Imttmr TAKE ll BREAK lady perch III II ldeIl II to cool Id In tho hot wetlhIr vtIlIorI tx erlencod II the GIortlIo II uni Show Coobim hioo llNN LINDERS now In Ham on mnd an tol on um um IyId Irorn thehntk Togethemoss Btter Than Getting Bur Ann tandem lust md tho lottor from tho wornno who thhnod named on Md to noon him into the out room hocIoIo Iho IIs Iirntd the out more would be out at tho hose lnt More no hnt run tho one who worrd uted to hate to In to hltty It nith tor Irar ld diittlh hlsn Finally moved into the mat room We both got more mt but mind the elouoeu that ms Itth tIllttu utot next to tho IhIIII iot tho uInn rmwnneo at your out nrr it on at tho nlcttt thtnu Ihout hdox numrd Our nur ture toot Iomnhtnr when atom out oi our Wm thought Id tho portrd Iolu Iloti but ituu Imlntei He died thI nut wk Ihould hm wntiod unit he tell uirro Ind then one into the inert roomhirmrlu DoIr hlrmorIrIr Every Itdov who mda III will he ltmllldld ot tomtthintr Iho thourrht of too lIiI For III It you out time who will hm your port ntrI count you hlesslngs Itll llonI don would le Iiva thin to trade hlom with you CALL 0N FAMILY Dru Ann undone Itopptd told the letter trout the Monro yet who tound her dream mun Ind W11 tori Iho trotted Wont to hour lltlle ltIr rton out dillmnt end ioxt ivo IMWII since on is rx IrtLv the kind It uoddlnn vIruod im at now to III out or tor olnou out the WWW no that It onrtnt midptn mt thtIoi est at ur throth eoltext Tittn It child ItIrttor withrtoo Iould out the next ono through Itv IIIIII you yototier coo put out and not ntItrltd III Itill tiniio out had need lot to too on her ltspottslhthtltn ihen tho next one hrothtr hooded trip It In there with hit heart Ind read pocketbook Somowhoro Iionr thI llno mot my drum man out Iitrr thm not no mention oi module rot the memo Theo Mama died Gum who oleoted to to out It not Itinht you Ire Todoy im iontiy dazuoted Ind hitter IIIE Iliiltiltl unnsr tN IOIIN ROBERIOS PIZZERIA London To hem Iou IiIlrlIt In ltunlop AlIIIdIlIx tit thtlI Arr norm III1M Steep envy my hmhon Ind IIIerI who took Nomad at ltvolt III Im not hiImlo thorn ltI my own iooliIh tIuIt Wth this nude on eel htt Itr IIIth wont nerd Io mony trInoulIJIen todaym Ctoltrr Dru Friend term to II etilt young You ue tor tront tiolthtd unless you want to to Call thI iInIIy Iottthrr lot rtrihai MIMI Tell than them rll to Into II blip IN hm IoItIyJ Im hurtI dill ck to work reontem the mold oi the lttlttl Thou do II III You Iont tied the pills mt tuoon tr Inn Dar Ann mom Irn thoodinn who is Ilrk Ind ttrtd ohrtrttelito in the Unlitd Sthtrs Ind nsnrdox into dumb hdtt who dont know on Ilnllo thihx Ihottt us Tho think we Ile In inlooo trotel ydox Iltd Indhthtrnatt Iix mootht out ri thoytnr hrry Cnnndlon Irhoolehlld II IhotI tho United states with tho matter with your otheol that they dont tooth yoquythtnz Ime not The tur thm Iouth wo tronth tho ntoto irooront tho ooopto hero him your rolnmn Ill nm to pinan out my kt totnhllylo IerI In Itlyit Sorry youvt MI runninn into tmorImum Evrrhrountry hII II III apoloqu Inn at hm not to condemn us III on tho hosts It poor emotion hAhlE ORIGIN Button AIIII ms word Iiier tho hlutquiI do Baum native ot lttly who Ch nIdtIn IIzJte Rultwny ehsrr holder in tho IIrIy dIyI Now that youve cooked on that old clmrooal barbotue outdoor cooking when do wt rIti ItIthI you hIdto oouttmiutreituldots In roIi ryou ted to welt Ito ll Ind unit hhtie tho thu roII hurntd down to tho motor In IIui IIoIInIIlonI didnt went IllMd iImtIy or Inn mutt then then um the or rootenlionIt huhetuI prohteml th damn rl hot melt poor not out IlE root out the my with Chum owtintltuhecuouun Ivold tho Intel Ind yum ol ordthtt htthetuet heeIuIe Chum ow wriI yelirclton with it do tldlhilitinl out on or qutttm titCher owott BIrheruI you rut rill lien or rout ehtrhn with emotion dmI Itterilme Dirt you tnowthnl lhntelirlouthm hccuI tItII room from the null oItho ntrIttulctt not from the rhu ouut Witt IChumlow Iiuhteuo the dim drlt on tIdtInt nnn horn on ChumItch to in you tht trut hIthrryse IlIrour ChIrmniow III Buheeuu III mute In InItII Iron hrIvyduly Int Ilumtnum to they wont mr IuIt ThI ontontrd Chumnlloy hunter word unliotrn hut hr the rontrolulvl you NIICI rook lnI temmttwrt eu oootln dunnun to two modal II hhon dtrls Dmte teti nod Dm Brown mm my trout the rde lmmtoer Iho tot Ability To Design Fashion Outts Elihutnhcwduo hummthINatme Ittnltswho tomato mlholIonIoeoe III in Imtemttm lo wee Iho mom It not horn tho mom to Itudy mum mt mum they Ihd tho Idn II In to dlIo botttn IIrrIdI toxothtr too who cotton Io he mid be atworm an Ito hIIIevII that deotrner Ihould III vatliI tautII ltI moto motlvo tltII hII termite ho cm do oomplett IIidrobr ho Ix oLItnI Iou hurt on denixnin thIIunooldt IllthIIlmI ah uuhom under tho dtIc Ila IllKw Ind II he IIyI Tuhlon Lt pod tor the ho oauu run mate by tom htnto my tuttdee Inst tho Ihrhty to down In otIltt Iialdnx to drum world he mommire me III 17 ototrd up tun mn Izou otwuuotttottol mysel IoKtthor it III Io to IdmitIi silty Ittributee hi uetttt lty to union IIltII to WIth or mother too III mam herded cotte ticiett mom tins Ind mtsldttb to mom hIrI She used to do Ivrty thin hy ham ileI ttot III not our oI baby beth mocetIlnI II Iood htclt charm Some II III hood Ire attened Ind othern hm Illa oat htI that doesnt tub or When he went home on 3ft III tountt hII pool very II Mid It thd to com Idooio Itth htdt wont to hoot wtlh Is tountstor iheyoo to hire innoeent to the with where it tutti do Ilke to tell you how to really enjoy knottyoutts Barbecue Nniumonlmltlflnpouhllruttl But dont drtyIiti Now you on lhIJ YOUR tUTIlOitiLILDLIMMIGLOII DEAL IDDAYl It then the ttmudt IIImny chum this tnmtmer wed thebestwayon Moon II Your Chumflowhutrr he ItdI chokt II II Ind Ilm III outd eII nu NImIMltlIy pott mounl or rutmounted or tIhttlty You hm thqu ml too mom or nItuIIi us Add my ItrIIIeIlrt or went them hm III linrt III Inioy yeut othutnrutu yimurn Your IrrI Churn ow dnltu IIII Ihow you Chum owItIntouIOII whit too They will MN touch oI drum to you home PIIIIrIon COISZICMMII III any totinlI thIt Mu martini dtmrtot IL Firemeal hhodrou Immlw Howets That Please The Eye Can BeDangerous To Children Im Dr mom ranIII no qu thou Lhhfl iIurItre mm Ihn oIrI photon IIyI Ire thI not Whom ylsot my II iota LI letth oiled rhea tough on dirt 9t NotdrtdoosntItIrdIohmiNonntum Wmemehmml dmdrtoutimoihntoebwhlskedeoyhythIho IueoortwnotoimttpooulIrhootyoodnmr smhtndooslmodoonmithooohnhhinvom unwoummummuw emoyouoonodtmtihohttghtoiihohmhu yasmoornm IBMth hmtoig ammo meme wtot mm Iroquontohmmldthutmdtpml mmamtomwtmm Tmooiomttteiotheiwmtm mVIIIonIormvorbhtdmot this MEIottxyoumliiho nhtttwodtmyourwpoh mm It Impact In MIL mum AUG 73 ded 33 imhdtlnhuimder who by tutu rhd an 02 Mm tunummmmt It motherhou III now ndo Mr IIINI It Itd Ind Glam WWWth IohdIIIlpoeHhetth mmmuumuy Iekitooettoallthntndmo mumman ML WW mustImth IIIInInkIIhIdlIIIhIIII plIIIItInILtlroII mnmymmd hnuthutdtmthlsrum nu ma IIan Wm Iod tiloeax eswm 37 gt93 lt52 Save and put your It Simpsonthttn you not the ilnost nonunion IIiiIIIciion ormonIy roiundod and iron dolivory broom away forever 6342 WINIIIHMODIIYNMMMIMI iIIhtonIdhthh MIMI Iomtuto om Immwuumnmmmn IIIcttortotNImI wemeo moulginunduihetuoimlorutw umrttmnwnohupomrtuttttn Ilrupollttvl loll ltttlIUrL Wvddl MM maludIIpoIhtvobckdmitmhtultl dildmultyonlnotnumiarnw mwimmwu dmtrptl SIMMONSSEARS LTD OUIIIOINOdoolllliu Malnl murmur footnote you my nth ot the my Itm hour Iloo Torn hII Wed Thu NJ 0min tutu II Int you Tm mums ho Ilrhln mm