Thirty on rent oi the proceeds hsrc been trot lo the paradise Ams teur Slimming Assoclotlon to sup provincial and animal Ir hill and the bsttnco he been roloincd to support lorsl competitive lerornlnx Tho sluh hos parliclpotcd lt l5 swim mrcts lrorn Sudbury to Toronto rimtn Use post your RINETTE INSTALLATION This limit Ktuctto Club will hold its uurual Irslsliolion oi olllccrs tonight It It ocloct dun lnz meeting ol tho IICAFA hall on Illa Street 172634227 DONT WAIT Tllttll LIST Ill BUY TIITIU STEIN srslu REAL errors as lib Mil Ii turtle llssullton bin lielcll Irwin llrI Elisabeth Nlchort Ind Miss or scans to choose precisely the pcricd Ion9o lor Isch selection rostioI Nipptnt sod humm Irsx the orch lbI erenlnz roclt was Modular to no civic maiden ol this lint must at the summer mason No sidenun pus pills cart to lorrunJy Iclmrrse tho llorrle Connrt Bond And no III dcnnan has presmt to rcslsse how neccso bandvhell but become ll has had hand shell in lorsncr roars It linoly become trouble hot with this new slalicrtrd rmup lsrccr than It has ever both It Is oh rlousthtth shrll II rims lty Few communities are without hsndahcll lrnsnrdlolrly mary Irons htccmo possible with the lsdiillcs ol shot Regular tumrncr program ol ethnic doom troupe could be staged lor example Guest hands le other communities could he Ist at to pcrlorrn in esctrnnro lor cooccrts by the Iiurrla Cnoccrt liartd Lorre chortl gimp could utcrtslo our citizens All there things could happen with shell And without ll nil thcso mots rrc Impossible humntlnI pills the loo Arthur tilt Niliucl him and music by Simon Ind Gsrlunhci rotIa morals will be This it end or sod Aur It It Sunnldste IIrk our this resonatqu com All Ittl start It TIM pm Extra Bus Run ToEud Soon The trlsI esteow sioa or our Ierlrlre on III routes Inc lrlS us Ior one utrs be basa run will be Milo trod Mr becusse ot poor more The extension born on April btcsusc ol complaint about scrvice in the morning ours Aid Rosr Archer chslnnsu ol the puhllc lurks mornittce ssld prrvcy by lhe elty trsno it clerk revulch that on the two roulos which the ulcnlluo was proposed to help In such are nl only lire pstronI svnll rd thonuehes ol the service There us no Increase or the Eartrlew Ind Ailsndrle roulcs Aid Archer sold It wasnt Kood economics to Notions srldt the smite On July with tho exception ot the Ailurdsle routs uhlcb runs lull hourly throurtoui the day the cityIlour rcmhlnihl router will cesle hallhour sop bicv It Ian Ind go to hour iy lcrllre llailhour service rill resume It 280 pro Ind continue Sunniraia Puttis most Itl Fumnsis tor the rest It hours roll Ior pcsslhls lcpcnl ol the shown the Burris area recoircd durlnz tho wtcteucl Stlcr utiI bu molrly clouds tor the rcmslndrr at today on Wednesday with one or two showers or lhuodcrctrrrns The orrrnithl low will be near to wlh high Wednesday in the mid ms Synopslt Cloudy corutulonr crept orross southern portions oi the prurlnce lodoy as occh ol disturbances control In llinuctta more In truth the wcsi Some mowers Ind thro dcrstorms may occur tonight and Volnrsdoy llril was ru portcrl lit lilchlrun ovcrncht Ind hcavy lhuositrttorm Ictlv III II possible III the Intro Clslr region is Northern Ono taris disturhasrc lu llonzlolsr Iorrad cloud asldp loss nl cooler air Clint ulll men through to so pm daily Showers0r Thunderstorms Forecast Tonight Wednesday will have periods oi rain punc turrch by Iboucro and thunder storms This Ictlvily will Illmlrr lsh tawarvi the mnlhcrn shorts ol lakes Superior and lluron hlclro Tororto Sunny then In crearlnr cloud with chance ol thunderstorm icolrht sod Wednesday Winds nuthrrly Al Illph today Ind lrdncsrlsy error so cooler near the lots London southern licorrlos Boo Lsko llurou Cloudy perl ode today sod ttrdocsdhy will one hr two shnuyrs or thunder storms tlnd southerly to lllcl today Ind Wednesday mid itll low tonight ncor ll High Low lllsl Mu Toplht on st 55 Li 15 Klichoncr Mount Frcort Windsor Bosnia St Thomas lAlltlhll south ohi csstwars ouor much ol Northrup Onlnrlu today Ird llcdncstlre Norman portions 726i ro MEET ALL Your Wlnxhsm TI Wlltlhll The wulhrr lI prerinled dIlly II public service by Travelworld toormrowu BARRIEI CORCOLLIERACLAPPERTONSTS 3971 TRAVEL NEEDS