Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Aug 1973, p. 4

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by Canadian Newspapers CemplnyltmltsrlI Hill SIM Milli onllrlo it sass PubliahowGsnsrsiIlAsnepIer It delineation oM rim wonuss Atctcr is no Glt roilolrro Asont rimlsaissdnitaesii Iieinorslbstoius Eire 2332 362 In Chile stocemtl and an slitinir low to world iishaneal production Butlbere is in sddruonri iaclorlbst is not olten mentioned the tool that too muohissodts produced these days not merely to teed people but ior plain pro ldSome oi the worlds grainproducirIs nations have been psying lsrrnersIlo their itclds lie talitrwbive been paying them not to grow wisest They didth mainly because the global economy is not yet cared to distribute the worlda weait justly At present it the prices at basic lood Iornmodillcs tsttIIthe pooIrIIrIIiiatiIiIInsIsul er cIonrnorat an we caern world And yet it scams criminal ior Goi amounts to encourage isnners to or II mammalan gtcct their holds when countless millions MW lama are color hungry virtuosity thwnndl lslloo these teryIviltils stsrvIe to death those unknown un WWW will iveiitually see such legislation mourncd oorsbout whom one rarely Wim Aad thessIcsn bossolr besrsoothe evening news not iortino trailer in that last Isiili lth validates liankind must build or liseli better elitism Hint Drill is rings is world lien must have more wisdom ma tam mummflvm moreunstersliodingilitionsnndgovernI mints must cooperate more closely In It order to avoid lulure chtastrophtes Elm all trier the world gloomy re pour in about the load mtustton Elwin insulany are the same enstlonsare tiling severe tood Mtes and to me regions at Art Int sits gist ES Etare is eople are dying oi mm or pestmiits speak oi the passrbiiity iuntoe ios number oi poorer coon Today these are not merely isolatld reports that appear trom time to time tn the columns oi the more concerned pers in United Nation Food yd Agriculture Organization llAOi the orld liesitb Organisation Vlloi the Itth Niuous Development Program ND and the World Rank all are Amu waming signals According to one FAO report glob si reserves are down to mire 29 gotta loos lost enough to iced 70000 no EEEE gee EL 1s not some rlvoii This isss iboirng Initiative Ibieb will male as linprcialari Ant tloiigh In Ilselt the action an edit powcr loreltrcltvs action by the provincial gtvermitli Bot slmost certainly we will udneutorsiew months Among the causes tor worldvbide Shortages are drought disappOibI ng Wheat output by Australia the continu iailure oi Soviet bassests shaky rain situation in him floods in ports oi the United States the worst harvest rumoriii contourinbuilt LAMP muiamlmsi wmmmmsmtiaHIENmblllii Irl Esffll rm our new WW unwedarmoriame Iraces Cause FRENCHHNGUAGE PRESS THE WORLD TODAY gloodPnceI through lls substmsrlcs ls placing capital to sectors not VINCENT roan beet isatlilItIIder mics talrs ceiling Intiie United States roocrrntd with telephlaies Business Ind Commas Al Analyst which mesni Ilhst producers holding it back iron lbsniso CI mmonweqlth 3016 IV Mu lot and thallii meatproccso ritIsirIymsountIrr snIIIdIIIvW II res ever Aorist sod ltrtisln and the id citilwaspot trickling climblInIIgIZPr will the Irinrootw hg Show my evcopgones Inn tsupl cllnuouo Teshsltiii inc piirvliaseslisir mail oi hoopla dorm llcnllral is Deroli Dri lied by the momentary pies once oi Queers Eliuhrlis in Canada too many English townsiists negleded to stress she has tuliiiilag llsl nonnai duiiei oia head oi state and consequently us not dolor us wedilvtsvor by being here ttlill is abnormal is that the head oi state at our counv try rarelyiintriliiha tuneI timbocsusa it is physicsliv mnrmmMolm tasiat on current trsnslslrd train the French lsngusgs prm oi Mistral LI Prrsui rail strlle canhave varying rt etortl on the diiiercnt sociorl lteeted by it Passage rsn tind ssiathrs lsoy oi quite easily lluch eriisandisa can also it Iir destination by The minister wants the pronto to be Inlormed oi these Msttitlhl activities which in illlcnco the profits otIiieIi Caitddi shares loo ronwrncr should not he matured in Iii by bins tor the Imus dullI cs thecom yJeocam ar routs illness Foreign Alialn AIaiile litiai Ono thinks ios rum 9min transport it in and to dreamt irouri sum and thsierrytibk stwee Prince Edward ist the mainland in tissilimca liters is hardly arty substitute tor Jbese services normlliy sup piied by the large railwle 0n the othcr bani the un fton icadris themselves have promised to soonestan at this services are tried st because they have pledged to maintain than do tlnlo they Imonoi Ilsisys abie to do so does not detract erienl that work bout the isct that they did Wu their rsienilst itm ttotslins or selective strikes on the railways cannot vas the same cliect is in other sertori to cited Iil regions pt the country are to great tnterdepusiers stoppage in one has etiocis in other rt ops st least lnihosa acidi worth it vs We know that It is Ioi tlils the transcontinental like have stopped running this the conict begin Despite the hot thIt ratio ways as whole do not Iron wiitutc monopoly whose opv trlons must necessarily be continued and that the urilons fiiave wisely chosen to opt tor Isolating strikes rsliiir than sampler and silent strike one carnal conceive ot tho overomsnt allowing the con ct to dsg on Up to now the union leaders java shown much rcilcenco estthouih they thav incl at eways been able to control Ilietr members The railways their side have not been provoking as one would ve us believe it must be said that the two 3ch in the coniiirt oi this 4man easily brain to see xation evIerywhsse they However this may be it is hot in account each other but by sitting humth down other It table that their diterences will be resolved ptheent lslnce lAug 3r tenoli kingdom Iber tmpossltda tanbcr to luliill lbeniilmuttaocousiy in hesliiigoorni aidinon th Illltd lives liriialnhmits Idcmaeteiy ioods Iau troiII the monarchy 1y itsI beadnt listitrelims the red at govcrriiicnt oi many cirrmoniet oi syrin bnicIor Ittusl nature Thrse remironies are In so untiai link bottiscti the stats smiths people and are tbtilid in All political regimes iiut Canada the Queen ll hardly ever mind to more this link between the ani the people Il Edinburgh or ilaneherier not in itsnow or Saskatoon that she ruin ribbons and smells commnnorstlve planner iIIo Ittlviliet oi head oiI state are alsovlrnpwtsot in another sectordiplomacy butCsrsads cannot use her brad oi stole tor this because Onion Elisabeth is above all the symbol oi Britains lor rlgn policy Since Oct 30 the mt wily littoral have under taken veritable restora tion oi the monarchy Tho loyalist Ictlvlties ot the Trudeau government seem sterile reactionary and con trsry to the blitmical evolu tion at tile countryClaude lcmetiri iAug bl bheihroeke Ls Irttsunel Bell Csrieds obtained pcr mission to incrinse its rates as at June 11 tm Isnt It little too soon to askonly month alter ohtilnlrg triples ritestar on addittonsi in cream licli tins Iskcd the Canadian trompon commission tor an increase in roles which will result iii an increase equivs lent to $35 million that is moment Wrasse tor brist riesi services and Iiprr rent increase in residential services The people oi Quebec must not permit this any spcnd trig which will proiit company shareholders win try to like as much money as possible 03 their clients each year wl out respecting their rom nittmceits with regard to tin proving Icrvlom Communications biinialer qunlhul LAliler oi Quebec contends that ucit Canada Iamyswcclntioughtluibushsndreodytotoke me out tor the birthday lunch he promised mot II err in its vs oiii lrsnao all lions without knoning their nation il variety Bell Canada Alton lhaCIiibdtm transport coin mission to allow it to increase thavrtorott ulcer when the problem es elsewhere It Telephone users should not have to support dettcils which do not directly concern the undo they are receiving in Ithls sense tbs ministry iI puleltly rlgiitt emandlhot the compsnyespose all its up erstluus including thoie over sea which are conducted theses can be improved by such things as modillrslinn oi itsdivIdent policy and by disagesI to its expansion and saute policy then this should be done bctord asking the consumer prsctlcaliy every year to pay higher rates Claude Gaudrt IAui dl onebrc Le Satrtlx The tech erat minister oi agriculture has lost announced series oi measures mid proposals which could prove at great value to Quobec lsrmeri Quebecs agriculture is based on animal husbandry its maintenance and novel mcnt dcpcids on the input oi resin which make up iartle port oi the diet at these animals lluwevcr Quebec only pro duces one million tons at grain sruinaily when its Incest are in the nriicr oi ti million tons year The prov loco is theroiore lorced to seek grain elsewhere that Is to say In the West where grain is more abundant To support his general pol Iity llr Whtlsn hm sub milled several dltltriril pro posnls onn oi them which could interest Quebec greatly being expansion nt Klein growing In the micro prov incei It Is known that in an at tempt to sorroCt the serious sltuntinn in Quebec created by exorbitant strain pilces Quebec his launched Is pro mm designed to encourage isrmers to grow their can pain But this program has not yet msdonsuch impres rton an the meritlily oi Quo bcc producers it the mlth tsrmer could supply his own cattleiced needs htrnscll ha would in case his seltsulitcicncy and could contribute to man log meat prices at an honest level As thins now are he has been mm to do this ho cause oi strong pressures iron the West lhs messuici proposed by the government will rantrlb irla considerably to ending the ilurbrc lumus nightmare Above sit this reorgsntsilion oi iced policies mm not onesided in such way that the producers in the West get the best piece oi the take it Qucbco really wants to bring Its agricultural coon orny to par wills the rest ot the country It must put aside rortoln nspcrtr oi oconoruic nationalism vhlch hive too alien rimrlirtcrlicil its sit consultations with tile lr srni governmentPaul bachahcs Aug it ter Edward iiesth was hisqu Inomsoe INqs Emits bony mnwnthteodsot aspirin moot cooler ce pitta mectlogot nds rec brains or rote and most SmithAtrial which sinioot so the lsst suds evrrl In Itll At Its close It would appear the traditional Canadian me distlng lorIrnula hi Trudesu garb has paid oti instead itbodeds issue residualIa tttth pro posed iotiuil oi Corn monweslih meeting oii Ilbo desin and multiviact mtililr regional Cominonwralllirpreo coca In libelous imtii mslor lav rnla car he rrsotvod short lutnra Iiborition struggle is trus noun ram suns nbrnriie sell and reminded tits at other nations lnatlendence list It they considered Rhodesia hriitsh problem they must let Britain hundin It no British prime miiilslri ew home day only its salt ol Cones and the British tough line though it snowed in be shoot same as in IVII did not result In too much opcnrcco lminatloo ssainstIilr itesih nsiadlsis Government net ercncs Pspcr prepared torI the conlcrencc relerred stein to the rsscousl lsiirllons ol the Will moment or consultation Ind cooixritlon And there was good deal oi this on trade and lid diliie cuillei assistants protiriirns through tho Commonwealth arc retariut and blisterslly be tween the tour rich Intru hsuCsnids New Zealand WW titre Turns Erratum in lisyileld Street lisrrie Ontario Telephone mean Second Clsastlsti Relltrulli7n Ilv ring out Ilslurn postage guaranteed Daily humisys and Statutory iloltdsrs mpr Subscription rslcr daily In cnrrter the weekly lull yesn Iy Single copies tic by melt iiiriie titty rclriyi stmcoe County tzloo yearly balance at Canada tzsoo yeirlyr All other countries not yeari lioior throw all tliot yes tsllonat Advertising filthes as Queen St West Toronto itsmo all CdlIthrl St ltontieal tiemhei oi the CanadianIPrcu and Audit llurclti oi Clients lions Toe Csnadisn Press is exclus Ivriy rnlllted to the use tor in publication at slr nsws dispatch si in this paper credited to it or the Associated Press or tumor ind also the local news publish sd ibercta the lisrrle Examiner clslms yrlght In all original soven lit up and Idttorlsi mrterlsi cre ated by its impluthil ind re pcvdurrd In llil newspaper Copyright Iiisislislrnn Noni bci totals register it libs iiBri birth multinational WHO which can dornlnslII small eccotanisi tncountsias lirlidursns Zimbts slogspois than tar rrhineu Ila Iirsiln or sited Commonwealth renter dist Illl tonsil put con mshy trstiso Prime iiilnilte Within that rcoiinlrlcs withi mater raw material Industrits his his own or Cinnds or ill geriuhouio attempt to control tbet ownarnlsl well es the Fit strnctIuroI libs lntress iieg demanding customm oi Indsstrisilsed nations iiITi1iPttETING Ind where wshsip iorei ownership hill imildtrs than ilr Vitilttsms ide currrstiyhet ourIilouaa llilitsi Trudeau rm cbslrmsn oi the contereocs ittlose meclingapveio closed to the press But ludltious Inter vlcwi with Commonwealth prlma ministers some it which ulli be reported iii incl here ill tho lutiire ususttyIrcsutled IInI tinting out about procccdings llut then commonwealth mectings Ire moss placu tor talk than resolutions and in this title open one train port at the Canadian iormula tor otlswsi 1m iii lions Disclonient In Common iMcukei By CV FOX housemates Western Euros and olhor parts oi the wort maybe lacing season or diverse discontent as result oi the way inflation has pushed In summitniinm lakeon new mutantsou drastic Ibotlll quarters centres on the areal slate at the European Common The not Germans to in sssocintrd la the British public mind with market muitbeiship EASTERN INFLATION LIKELY itow with the price oi wheat rocketing upwards andstmilar coat patterns siloctlng other vital materials ination in Iirltain can be expected to ever tantlentiy the Con scrvatlvo governments mes struggle to contain it In ltaly leorbss been ex niirene reunion trims tr prcilid that evglt the newlyIo torso oi the market truverrloi Common Agriculture Policy to restore more power over iarmlng in each oi the pins member states in iirusseis headquarters oi the market their is chronic rho sstistnctlon with the hush arrioiint ol paper work plch up by tho vest with thoreumeessome mechln cry tor decisionmakings There alsois some at its enchnntmmt Ioliowlng the su whkhitrcomplitlcd the Jan enlargement oi the inns in kct to Include Iiritslri irelsnd Ind Denmarkr INVEBTMENT RISE The biggest initial Impsrt ol British entry seem to have been in the area at Iiitllsh iii vestments on the continent lint as veslmrnti doesnl result at least partly ironi Icarkun tortunatly instilled by events oi weakening oi the pound sterling tiaduced policy on price llees ins wont have signicant iiii pact on Ination unless thagov Immrht also embarks on the politicallydsoiuous oi trerring wsgcsendl arler Already the price oi wheat to Italy hes led to disorders among some housewives isgry bureaucracy and that theirboilers have loved It impossible to buy increasingly expensive nipples oiI ilovo Cosnmonitarkct suthorllter have tried to help the ilallsox with their illicit supply situsi Yet recent mintiu have seen dissatiilactlon in Italy as well as Iirlisln with the Common Market eipcclnliy wilds the corrununtiys irrnthcham pionedlirlcuittllaipit But It Europe worried BIIIIIII abort gtdInlllce oi IlIihch and raw In eras lotion de Imentntor remarked one can veloplng eounirtss oi the worldwgrghegllgvllgdoio rent hm Wmldti wbcthorthtitype Mil have even moro to be can my when it to pomp ccrnch about in this respect Though the loud consumption Ioi their sspldtycspandlng popu lations is party responsible tor the current supply snri price all talk shared by every wallsIvottha supermankill Fortunatelys iswiolIlho ior uninple hdvorlsrn rapidly In price One reason has been rotation rsiiway strikes which have temporarllr resented producers irons ihlpp those pertshsbies on the long bsiii lo diitant markets Another tnctor in the soarto prices ol eggs mini and many othcr tarni roducts is the uncut wnildwi shortsgs oi prrtetn teeds That shortage In turn ran be traced back to itrorlibt condi lions in many oi the worlds grainproducing armsend ils reasonable to expect return to oreinst weather poilcrns aiiuiriou trio woman not the Impact at the dswght wsiniade even worreby lb Nixon administrations short sighted sctlond First the government agreed to sell massive gum titles Iot grain to the Soviet than too under conditions that allowedgiant lead mess clients to corner inori oi the scarlet and led to In acute do medicshortage Then the president trying to recover some popuiirliy ilIst tly Imposed lIlconsIdered prtca ceilings at the retail level uiueli only created in animus input 91 Wm Iilrshlhly taper but other tlciois intbe price And olhrr Big LandDeatrOt oisgeand the result ZFI priceswill mm at with denitely Dartlmwiorpreipanp Almost everyutsrrr ordian We are better all than bciore and they are prepared to tor betterqualily iood iviherIo Is this more dismal lonily obvious this In Japan Wellutt Japanese consumer Ire developin taste tor unites expensive Westernioods Japanese industry bu been Iliesdlool cxpsiuioo phase it years with title thought pollution aiitiosat industrial males have polluted tradition Japanesettshtag ffotllititfubi supplies oi edibs thba its in tho Ispanese dictre bought iiomItenlds thus log up on prices Around btg Canadian productive iarrn land has and Is being gobbled up by baii sprawl or by land sprout tors As cacti duos am taken out oi production our Iin to teed ouriclves cheaply diminished Finally there isproiiteorln Retailers deny It and probabir most oi their denials or ulna lint all sloox thalino larni orchard or ocean consumers tsbic the climatic right but rlipplng in price ove and above the unavoidable lioucaiiu Canadas History ii iiOItlle It llwy thailaud vIilics are sosrlng all over Canada link iivtsis sdvicu is being remesm bered iBIIIy lsnd making It any more There have been some ltrrttlc linl deals in Canada lord Sci lifts sot item square miles on thtlrilriesior in annual rental or to shillings Iltt CIIl was given 71 lion atres when it sgieedlo td the trstiscontloental railway iiou well Territorlei to Csasda Otto rcmsrtable deal involved rslsttvety small businessrrua Robert tsunrmuii at Vancouver lstcitd lie begin his career at The Impression hire is thatmuonI my mm the Common Market countries 11mmmeng millffmhllk wet will continue showing sporadic mom than the worlds indus hm mi mm rig at it do disunlly no cer labiu motor cbones so long as they are not galvanized lntrr pirmsilcnt solidarity by sums exicrnol torce or event In Britain expressions oi dis content bills the countrys new stotus It Common ltarkel member are widesriesd Among the pipstation at iirge and even how bern dcsrrihei it Its unsung number oi civil servants Sioeply rising load costs over the last nine months his been irloilsed notions anti THOUGHT Its patient He will keep ills Promise Jesus is romlo Let us motor on tilng ills love in ocllon Iltttll lo Ippenrs lie that spared not his ozvn biii tvil ileiivercl tum up its us Ill huv rhall Its not with him llso trtely givy us lhtngsi iiomsniwil then its made deal with the tedersljgovtrnmenl to build railway lrom Esqulmrlt lo nslmo tor minor contend nearly miIZIon acres oi rich lorril land in the southeast part oi the Island Disrumuir bocama tabulously rich to not the Nsniimo coal mines ihi tdcvritptd trim Dun smulrs nilglnbl seam produced nlilytltlsi0 tons The Elqtllllllltrilnlimo rsii wsy wsi lintshcd on Atti ylil not told when Prime liinlsttr John liscdonaid drovstha last spike it starvation Until loot Irhtii$ir John Lady hiardooald erotsod ads in the recently completed Gillie linodonsid had been wail olIoienSoundJ0nt Yet ho had been primomlnlsttr st thnledcratlon the over oi the Northwest loriei the lied itivubprlllog the lit rebellion and tion oi ilsoilobs Inst biltlib iiimhls Ii provinces DTIIEIFAUD ll EVENT IwGovritsnlmlgnr gshcd Fort Richelieu now ue liloJohn Sthuicr led Csnsdsirom Atbsnylliht Isis Mid Seiitiii North West Company gust which now Iy IioHrpspcsa selsed dies vessel Aoiiopo tests as scarrlar oi loud trsbsnd oi war Itos Itaod reichod Nome Alaska eame llrst explorer through Northwest Psssge illsmop were to oueil riol at Nsnsimo Isis Cliiio Causeway was olilcisiy opened tidiDelegslei trons lions attended Anglican conicrencs st oroolo

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