Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Aug 1973, p. 9

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Ilbmcllmm ll oI Mich oI onllnlle The EurloloouIlImcnleonl bkekbilhonInxinIhe NI ol In OIIIII limp lionIiArl In OIIIII uhichunlooopldlnol loom August Her Work Is Hanging JIM GlnilrloiIIIlIrrlo bills Nlcllnonr wk Illh bln odlool nodal II non DI lnIernoIiomI rhlldxooo In dml mammme herlolrymdoolial Inlne IrlwmnrlthlyCmI manuallymm dinihemeJubmuMdIo donlrom MIDI on baoxlnIhuNnIlmIlAriGall mMImllbouzsohlr cry In 011an Lbl moth Ind ll Comklorlnl me nro In rx IN room can at no millet lor Iblr no result or cl Ibo Immo llI mmuiioJthmled mean Int mhlboiimnocominod ImaIIIGIIdeIOIIuIItltII 36pm rolour Eulvlov my wheel Indy balnollulorromicmnnd unooolnl Sbo nId Ibo ha and bhor IIIHII on meal oe usloo II choollulyelmolb In the Ichool youhook In mm mums IbMIrnlInhopthhHIllI Io work to III comicI Iloyll cInIIillo llolmoo Poll mIIIIooll until war Ibo Inoilnilo ml Imlc VIII Macon rem all over mil bl II In Ihl Ill In oo Inn lILnIhlIJ no on ur 41 MILI NM Itll Wffofhml II mom pth Inul Intmul Promo fool led uli ol thorn ID no Ottawnbuod group on She elmhIslzcd Ibo Ilellb rd by Nldlum Ill NatiOllOl Gallryl In in tho IhII lI med IbIl Inc More In mnItIMIoIMIII lit Samsc not Ibo Ibo Irlmk obviously ilk lbo onlIu DI Ibo book About Us min Ibo In my group In mm mun romil mules mos mou In nil compdlllmud Ii dldnl net Imam In Ibo momma Junk II moomnlmiM henmm In on IIeIooI In mint no law III urlouo ly bu ldml know yd tho uld ma ll Il chool Ind Ill hm Io wide It Wholqu berldedslon men Iohuhldnbmthllli In old banging In NI IloonlArIGIllaymnlill II In ovumallot moundo on $25 Million Marina AndResIOurallt Ii PrOpOsed For Kempenfelt Shoreline Cunndl Ill ail WIMWM In Ioohlomollhoiow anumhmh muinlmuulnlmnlolu Rynard Attacks Govt Egan gaig gii RA E5 93 15 32 lhau Illo be no Min llpl Mai III road lALWIIdIIIIIMLIIIDI wouidlbolihelhoola repair rellain lull mono Imllotlviuporhinibolllo dIIIlIm EIIIhllhlnli In lulil by tho Emilio In 1568 IIndbeoanddlrIonIinnInm CmncllIwIGrulIAodrldIIold JILAIIIMMMIMIJII mini IhI wk hnI bun limo ovtr the olbdlvlsion lelbowlidnoivoio IOWMIIWN IIIovIrh 111 AIIIIZI Illd ih ll harlot Ilin Inn Willa llodcr lioherl Iieldl oropoul Ior prize g3 aeggn in iii FE 33 go is dun on as En gggimdmdhlnmmn Womb Izomddmnlmllzonirol no hanMvouldhm Ml mlilibelnx uban AlimonlmohlnuU mew Foiivgl Sliullty Bay llldlllltil Milk InceIItive Loan Gfs nderwa Iu cation grottoth Io doggilanmhk Arob lmoolllllinllllberlntmmwlbl lulu dumulllonhs IIITIIIEEIBWWI WWI gm II In anneal Donia mono lllooolo on mm Im old on will also In llpoulblaluIlnlryhnnmio oiherpuoooes ll 31 urban Io the Illlnxo IlIwIm Smblhitllieo pan on mom mm rummodularGmnhlzzovillbomrdniulalnbnderthodlnlmoi Almhbmwlllbum mwnlluglhl onolwm evewIIIm prodlicllon loam I0 Ibo It dmlltd hltyoln WNOInIMWWM WWII ENC 33 Wkl Irpllnslon DI milk Droduciion en will be ellzlblo lo lay Tho parade Irlll hello all Oil Iounnulmhl Green Illh orullilzd pmu Indlzodfodbllu lulorolveqbllomouolol Ibo Sammy Illllolonhlkollio to II to om IQIMdiIW mlmmwmg mmm IlnIrIICmI Slnlonlhomoln moochillbebelolllllm FenlnlduIImm ls Andy my nmmmgw mg mg um sme Boy II 10 um loll PIrIideIIn rillbo Iiibe lien WW Ind treasurer cu Barrie Soccer Peewees mm In In mama unmolldoclllonlnlynovll ea ea eam Ilbllhbim IIZIIIIIIIIIJIIW Handicappedlllay Be Better Oil Lwoomoonllo oloollonIW loom liiillmllolawI mm iillililol lhmlliw BY Wed WWII ul islflillliollilzzl III om lo ooI moon Io be IIrrIlllc vary Ibln borne gummmmg WmcmmyollboWenmomlrolnxwmmamwleJBbooshlm For Ibollrslllmo ovemium Imammomum on Woole Lola lb mlmlhewermndllem diatom Ironw WW CT II 1185 as SCiaIlS Polly Olmlic Poems any law been mulled In In pile hockey in Canada II Ibo To be ellzlbll lot III In Do In Ibo bun production ponod FINN player moo Barrio Ind slndly will show us my 111me Parkerulll she mm WNW In Mm lh Consewahon III loooily Manual urn mar ml oilhnz mom III mull The mom lion II ordi II will also In bio oily Ildnlx Blllne IlIlmIlI North nillu than In tho loom bomu ddleo Urinary for tho solidly mold Demo lealrl union ielnl mom lelml lineup is my Ont KN lrom orme bonding bum In Mr Ludlinl nil mdlllclm ll vldolll Semi eromInIlIeldI InkMull lollm nnl drool Ilmou nlnl III II all Lb IIISIgIISIOI loom lnIoIIulII Indlcuo lbs lon Vol motor In Job llmey toadl IirIIn IIIIIIII unployeo who pullzd mu my mm no In Mn uni III III pllicnl was Illo mic and Mouse the NI4 dillmol mu Iho country hioodin lrlliner John Silllo Ind Mm lrom Ibo Rom Rim Ind II II Murphy Id In In 0am lm lion was Iioool smel mole NI ms solo Cumin ll Io Ilrn 5pm mlslnrl mull To Be The POSI OIIICE revival hi blulhllll IIIll mido In III will Ileollb kizod Io hm burning IM will km the WIIIIDII bullion me Mllomll Darklth II mm on mvnhIolnoulb milldIIIIDI swimri Ibo bimonlhly phooo loo IreqllelllLV Ibo sleu Ion SIM Pill II In lamb Ibo VIII Wm Alllbnlh Pull Why lbo Cami Plot Dilico In MudlllohonorlheliChIlIod Ior lnolI Im 15 mloulu loIIroIiolillokderIl IleIllb ilk Illon II corrodcd nol by II AI Im WWW WP Brio aiming bIli Innllimd Iubulllnuouvenlr llory mh slImo lIn Kn Ii In emolmi oI pnrlnxnl Inll he Ilium workon IIEIII nhoolil bill by Puk Toronto in IIIMIIII the moving hero noul Biron old Mg am only mm mmmmulotme mm mm In your Rom Ooollrvllioo um lilo IIIdiIloml lolmbll IIhog Ibo dIll oll II In ml Sou momqu II 0mm Iml AIIsI moi mlgnnlnl ol Ibo RCMP piece or Indoo Aulhorily plums Into Ibo ll Elihu do Mia when llvlnl Will which lilo philcnis TimI are available ll Iwo bl LII world Ile are MM Mk Illmle HltFlyden llIll Royal Gonndlm Ilmmlod Pol ed In Ibo commend tnvzl III Ind milled lilo boy oui llom roster homes In ml mu bad moss dollar Ior tho mum In Ildo woo upqu nomibm somr mm my mum mom IpoL when IIlomnn Illa Ihu IIOMIIII llenln In holler oil may found Ilul Dlllcnls m1 our dolim lol Lbe mr mon win we roll mm lloloo lin Illo Nilhlllt cord has much IIIon III NI MIN Ind boo ml lllIlI dome lulu In Ila Item the on labelch sick III who ram 1mm Mrhn Pom II Ila momma Claudius In or mall Illado hm RClllP unillm and on ol Ill no mo Nth The boy II In alum no mix In mo ollnull bell II loo 7W3 Willi I110 day and at he mac oh Illqu Include lion Ems loo yonIm doomed on tho Boll mmm 1mm IIlo lloo In Scuborouxb Denim heed or In less NIIIIMIO co Dr Mow IIIII be Is not moo durinu Ibo voila In Inn on do Wugmle nmlminx Dove Forbes mm mm In Ihm moo Humor Bunch New Inn Hamill How mumMr Mn III mo when lhII III cl hbell Mel Bros chillnun nl Ibo lmol Im the III New m1 pm bumm which Ibo Dost oflieo loud on oor and W231 Tumlo Iin here rational uloospbcro bio am my Soccer gumbo In II DWI WI III Wilhe Iho public mots Ions Milka laid Iho mm oui and hill the on Ilium Dr allow Memo Io lINIl IIllI Lilo nmbloui olden mm Wed Pony 7w not till Noon Ibo limit lu done by loo nchIlI Unilel need not he Room on rm SWIM Goods no are non olonoh Ind II LI loo N510 Ill WWII 1571 III When Ihey look or other mm Ind toll purpose is In mambo W31 daily lilo Illen Ihcy had bring Maker loom III1W5 III WW FEM lint Ihooni ml nllemum mm oilimnl um mortalmm moi mum to nrlv mIoN lesslclom In mu the MM and omen IrlIlInl Ind o7 Jam Opellion ol lilo balms mmmwsmp mm mm mm pm noI lnoluolvcly main Ion mooldbyorfllllleo bosoIIlIl III recoloroeolllo IhI Ole mum impmo Ihelev IIII Plum WI III In moi In men mole iralnim mm moo DI Ibo Mme loomed III Dmilcd wllb mo sled lm LOCAL GENERAL NIII3WIH mom no mm mm will mnvnolnn STOLEN as LOCIILIIIID GENERAL In in and omle dry when IIII WI rLAa mm ImIdIlo Drive and him M4 mummy Mt mid chan licenw number Am 33 glsml no In token Ilnm ibo Siwello be an cm In parking lol lburldly oilmom lnnlslil Nmmoml is Mallard oi RE Dorrie wen to troll combos and lm maggglosmoo Mimi mm me In $153 mm and lo lentil Maroon haunt balloon on mm 55 it The mini The ll driven mm mm An Ihreo by lilo In In um am on not all onh me molloldcultulnl My IlII Gamma mogul Booby allum lot bu low to Ibo ken wlv Ibln memo Ibio Irom oollco Ibl momlng moo woman Dllllrrn we Orr loo lIIzilrmn Um Pen cmdioo National Inhibition on OnIIllo moon nose BIIIII woo mm mm Pet Duenlcn lab madly August lullnz IIIng olehhe Canadian 01 elm II no Inl IIIMnIlberumle mm mm mm In mu mm In on Fagin DIII Comments Sought By Minister MI Ednhil ID On Weights ilnd Measures Ilcl hygimlm doll Townop Dom III III mm SM Idlirlu wen Norman IoneI ol dam by mugging Consumer and Corpoqu Al measures and IIIlIII oulnberol Ind Illml IIIloom km mm all Illnlslu lluo Grly bu doom IlodI IlIIrporIIc now ol Iile Dodoommqm mmmm drall milizllozu mmIIrInx oonceo Ion III In Gun erthoucw Wolgblrooo llll III mod or lenlm Io ctnlIIIII In Mm Bonk Ilro Dmrlmcnl INI IIIIIIIIIIIII ll All 23me lo we Iy IllImsIed memberl oi Illa Ishol Io Illbrnll II II Nl lunbm OI Wumioillu WV mm mm Kati mlc Iodlmllz conmm lLI oe II SooIoIIIixr malllillllllllt hm mound all usoclallalu TIIoIq wmmcgll Vigil mkd gym an Ivlmsoowon mung wl IMIMUUNSZIFIIII oilimd Mora II leollymcsolered by ISIIlallon IIIqu on IINIIII and Inland wlilbulnvilnd lilo We hold med In Lilo eIrIy mil nIr co Ibo miller III III III Illd III III II basically lccliro LI to bow III II um mm mm uw lIv moi oily RIIIdQIIIJ oi Glow Put In Ihv bollokd II liempeoleh lily Ills ul out on In m1 $3lIaITIIlIIIOVIIIIIII TIIqum by Iho Ilomt loo Kemomoll II or ch II lilo mlmhl moon by hm Lyool lillk now MI IIIIHII oi IeIIhII Illd and DI Iho our sol Moi um whall lot retro who gt5

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