Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Aug 1973, p. 4

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multimillion Doesnvenood gt Ehdmltttt Published by armour umpire Company limitid la oniirld SIM rank Ontario JLWWDWIIMIMW Morita Idlm ltrllfllvl DM um bume Editor swear it nmArauoorrwnnraorr IWW Would Be Achieved BtjvPederdl Election NOW iwnnuunuonananengoxucon ermtortaittnglo aorrin deareumalor tastier tbellatniltoo diarptyrinngtaxesa spectatornodoubtwilndrnuhagno talltrroto cope with unemploymmi ltoriisaaggeationthrtoo MEW winidarreraialttobetbemahitswleeon memddhwedwmlm tomoidnloeneolonrawoolrdomtinm anothernattonaieleeiion tlievothng dividonwtndiresnltedlnthe vzhmrmttdoginrerenttywrernotr govern ringer lg in is El it ii gi are he it platted aoltaiione to these ressl problems at this ihrle are not abarery The Spectator the Hamilton paper said Party lead ers and all other experienced polliiuans know Canadaa parliamentary eetop well 5W 81 enough to be aware that it doesnt lake are lesr rubtect to pmmts aria any election to introdrxo new ideas and new hrgo problem new solution to the Millti problems newe rtorlesliava initiated uenymbuhurnlden earl opeah more Demomlic Party leader David his mind publicly to or out or Paritamenl and his tollowen are not satisfied it is good idea attracting popular sup with the liberal goremrnentr honoring port the minority government cant at or certain manic problems who lord to ignore It majority government uhrly as they relate to tntlatioonibere ootnld have been romehioil they may wither it also war conceded there is the play ware thotr rapport from the minority inl deau government which woud likely re in an early election the NDPa could save the mil the expense at an election at this lhne and still have droice ot whether they widn toeonttnne to rt the Liberals or modify their poii es to make them no hcplable lo Conservative leader Bob Staneld Whether either choire is de rired by NDP membera ll airidly up to them to decide It was not long alter the last Federut pg on October so 1972 that Mr gianeld made lite own stand clear on question of reeling from third parties dont intend make art histmeoie in the philosophy at my party or my own approadl to what bebeva is desirable fer the majority in order to get the topped oi lir low or anyone etse he annotrraced lo the press ills partynien continued to lambaste the lib slcal tact that pohtidam cant torri paigrling and also ring their probe at tention to the ear ot runni the country llandshaking and baby ring wont put lid on inflation it cornmeal ed pointedly lt was agreed that the national up roar over ieod prices and the rapid ere start or the dollar could well give rise to the temptation to opposition leaders to Dilni deem the government But to have root or vote now with the lame results would only add to cost and burden to already hardprcssod ta ayers Most people room to not the present Parliament aboutdhold at least another aessim or two before againrreeldng majority mnndale where in the present units no le likely to weaned The situation vastly dbango wtoin the next tow months depending largely on hwnew policies and rymerns are handle Wm neutrino Toollr Toni insures Olld Famine SlockBrokers We aim agdnst army worm or cram Godard in Intuition as Clarionr outed ood result irom Kiwanis Kn this oar at Bar rio Arena inste otlost Square Olitt Carley played 30000 lake trout 1f in bimodal Bay illey were ob by This Club eonunitlee chair iinan Norman Clarke iroin Ontario hatdlory Town Council passed bylaw do limit downtown par to 80 minutes 91 W3 in Tel hotneandcarthe0atobernolg Ramsay batted in ve runs as Barrie aeebad team belt llearord 71 Pitdlier Terry allowed just rtvi hits iAllandiia imperial with Dick tine buri iiig won tint on count aoitbail oats 94 ntroni Allistoo on Earl Rowe oi Newton Robinson resigned or leader pro wioctalVConeervntive parguand rotumed atotederal politlu liltc school at laiurohiii destroyed by lite At Rory gtheitre Clarke Cable andliynni in Meat Pilot At Granada Rudolph all tendon in the sheik iimpodai Buck None in lonely Valley Willie Ilp plnge idpiece band from Sideline won ytng for dancing every night at Bar rank Mariano of annuueyooy whistler was lea li FaniaAllah Aniy titled with rowel ordieatm 13011 with Thomson News PM Bull and mm it is incredible that iininn Barth Bunny Morganson Toronto Tole gram sport columnist acted is hit Sit urday evenings or crowds packed hail Robert Hodges iritroduoed new dropcen tre delivery wagon tn lnisiness section tor BarrioAllandale Dairy Attending Masonic Grand lodge irom Barrie were Alex Conan Dr Bob oil Thoma Bowler Arthur Cooper tutor and Bert iougheed llr and hits John ltin leod oi liilladala annotmned engagement pt eldest daughter Violet Catherine to Bartlett iieok Simmons of Barrie Barrie Lions Club entertained 30 01 Ohdrona Aid Society at picnic Irip across to ltinete park was made or Harry Bryrone launell Bob Btobyr barber ahop in Wellington Hotel llh been remodelled Drank Dutdm installed Unlveraal Cooler relrigerator in grocery store diaries Alexander has build tngcontract tor new United Ct or store Dulgl hemanelllaiamous ng FAA ward Hotel orchestra played edit night atChateauGal pavilion Barn Beach Georgian Bay Wmmttttt Vivevlle Quebec Librje WW Wit Essential Part Of Visit =ilhd detract Dy DONAI VAIDI DOntrrto ldddlntilthetintaotltle do room mi PMtCPllhemgdc dean didnotrooompalvy Second Cillrhirtlv in of Ter to Quebec uh Gaiilie to Crorda tint year newuni tinlanolin would or can an tladle all Prim My TV to mad the gym mgr guaranteed general ulna bl return horn Dally briedryr and Statutory ilolidryr WW ot ldontreala town hall lm writattaat when WW noradrenaline allot their Gguile arrived Witt inadmissible Egmsellgpite Wkly new year It el lie mr ibirrle tiara ytlllylalilncod MN MW the motile not the hornr oi lubegiptlori rater daily in ram Wm the limit the general was WW M9Ww battling readied relaxed bad cert lhantisiiedrlrotamannho had played good tries on who moo yerrly Deluge int where than Prime lilo Giulia 12m yoarlyt All tether eountnu nape purl general var Motor Ithrow oil moo Hilly PM at the Pmrmle It and torn daya later Mu that do oihn loosened to grant villi Ipoek lo the tutorial about has any on lean 6W9 umulwotu trip to Canada it Nahuatl Adverilnlttg oltlcui do Gaithea lut Mom in onion til writ ioronto in in bond ptbllnhed by Plan tummmwmmmmt rel 1110 no Cethcart at in on boot the General mm mnwmuwm rltonlteal Told Me Col dump liemberolilio Capodlrn Prera Ah it on had only Icon and Audlt Bureau at circuit Jim my have been pre maturatal or lilr tie the tar mt there Ptendi who have waited to long tor genlue word emit irom Canadian Prerr tr untur mile to help them out oi entitled to use int in mg Pal malformation rendition ilon oi all news diapaleb no devoted to da Gautier roar viit to Canada it niaiicittiwiii immunity BIBLE THOUGHT Wm normed it too Andaodta unlbia lo make in am gunner an glgkmm all grate abound town you that ye always baring all sub 711 WI ernl began his nliletri villi in nelerey In all thingr may lea thlrpaperueaiiedtolter til grnd editorial material err om uiy Joly 24 1th bound to every mod win rted by ila employees Ind rt name day he travelled to Cnrlnllalrns II produced in tilt heirloom Liontredl IIDM the north and Ir tor you having all the Copyright lieglalrrilon Nun aim oi the St Laureate good thingy at tile Remember berrtutimrglnter litter royal blood is in your yrinr it Col riErciteitne who you are Christian iteraure oi kllllll to have been one at Clutathow arr nth one the genertlr eonildrnlalrom God lattes ot rucb Imaginative mind or Jules Verne ll Wells Ind Coolie Orwell moon lng European letters ireammo torla to George Vi have almost all norm true to thr midexit mutiny Vtxnea content at huge ruir mariner oaoaide at weeks and moraine at sea la the modem reality oi the nuclearpowered miniann ll Wella endlerl fantasia at what would ban an it the burgeoning Vida an todanology ill on at metroi on the modern realllerol pol lilion hararrh dchumanlantiotl oi moiety lamina global warn Since l9ll those havg Ill come true rnddornlnaied mod ernmantnouragerlorOrn wollr dream oi tool we hear it mentioned more alien than any other as his terrllylrlg tllg Brother comes closer in automated and mechanized ex 1m we have eroded in our aelves llurrlan beings numbered and mvrdod dozen dittnent wryl tor government departmth imnrnnee potieirr racial verv lree hospital records are Vit tims oi hand at Big broth crlrm From the three ndnlonarier perhaps the mo lrtghtcnlng ideal are the Welirlan vialona Al an 19 ISYIAI AGOllllOWN oArlen irrie Ernie ImulnerJutLZhledism llenpertel In millennium mommy xasimrpopulaond one your hockey runan mature JarWino nun daivnolrnodm ninety taa and at devastating global wars in till aod lMS apparently were not enough to bring us clone to Armor even though betweentbrtut yea iterated abort 50 million hu man beings Nor has the negative results oi our dimrery ot nlcleht delay or in it we rortitre the other byprodnelr or out tech way oi tinally reducing the poptdatton exploited by denying power also envisioned it in directly in Weiii wild trier brought or close to the brink as we Wild in the lilos when the nuclear pom were building up their potential in onion and then rattling them at each other tiermil ttrhn lllo physi aliyold maturitymil giant at ltndltrrr lnwloltr lame re gaied the presa in the midtwo with ruch hlturiatlc hurtore as rnerrdertlt animator iii Mendeaths are the amber oi vtetlorr rivaya in the tent and hundreds at million who will dialnanuolear war linteotar no in eaths and no tlnlte nu Hilda MAY IE DANGER Where the and re ante virlhne es ba cor rect again la in their iutther vl vdonoltantloo Ihddiaeaia ndogleat exeeleer One wooden in this latter halioilmitiho TMill world LETTERS To THE BARR NEEDl BANDS Dear Sir The city oi Barrie can be too tillath proud ol the tirrrio 0on Bani in rdiition to the regular Illninter mecrt series the band played two invitational concerts the rim to mill by invitation item the Rotary Club oi Orllllr on civic holiday The record was last Sunday evening on the barge at Graveohum by invitation ol the Civic liulle Association oi Grrleuhurll The perinrmrnoer were ol err in uavuv nova Canadian Pmr stall Writer Greek President Oeorlo padopoulon bu eurried out litr pledge to releoee no political primtilldlti or them via tlmr oi ravage torturebut the W1 mollm Miloh prompted blr ae tlon rltit batile Weslem ehaerv err On the retiree the most ob tint quallt with bright sparkling it very Selection played ranged train the modern vein rum or harm lenus brine Superstar to the traditional sou Arnold Cayltrn In the opinion at nirny harrlelieua attendanoo At both periornrano erlhe diiierente tn the grain tty oi petime was lmmean urerhly mm by the as eellent anointch in Mt band ii in war gm ura tor the lnnrirlaor to be able to eel the most with proper hght PapadopoulosiMotives Bafe Western Observers our ewllnlilon it desire to that while there restore some aernblrueo at in truth in till it not aly manhulrn ind democratic rat the lull ttory vet to Greek politics mm The military reglrna in my Athena conimda that Papado too who relied power in loot is trying to live the vial tor tree parliamentary elettlani nertyerr but veteran oboerveri argue malorvested al interest has rlrinyl the bardpressed wedem tanner loaned to grow more that Canadians and their world automate could eat lint no la the total tarran aweepl Airtcrn aubSabaran due eotlotrlea another dye or grow ing iood needs throughout the world or but another really bad tarninai it we go boat to the terrifying vidona at ll Wells we are indeed on the ot new terror with our ar arsenal and Iwocar garages we are beginnin EDITOR log and tor the audience to be not to hear the reinmentr at margin band director through the erecllent public ad dmr rydernr It seenil rirange indeed that city the the or harrla tr yo aola to provide proper rhow caae tor hand which on these two oolcnaatone bar aboundthrt an proper lurroun are an prereot murle vthieh will delight both tourirll and local dilute Illhe Yourr truly PHYLLIS hloliUidaFJl on her rain recently hid med ri the tint president oi Greecer Shite his term nior tor eight yealrwlth virtually unlimited powerielte appears clnlldenl that he ta iron enough to take some pol icy rtlhl hid hurllnioTrouhlegn tood lhorlager are the initial aigttrot an ecological time or wayr ol nally reducing the deep trouble whlrh the environ mentath have prophesied tor tho last decade From lamina It In descend inn totalitarian tood or tordng merny idillngl on the diliweak and overrpopn lltol third Woridr The land thortages are Tom retinal line may in timeli ott West are prepared to con template tool like the ecolo dent imbalance we are creat ing Suddenly America audition ada are nbnoat out oi whert the tinted State can no longer rlrr MM support to an Mil lion tood assirtance plan be mine her grain reserves are ah moot gone Canada has the lowrnt re rervu or wheat in to yearn in poultry where ByVliNlEtlAN odomtinrlyinuemntatbe BuriaesrudOonrmrerArtrlrr iurrtnrmennciodurlMihat Aarirrl harmadocmlgainshrahte ram News Smite mug with it oheo aid that whether adaevothoaecapitalgoinathan inin our mac or lose to earn him tooomHo theetooibrolerlhybmalul ruler Gordian Ire lilian mil run boost at the dither with which to Mummerulmf thariaatthe littionlhlllefwwmllmmmw lruothohrokula dh mmLuion when you unwind and moths when eleven MW WWW lentilmm nut in in mi miniat ii but many hrohers mnt nuke mm myle good new at well The onion in that more and it WWII iporala om mimvtamrhi til no mod to respond in my They are theillusroood ihfll teel the inure dont mica the its and liquor rou Elbo president at Cami Mgr in the markets inture Pm Mi remit iratltog term MilDr an menial while inborn liming it 1023 in another non ht as it to tor the hither The 155 curler lintv halter nodeaodteotidttnaher the Ontario Smiritiel DROPPING OUT broken lo mg ll an lamina dr aha ml W3 Wlglb an average CANADAS STORY Revolutionary War Was Canadas Gain by hot BOWMAN legalaturea but withui morbec hm in mm Shit rdar guns mm him morn of their vlum gmngum the rest ol the money mm until ol years prouiora ot Ontario began to Milo oi lower emerge What bottled ooioniatawho rattled my WW oi having um oi llonhtal were not rattdied Wm lull oi thorn with Canadaa polliicd um wit it were lure until than Canon hd with We to pygmy pi with er ran to lm abolitibellfoodiilevoiutioo Amclroanr were the Canada Art manta term at da tailed Constitutional mungi Idodalwhhn Sheriff It rnlrht have me denianded that rep bdter the Beulah government hreievprovlhee be melted with had taken the opportunity glean alum to rule it tolerate all the British 119 resin it that Audi American nioniea including mltliebritlah govormnert ae hewioundiand that ring domed that Danette uwldbe had already been dtvded into Upper ant tower mm id rovinees eliecttla Dec to rdalilewulltliliylltghmtlicn prelim were to have lhruih hoodlum and Britain prodded

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