Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Aug 1973, p. 3

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or EJliIiston Boll lDies In Misth Imam the ArtisteTerr Vsri Dim tt ot deyevenngtri ionisintotmnseoronmm use wen ueoiiiuon one mum solid the to jvvcer not by hut oenhelrel helm at no Allistmlburs sue on Barrie Student prize btheir section my edits the rtdertsltr llnggies Wins yAi CNEJ 12 Colleen voting at Berri earn ed botb first NWP Iltllld next loll Ieoior sehnl Irnblp It the eceordiott compel titionr II the bundled Noticed Exhibition this week Astudem ot llodye School ot storm with TIrePiecee tor She rm Intended er highest nurk at the in centpdltioo tor this num breeotl birebettr Wetter bl nodulatbeedbdketonw mnttd on bet on Word islewinds 19 ram my to sic Its Yum earned or of pieyiag she name mu tho open waned entitbe ochh Is hlbITwdithhpknl Anhorinr estsen ol Central cuttepiee bliss Yotesg will be taking Grede is this rear met teethlns It uonye other Itteieole tmm Ll ndys Andree Ind llnde leen eon bl 0m Township eernod three rst piece wards one second plate event end one third rim nerd Tenmolddndrnw Ion tint place the yesre Ind under Icomlion mpeitinus Ind sec ond plies tn the timer Inn non vsgerr4 EightiiFirets In Vdgetablee matron Pip blind Ew lner PM won Stroud Resident tkiInmdden nl Stmud weer night ltrst prlro ribbons lot lie vegetation It the Barrie Petr hlr Cornsuddeo we rst prize to his tags are more sweet venom ston mer Mites table tomatoes inithe lire table type section end the tourqusrt basket table type sealed carrots and rol lecllon oi vegetablm hlrs Edrra Gridiron non live um veers Ind under stredella NW YOUNG Iiret second Eilhiyeerold Linde rune tint prise ribbons tether green rsththetoyeershridrnder bcnns table merits pepper Wmdtsredthlrtllnlhe tenets vegetable nxirrow Ind plating numbers elasLr ltettlitleeerwentvrottrst lbe pelr the worn llrst place prize ribbons lot his red cob tntbedueteines tor contestants bone end table variety nl tur nuts in the vegetable clues Ind tumdmm rstme tor his peers in thetruitelsse lotsleitudevnrstprizclur surly misty ol cabbage nnirt chury variety oi tomstoes ll Bridley iron rstbrine in die yellow bonus section end the miihlhtrer suction end ltita entirem me tin prize in the beds nation rm lists Wu Lira mile tor bis dwin nI cabbage end Wil htm Ellis one first prize tor Ibis dialer ot yellow onions Elm Darwin on the sitting umber cation and the then realm and Poole won both the Spanish on tons Ind red mlons swim In the tarscst hinnna squash eedion Cathy lzirtton we rst emdlnthetmrouanban halo bests sodion Ellen Bei tnn nun lira prize HISWIIIIEPONY TOOKIIIIOTHERWIILK white pony ovde by Bert libiitrlleil hlioete Point leit bome today toe on early morn1 viogtallntbodtotuilt lsthen titles little store on Mobil Avenue remnant the outdone pl laiyihhurio willful WW Aocotd ttb results the illitTolorslvmntz Its pri mm Tim PM in home wdkngd lootch all the re ribbons in our dillerent cla BerrielAm lhursdeyhlrslit noes Her lntit breed chelsea islnliord ot Rite Grill is one buns yinsubreed men tanned rote were entitled end Mmvmi other We issues on in stem my strew red cherries vrteerrrd beries epplesnurc NDP CaucusSpends Agonizing Time Working With The Party Militant lty NON ADAMS OtiIrrI lluresh 0I The heather Llbe New Duoocrots In egmiztng one end one hell thy to caucus here prtonrln their an mm the liberal government not meet in return tor contrasted NDP support in the Oommons the issue one load prices to the content poet ol iltltll As was omitted by poruehientary pundits split tlld title the party over the action the New Democrats stmld take but It least mm some mucus membcttntlie win was not simple thvieton be tween vrerlcrri sepmeotltivl scoirlnp rcliei Inr bele consumed its veteran New Dormant bier Seltsrmn Waterloo Corn btidulaw it the told not more betow the elected reu eur imbue and the more roll itnht thirty Monitors Ind Iinials ktbe brunt ant silent in oecuieurdrooutuernu srltsmenrrdd0ur 33 73 Ere erg Abdsothe New llmocrrls havepresentedthdrdrmands ndtmeznlnstrrsiogprimend helmet rates and hogternn Policy to ensure bruins wide fluctuation to term inoornee ttr Stltsnuosays he think they still be met thegrenteststlytbeltblbas little ettempt be my the gov repnsts tsurn vote doth we meetings inherit that his stand talented thot association pt party leader prtpnrcd to tile strong Ictioriexnlisst the government restrttned by MP Ipprnertt The rtstement tbst resulted enrhsinlns threat more hp plied their stated norm the MP3 enrricd the dey indeed es they emeryrd lrom the mole 91 inst most oi the privnte mem hers enpctrod rheerlut while trader Levls In tubloot mil to its position be old is the libernis tnnuiedxeihet they with have to loceen elee Willi ttontutbewhhtttnetlny rule Adoption at the New Detro uptic program bir Suitsman laid would bring Ibout some basin in the brim titration and put the ornament In better eiectorol eitiao it would also allow NDldxtp erzue moremnvimn xty they beve used their vothu pow er in the minaity psulioment to route the berets work tor 0de at Showtime pNKm eerI car at any mention nt prices end lnoxuo controls 17W ntive POW WI ertls Ind New Demotrnts have rhiictlied me Mr Snbsmen warned but even it the Liberals meet the NDP demands over the cod ot living situation they may not be this to avert escottlnl detest in the Commo At its July lederol convention in Vancouver the New Demo rrntie Party endorsed pohcy with entry returns result ole metron try test tone till uiergy mtters ti which llr Selsrmu was At the time be halted bis rronrrimendstlom which led to the Vermin resubmit llr Sahermri Hid energy could well be the issue over other the NDP shopped the vcromt And be salt race that no thing has since made burr than his mlrul dose by the egovernment to est on chive ne tlonsl roomman could not lose it ill most he said Aileen Elliott otltlt Thurston othrrqrspoiindsolenyother rrsln Ind tine peck nt red cloversthe Campbell Brothers eon tin brine tor sir curs minmudrirrninu ebestunibrecorn hooklialewuntheetnleboy cine erlit rst prize nbimi tnrbisirrstendsecondridbsl ldyltaiyInduncbusbelotlnrexr btrs liar brain ol no Ber rie nun tun tint prize ribbons in tin potatoes ties tor etx quart basket or early mines and six quart basket me dium patent the Ell mere won rst prize tor see quest baht ct late WWC 12Firsts lnCooking To OriilidAreo Womctn tell dtnis lruit marmalade canned truit cochleil apple pie chocolate cake Ind butter torts were Judged to be the best oi sit the entries in the home MM tooth classes Mrs Hersey lttxrdes ol RR Barttn woe soother big winner She won six first prize ribbons tor her white breed III or jelly braid basket ot toils strawberry ism musterd been lrlrlrs tnd spiced rosebird ts lltrs Hordes also rent the Strand Womens institute strd lor an apple pie special the Guthrie Womens institute ltd stess Special sword tor on cd ihle novelty tnbie centre end the epeciei section htrs men Ellis won lour iirstn tor her whole wheat bree lord carrot cake orange clit tloneoke and peanut butter lodge and the htcCormlrhs Ltd Graham crIcIer rnlmh context tor cherry cheese rehe bin liru heighten won six lirstpririo ribbtms lute Bred icy we live Gilt Ellsmm won tine end httllenoe won ittu Berti Richards and hinney both non tour lirst priee rib bons the horn Hill Watsons institute were too tlrst prize rib haul and Ellm Bolton Slt ter Graham It hlchddett Dunne Campbell Francis Down ioy Anderson and Pttlriest own one first prize ribbon piece JMM Shanty Bay xhiitor 12 Firsts In Jr Fair mummnumzmm tyBIylunneolthetopr esrtterinnersettbohsstorhir tbtesthy me were scum rst eisl threemorltlritbeeldmt wwwmmllb the elerntrlery Inbod cultr mmhvebrstsintbobtm wounluikmdmlih den tnthehrddmdprdmtrpsn destertanonIhrstprm rtbbmtorhrrndxodbay Hiepihialtlimi was WIN pm in thehurie ecvonntlrr shill um mumps dost Morris um rst prize lvr itch LOCAL Giiiiliiliil rosesons menu Inuislil annsbip Polite estr niete ttz north at amino or the equivalent Oi tour hips were iehrd hum the rude id iron It on sum time durin the week Polite sold the him has been sorry Irnm heme and romplnrned oi the theft Thursday evening gor psrsl Al thesis is lnrestrxatinr tt SE ionisiil Township Police ere Investigating lhelt at 11inch color television set Irvm It the Monte lth hitnne Giltnrd The set is north tax Pnllce lesrned ot the bsentnn ppm night one therein use lnurbged pom miserin to lot rests Ihornrlesty hold on Tbmsdsy months has been recovered by Merle Promisl Polite Br rie detectionan Police said the tier had its windows broken out Ind body densegn when trust on Concession at Em Towns ship momnlaroperts this Hansen undo Hatfield police or the than oi tourwheel beige betyy stroller lrom bet iront pores overnight Wednesday BICYCLE 519ml Police are investigating thelt at ltrentuood bicycle worth shoot on root the bectyerd William Noon oi Burton Avenue Wednesday night Salli FIONN Bar Cbucls it ey rie told polire oi the thelt at his idol men Ford Celeste licence nurribrr FCZ bll trnm Simone District CirOperative on lbnlrlii Street Thursdsy EMERGENCY uunnrns lire tires mm uty Pellee moses Ambetuce Service nuns one siesta LSTEIM Irttrerrttrn 72634223 nets ireer min urr us one soon met STElN REAL ESTATE Ltd LII Dollop IL Benin in the industrisl Irts and units elsss heil mix me let prize for his mnine mdel pp Allan on won on pnn tn the my other metal ornicct section Iny other stood Insh Lng protect oI rope lestbter Iiirat Bob tthermid lint prise tor weird rrortinr buried with oeturet finish CTrlttxdeooteurstyxise ribhnnrtnthebomerconomia rmlliru lunon loat slab rule hater lens with raisins ant bagel Immune tor notice ts FOUR lms Bernice lrsey lDiI tour rst end one mood in the neat and prden trope the let her throat eels sheet barley nets corn teemtooe res silage Anne listen eon first prize in this rises with her billet pm corn oHllserodbIndimihdauior mmalrdvstenduool annd Browns dinedreel met 8w Sallie tint prise NH Indlob botherenmdemdmlde Munedsny rel minimInfillan mum stride Janet NE teu eon his prize or her play or marhit phi omen Janice out we tirst on ribbons in elementary rrhonl mm aim for stool etude end more drip Mes cm tron rst prize tr matron plume en eltthreoprxzrsintheintn display dies for their on meridional solely or methemereOootstqnn Bar Club won ttrst rinse Ooobtvndrllileldmm mmrdnrizeeinlthe shtrmrHlDoiryibeott wins ggeai Temperatures Continue Climb bringing renditions but to nor an Will is Under Clear ilnd Sunny Sides the llarne lair hoods iota girl tits both days low tonight its third day the weatherman ts him skies and Gelinfttgnbsyhfym steadily mmngtcmpcrstrm HUI may rust tor tbss time oi your lbelnw tonight will to IlileSilurttiy to Moreen end 55 withmswbigls Limldtm Cochran Vlhltl Satimtsy at between 75 and so liner iemimzl my bonny IDIT Sirlin tilth both do doleer sides Synopsis Northern Ontario weather twllllhs to enloy Wheres Ibiiit molly were in the on Thursday will dimb into the 7m tottzsy Eorecm tor the neck eod institute steady torrent trotttrendlntotupersturesose omnbcrb ow rtesolvers grad ual increase in durum is con potted over die north for the next ten duos llhzb prmuze near Stirlt Stnltlrrie not some eotiLI more Loire Ontario to day 5th have already cleared 75 Mid 45 strontium no ver one tenth with pt Mandates Variatie dereli treas Monday with dance til sooner High bid the Wilt days low tonubt to 50 Montreal lotions Study with Women lotion am Saturday High todt oeer tit lens lotion is to 55 hint stur dey near 75 High in non loaves Holiburton Ind Georgian TodIy Tonight 81L Bayenltbedeeainzisexthdoor 75 so to pound to overtime mathaunts loaded 73 so Altotsotnhrruthitsriostnuldltobcner onset inky rurmiiirrimiiiiowiih llmm hi lbr Owen Sacred to Metro Toronto hearing by blusltoh 75 noon olear tonight sunny Sat Insertion is urday lllph torhy to in 751w Catbennes To tonight 55 hints Senndry 75 to ihrooto bin lrenon Hermit on Paerbnmdt Lake ltiogston criteria hingare hearing by Peterteiruuzh noon clear tonight my Sst Petuth urds lligh today 75 love North tray tonile 55 high Sebotlay no Sultany swore tilt not tonight mainly nosey Selim Kapushllllln Hide today ton to Internist Sh Ilene ugh gammy st Clair Wen ltlvrr Window Late my today and tnnrzld Gmeldivb bloody sooty Salinity mom um notorious $$$QSVOESA$SB$ZAI$SBZIGHIES saaaaasazsuamaa DOWNTOWN BARRIE COR COLLIER CLAPPERTON 515 7263971 10 MEET ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS ezaaaaaiararasatsgasszssummass 73

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