3LIDaVdpafeals 19 Syriath WWWlmkmbaum mymnmymlwm mdmfmmumh wmmmmmm Mancini memmttmwenmuunnmmm mmmwmmmmmeax mmwwwmmmm mummnnmninnmmem WMWWMMMWWHI thbmthuotAmuSolhnmhmdmdthmby II MINWMMIIMI mummmwmw nmnum v4 Amwmmammmmwmnnw um nun mumhuh IrmaIn METHODIST CHURCH IA CHOW II Roman II olc WOW 0thde mu man It Anmt II SUNDAY MASSES HS In sum Ethel SIMCOE COUNTY1 Nws ShrUlDavidhecIniesSymhol innnod unwed ly mist um sznknmm Her tram IIIUI cIPnl 1h tormtmt IIIu IIIy Numbemn Hondath mum my Mr uni Ired JohI It hmle Hailed thllr mm It IndMtS Italny tlrt Ind urt Jolle unnamed NlNsior cooxsnown tMtnhIrhmItnltmnltm hr whammnmy Inlh mother Mu mm 30ml In Wtkm held up MINI My at neck mmmnmmm NI aowEN Imnmn WWII Ilr Ind REV Kenneth Mm PI AIIlTtltllmm InIhlrIIt Wmml Ivy WWW Atm mm Stmdu Sun In tot Damn IIyxirII heat New WU In myon II IIIrd mm In Th III In In Ivy 911 netwlnd wtplt L1 the Prattth am HA In mnehtu III III mnnrd umre OI Bill by In We will be halt in Ivy Mum mm 1de Vlsitm IISD PI Bnnttnc the love Patton recently were hIIIJIm Se FIE INs Only In Last Century AVIV lIrul IAPI Jul leer It then mu II the central Iu tan at Imeln naudul Ind It It exhumed In th IideIoIIIrIIIIImhuIIneeI Ind leltuen hot III the nun In Ute Itrett III III Inward sun at David JEIIIII Iymhot Ind dam In he Iilt MI know In IIdIreII III CM Mam David tStIeld at Davidl In Eedmetry It ulled heu uImIndlndmmehytt tut Itan eIHlIuttdI In 100 III IIr um Impound Ind hnlItnhe mydopedu AI LIIII tum the Iyml In On hmu In Ibout 10 year lllmtrm IKI Iumytbe In In Intde Indt 5mmde mm hIIII mended hy mfg pg PIrIIhDIIIIIIII IV Imm um In Or other tar nnthinz II more mm Hum IntermUonIt UNI meIr um nyl Pml German Schnlem un MI at JInuIlImI Hebrew Unt unity Irrita nt The Men IILnIe IdeI In Judaism Ind SIIIIyIInIum lluu HDNUOAY HINTS IIM Ll IIIl WIN Cue 599nm Mnntnnhnsnm lmlnl Sm IM MI Fllrn TII ALIS 01 TUII IIddey MR In IIhII Std Ind PH IIIIIIIhIn Imam annt JOINT WOW 131 urns CINECIT Ln MU ITIIIII WHERE ARE YOU Cum IImhII IJI 0th myx What Lt Mltded the old est eIImple ct Star at Dll VIII In sent Item the 1th century an Inund In Sadnan mm Some mu IItcr it mmd on lrteu In xynnmue on the shares at the Sn II GIItlee when by Inmn histdrlent ltnIy III henmm InpeIrI dwxside Iwulih the Iymbol at Next GcrmIny Archaeologists In IIIII Im In to km the mm It the in had where the In etent past you Intn the W551 mg us than the Sell It Wanna The ItIrI dlm ortxtm In the tnlsty put banter Ind ohy in the Inst zentury hII It heecmes JrIIsh Iymhnl So ntrnngtm the can nertlon between this led nd thI Jewhh II become thnt it min tn hm hehtnd It etude ht Indi tlnnII maze IIyI Jestm Irnchtenberl IIIIhdr at the boat JeItIh hIIIIe Ind 50 perItttInn Tha Muzmn In II hII no dIreet connection with EmscmuIrhaneummlc ngehwmtu an Mn Mmmnndcmnnntuwmd htrInd ln cm Man II tended the nut menu In ST JOHN VIANNEY hIIdIlI LIII AlludIIl ILNOAT NATIst mm Ennlnt Sadly LII sunny IIM InI DELL EWAKT letnntny sum 11 III nde mum thm enttednt mm Inlmmn In mndnd When mutter um mm Nn Ind ev mum went stndry IIIme NAIHInmnduRyw ne hm Huron hIeVIueI Inent the mm with BM No VInel FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH II In PIIIII KEV II bhnII All cmzt III WOLSTIIP mtva III htnrnlu Imhtp 710 MI EIeIIII Sentry Imym IIekIuI MM MunIll MAI CHURCH on THE NAZARENE Cum nut All Im 5L Emil Putar Inner unde nunl my mum mm um IJIL SIIIAA Mull Win mu MII DINA mu 100 EveIll 3mm mm Wl MI ust UM Ittheham It Mn Itm decided to enter In In WI In the BImA NI PM admleewhneun ma non hm our to when team last thelrmmd dendnth um um MIM Itnl ttnl loslnrmt In Int nude the Marin Ievenl Dr lehthnnrn Suntan ed It the Hedth IIIII ion the Blame In wry Wood In zjohnt Milka Huh III ulm Ind width dam Im be It Tum rt Put mm Bay last NH htr him nlu Noun the WerI Its er and hmtkhtnldw ttr Ind It Gmmu By mu IINNErr 4le shmlt his returned hm Inez W32 two men It the txr WIltnu llndey 30001 It Atherley ltu Bdlehtilkr Ind hIrI OUVI Butte tslted WM with hIrI Elm Irnnett hll Ind ht UIU hIIIxIn Ind family went dIyI It Ntnm IIUI recently hlrs WILWI Ind Jimmy Hum Int Ned um her IIerl III thltnm Im visited her In RoyII InroId INIortI Itnspltnt Barrie Rev Otmnnd Ind IImIIy havnemrmd home zltu vau tm Iith Intent In Nnu Smtin NI Ind hln Jack Banting It tmtel wedding mu Elm over the chem htr mt hm Ketdn Item Hmyne Ire hnIIdIyInx with ltr Id Mn hlrl Mnney Smut at our nmm girls tett Sunday In cum ml to with the Ruth Hunt hllrlon Ind Ruth Hunt and Mind IdrI Kttlh hIthnel We were WAY Ititnn wlth Mrs II Arnold NEW Hot Sn nuu was htrI Stern HIM 5m Inst reel vtdttnn hlr Ind hlrs Utm Gedde OI Auran Ind Mr Ind Ike Idtn FILM Ind 9mm III Ur Ind hlrt Elmer Premlt wt tour cm In mm Ontnrtn 111 Ind Mn AIII Ftnlny Ind Imtty matted the Oshvm IIm mmtun ADI It It thI home thI And hi JIM Puttmm Amrn IRES Aux ltrleIInrs IIIAha IreI mad Mr Inn Mn Den New mtd ct WyevIIe Ind Ittrs Sam AIM at Nosslnnd IIUI hlrs Smith Ind mm hm Mm GtIlen Ind Pntddn nl pur ltngenn and Mn Jame Paddlsm It SIIynzr Irldl hlr and hm Elmer mun Ind Inmty Itlr Ind hlrI Wlltred KtanU Ind Pnut at Trenton vInLted AME ll nth hlr Ind Iln Arehle mutton Ient to Broad Judaism hut than the lm Inthe common pron erty at math Tuch WWI Wrote Only In the Ball hundred vein or so he the Mom David been Ildeh muted Ind med by Jun mt It thetr mm In the nu thItthe and crescent IN DI thlsttmtty Ind Mo hnrmndInIIm Em ORNAMENT IllntnrlIn uy the II III medponelhly Is In am ment Ind pnulhly III SHOW mm mm unwouANn 19 Sum Pm BIMUZU tmmnment took Flam on Sat Way It Knock with live team akin part The EhImplonI were Ivy turn males and Peter Mr and tezmlecuuhnd by hlmu Amos tlrt Wmen Wuesdnt North BI Inm weekend mm WIUT thElr ndrents Inrmen NIH hut returned Irom Itveweex clmptny trip In NewInundIInd hltsI Anna Ilawn agent the Weeketdwith her wustn Elm 0min Sinclair at Calhngmod Hrs Axdzie Whales and Peter isttnd Aug II with Mr ml M11 mules Mitchell Ind Ross we at the Wen It Shelbon on about 500 attended Inner at ltudty an drew me rst ntIUt Inn by Mn Pal ndn hy AllIN Todd Ptmeedl In or untturms Inr strand Team munch tonrm 11mm Sand dad hlr Ind Imam htuIbannd came EIIdny when wnnmI ILOod AtInme In In Indium BM SIM llhln IWI thrllmll the net For IIIomIttIg will mm OI mm In de nture mm ml IIA IIIII It TUI III WIIrnm Yel 1e IIII The lntest Itnd cImI this manner Eben hquInx wri III In the Arab town at Mr neIr Iet AVII uneIIthId mther Item Do vtd on tmyeuold anneal tour The Ibor III tIoIlem netlewtl Yet the human II can neetut Itlh thn twn nut Elna nI dewtnh hlntdry DIvld IIIY Stillman Schalem IIyI thISeIII nt Solemn Iprtnu from ten endgmwwunnt nut nnn betangln to the Hub nrixtnalty engraved Nith the mtmirum wrmhytrrtn Chmh In mt sunr Mt nunnu ml nun DIIIUII Mn Numu lurk tnm IlmI the hut nIme Nu Inbred by the hen mm uterIIy Innreu mm Ihleld at David Ihlch yin vlded htm Ilth mnyln proten ttnn No we knew What the shleld Mild ItItl but the let Ind endurtd thmxh the cen turies In N97 theshleldol Davld III charm the emblem II the Zionist mnvement ESSA ROAD mnmlu Church EIII ltd It hurtnn AII REL AII PlttlInn ILSE Mn Ill Morten 0mm Nun IIIOMING womnn PmIII III Net II FIIUI All Ml Everyone dream It ChrIIktItmd nIInIIIH ATTENTION FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH 0le KL MS In may send III um nutty IIM ul Itnrllu mun II II tlIIIWAL new In IIIIII Ontturd amt cmytn nm MIMIle Dunn 7251730 Seam 72H the Dem nmhem FItEIdty WEImmI AIIILI YIII mm In II veII III II III mumn In EMMANUEL BAPTIST HURC be Eli um mm at III nun It In CHIC In 180 un WInhlI Sentr II CIhII 1am III and THE FAMILY CHURCH Ill Mmtm mud run Ir Ink Belted In SudI SIM 1qu Irqu 110 III Clue kn IIII II Illdllhuul mnme zhtlh Everme II Wetcoun ST VINCENT 811 BARBIE Inkttrn Pulor luv IIIIry erd 500 Itm PrIyIr MIIIIng 310 IJTI lmpw CRUD dIII 950 945 Mn FImIIy Bible School TI It In IlanInz IVnnhIp III Nursery In InnInr School DI FlattLY Swirl 5th Nnnrry In Adntt TlUlpJn hthle Study vmtnn Alvin mum gym lmlfum Mn cussu Ion ALLAGLI mm vi with Mr nude InmIIy enIIyed Ion Rev Osmond Ind Im Emmi calming vicntlon Hy RlchIrd Price Hugh Vtr All 3th ml III northern XIIII and Sarah Idt Thursday Ion Inn It England wind and Nvmy hIr Wthner Wilson Ind hiat nnhn ml to Mon thlI week Ind helped Mr and Its Inc me to Luan where Joe has traIsIerred II OPP number BASEBALL LADIES GROUPS RrIErII at III In ynnr III IIIle IIr Inlamntlan mm In Iee US It the lust FIlr Au 2t Ind CROSSROADS nttleI Inrth II lulthnI III Hwy IT Manda II inland lam 00 Int clued Tm Inn in THE ANGIICAN CHURCH ST GILES CHURCH STGEORGE5 TRNWCHURCH mm tv III II III Wm II Cneh Street In In Im II In an Th VEI lull Tm Burton Ind OrIIIItII moom SPECIAL SPEAKER REV HENRY roan Jana ErrIInanNnrth WISHES MAIUNRRIRHPHI WWW rpenl the weekend It thett 1mm MN Insnh nespecIln homes mm WM GILlORD VVVVVVVVVVVV an ANNUAL ruttoosnn TENT CRUSIIDE the TRUTH that HEALS ChrIIIIII Selene RIIII SerIII 0100 IN LII 5mm Beetdn layed thI Leak hers 700 pm SPECIAL SPEAKER REV HENRY FORD Nunuy FIEIIIIIII II III Servleu 15 Center Street lurch Sent SIIdIy dchnnt It AM tutlman Ileetlny Ind IIed elzh mall By AIRS SAWYER The Senice It GUM It IIkeu by the United my an Aug with Mrs Withdm Kell preshdmt new the un VItl It Ills IL LTII IUMII IEHIWLI It Am belClmnwnlll lam LI Marm mm III mm nu ma IIII mmNull mu Ill IM Rely Immunldn tum II Helm In In MINI MIMI SundIy SerIIreI law Inn Unty Common 0100 M11 Ind IIIII Ilertor The Ru II KIye 1n ImIman Itm II 1w In Hot CnmmnnIotI AIM mun III me IvIIvnNI II WILCAMI Um mnslwarnm nr lhfonmttt 1nd and mum erd Imm there WI he San Monday were mm hlrIhdlIrI thtlnm 3m W7 Ema St But It Con El IttnIIterI It Arthur Elm Burton AIe United Church 1m 1m CENTRAL UNITEDCHURCII INVITES YOU TO WORSHIP 1000 AM II II WITH coumm WESTERN mnrs THE W122 HAPPY IEARNIIIG FAMILY BEGINNING shrunw nuausn II AT non PM EVERY NIGHT IEXCEPT MONDAY AT 0100 PM SUNDAYS 1100 AM 100 PM The Blg Im In on Anhe SI 00 Hwy NIII Io HIWIy Chureh Plenty II PIIklng Fm Tenth TrIIIIr 5pm Rev Tunkl ChIlrmIn Phone III5100 Ir mono wmnnn snnvrcrn noNnutrEn An IIIII AIL MIL Ev sum REV noan HA In SOLOISI MR HARRY ELESSOII COLLIER STREET UNITED WoRSHIPPING AT CENTRAL Mr Part3 Nunsm FACILITIES mum Em mmnn cAqu min All An drum YUAN tented Ned cake WU mantles or than new nub Ind Imee tumlr It Wm WM houllzt ml were 9mm EIInInI Welenml