iiurrir Emmi Pleural ry other ramppm Compeny Limited lbydeytleld Streethevrte0nlsrle itebh Pubtlrhwteenml Manger VAN Wells Editor Emeritus AA Ninth Meneglng lditor rmmtra mom on cities Community Goals iiAIe An ExOrnple For Others lirormcr iniyor its Cooke is triking cmoilnn red the importsnt is tacriticed the annual convention oi the tor the urgent ination oi hiunielptiitietot Toronto Rudder am tire to modern society Corporate goal tie told delegates that nonirlter bow llltldl in the way oi authority or money 5min amine enswer tor corn hentor government give the munieipsl mllnl level it would be wasted unless the soul ya the tight or the lee partners have net or warmly gut The Toron gorir cleariydeiinod ent oi goals reect lng where the people ot communl want to go Ire necessary tor enlightened money making he argues Further caniio get the best Liaiue lrom mu limililon dollar munidp al budget without community you gdovcl ed with ntileial plans and true eyesrcapltal programsin other words total pinpoint pan and its ottebootelds shuikiieel obligetedto entity let their Irons IO they can in tugtul contribution to ciiIngr tir Cooke stresses that drnlnlstntlve assistsnce is essential during ihegoat setting but tint the elected representativ ee must conduct the interviews Ind municate withtbe public because it is they who have thepuise ottbe com inunlly in al inhibit it ii no hint inglhrdapoaale rioepiod dill QUEENSPARK time to time Tu Because the pollues oi most councils jevolve trom past practice rather than dicing developed rotmd guidelines tor tha uture when mango oi policy neccssary it otten comes because ot wme urgent need Tbua dodstom otten ere made in an timepde charged with Dominitour inn embcro 1972 noiriilluwimurliritlrlhinllm The OlltetSide It Barrietlountry barrio Examiner Aug 23 1963 Harry odgson last years rtmnerup to winner Currie won eentormcnr oli title Club recei rig Gill Browu Trgpltery tlodgron had live peer par tllli Years runnonup George Dangereld had bl hurls Was lhlrd Other low some were cord Hook Don Ktnloch Sandy Saunders etn West Dr Haslett Hugh Gib County St Thomas Ladies Inn too Stan and baraar at home Guild bold lawn bi Air and tire William Garner llet Elaiher retired site so years Is barber it had avarice to do it sin the mgr tarm ha commented look up odlig MI ed many style danger in aliccntury Ilso working hours who has never lost love tor tennis is put ling Shanty Bay on map tor thst tour by ortsorin national junior champion lps on owrtcourte Tennis isriso coming back into its own in barrio through citortr ot committee headedV lack Garner and trophy donations by wants Club lntemrtional brick and rolling pin throwing coolest won by Slrnud England Stroud Canada came second followed by Stroud Oklahoma USA and Siroud Australia For Canada 13222 lNTERPBETING THE NEWS ed by oi mind Ind Ittendr Kiwanis EVlteohnltzeroost oi tm rovrd par itg trotted Boy Coobrooe and Donn lern Watson were timers EsWerdens oi slime ounty honored Thomas Strap son at llsrrie on his not universe It warden 1913 when he wartime othny Twnehl Mr Simpson inter beetrne County erk and Member oi Parliament tor Simcoe North At 92 be is etih keen Gilli Milo loge union inon other activities in the oi oeWrreot0tiiceri James Holland or Provost Co Cams border artisan eergeintrm or an popular tricl mall transterredto ort Dlturubilt Inltobn Alderman Roberts at City Council meeting demanded that rudltnr report be put in botlmndeiornardya blyn public wire on near eelirneetd ll lirll at it 000 City Council oi bouquet irorn residents brookdsle ve tor work on outdone Horticultural Sor dety also commended lev John Ronny appointed rector St Giles Anglo to Church Cook St Gm Capt ill Hockey CD tonner comman rig oittcer RCAF station ill ariradar appointed Canadian air atta eatitomelosopb my ary car lcweil installed as president ltot glob Earl leigh won lions Club ruw zmmrmmmmmunmxptmm Quebeoersllioied Over High Prices Will Ptecussess Beidiions in Nixon Trip To Europe in or sort Inrtcd trip to western Piceldent Nixon ins trotted dphtmutr on tho Nnti nest with problems which rid the American loaddl rtnle October or November ttte main noettori rerun to be the part It which Worm Fertile can to new to Amuicnn desires or given new tttiement ol pindplce Kinlngcfg about relations between the my Utblul Stein and Nixon will he noxious or messiul Icst iornvel visit diversion tom all the nu ammiii Hi im or onu liard tiatnldnu br rlder tbe rnblrm et loruthtm the littered oi enruhennpiting at drItt proposal iota statement 311055115 And his protected trip has Dtropeen pnmnmcnts mm meant that Europcun and North Dne intotiielel eoealit oi this American ottlcirtr nl NATO urpcrteihatitmattiodIbuk ll principle to radon but it downonepedl nopedaoi nrlgltiIlArrerlennlinisln werth tlroeee rnod recent unheralqu wielded errlnl in ministerial mrrluylr mt oi lotermtlomlerdilm re one weer problem in this con Diropu ma the ua mm The American desire Attianlifkcilrlrierh Iylmlh orm litnry convoluted it it rum be re Weslingloo lttlllllly weathered the Canilneni mrted rat watered down to the it hintsch prnwrnnlsy orient pt involving somethlirl ileum mm is however thIt rotten out resume tor oi pri ea WW1 lirrt Amerian relations is only last The indications are met limo tor it to serve as the ciltrlu to Nimtte mopenn The also has drtttlhttd visit Zeoiond To Pay Authors For Books Held By Libraries ll rl GRAHAM Ct Correrptetrtt AUCKLAND NZ Cil llIlled In pioneering manure lor the Englirtreprnklnu world utterno will come into oper ation in Now chlhnd this year to pry enlhor tor their book held by tibrurios in mom corrirtes New Zealnnd other have long carried at the tart that however ticly their book maybererd in libraries they get royalty only or the initial ptirrhase prion Alter year rt mmpnlrmlnr th etiorta hive struck oil 13 the new Labor some in FrornnowonIuiborswill recoil lit Innuht prymeet breed it in number oi their boots hoidtby liberties Arrnrnirtuoeuiernu verso HOME LNEQUlTiE ll hrs been pointed out that the scheme is somewhat erbl trnry and inevitably will involve injustices For instance pay merit to be hired on the writ bcr ut hooks hell not till the number at time they are read by library members but the government Ilyl it was necessary to devise rye tent kcoplng administrator our to minimum tor the greatest possible bcnotit Powenthore are ltkcLy to ueekslntenilcrybiicmret YOUNG Allde WiNNiiEG 1C Some 100 children have their work till playcd in the Winnipeg Art Gal lery it ii on the well end but politely seem in mind its Il part it Come Do Come See It prozrent aimed giving ehlldml visual and prnctch experience in Irt Ilntlnt pottery batik uenv and rlntmIttirg tnr in Aiam lioore well Is on the easel Tho 1ln 14yearold ttuiy or sonil nannnny rIrein Allele It JThemuNePl Then Sovietpreoeure la Torre three day entirely at the term It Army uronwe grinan taunt It the ma Camdm Ne tiouat Dilutionend the soviet trainee diepleyln big building when the tnmiatn hirt Chime hrd the unit kind seen at trede than last strainer rat is the kind at Molly ol the Soviet ardent which the to uni Union Scolds tut at it in veteary the brtynldn vtt in condorIlla my tmdai bandleader this August toilet with ice nn their minds in the streets oi Fugue in titet August nt 1966 with Kilian innit Ind troops there will be may Cam doel his enmitle roe dornlnnlle tildtlrdr thlnttl among the moon Cucb who linen tied in Allgtiil tree but liungIrieanIm diInawiio bed the to ee to the tall oi lite trom laudepest and thoumnds oi oth mm in who wont be tnrwesee with Sovid Iolditr titan in heavy Russian erretata 11 tout 11ml rm to Tipperary DISPLAY AIOCKENY mun who is umbwbomt lmlde one at the ONE ldinga is distillY the iartest ct tn Camilla at No boob While llusstIn wrttcrr end Nobel Prize winner tiger in prison ems use dr tried the the ot the Soviet press gent nvere rriused eidt mfmdve iImoui lll may wires the approved Run vlan book in all its Iitiileial Ind censored tier peddled in CariedI Tire ml Soviet presence in CInndI is not It the CNE but the iorieswitke Soviet Embassy in Odea it is the physiotl ryrribol oi the worlds biggest Ind longestbeing totalitziIn and coneertrallon camp rye Tbal erttbnssy looks likI and is diplomth keep As with curious STORY By BOB BOWMAN itiglrptlotnhavebcollamhr lemlnCadedneetheearJeet doors On MK 2t 71 the pnopirotQtubec became prion writroll ind been Induced One oi the reasons tor the pressure on prices we luv orcing bore the iirrtn they were at your vdiiie girl had to he merited belore they were it it they did not get worried their parents were leourht into court every is mobile slid lirde tle tlurrir Hamlin it linlleirl street barrio Ontario Telephone 7W1 Second Clus liatl Registration lllilb MM RVurn poath guIraoterd DItiyr Sunday Ind Statutory tic idlya 0X Subscription rIteI daily by carrier the weekly treat your ly binds cople tic ily Inlti tiarrie tlttu yetriy Simeon County Slim yeItly llIiIoce broiler throughout the country make tortutie out ol the books must no belisted inlhe in liltrly to Quality tor oil mo ML grifn lillelilflgplly nrtdI rnn trim nnd only Ibout ilioplo pages no it Itlb togrnphv or art reproduction it tinanclnivytiirh mm pang oi prose or 15 pages ot iatlmrt Advertising hitters ea Queen St West Toronto not 1110 till Cathcert SL linntreeL llember oi the Camden Press and Audit bureau oi cirruie dour The CInIdlIu Pros ir exciuy iveiy entitled to the use tor to publication ol Ii newt dispatch rrlntlilepIper omitted to It or The Artoceted Press or licutrr Ind Iitn the local new publish ed therein ttie barrio Exemlnrr rlIlmI Copyright in Ili ortgtull Idver tlv tit and tdilnrili metrrIIl ere aied by itt employee une re produced llt thlt mwsplper Cepyrtrbt henrltrttun Nuro her auntie regtrter It unmarried Tbtsliw was onenlthe Itepl iskonbyltingioule tnina crease the at C334 Ida llei dngeroh willrudtisdlinculttolrtm mm mm bin that mount ot my into eerntdty cites power Hurder Edward mitten There were bonuses tor dill dm FIimllH with 10 dildrm received yesriy at titres while it dillem until dresa then too hired yeer tongue population did did and the MW in elm let on Method the presume on prints although most invite tried to raise their owniood and make their own elo There was an outward mo rmnt about cutting millilltd Admitting to million the period who got to bed ilrvt wotild die ursti lilalurlen emu 00min ptdllroe brth alandingon one at oi their bedded no no the other end then Iitlterbsg between the tetnltele It the anion mmenll DTIIEil AU ll EVENT itttCrrtler Itrlved at Sledst Quebec on trip to little tiltNowrpaper Tire Whit we published It Kingston out irislied ltivrr settler pro tested Hutton bay titmpaity monopoly Illi litilon not Dr Citendle to Fort Gerry to cite plate in Fertile lnlSnlni John Nl3 you were dctaniod Rchtnrih crew iron Tyne England in dra matic run on KWMhSl lllvrr itllwlndtrn Treaties end were teiied tootCPA rotatei Pile Dries and name out runner to horns lirkdoint lligh Commivsion met at Quthce to consider rte puter between Canada and U5 tiltNorthwest Territories ll erilnn It now rt wu tint province in nompeto iii tharo oi Tranvilnndn iligttuey Oi iSQViet Presence Soviet Unlorl iuur it rr cantalmey ei outrun and em in no beyond the dull moreomwasbtrtnalm Ind thereiore dude lluIItIn NM gt in this week ot Pregne memo rice we mould tdeo remember how totally repraetve la the to vlet system within replaced the listed CW1 soviet controls at broth and civil liberties tine 91 have mete Curio police Ind tedirity etiotts look exude pt their best or at their wore TM TN All The Soviet military exercise it August lite am the ilrst or movement of burden restroom lulu eentrrl zu repo aim these Itonned dae bIttrred remnants nt ititlur Berlin in the spring ot lots The tank inva bi Crech esiovnklI live yearn ego III In oiiidmt Human exercise with wrepon they pcricctod during the men tank bottioe against the armored itetnmaebt aloe the Statue Front The Soviet Army hrmt tough shooting war since then Fugue in iiii was solvin thlng at substitute easily lus tttled the Soviet iniiitrry leader We should oi course maintain ddtde much In we can vi the Kremlin but in this week oi the Prague invasion Ill ersnryy we ehtwtid also remem her there are will times when liescow will not play marl meiua tr der rum rum reruns by poet ortrinv Queers Park llama Now Is hu will here reed NDPleIderStepheeleIts no help provided mth govden inent limousines and equi inure bedding to prt these parts ot ottlce tutti have on the one know that to do In it would look like hen polltirntly to good many petiole but grinst this there world be commuting ronrtderetlonn Dr one wold the been tbre the liannuloeewtae betel thui both opposltl on do thI in travel Illcllr deal There would be the timber no it more tag then pond many noblest moisten al Jul whom have err Ind drivers Milled And then there would he the human considerslim that car Illll driver in rice titlolto have Really the two rnn cant be Your nusrurss Cost Oi iiy VINCENT EGAN ltuatness Ind Consumer Al AnIlyIl Thomson News Service interest rites In Canada Ire lill climbing with no imme dieteleveliiogeti in right mortgngo loan guaranteed under the National llnurttvtAet has risen to rain ot Wt per cent up threeinterior oi per centage point but thlr lutrst lnrreIse is turt ibe lucvtthln result oi xen cral advInce in Canadlrri toler ort rate that hud already to curred There it every in tlicltlnn lbni general interest rites will go up mother Ilulrtt lilildbfllll lorvyoand it tbry do mortgage borrowerr will have to pay still more The rerson Is to llItllily the case when prices climb that demand extech Itippiy Canadas money word it been squeezed by the bully de munl tor working rnpital thats needed to support the current high rae oi busincls Ictlvily ln competing with ml at tor the relatively light Iuppiy oi innit wouldbe borrower Ire pushing interest rule it unire AliALb nusmrsa The bank or Canada has been working bird to keep the lid on interest rates in Canrdr its poiry has been to try in en ura that small businesses and lrdlvldurl retain reasonable um to torn iuuit laud rat llrtd themselch neutered out by big corporatI borruwer be oileu boomed In the part dur ing prrioti rt titbt ntiltyl recent girl or the central it Loon To Climb Again bulkr policy he been to keep IirI our interest ruler below these prevailing in the United Stiles That isle some doing lnre tor deeprooted retron our nice Ire tredltionsily higher but it CanedlIn rates were to exceed its rate now the own an Iutborlttes car there twoud be an iatilux pl 115 doi lert tor investment here in rearrlt ot higher return Thri wouldpush the urine or the Cr ttIdlsn dellur ton in there the US dollarto our distinct din advantage in terrier trrdc Now it eppms that ntim has cheoged by policy Money market denier say that the em basis ill bilted tn tighter money It mum or corn baiting our high rate oi lb tattootori tt individuri bur BIBLE ITliOllGliT Jean Inswerrd Ind IIld unto tbtrn Vrrlly Igy unto you ll ye tho tIlth Ind doubt but yo inl not only do this which ll dare to the ill tree but Iitn Ii ye hIli IIy unto thi mountItn lie thou remov ed and be thou call into the rut it the be done hilllhcvl tilZi llont be mid to heir with Iulhorily All bench is in back invited In much tortIkinI the governments otter Nevertheless their Ioceotance at it leaves two Wriltl One is llali it inhibits more their wait to mid government PIrtim tatiy its spending on which is meet our psorI tionIhiI rprndlrd delds Then by its onion it IddLooe more night were in eommw titration between government and tbe public Melanesiauntrue tIugiHIpduhllliedltiIIn imptrteme iocrudne ropoienen or public re Mvestue patting thermves too pedestal and pouring whet pt Ipurt Evert ordinary private here nor Ire Willi selves with rather nt pintonod can work in much the mtntenis clergyman or unltnnn policeman They mm wearer somewhat from comm herd limousine tend to same thing And that when ind the motileMI traderstr repaired rowers Illllil busineires Ekpdllitl Ihriud nutter LNLNIASE PNODF The prool will come It the Bank at Canada mince toolber imitateill bank rulethe symbolic interest that it drum which it almost never to shuttered banks That rate we lied per cunt on Auy the tolltttt increase percentile point monthsbut remember tireApril bank lllb tent was the lowest tillgiaest was it per during Prim illniuler Tntlerus midtees ttIiion crusade lr tightening the iy mother notch tag the slot borrowing line would be instep ry low not rnurrts open to government iirmiy trni or ptlrrrund This titer the lacing anyone who uhttIntlsl mount The loan ull cost then at my time iiiea start l1Hutlbeinlre ran probe be rttti higher at you it you have Citrlit ill your heart So much is led poly bc thine we will not not on ltlr word Now in the urine oi the land tour nnd tor the glory oi God mny you be met with intr ealer in every urea at your iiir Amen tiie rirensmoot noir ilviercs Que largest pt centre in the wort only oeproniridng North lung