cannoriseronr zuihrillorro Examiner qr R955 PubikhenOlrIral Manager Emeritus Nanstwv Manning Editor WEB AUGUII im MG mm Electionlieionne Should Protect TaxpCryersT Rights ilhbuulrworlrineibstjtoe waitreraegormentmraatnnerruto rewards nod and reiormln on have no montsol elutlonitwuzluhlettndlidoiiteresi our rm policy oronsv mildew lhorrdulul voters have coosldesod tor lone time that disclosureoi election runner mm it tirtaedroubibepartiarleriuiesoetlni large contributions mi tether this inmwayalleotedpoitdoelaonlytobe expected Wbllethemoveotthelederaigovem menttebringoutthesemsishzsbeen commended the caution noiesounded by the Conservative member tor Pod Duiiainsirncoe Ellwood iiadiit HP at Orsngeviile also merits lull attention in srgulog sgeirnt the governments new that sweoprng manger across the board are needed at this time lir his chii would nd enerat agreement in Ihld only be undertaken alter mi careful study Ind only tilt an sliderruined that present eleo tionbrrrsrenotworkiogtotirebestad vantage oi the majority oi Canadian vot Ims wire Wilts ldliov matter thrmrghoui the rsmpalgn IIaey could srgue that It ruurA moi Mirndurio In elg on vol nsbmitted this woull pytve the powerr party an edge on all the other part oe doctrier unlsir advantage Madiil also ls likely to trod strong Wort In his lurther argument spairut aprovisionoltbebilithatthe overn meuivvouklpaybopereeotol boost of six and hall hours ol broadcast time on time the last lit days oi ecampal tor irrndldaicsirorn recognised poEIIcai rtiea cannot spree pm this tor the sim pie reason that do not beieve that any illical candidate should be subsidized ma glrmrcloud the taxpayers the Peel bulletin air was enroll boom Suncoe member asertrd In contending til then mutt that the separation between members oi mm Parliament and the bureaucracy must rernrin distinct and absolute ihere is no way that this can be preserved once candidate or olilre accepts gratuity from the government thatth assist him in winning rest come known as Election Some ol the clauses in what has be Expenses Bill wereleil to be lost cause lor concern blr bladili mentioned the bill would ro strtet political advertising on television and radio by the xlnirt iii days ol mogu on camp gn rnany reeperie is more plight be well received many ellit could be done in sir Ind mpartlsi manner But lir iladili died major tveak spot in pot out while these restrictions would to candidates oi other purl burdened by The worst clause at all Ir one that would allow cmdidate to apply to the Receivmileoerai for reimbursement oi large part at erpensee LIKtmtd In In el eclion campaign with all candidales who yeti at least 20 per cent oi the votes it riding eligible axpayen generally already over greatest tax spending tn the countrys history could hardly be blamed lor opposing there lurther and unnecessary handouts lrom their tax money now when LANE III YEARS AGO IN CITY Barrie Examiner hug It toes Bell Telephone will Introduce Direet Distance Dialing to sres announced by liansgor Bob Nolaon Angus ichsy drain men board oi tnrsieos with Gordon Leighton moduliman and Russ Dr vey campaign ohainuan pictured It eial mutiny to plan Earriee iounlr tted Appca drive Objective let It Or one barrie lawn Bowling Club lad in bold gala lieid dry at greens on So Ia lit art corner Line with brink the Bill Newton and bits Tom Pettenden were conveners Nelson liegeo ski ed winning rink It Aliandaie Lawn Bow ng Clubs mens tourney Ballast Girls Pl band lront Northern Ireland visited ante tor concert With his or Les Cooke unable to be resent erman Frank Hersey ret pretty lessee with pleasure at lty ilail Conuntrslorrer lor Canada litom dad Ind Tobago visited Barrie on way to Camp Borden Ior lnr outour oi countrys oiiicere in in bill lliamen oi Grey and Simeon Foresters re turrtod lrom training It Camp Poiswrwa Pictured on to Canadian Anny tank weeeSglJtai Thompson0plBillnw renee Opt AI llrrtin Capt Harris wmmwmmmwmrmcumzv Steele Capt barstow lliler Barrie Barberririp sin or lrroup plan to double merrlborsblp rarsaidlta Atkinson director Step en Crane Barrie loll lor indie Iscparl oi prize he won sponsor cvnnmrwrrw new on er is ud combostiotb entries Sports college Ilicir Fraser complained editorially about poor ylaylryy conditions at Queens Park so or lastbsll lion Dykslra oi Prueiove won mound duel over Butch Boyd oi Siewarta tn best game or reason Grey and Simeoe Foresters won tro boy to beat combat patrol at Camp Petr Iwawa led by Lieul Wayne Stewart Construction began on newlliway Pen tecostal Church oil Anne Si Parlor Tunkr estimated final oust 530000 Melanie West won barrio Police contest lor overall prociency at Bicycle lio deo Opt Roy Lacey presented award Several days siter osiny to Dylulra Butch Boyd pltohcd nob tier In district iaribill sgainot Elmvaie llemhrrttr Shantyiia Community held annuri re alta oil ioldens Dork with Annette elites and Marti Bigolow In char oi swimming Cam elites and hiaket oods handled railing llrrta Itcchnitzor Tod Blgelow and llruce Brock dralred canoe events ARMY nrrvrvs rorrnnrcvs Return To Democracy warn Is sprint nor srrum KW YOUR BUSINESS Wmme Risky Decision By Trudeau Govl Iiy VINCENT EGAN Iiulltler Ire Consumer Alislr that price inmost Ire leeti oI II Autysl Thermals News berries Iodeyy strpetIotlrtlob prevents the ootitictsns ta Win with dilemma One oi the only we emrncnt can lightlnirwion it by mite down on Its own millinghints sonouw tor tidg share of boron courier Wanna It in rpm by serum an moi protein is tIuv best ways tor politi rlsns to got rododcd the nth rority liberal governmm itsg politely wants to gain more sorta in tho electionexpedcdr next year What to riot Nre govcrrunent will spend less norm llirir or John turner announced the other day In other words one nosnlc ooruiderstions art to elite weiph political moderators II ihewaIoMrnore ol Itll Ior lilo livdcru sovernmtnl its ririry wiley Last years laii iron malarity position In Prritemrrt to bare minority can be blasan iIrdeiy on its economic whclca In loll youll recall the gov ernment launched blohdalcoia campaign to limit ioilItIon Ilid the os to psydse III or oi our attitude table Goutram epeodsog and heiress uthtt were to be limo don end WM meet Me It result the prime minister said philosopr cally that was regrettrbie elem us to our will mums arid or ear Wilde lhe rrislortuneui our Mirrors Mssnit scythe imuu ination an is to be me tlvotedoiltougtr and noted rertlotl reflectio some oi the lessons tern hunt the experience oi tour ywe ago The main point In llr lumcrr rcoent Ibmlulcemcnt war hilt lho gotcnlmeni would out $590 million Irom its proir edod spredjn Mhttn row IM next lierc ll IIeI ruru oI ltd with his chbtmi coi ieieuoe certs oi whom will in sist tbtl lhe cuts must tones lrom some othtr ministers de partintotJ Unemployment the nance minister Itirls it will yrobobl decline bluincst ertirty will remain strong until the tum ol Iboycu lnllstioe remains the pm this problem tor the economy and ntatteroi urgent oonrern tor the government Mr Turner declared lNTEItPRETIlIG The news JapanIVIojving To Role Of Turkish Election Marks Global ReSpOnsibilily By BRUCE LEVI tlouiiwere heard hut spring when the Nixon Idmiririrntton rvr priode proueu on concern to are Wemmtogtbmgbs period at err ton in eon storerpIIceIInguaerIIoodie loodpriooslh ulteriorthat maltemoois Ittmeoi pricseisbiiiiy ADS WAIIN SHOPPERS Some upcmrnrbete have men taken the rmpromdentod etepol Warning theiru iimm in msps Idvertlre titan that we in priciamr not around the oeroer month irons new record to some people in the load to durtry sirloin strain will post nearly twice an at the bezirnlng oi stunner it the other end oi the pita scsle proportionater creator prion hikes are irkon in pests and tome other budgct maples Girl out in WW tpendi hbip to check rising ioodpr Our Indirectly and mi alter their elioots have had work their way throws the eco nomic system In the msniirne mum should shop extra one leiert shoppers can sill lint bargstost and commit the merits oi the me mintetus other luggerl solutionteed rationing lapun is leader In mulnro Ilen oi nrrclthl power plants VMIIINGIION iUt 51 trillch ILr rail tor now ern and Iltys much oi her enriched bar which has evolved in ii tic rhrrier linking her with uraniurnimntile us DAVID IIOGIM ANKARA INetdtri Tur keys political lrnderr have pivmged into In erdreuuive threemoral election earn intii llrat marlin the down We virtual return to do morrrcy lorrler activists luvs been gevl Irom important ports the Imted iorres Petiirhtent has passed re lorm blllt rirmnnded by Gen Gurirr and three rAher corn murders when they tapped uleyrnen Ilemlreie lustlro Alter two years oi back Ill till store rule the army ls re turning to breach thing esrrte oil rucktlown on leftodd extremists Martial law Is brinli ed oldbid Iiill esits In nirIrn teddyIryaylbuilornyI sir lI IiI pctrrr prone lees that the Turkish voter has loomed to tnirs with high degree oi skegiirllm OlIIciIlll the campaign Int the Dot it more eieeilone Iiibuld not have opened until August but the pdititirns Iith been unable to resist tailing advantage pt parlia ruchtrry rrcerr Thrir thurtorrn is under Itandahle telly titres months ago they were in settour eon liizt with the generals over the choice at new realdent Parliamch suecesruiiy re titted In aitrmi to Im to Gert Yanrk urlrr co armed toms rhlel as the new head at state And since April events have gone llro poittlrlnns way ALIIVIAI liUIIED Tire new rhzrl oi genernir stall lien Screw Snorer hrs adopted lurver pelitirul pro Iiie than his ptedecewr Ind nerswwwua mu lhs normIlIy slowselling Parliament approved scores oi bills in sudden rurb In June Tire reterm Ieglllnllons el leuivrneu Ind Iegeilty have been questioned critter bit he enutnwrt uliilled the presents precondition Ior el ecllou The hot serving com mrnder wire signed the blurb iIII memorandum Alt Porn 0th liululn lia tltt retires in Au net This tleurs the way iur mlrri in pirk up the reins ll premier again It his conservntlva Ji rrgtrlers its expected victory It the poile live elections tall It the dirt time tor Turkey rtry will minctdu with tho rrnub lIf lurid pnhnlverrenyy Iebrhm our In ope tr to llosphotus bridge WANT CLOSER TIEII tinting AIL turd the Tor wish hinterland to Europe tho magnillrenl ImportIon irridae Iymbolirer Turkeys yearnin lor closer Issovlptiun wit Europt The government hopes the elections will ears intern abort the state oi Turkish rte motraw in the Council oi Eur More mporiant they otter the silence oi stable govern ment since the generals inter tested In mi there ital been succession ui wobbly army hoeired coalitions In which the muiorlty JP has played Iubaorv role Drmirel eonlldrnt oI scor Inr remarkable rnmrbaek has bran In typically ebullient itrrm At his bent on lhe hus Iirtur lhe Iuhhy itiycnrold party lrIdcr opened hir ram palgn by laying it you give us the necesv ssry slrenvih in the elections we will hnM hack Turkey to you in mi having deuhlcd Its growth VIIIIIII LII Opporttlnn tender tiulrnt Ecevlt has been getting hit tiret tarts oi eitttionecring rlnro he look over the push deney ul Ills Soulsl Drmourst it uhllcan Peoples party ill It muntlrr syn Eeevli in sterml the party to tho it but his party split by ldrololcrl arguments iIIt nor as only lit at the oil parliomrriury train and Iprrr dsuntios trait against the JP whirls Is buried by big htrrtnru and largely cons Iervulivs plea years tram the stroller mint Wcsiom Europe Ind Japan deiootod leridoi rodov Into It the Nixolenah mretv the irmtrililred dart 0i uil Inns however llrlr wIs modi pacific II moving into role at mi and the president called or more obs responsibility Hie tsidng ttdsdstp under the idartee olon some cracruin partnership paththe CW which nhangni her tru diurnal lite urn The meetings between Presi dert Nixon and Prime Iiinrleter Neluei iIrrairI epolllgtslcd both gr nridrrtco and the puriner derivation oi principles ruido tor More cooperation among lrrdrutrlalttcrt item trades Iiovr kilometer pittance wowli lit into louvr deliverd NATO hoe not been it out pAM while Canada rtiii Is the top tradini partner at the U1 it his been JIpuntauled Ne Hint has eaused the us Ils IrIle us has tormuily pro posed Ior pevmlncnt reel on United Nations re turiiy council although both countrth mine that merger in the debate balance oI lho clotde cln test to new irlr tors IItEIth NUMIANOIL rel nightmrm with bugo trade surpltucs This rurpltu oi ern rcsn exports in thrils over imports iron the us amended to it billion Irrt yrrr uovaa PLANNED Ilowover time are rim that moves are being made to over Juno Hill the v5 have come st terstsomeoltitere ob lulled In the tint state oi lint Neporld threeway promnm IInplrs main with Sotch till it 90W W0 It Ill leader Mould Iireriutev In Nola Itltgl Soviet oil and natural in mthtvllsil to riurusrthelr Iicldr longlimiting Valium And the Us has routed to an us and Japan Ire no pnnrrspartnrr Indra or to operating In all to Indochina mntr to link the US Japan Japan has brondsrd to ticreue and Norton Eruope In riiimro inr aid to soon Vietnam The us and Japan my be And ram is irrinr to rebut cone partners in the Soviet oil Iver trade suriius Is more to erturor not they post we wardlmolerlnblelultmltlonrl trial will berm Irrrrerind rvononde mitt Wile or oil from other Ilut it is tIth in are parts at the world Japan is at posed ti bill on wnniumeruirh nun tonlly dependent on til in MM Namrpisnned by the parts and lbuUS is moving its and Japan tor romiwhere more hurt more iota the world In the midwtut rulerhut the ntrrmrt rrrrrvzn or Japaneseus II or tip oohth were wire lions is hell undesired ram lithe iltrrit tumbler ll IlIyrIeid Street iisnie Ontario Telephone rzoeur Second Class Mall lteglstrullou lv they itiii iteurn postage guaranteed DIily Surdrys Ind Statutory Holidays exuepltd Subscription rater daily in carrier the woolly with yer Iy Single copier lit by mall liIrria blind yearly iSirncoI County moo yearly ltIIInel almonds illltt yearly All other vhunrros error yerrl ilotor throw all moo year Nationsl Adverlisrng little it Queen St West Toronto MA lli dill Cellular Itlontresi iirmbor II the Canadian Pratt and Audit nuresu oI circular tlons The Canadian Press Is esciuo lvriy entitled to the use tor re publtertion oi all news diipIIch es In thlr yrper credited to it or The Arroreted Prrrs or Router and star the local tran publish ed therein this battle Examiner elslmr Coyyrlght in all original sdvrn its ng and ditnrlrl material cre sted by Its emplnym and re producrd in thlr newspaper Copyritht llrglrtrstion Num be tottti register ll designation Call Wont Be The Last DON ONEAEN Olsens PIrk timer TORONTO 1hr Notion Farmers Union hIs railed tor the resignation oi Antonella Illnlrbar Willisrn Stewed The main rum tor the de mand acorns to be that the mtrr Irter hsmt to the robust convention the organisation lor the is low years The smion ol rum is the rebel noup the farm Ileld Ind llr Stewart possibly bassrt been all that been Ibout cuddl ing up to it llu still lhIi It hardly moon lor him to be tired or have his resignation lowed Add this most likely Is not the lost timewe will beer esli virunneut tor red eaten Foli thth wv Iu held his pailoilo elm tree slid to who people thil II getting implatheiootit poiitteei Iii it wrestle reason or To me It would be regrettable to Ice Iiiil Stewart get out For one roesoo becauu he Ilbl been iood ndnlrter lie hIsIougbt bird tor toe term cormvuoity tbere ll WM in rvuoou clue non Itlro he in run nu mum with intelligence Ind vision itslladounrm loru ample be was ore to On IIIIO runners to rot more at more into beet prodretIrsL Whenever you but mil to vial and wonder it you an pay Ioritwilhouttetrioyeutstosn there is evidenceo his wisdom The mood rem is that this was even Idequetely replaee There are low Inrrn meman lo ihthllinzong IMwlylberald held no scstr And there Is nobody the wings with evident calibre Word trozo sources is tbrt Erri has yrst well decided as pob lry no rs solidrinkeontslnrr olth uu ht durum auh iserpected II for tire ranr hissonthatlbepuiiewouidrst Itaudturii There is some possibility however that deposit may ulrtd on thorn In men moo reports will be required on Ionsetup naete glass miners up new TOUCH PersistencePays ForTop Salesman New vorut AP runs aieolumoltt mlsirt never thew It to dirt own his met It you had III the goldin the world how much store spice would you needt Wei it would covera goodnirtd toothed Ilodlum on little more than too eop And where II III that goidi lirm llllhs oi now supplies oI gold mined by Indium chiey to make towelsy Some goes to dentistr but most olthe restts absorbed by boarders Ind Ipecuiators throughout the world Perrelslenes euII pr survey by the NIiIneII eiail Dry Goods Association lound but it per cent eI salesmen quit liter nuking one unruea rerrIuI cell on rustlenee But the survey Iiro roueiuded that it per cent oI the hurls ltlll well to the li per cent who made three or more calls The romantic singing god doilors who the pioneers in canals oI triceereltnl your but not quite gone At one lime there were more than 10000 oI there we Iergelng troubadour but new there are truer than too It coell About 000 to buy and decorate handiumod gon dola iIoIt oi the crash pas senger and urge mine now It carried by Itinlpots motorised orbit rnozav ram Forgotten heroines he was Nsncy Joirhroul Site in vented the Irrodcreuled homemade Ice cream lreerer In lieu but didnt patent it No vrlrs iIIen however William iluung did paler hrr basic invention and it quickly made lee ereIms dtrmt will mess Ipprsi ibdry Americehl est an ar true at nusriy Ila gallons oi tee errrm Ice mik Ini sher beru you Wbiie lsctories turn out blitioujgriions at it revival oi lemtemndo in am its help Ina Filter mum rnrnorts ten nous Ice eresm on divs be him Wtirih remembering lot oi mliwtl Ire inclined to ho IIitdIIIthIIItI be better It the svetbersuelvei the vitamins the kidsithe tranquil ileerr water The 05 deposits the oceans not wash Its shores serne ti million tour at run pended sediments each yesr SAFE SAILING Connrrnere Auoclslion Osurda reminds boaters thst motor lilOilibII beets undor loot murmur hIOlI approv ed llleiaelttir tor all passengers two ran and periods and bailing bucket or manual pump Navigation lights are wired Ilier darLCAC national esdu uuurters II Iocsted It too Glowi enter Street Ottawa BIBLE THOUGhTi Itedtbeiirs was buried and tool he rose Igale the thirddbysceerdlngtetlaecrlpv turret end thI Ire we seen Sophia lbrn oi the llrtvlt Alter wet he ever me at beve the hundred brethren onetr oi Ibom tire mrier pIri rrmrlil Ilolo thie pruenl buiI some Ire lstlen asleep Cori luthiul lirH All the evidence It lhe Ilrnsv Ind III the evidenre Is llmli goes or been out that the here oi deIIIr could not hold liirn Iv very murh and cominy Ig tie tiveth because liveyr shall the rise Wh slimMIME