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nun toiroor roucAtIou School BusRoules for Sept TM carried baht ol deals rte Outowl LI prev Temtbnhotheroltheulrem mlarrysw hrldearoortt ell Goldwateru tad Anne Halo Perms best man Bottle Cos Nether OmMIIe mo Illrthnd oi the bridrrmm oi Coldnt Lute llullax Nov Scout er and Deniel cut brother ol um and Mt area ndrlnltlco stills denim are circled made oI red roses patrols crrmtlons Ind babys hroath theyAnn llltCaIin st Utopia Its meld ethoer Janice John For pupils attending Angus Baxter Bullfwon Coderyiaw Cookrtown Cundlos Heights For Hill Goodlellov Guthrie Hillcrut Innillil Control King Edward Lefroy anlo Gum Minosing New Lowell Shenty Boy Sunnyhro Boot Memorial Portage View Wet my sole nd erri CI ol Berri Elinormend BorrieNorth Sager merl nuutoi Butler In and sit and ever Some Bur Route numhm have been changed with bus route rehoduleo nrnoin tha some unless otherwise noted below ANGUS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Last years Routes No 101 ill cancelled New route No 114 From Angus Coronal School North to Hwy 90 west to lot 1ISlmnltllle twp Ralrays Farm tum wt to Hill 51 Art to Coulson 51 School south to King St east to glad it north to Slmclte StV and east to the School tentatively two buses will he provided to transport students root the llcheorgo SubDivision area to Angus 532171 until deconstruction ol the Bridge to CENTRAL SCHOOL Some bus routes Ire new and are as follows Route No 511 formerly No 515 no Route No 510 Begin on County lid 21 at ornton trust to the Schoo Route No 511 Begin on issainnistii tonnlino at Al 29 south to lhornton west on 15 sidoroad to Cone 11 north to lot 19 tum south to 15 slderoad west to Came to north to 25 slderoad west to Canons south to 15 sidewall west to the school Roots No 592 Begin at Cone and 50 stderoad most to Cone ti north to Hwy 90 east to Cone 10 south to 25 sidemad west to Conc then express run to the school RoulI No not Begin onConc it lol 29 south to 15 sidewall out to Gone to the school to North on Core to 20 sideroad west to Count Rd 10 north to sideroad east to Old Cone south to 25 sideroad west to County Rd 10 south to 20 siderosd west to am turn out to County lid 10 south to 15 slderoad east to the school Route Ne 59lBegin on Cone it at 25 51118111111 north to Hwy 90 east to Cone south to It srde road west to Cone south to 15 sideroed west to the school GUTHRIE PUBLIC SCHOOL Route No 1625 Startm It Crown Hill east on Hwy 11 to Cone north to County ltd 11 east to Count south to Shinty Bay lid cast to Conc north to the school Route No IME Beginning at lot Cone It Qro sidsroad west to Done south to 25 slderoad west to Cone north to Hwy 90 rest to Cone south to 25 sidoroad east to Gone 10 north to Hwy 90 and owed to Barno Central Route No IJI llormorl 117 Begin on Hwy 27 It omton south to Cone east to sideroad south to Gone west to Hwy 27 south to Colic east to 10 slderoad north to Cone 511tjl to sidoroad north to Barrie Centnl Route No 135 formally Ill Begin on Cone 11 it 11 west to 10 sidrroad south to Com ll east to Hwy 11 north to the school Root No 119 llorrnorly 145 Be it on Com at Hwy 21 cost to 10 siderosd no to the school Former Route No 147 ctncolied RoutorNo 115 Begin on Gone at 2122 sideroad west to 1819 ndoroad south to the townline west to 15 side road north to intersection ot Cty lids It and 10 meet two other buses No 156 and 151 unload 12 Barrie students mcued nest on Ct 1111 picking uap students at ew lowell 1nd north on sidoroad prolong up students at Corr Cone and Couc ll proceed to school Route No 156 Begin at New loweii on Ct lldutl west to 34 sldetoad north to Crown Hi turn south to Glen uirn Rd northeast to New Lowell east to Cty Rd 10 llieet hoses 155 and 151 unload ll Barrie stud ean and pickup in Stayner students Proceed west on Cty Rd ciung up students at Lot of Sun rudale to Cty 13 north to Stayuer schoolpitlc lng up studentson Ct Rd 13 at Lots 10 and 1601 Notlawosaga Tune transfer at Cty lids and 10 7245 um pm Route No 15 Begin at New lowell north west to Cone west to tilt ddoroad north to Cone east to first line east or Bothoi south to Cone west to my lid 10 south to thy lid meet buses 155 and unload south to County lid 11 Wt lo Core 50th 21 stayncr students and pick 21 Barrie students to 513 stderoad saslto Gent southto Hwy11 proceed to Barrie via Cty it 10 and Hwy 90 west to Cone north to 1516 stderoad west to Exciting up students at this 10 and It on the town1 Corn south to the retinal Time at transter point ol Cty lids and 10 Route No 175E llormorly 1555 745am 440 Starting at lot ill Gone 0m south to Hwy BARRIE NORT Route No 143 loImIrI 133 to em to Done south to County Rd 20 east to Thisroute remuru the same basically buiwilt have Cone south to Beach lid west to Clint north to detour through Angus and down to the NeGeorgeu to the school SunDividon while the hricl is udder constntctietnz Route No 110E status at Hwy 11 Incl Cont ll NB Tran rtatiou tor Kin er HonruplishpcmL south to Shanty Bay east to Cool South to noonhour utcs will be estab shed or pupils who have registered not yet registered please do so as soon as possible in order that Transportation can Ite moped transportation for otitsr than NoonL hour liou as shall he by regular bus routes For lurther inlorrnatlon contact school attending or Transportation Dopirtment Telephone 1284570 on for Fittingfas baCklOSChOOL Athoeiorihelililtlliiuthnt rousgmrrrmywt nutmrnSonbnnhtd tlrInlVCumeniruutiqno unthtntupmthinht brownnuttlhardrheeto tum Ind touyhuaner roles wear whyrt itIJui $199 Shaun51099 Sizcrtlll Stridlylorlhohoylholono Tothrrrorieitierlasaler all leattrrupgeruohust no this Misses rloeJno tone nueuline wildtroeolalllmher SixsrllS vancunilwk tilt51299 Sitcom14999 Beech ltd west to Cone north to Hwy 11 west to Gone and to the school BELL EWART Route No 576 loImIrly ml Be on Cone Isatt 20 sandadhsmh 62116 sou na tew rue Feelgood about North Shore Drive to conchiwslt to 20 slderood to no west wy 11063qu south to Cone lI west to 10 sidsrotd tum east to 11 north to Cone east to 20 sidcroad and noiih toBell Ewart Commute to let School lc Commqu lo Irutnttl School INNISFIL CENTRAL Route No 517 formerly Begin at Cone ll Ind 20 sldetoad west to Ho 11 south to Gone west to 10 sideroad south to oun gt Rd eastto 11 north to the school ARRIE CENTRAL oulI No 117 formerly 130 hhpnlllllrlt Begin at Hwy to end Cour st Im sou to so 165 WELLINGTON ST In the tumour ol ulIIy meiotirlr dvired IhII school buses do mtlco IrIquent llopa rulers or trim uutionmutl holakon at all llmu Motorist must stop lor stopped school but with ashing red lights and proeeadoniy when but it In motion Ind lighlI no longer Hashing Il Ittry Hun SFISHER Chllrtnan of the Board RAMSAY Director of Edurlllon rehash oiorotauuscc AND recur sworttNoyLazi Yhsllrl Mausoleumt