Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Aug 1973, p. 18

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lming taJtlcrloNsAfrs nihctNAuAmsr omen mvrmic moths lh mm SPEClALNOIlCESlCASH mast Ml MM 13 Ieiit mid mtlredwlltnthunlrtmnrulyiuuoocityol mmlmenyzliedmrqtnuloadotmmwmd ulpe ue lmttrd in this mail lmxe Am per ml at ml and thl alluvial seem Mambo Wedlrmmlllmlr llyurlolnp or older tar latrines tlllllletl in the Province ol onum dollar Mali Mdm lhlchmVM3wa lilkkwmtfg Ni Mulepar anallye mm WVVMV mimwg THE SIMCOE coumv ROMAN CATHOLIC Elhr$muhmmtu gmentritwnlntmmgl SEVRARAIE SCHOOL BOARD WM KW WV WW memmAUGlSltthmttVitexwltthdVoothn SALE BY TENDER Wetllilhhf tlll limit AUGVUST zeirom la PRIME RVVEEVIVIVDVEEleIbVAANDCOMMERCIAL will harm VV Vumwmmmmmml Mk 5r irtlllrs school it when ho to he Miami lrlm lb ii um CA rnusm or THE mm or SlunlJA Vm mm mm SIM DEVDDP 15 UNITED MKRUPT 15 DFFENNG can we 75 ght 10 no sr looms limit sutoot mm st tau mint residential JERRY COUGllUN hllgropertlu rim Whitby VV PINE mums up THANKS min to Cummmlglghkinn Kltl lad Bay mull httdlnn muumu bar to same till he relle by the more on warm SALE ukglelmotmln the lorenoon on 52991117 33 till Saimgbg SIAVIVVVPVmV WW Amos hmclnninft Stare ed The hint or my larder llJ not mommy he meal mm PM term ml milieu vl tether tho ulc Ind turtllir litls IhlsV at he mm ill lENOAGEMENTS ms yaw mlluhl at request mu the nuxtze WNW VdVULV Wm mmuwm VVVVV VVV Iuvi Eumtm mil Dated ll Tnlmto this we dry at Wt in chV at Jim Ellinth may 5237 ggr SE is it agg 3315 55 ii 21 pigE BE 25 351 Eg El is new an my il re ol the But at mare Detelocmrnll 713 mm howls ml worms AND LYnllAliD its lint VV lit Tolephvnl John this AUCHON SALE Wm Sept 26 IIIIHOMIH Am ind Ml lAmmunhmmmong nitTntn inlne taBm AUCllOll SALE mu am mm IN MEMORIAMSV Inn loan1 with In TM Pt 508 uAlmumuatm Sal rdale Pl earth at Ooldaaltr on llwy ll aw Mk Em mug Ml momma at ll IJIL than ltr our 12 humans JOHN lothSOl mamm trim ith tul Mnm 22 VD Al lot 71 Whale Vlt NW saledlulnmelarmnmhinuy mzrkwm tvlll NMI bed Ind WV 6W lltt liter nll mm mm wf1 lat lat Anrwlon itd MWAmleymd ntilmnll mac by my my WV WMVV 10 mild wealhllllhtehigltnlmlln Barrie 0mm mummy ed 103 ol llghuyp or mil my mm so md WNW AEVlglVgvm EM lg ee Wm me an mlnmwlthmm mm Fm wld gt ltd MW 11 wow mid in mllwolmmm unk may ii 58 are 35 Yr $9 $3 gt Vgg EVE iii Vig Fs All 5111 Alline mm mm by Dee mm mmLWIUt trc6013 SAlmiiJ lilniirn sriowslls lyonll2isL5s7 hang 04V llnyneld St COMM FEE covr ISLAND uni lcrt As the terry imm tintum llte Moot ileum at 13 noon amp or mrsel to three years mu lin Island Na in hunt hill lqu IWM Aucriolr SALE hot DEVlTl TRAVELWAYS TOURS will have to retire and mm shoals In his the title the gin lenses Mitch when Lml lilac tumult mm ONLY Al he so out it hlnlanlc FENDIWSFIDWERS Summer Excursioni lulu the serum world me boar tom um mu mace moire mm and gramme With 1W mm Sc my remap loalcd iv mitts cast lt ante 5t thing he lm not been part will unto the tilt at tits at mamviper pmx pita trim in tin th 31m mi on Lake 7mm Mldlond Boot Cruise ollor mmothl mean tml mm titling Ill whmellmmybemwu uomlolwemldzhlilrrr muclmvs mm Sale or lttlllirte hlth durum own It rElurrilllK ill 5pm son oi lldt Ill mlnlml Hr W14 ml tllhewmte ill1 urjwmm timort mum mm 115 willy HARRJVSVVELOWERS it approximately tun hm lama grifn amgmlmggliml willingly5 an will pm Tums Mllm mm mlgm hlrhllghls oi the tour tie mm hm it man 5w mum whmrewteulnmlswid thubmfrgk New at minim PM mm mm dd Em in MM ML Shiruildlmm mum mm mm 13 AUCTION SALES Tlfuiaxtlollhnus mm THORNTON niihehlmmwlhl Sal at il willful equir IiiM1 minimum Anzt51litlu Alli rltonDrllt hm hm WV MW melt and lltmldullu out ts will lullllsllluigit mm mm 15 my ANNUALEXHIBITION Milkmen GRUISE grit the in tt my in hilt ll Ilsa mm it Arm rltltoliclt run 30000 19 has this ii 1thin weather mcnr gidaimglmgf wAUCHOyNVngleIFuV mmwlm CVLANIZVSVLAVSKINGVSNHOVURS mlyorned Idling in mng gmmm my Mammary AUCYXON SALE oil heelm lmllt otltr msh wllmd rm dim lumps allthellyhltllellmlmlw mm mm dumse pmch mVVVVm soon it immature dmnl rise At pm than 75 elitetrim hurts my utr uh still were he has mm Ehlllltlhdm rimlung m1 leldremlm 1143 as many interesting lloN vigil on this whimill $51M 1m with nuns tumours wmlmlwcmmmi mm DAY EVENING AUGt7lh al GEORGMN COLLEGE the mill between lake tin Almaty hesanr or rmilny run IV Pal in me uni vandal in the New imii 31 gmnlmfflm Sale or us head it ilerclorll hm$mml BAlllllE WNW mlmw like the equipment Pm lunch do titled the holder in used he let Sale prwuty all Miles iirlllshnrthurnraluc ilnll ytlvtmre bodr Immerse and 95 Trnlts Cash the word mu he said in mg neV Altur all enlayed ihrwmrtmlinh was mm my mm Ellillllglhillll new nusl with the mrlaltlimhh Vim mm mil with up to pot and panel TVVVVV cash no VVVVVVVVVVV Wm Auell my tire rye mlly tvrr villori tinny It the midwi ml Wm hm VVV 590 piano drum wash 5mm dkx er to Mr Bikhrl car accident Fill Registration blown tables vnrmd pmmm was in gm the mm If 35 Mamet miuhtglm PVlFllER ind weAdlgcmugyNsseEm WE 1W 51qu gm him WV 3411 VVVVV nice rtums Aucloncers msmyl WW Seven in ms MI lm WW mm mm Animal allmimic 53 lllzwt 1973 thecweslslirtmlhm hiliilwfl ODLllllr memch has bought 57 arts at trth sell l969 ll hp THE BEACIlmhtBEIl hiolhll 19 bmkeu only by the ozrlm in YEA To mm the property lor parkland ml 51 9V Ind autumn 1000 am 1000 mm um gum my in Emvnle Ind Let 2V in Skldoo glassware dtshrs and be mm Wm AUCTION SALE SAGA molt hulls Nor than to union Eli gkmonfihgl WW WNSW Wednesday Sept 5th sale at Ill lirrnlshlng trim $3 Now ghhmnmmmw ill ilelloed train the viiions club with 31 all 13 bedroomrultelnrcglcondllion unk $55 Meg at 1130 In sham lor awllnnmt bedding hitched The read ln lroni ll his in Simone County Wore Frat to build maboleprnpcrtyromlstingol my mCKER ruilu chm llntwnrr all in ForYnltr Oopy Cull mllSl ham the blue wtlir Acllllivmlihr DAY mummy me ihlmmm Wrisholl 95 Tom new carillon like mW al St lmr and human can The mm We mu trellis stops mhllwmag chilllyillllrhn Sw gill it he said the bark the ilmntluni 3m 5pm IVe Emile in will Term rash Prwmi sold n12 ilunoNut SADDLE CLUB ml hundreds ll acres of Club in mud M29 elm st nllzh think by 165 it depth This it erl Anrlomtso limita monsldemdlo the lot 11th room livth unr AllCthR OOLWIU AMltyrl we Hi Nam ncl WWW the in my ltqi will she or wmilclc mudwld ll 13 No mm fkubfllugehmlhear Athlevemehl Day llmo acts the our Inn CONNIE 0m Amour gm WES ERN DANCE his head in WWW me once heck DIR mint MAth furniture and Au $7 rst imd hllclvtrl larg living on gm mm or the 5mm V019 mm AUCTION SALE rid lull liltc rm machinery mbmggmfwglm di M3lf l$lal3ofhtlllhlietel l4 PUBLIC NOTICES will 93525 ihhmlllelllilll rmwllnm guests at mm hi floors new lreplaea bl 0min or aluminum htlggmmnl Whiterth metgnmmmug wAcrrr utNol plenty of HIM lotcal all Al BE JyJMlHDJUl llOTICEOF APPLICAHoh ML um um WV healing compitlely insulted in the Villape or DllnlJW This property will be sow sub milcl tilhigh with Calling wmggmvnnn ticket ti her will WV stem WV led lo rlasomble item wood on the rvrnerolllwy No Mignon SALE THE mm 0F Cami you Ire For tickets my web My head thrnullh and Damts VV VFW be bid at pm my ot sale 2t and ill my September 13 10 The CO aP phone M1720 AuZZ2t back WV waiting 1anth Mr Ind Wu will leave h1de thubVlome llVVthu um mil sale onVoall magma at 12 mg the cg Yum gmgl the There it thrcrtVVtrVVin Emanuel willme up if we ii marta lqu room int lk ho me lmllmhhhih BINGO hermit mm limit romhln My between Davis Street in Block we wrnNmuAys mm Wmd to them Him cvmmlfnhg thing lobe removed until settled at chllta ghssware tilm cm my me 00mm lor OHM or mmtmlllt will til it reeling old unit WW Fm mm mm SATllliDAYS Ar Phi pioneetlrllnztlovlrw WW ml in hell rcsicrslhle in im ainberry hall hull end All 35ol7mg ll South WIranmmunlty Hill NW W9 ridcrtl on her property dry at lng lam tca warm wmplete Mm my igmm lhl cu and 0m galls ml ha etc WM rim rm and hill the of term mi on helm rill slit tum Normallslld his mum 3m time with her nieceE Mg 35V NV my lunhorihloilrulio re rd hone lrwluri new harvest in inleon or progeny goldhlcgriml appliancemlem mm mdudsg if Md 01 NW Ed mm Mr mm him more re the In in writer at 17054 Terlm rash No reserve It hit New mum mm 15 mm GWEN VV rm mm Nu 1m Mmmmm 190 Cnmpltelllsgllinzunhlihoml Tm ash No mm amtloan bee marl mm on It To him my ii 7282414 mam mm WV mm VV Wm VVVVVVVVVVV GFDRGE PIPER AND JERRY COUGHLIN AND arm is sold tor itwmvnl exproprlhle the Mild GEORGE PlFllEll humorms Jmhwmm 001mm mm MI MN WOW llhhtevohldotmmwm lmlllte mlmumom the lam thinlaw and Ilettr Glulle and Mr and him PM tiglmmh DSWGMWM WEDNESDAY AUG 29 millillllll Ms HM WWW Animal mfg land my team 510 am from Wall nuuunnucmrllle0Dlullhdi MEETINGS BEGIN Se Stuff ha ndiwth Aumoy SALE 2mm athlete lylllr mm out pm mtlwm Hummumllpm rhe monlh 01 Wm All andeGaryBllmlmnt AUCHON SALE and hem tn the at Barrie him About the commencement Trenton WS 3mm SATURDAY AUGUST 29h mm In the oi slmcoe ill the 00s IIIYHL umnum Ill mental trilne Curtzralulatiun tn It mill nm or AUCNON Sm PNvim of Wallet and being mic MIMI IN 11 medium club will Mm perm with Wednesday Sept 19 ml m5 mim wvg tide ol Port at but on mm his Mfr 521 meet on New instead it brand their 2311 wearian zillionva on Hwy ll at Guthrie next to Saturday mgv 591 htscnlltthlolnaus smith mm huh mm in seuttmher rem hm Tr mm the Villa eastol mum or lirdtitlhel resultant Jag iwgfrgogs libel ant Pitt or at fmf or the um Day holiday will rumlm district it mile west or Coohstnwn irr Sale ol household lunlllurr old Mal WW mm um twittan Kempmlelt Bay It mum mm VI heavy trdllc Thr medtiiz Will the Orange linll Ind Min to mutate Plan he shit it the lezulle place the mnplemlh glitz muttthhswznont miillmlfhl reserve Wel Nulrtbertlortherald City and Wdhl st Judee church mm at Edgar on my e1 mi WM in 22 mu MM PM Camila unit in WM 113 pm hestnled in coming in mm mm Sale at whom lumlshiligs parts and nrqsorles tile iac mm PM $ka VV WV Mn WIW ALLEN mgmm Ammo ivymlagqhm 1w mm belore do try And mire it this wrathmymndn mm mm olehlchwllteilglvznwlhde ll hon mmuu year it lll Ill who lured by uremia my my my mm in MW 01 lll fulll Mlle it it lhl mm nlltlo mm mm the store rgomre tin3101124 rumbollls lll rotmbout elc aetnklllruhlmruhll vhelalrr lllhh$mlllllllihllll xgarnguenmmggs lmhlrh Ind htrl Jack Wlm rm run 1m Term wh wund ml reambly merrily Iliurllcn rhm mum In utilities loelher twirl Orilllh out Tim my NV MTV Auctiol bALE GEORGE PtlllEli Auclmllrrr at me hm ALIEN llOllhEll amloilerr Vcdnvsday August Wm 54 at mm my unm cm mm and an Simme at 12 man shit tor Mill mm WW mains 7064534589 mm AND WU In llthrlly In writing AUCHON SW at In the me at registered allllllmllllhwhehm lloolley hostess pcnl ll lew dry ylllt Allll11tlS1lh POOLE ubiaunlamitastm WWW owm ml mumm hymmgyrulglyhmiyyy ThenwthgsnrenHFmt mainly lllos ol the exproprlallng eltllr Lyn u3lmyllhilmlm have mule Elan tor their Styli thirdly he hlld lhl Mr and Mrs rlmh basement with llrs Br and Wllney tram lots Cams lllnhlll 1w nit lLKMEml mt thhtn so ill um and tire hold rmrlhly with mine tryV m1 um um lugwntxl AUCTION SALE 51 or 11 rllln Se 701 rr hilly hermg tug at hill thrill in it ll2hhllellhly ilih in tl rm iii Til ll will will mm Mar Wu 5315 an 15 hmd WV flu lll lmlr Atln snlucrtom mont IS rt Norm Cochran mil MI or isV We publicationle n30 ilH my lo tdvcnlle hilt All we limit men mm by Mrs Ray hlhllhy day dryer Im no mnsmm WW wblmlm dll ItewV mu nrllt hrlnrlllt llml lllluwnilwtllzlm Visiton thrill rnnde trel ill and tin llarry Al U129 Gull 1lollatlrsaga ctr large quantity Ilyli uo ny 15 short km 935 ll Tnml 14 Willi lamvsl larlhtllwall me Mil WWW vlnuwcablnowntth new MM mm mm lllllllhlhlll Still Ahldlmyhcllejnghwlggrtd ggnlmh Slayncr on my ha 10 crock hilltcr chum btnltr moltntry WM mhwllallew mutual nwmwllhln Inglywnltll recommend lhlll mil millllmm htanleVlnly um is Gm Jenneri Gmph Mb may 511me mlml will K1Mtlm WWW and so da1nrllhib roll tltlt your ad mm ml Hull Mined t0 their mpectlyu Mr Brian Mermiymm Alliances We 10 WNW llmtbtr tfaltlll Mngumnlrtrd Cash day at stile Farm 11 microovlnt lulhortll ls mull iillmiulwwlmuy ihtovl any truth Wm 5mm Mb mill builder surpllu lwlr etc is told militia ol the City ll Alter runny mu or urnlrm ggglywlrmngnly wilme and Mn VKum mull elt plus ntlstvllmm nltlrlel Term cash No resuvr horn llll lill ml direction will il naypie chiller street You with mlllltnsnl Ninl Idl ylnlld Inlutlonol Iny murmured 135 WK Tomsclshlmnhoid mm al ln paper My Emil Olllce lloxlm Bnnle um Indlhllninl ITIhntlltnlllwllM Some harms 1n lnnlslll llll Vlsllarlwlthhlrs rnorals rlrllnntlru miter prym AND if mmknoxloy 11 3mg am My mmVVwmhtllehnggi Thornton which hue merrily hurt Nil Scott isnrroouniluil JERRY munituN Ell swarm Alxtlmrr cm or BAlllllE $51 mm mllgmlmglu 1Vth Kwanmxwmg Vulgarglam Atxlhmm Alllsttth my Miami Auto hltyor lltrrle milliliter Cluilllta mt grillle sum lltVVV lily am line tnl Edward Pelelhurourh Ind Phone M54 la No 3V mutualwi mull Mum lithium Section limit mammal lorvmlberlo my

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