by In lie on to bore per to pub er new the elr not tub in tn be preo ei lt Ire on rev hurt elon de out pron Ir in the eouni oil on lteI the them not curl ern polite lnolre In re the bed how doomt belni the when wtther to do bile cdinlibebawdnbitbehb VT rele rm or met dereloynllnl ou rnmerlirt be live divel leer ormeetuniinrrnrrrl rlletyoeroildi theme rnorebrenoh Int termed on Streamlining Plan the it at 55 333 55 E5 Studied re been no Irrrnu 1mm mm in until MW India been bear rewirinf min in mint rmleipe Illa MIA tor iortnelion oi lIr er em nonlntulitlee be met vaI been of prime IIHI ruled View pland The mum at the piemlne nurmitiee Reeve bob bun dtmit inil mm Inenie Ind imbu berets wilder if denied rteere Burten Ind ELEM tee unwashed the remem dztlene II belie permuted it or dirt to bring be ounty munril iotin To Hid Tanndid Beekeeping Plaitif tum brtiietr lotion blI men he mooted millili nrnrrrt with tile cenIdiIe trier ttIiionIi Development Amer wbicb bIIdmltI mid ceuee him tome pelo John Trend lrr oi Httooet teereetbin been in tor iIruInle on iroyeer poetinuobeh the net Atth cIn ootIetry doeetop tie bee WNW brrtbeienolorerbcmn tieipeeitobeetrmbutthle tr mothintn beeteooer bII toieernto revri vetoren boeteeper be no ior meny Ire tir mIndler 3m rem II model Ill Atria ltitirtbetindotproledwbinh help meet by metine the in more etilctent In will title the modern oi itvtne oi tbouunde oi TmInlIn iermre Iny more will be new realest built deterrent which will eneourere them to ndd been ey to their diete iullur Nyrene TIannlIe preddente bee Itrereed the im bonnet oouree oi income tor lIrntere the CIbIdlIn protect her been enthurlertirelly received in Ten eenle Oinedee contribution to the violent will be 3300000 tint with the WOTMMIni oi Tune nle contributing Ibout trronoo Uletne vtlieree type or ammo modelled in torrent pro ler try the meter eiiott will be to lth Idle liittletih oi modernbeeoeplnr equip Wl ltt Creomore Martin 71 Tears GTEtimid mitt Gee rnore WorrwnI institute whiolI vii be the bolt brim ion the em Iwodey correction in Oct ober le mrr nurictru lte Indetnemitkihol ran it Iron err my eitor the tint breneb wee brun ixostSmeymdtnlWl Oootelmn loaned indoor ie the blood lunch in amooe county nhlott bee been contin tteily entire brenobee vreio termed It Tbrrtnn Ind bond bleed the Wile our Minnie thevne Ind dnutb bentpion breeeher in Werlbtrre one Iteo wurv emitted in too ileoodmdr hinterlm oi Wom ene Institutes oi the Iroe Ire erpoded to be made IlIllnbie It the convention which is to be held on llrudty mi May lei t5 and tin Elation Meiilon oil lolienhern the em nruldcnt end but omie dent lire liowerd oi Gnhrto is in dilf oi retold titre in benelle ll proddent oi thileeemore brennh Formalri recesvf orgy to demo evre on iood end iromyihle Imourrt they must dfdurt Iii the rpgercveilinl irted nproduoin remelniu tr their prot Tonight Frtr Set burn the melee Seeret It Till or lzti LIII complete Iberr lib tier oiitee open till Aiult Eoienetninrni mo IROII Tilml Ale Conditioned it mertend in new nation method Present methodi ruin to end but blren to eoiiert been in weekend Ind dInxerotu bdr Churdtee wbo prertnnly ten tn IInIInlI tor mm yeere with the Cenedlerr Unlrereity Smite overuII tcusolnu eimdy bed mug in introd rroib Caoediendesiued the not tr endoltre Iwerrnni beer xtberniorleterrbip meat to prooeneinuwntm Al pert oi the retold Imminent IrnrtIrI whirl turn three Ind levInonib bee beptn counee to note lmbe moire mm to erudite them in min UlIrnn vtileun in the prertite Two lendrovere oqtel welt with undo viruet IidI will terry lnetruetore to more re rmto IXII oi the country At Io Tenunirne will be helped in CnnedI to replm bir mailer Ind other proleet manure Other ieIluret or the protect include bullilbr ttn Irneli peeln In end bottlinl plentI ettoite to boott tntemtionel reler oi Tenrenien inner the ereetlrn eenlre which will minim bum nterem rere tre goodwill lIrIeI lit Ch er will Alid eon tented with illtldlllh beeewer orportr Although TInIInlI ie eiroedy they wortde lIrrelt er noritroi tower btr ChInd rnyrltee rtpotenilelbre not been in exploited lie be tied irorrry beewa by UlImII villererr would ilnd In older ntnrlrct in North Americe Ind Dunne tilt in In County inept were oi writttm Ind Ie in not be metricrut nounIIry tor the dliel oi Bertie Ind Orlttte tonne oi Gilliam Itei Allin mym oi tnnidtt Amnlnneeilnn oi midland Pcnetnnrldshem loei lichcoll Tey Tiny Int thorie HM wee moored to term bird all other Inated lllllimlr lions would the town oi Braided II West CIitllmb or the time It Benton Ind Nienbnm with Adth Ind Te Mb mn itA Itlhxn oi Gadsden with Lise end We the inn oi Sooner Ind Ire ot Cree more with Nuewueye Ind Sun nidIie tumble the new even oi Widen bade Ittb mnle Hinge Int ni Ftol Ind Veeprer tho wit ya at Cold twirl fr it obeduh end toeneblro WW vee tromreecb at there rrrunletpelt lion bthe dtine barrier Ind Oriltle inrdod to Wider retold tbe My Idiiibtunlioii II in em Itintrdetreitm Simone OoIInty Ml tncreeeed tu lery am in by 666561 The turn oi Mm wIt love led tor route Ind undone ben et up irom WWW Itd the rm ted uh1 mo bi mm Interment union would rnelte loco Idrrdnietniion more We Ire redeteredby retenmre in diluted rnuerel prlltlee libero Wei Voter were held on the onesilon on Deeeneber mo tespre tonne bbip toled to ill millet re dnnIi rorerrunenl myrter did end liolohedesh townshlzrt lb id lilo murdeipei remrdi Ihon HELD OVER 2ND WEEK 7PM no PM ltbttllllimirrtltiitisltltliti In illlititiliilutuiulnnruutrrtoontbnw Irrourillilitriiililiiovurlritttllllliililrltl mhmnmndmmmnmmnm norm thlliktelie coutuo soon George Scott and Foye Dune ortlttoul CRUDE to ilrttlle tompr one lot orsrsuicorsml scorn Tour times rhrmplnn Ii Sine ol lie Ibo bold roune re ooeetduoiichrbtnOmRoy radoiltvbiebbeilredtbm Auxttn Burle butlnmJeebo yeerI ere At rtxle tI bill Ibieb be in the current tredin tile is Unlalr ANGUS tStItil All All resident who noted In Irtlele crime it nee gured the ever ere hotelewile united no hour week Ieid it In In no ietr companion to more melee They not only eount their time It Jobs but IlIo butto lrorlt Ind drdree he noted emptiedan be didnt Dixie ble nettle to be med beeeuu mud iblepprehendon over normal in male eomporioon with men they would lino bone in lnehrde mone time in mg the trees dolor bout denies toohlrrn alter the an den Ind otbr Itttr work rtult wn witb low more trophy tor mm who one deieeted by Audio tantrum ibotol onnturder with Irrlnobole xean Angus Critic doe be said erupting the will not in most wee would more old pentty Iel even biIny bulimia I130 blip with the bebyIititnl VMl etwortcu oi Worn ene lib here met drIt to ur mostir beetlrrr but they Ire not Ilvuye him be noted Iuyreellnx be would the to lee eontrery nplrltone torierdr ed to the wornnne editor at The Benin Exernlner end otb er pIpcrI upon it Ill mnhtni trmtlnr reIdlrrr but the tech quoted Ihmud be reeilIde be Ircutd Art Gallery onnlano THE thGE The oldest brlelt berm In Toronto newly rrIterIdIleprntiemlneretiderlel IS NOW OPEN oi liner in be on It New or MA or emu now PLAYING rmew Inniem wir clit THE GETAWAY ASAMPECKINPAH FILM FROMFIRSTNHTSTS Mutt Entrrtetnrneel etxlrauourorttm llibllb VENUS ootoeuuuou WWIIM now PLAYING TILL FRIDAY unetrt nineteen HNNMHTIBIIBI um 14 Ire Ire III in Ind Illy tn km molt dim rricmd to be trill new otmbeminyly be letter indireted desire the return oi rIoIiIi ptztinbrneot in premedieied maiden iIny It from nrrentutione wbxb dile peed with the like oi creeutiae II In To eteryone Iroie rmruniu repinl punesb out Ill moved Ied Ioerned to Foreign Retellone TbI ten firtl by LImHIn Iotdreit eIIt pie in write me In eenerel then In tcettn oi onbuten to why the tr Iron ilrod upon Ind II lob tbe rrtpmue by our Iorerrxnrru to thin trerody In ten erery teller received on ibte tulle tell It but drr nreyvd end It wont mined by tho werenin IlrrIr not till ueirtrve reIrtion by the Cu IdlIn Imminent Irel plmmmiliiiedlbelroport rirrilee on anIy errieuiturei oodt eomrnt irom the U5 tile tn Cnnede there wet consider th protest irom the Intel roen Inunltiee oi PeelNirrtbSimcoe Beet lumen espeeieliy Ilr worried tbet the US beet err poeit noutd here In Idvrree eileet on CenIdien ierrnerr by dteieertnx their market bulb them her been little rom Ieeelei by oi written comb Wm rel ibe perenn lIt robleinl oi IUW White Ilmoot em in were at drernetlc Ilse Constituents Letters DisCuSsed By Maditl MMmi ULAWHMI dud iembendeenreentidnd neiieote earcedntbelrtnmmrw immmepotxiui ibel Mewtulyreeuxty to MmhllmmldeWMND tberayet otbcr tettm Ibou Wurmdeibetr tmknplytbnilbe Interment Anne mum in be on mountain me at thlmlemdw iromcornerian micrometeroi rendenoteoimzrunle minimu edtebmidpotdurttbntten hemmi min ibninntebynne lLP IbeIncmomiIbo ie Idiom but MMRIIITIIIA motith by nom tiene tepelnime thourbi you be birrcikd tee Looting rwt prone irI Pershin 1cm or when run tb caortrl nahnme Tbie rm my my letter Merrie dimly to virt tn be inter In to radon Iny Thu be letter Ibiob merred rode Ibnhtionteu Iere eternity Oilldei Jumper Scrutt lottery were cent to me mud in our trr niiIriel burned my innited rennin ior peoplee tube Ind irrooeiiioee oi one laborer onto cid Ieene mud in the other lento let the irnnrouloo thi premix bu Itbd lo the Iny it bu Iiteewir ed to unity CenIdI indrrtduntn Ire being hurt Ind earned by tho methodl the ointment at run the reel thm it trce In triirbi into were in mudnbere you liked be cure tr lend ibd limit their domino lot or ueinril would been to murder at ten tindin rtrtdeyeermotodmnnypeo AUTO RENTALSr orulue broom Sam contend twigThe hie rill mine III buyer tor nu terriII Ind the trio mil tram Hill MN ion nemd tonrert on the Im at MNWMW rmrrmnn otrirzaortt inputsun cHHltLEil Country MuelclNoJ Superrnrl Alsolooiltino wield Nencywtrlle end The Good Bron 3333 WED AUG 29 Bumble eooprrrtlsosssoinso unmounted Ielelenemlee certen nu unnouet EXHiBmON AUG 15SEFT3 TORONTO me one renouncere CANADASARGESTANDBESlltliowulittOllilSTOIlE SATURDAY AUG Ath 75 Wm Oddly en reon tn tInIdI tn the rent oi llvlrrr Inert not Ibty IrdI word to loud min then to be enroll mtmi to the bellni tbet the problem my be too big ior tbe olrmment to bendte do not nrremrtty Ierre with tht be lleiii the rolomrneni Itttct it problem correctly but do mode tbet tnilIltbn in more like neuter berhcm then rertottr brnben bone We trim to tile with It without re Itirlnr how much IlllibllI tr hr in done new income in re ute tteoy here rrnereted eome eel rrowner run lH Ahh our tvo Ploy Stem Rerord MRSIIEII oilrtrsuirtunr utnreteiereoenelneutrueerunl thMAboitNArtlmetllIIlilliit tolueneemileteteoeraeem nvotuttowromrnrnoornirloi WWWWMWTIAMTW fl Lii QtllmtlllllillUIINAIMTI it Till 679 SeriII nrcerruivren Silt trons DIAMOND GtRl WIMoyN nelllie at Mybed indiumr trim Vatr JAMESiASt ltKA HI For You lined hope leelugsqu lie vltbrrie not AMIlr Greene 349 000 ROD STEWART errrrnrrrr net It IMII renew telme May newt In irrlrtlr rto Nilhi my end tum AHAIT we put lyld erir Women end 349 lore AT IAII DI At IA urn SilttS bitiHbOiS or summer Wheeler We in em Intor dire loadD rum to re nullity onmrwmw Dey rvu Oeedllm re Irwro rundownwa In uterirel gagNilllbhriil buueendlwe thhendlenere mm It IttIIe 090 pm Ie bl AT IAII OI AT OI luvrsr Now blilldiiii litltltls Jwronoitiwitqurooieed eeene burial Auberpulhe teem Sternebeed ilbi QVAlilt WMANIITO RECORDING TAPE you Its rel Mil nin Itrconbliert was MolNnyinsllWEDSATN ssnuutorweeruur