17 slrsrslllv gt yresieru numeracy itdy ho is posture Iith ll leui orerlmee in sleet In Amerirsn preshicnt in hit it till do in Indmrdeiot the politics not met lesder Ihip oi AmerieI hsrdiy ht bustier or room the the vnme ntlnisiriu ol Britnln and her dmdniun Door dated to yerdtiettini idiiro In Amerim born elilsen holds ssrrsorne no we qtndmminily meter than itsit ni any otter executive in ARISANDALL mwrhummtedu niBsttmdtntholeudrr odhlmeiipertrsyedhymen tiitnltsudliibi1lrt spite oi his poorer no limerirun dent eIn Iilorti to presmi minute so blemth tn the people lbs with ty which with this power us des rribhtd tn the hornet with at Pmidont Trim buck stops here And no matter how inmost oi involvement in tin toryIiI President him any protest lorolretnerl in the pditlnl and lethal dart nt rothteissti to it his elm trd in mi some one or snore at his persmell sw Irotiiy we not prlrxipsl at In Americsn heathen rotation It recent on described We turaie Is symptomatic oi the tunu Iymptoouttl in that ed tailed prerogative oi the am no es pelliidml is oils not similar misting llelore ho hallo tho lime minute tor desalted the itsnnlul et leets oi the trend toward so comtMdItinl stsndssds open enrolment in Amerlrsn Ichoois There In two nyr oi mei ln people nutrients One is to withhold lrom them thht lb ubidt they Ire untitled in mm armed it The dher is to and doom that to will they ore not entitled when they have not rented it iisturhilil to Wsterznie sud cuuue setttts Solution nuislernnirdtonkwhev oi the rst Wald War In ist Mummerth and panties oi poem hot stud Idtnodotdtaslneheor odedllusillolmgressthe yorenmetismrthopoqo ieTheererttmelheSupmne Court us In Itterthouzht Ind tilithenisxistraeyrtiiobn his duties at the mucus nu tbee the pnsidenq he granted us truly rnrnetL WItemtI Is his the relation oi Woodm till sons lapse ol Netiom by Musician Cum At the ad tendsy dicinlnrs like Stslin or lmler Ieru setttnI the Ityio Ior hunts oi state Nor dd Wilson speewos Irroments to sns tsln his dream oi animal see he bond to tho inevi uhitty and the consequeneo at minimal metite iioimiil DECADE iiie Inst two decides how ever hm produced lnupon ihlo it not mutant lets liththeluiinrpportnitheprr sideocy The bnrtnmehl oi John Foster lhrllu the tiny oi Pits moo oi John Kenotdy these me hm embed rtutI Iirtl the constitution but the ex lenuIted roolliei but never do tiIred war in Vietnam proimrv ed by NixonI denund ior PeIro with honor Isrtoot Ind tilt at eotspe sum judgment The twodtny lather at tho Ameriesn Reouhtte nudI pro Itsions tor posterity in pronid ins tor Imminent to the too in stittitlon Ind those were music titliirtrlt in athlete They Ilso Mind distks sod winced mm It zoomed hixmt delenco ills hissed upon the so nuts oi committal history nd the polern not Is sepuIe ted Is he tillmr like the new eMndtox Immt on ml or in pmilndslt the pr realm to yt eh urns the diamtor tho eh newton ol this the re lation oi ketiioot Ind the choice ot nhtnet numhess the the twothieds congressiout Votl To Drittking Problem in Poland wnnsttw Miler it only the Prior were hills like the assist in this dnhinz habits It iout So monod load newt pspcrtnldtstwi onotnhst many consider to he the II this worst rode problem tho Polish IIy oi drianx Aooonlinz to tho um rptper tbs atylishnun is do iiiudlshodttnhsbishocrin the lrieotiyoinwhm oi his iocIi pub The Pole on the other hand stems to team beer in tenor oi odhs Ind meshes it in bars whet standing in virtual sls The moi to instli more odttnoIs one otliclsl put IbInlo Polls drinhinz habits to soon the WW loite ttoo In tho tottntiys skohohe problnm Poles imbibe lIreo amounts ol Ilcohoi It time spokesmen tor the National committee on Itieo lniism odd they drink vodka not by tho lists but by the bottle 0L MIDDLE Polands Itoohot problem Is Poisnd nuts rst in the world tor community oi MW drink Alio thI toteiunm oiIleohoits ton MN by will tenth ol the ltioo Dototals estimated those In tom million heavy drinkers Iod between some Ind Mr did hIhltohi Ihohoiirs It Mom 100000 In chronic eases line but oi the Issoolstion iIitniss lentillewien sur Estod the Imel to the pm on hes in NW SOUGHT 10m BAN llo Irrued Ii roosters oi Polish psyohlsirtsts lor redial bin drink coo tnining more than them neither of pistes selltns slur holiedrinb Ind othsohitt cl hooks Ind tthm depleting Motors in humorous vein ills plan Wu in lead eventually to pdrohlhttion littitlswits not receive Idileleut supoort tor his idea irotn the ingress The no uoosi oononiitee on Iicohol torn Iiso ers to vim its traditional Titers was In snitelcohol mvmtoni Is twinslhhyenn and aim in measures at chattels the Polish wa oi drinking Moslems Waging Holy War ligainst Nigerian Prostitutes Am Ninth AP ythndtlmirm holy wors being mod by omits in lilo pxizts Islamic north exoinst psostittitou has stripped new video oi their spluntm Sinuie wornm storied lioemt tho north too mum in tho irate oi micro by the WI tenuous leodm dorm they set mtntiMi or toto tire Wm ittn omits claim the soto Weot Alrtcnn timid that his hit Nitoiiati Iriti north is this to the lutnsirnhy ot intio nomms ln liinm in thorins North wostsrn Sate unmarried noan new gitsn neck to itllii MW lites tho had deserted their mohioi horses were or roturn to Mr bus innit maladymor er Eton ltWi ii Ihint outrun lied milks than innit til thoshoii olairnina tt and toottd meaty whilst to ono mi until Prostitution has small some Iitnttn Niietiobim the oiki ttseil not lost mere nu llity the Miser tioihini sod Wm new to InstrIi decider taken sueh as uneasiness it madam 1min mi beam the who tulle rm mister nslrely exA pertaiioIomte lrotntbe WIr no Denim has not amn Id hhck Ind shite dormst mist now be turn all oi their mhbuhmi ni Polish oiycblltrlsts Dr cent Iieohoi stinging the gt lorsmndsnim Mantepinionlo to it inhrn urinals this thI ledenli in tho KNIT SHIRTS 6o mmmmdmmh WilliYWJMMBMWXL tnunnntns tittfllll TIIIIIJSEIIS memtulm mined biondsittalthmteo rmntotttarovnttimysy Sm zoos FEiii titties novsitondstattvn itNIi iiiilliiS thlmt poputssshintn to Coiiontnioitzrhwit llhfimitittdit sutst BOYSSEMI BOXER Kmltilltol flJiiiES Cmdun Mans hath Pair eststints Cotton idtdl or school shut so In with bIlttoops rotted ital Siss titz itizd Fedeni him into deb resortedtn some imam nmdlndreqsiriness uthmhonnedoy tdostdtkewhesntoi netstonssuttt taunt MNIMMIWIW MNWMWM Elrh wwwmiim SML mm iiiliNE MiiitiPihill astnuusnts lnintmhuoutdhbodroiid 1mm tsunamme Iirnuihke 33 Elm wdotttttnesltuhti notoncnnnotstt rtsnl itllilllllnlls mmqams tum Wm WM Dltiimihlil Hui WNW EIch novs tone Width SHIRT 188 nun unit BOYSDENIM litiii Siliii Essyests Polystir Doiinnl Ribbed Mcltunlettect entitiChnoIIttom Semi unsorettiseln Navy om Brown or Saddle 1m on by ltrortt pockets Etth Ieutisln pIid Sim ENE IR ans 781le rd tit EItJl Mme try ltyllli choice neotonjlzes HI tersehoot DIWLIG 74 IN sign poehetsllhn nuts tunestrnn rs 33 cAnntnItts rmvnmuaiMotiutwwc MMW mefkblk iNiillAii Milli PANTS htulhld Ilium diliil With lid iiiiisli Knoclnhouts in to 41 Ittezhideumlhmmjmtisry Sortttl 333 tit mom reddish BOYS 60110 Egg Est Eigg 5i tiiiisx Iticb eontinu ll presen tty supplies the mmnirstitns mill with mtluuiuy eopy tor re Ind toprstod prom hum Ellluhl unlpoel my llsrilboeist ions pochl PANTS hm bill knelt BruinSIddl oyhslpkeillll Mlpl 81s when Ind too it com legs Ilrh NW not nor JACKETS Blends at 501 Phtylsitylshh him than biliwml Dome irontl 2pItrJt pastel Etch Ito isms Sim or curring hhih tiliiIllN iith JACKETS Ii httotstiuitmsdetor on lolchwliDomoltonth Ilutedt Emu lIn EIeh Sunni someone lililStltllttltttltillilltttl aoys Kmnrtns tout Intent son Polymer Wt eononnum been shampoosummit Eton Added moses Sim Iit towsnttnyunesmsi so Elwin ss culled Ind 44 ll 25 in Subsnuuw Blur Steu HI that iggggsgggaes ail gt gt 58 its gs E33 lvouno MENS ACKETS hm Cotton corduroy loo noum paid poettiI lInahtes$msHt YOUNG MENS tuntnttuusnts 33 lump Cohort was blii mill Indusix 5m Ill Bin 51 2345 IQ Il II 237 at Kiwim EIch Each is MUSVIUD letIIth 44 loll inanim 33 my no It mo Itd tho bomooih oittl war with oviduct treaty to shoot his tlutitlt many homes dos reorornibtiilior without breed htnttttl 1Pittsoutwhenstuuttouuuo