Published by CIrtadlIn Newspapers Company Limited id Bayiicld Slml BIrrle Ontario Vfoiltc titanic Examine Robb Publisher5mm Manage tcwItlI eonII swim At LAWN Hm 13 Milli Hentluw MIntglng ldttee EConici Of Interest LavyT Fully Merits Updating Green paper outlining mooted conict ottnterest sndslso to dlaissod iedernl leglrtetton designed to eat with ale themselves lrorn corporations hating eonlds oi interest involving tlis Ind Senators has been receiving considerable ltutlitcd attention As suggested by the iiamliton ath conflict oi interest law coat in ject honor and integrity into public servant vino sees his main purpose in life ll seiicrsrtchmeni The Spectator la ptmsbly right Illtt tn mggesilug poi itician who helps appoint an incompetent pal to some tin Int irdeni position lilullth the business or living standards at hurry people can oiten do more hssm thIn mother who steals million dohars iron the public prose llowover the dime oi the paper Ire important in their endeavors to help pro tect the taxpaydng pantie it sets out some 15 pr in trying to clarify the reyponsibtiities oi Member oi Pars insistent or Senator with respect to any perooasl gain be mth dmve iront his ltlltlllionrl1tp with govermnentat activity There is alresdy legislation which That there been evidan pa er kelv become Ellwood there are deieat the to contracts tng hair in the pr soon Is they maturls rod into working that rugg be devoting mudb tsme Ind rtlctoric to their muchheralded code oi ethics su gestod The Spectator editorially will Idded the comment But the exam In doshn with the government upon heina electsell are contrary views on how hr the Irvinqu should go already has The Oppoal on begun pot ls practically as ests padlImcntarlaua will could proveirr more academic than practical strongrninded people who use politics to serve themselves wont very virtumia by teglatttion tiaditt the Conservative member tor Peel bulletin Slmcoe rid ing in room icw steam Milli use on referred plltlpcuiarly to one suggestion which would Iliow members to enter in roltt ottha conceded with the government it covers rosne Ireas dealing Willi portion act oi Parliament states that result at widespread ng that the ary to the my do no1 Such an exception seem to be con spirit oi any conict oi in illovvotn soon cinnamon vsrgnnllnyntm snoIArIvluvtssos IfSIImll process at slat The naoat ism ease by its was the dentsltal uttebHiMMuIrNl phonon Iildows wear Ina Eu II limitation also noun noon to Iaeehovlovntls the moon the mild liberal that is Qeoh oomoanlun in that snow is the tint It least islts bovnrs mnsln wom perhIpI than Mali Hitler but questioned the natives at his totalitarian sacs censors ior placing bliss In such which we Recoil events in the nan hommtmlstworid chieily tho wrlergsls still at coarse strong suggest we ran an INOWCITIZEN LEWIS W12 wrmmwmurmumm vrrr Poland it longer rtilidu thI nursisnr tor ruthlessly reviewluy the pub tinnedvroirs Ind Istoriu oi their great race This week ior usmple the British release more oi the se crt drowncots from the he mean wsrtiyne mectingy oi the Big Three Slaia uurrrhlit sad Roosevelt The revert tht illusion mumblll made dent with salin inllsaiee 19 not to 5s orsa eh all OI lltslInI would not support the Aracel esai in spy ellert by them to em Brit cut ei her lar tsriern Ind Mediterranean ashes oi inuence oi HI Iwa Pvt mt rtIiIs sod cultures lm no who lherulualll little brlisln through the bills III III the symbol ircodami Didnt Britain tinny eir on 11m IIIlsIt tIr becsuea his Polish lavssioa would not be taken alIcldly the citrrocnhertneat el creel money between the all told Ind the toting oi lii Miriam ha If we vs ar lhIt Itll1M1 Ilsa snld hi not become the Kings minister to preside over the soldiers at the British Basin llot binary amniotic Queui tisn lmperlsllsrn AI he made that deal with Stalin quIt Britains ysr lantern posses alone had been under JIpIcIaI oocwaiioss tar over two years its would be two yarn in tlrtrneot as prime validates when war gorersmt my signed my the unplrn loiintcrest buithe new aperistbe imht ions are not Marching enough YOUR BUSINESS that In MP my not in teroat to laiion he Wanner nxrosa vole it in debates or votes dealing memy wiihsublocta where he may halo core 41an go be stict oi interest tie could lose his aest yup 1mm Wm ordlls of ii the conflict was severe enough to ware memdepmmeng Show Du poigtedtywcyorn tso loposod It In eg trvaly eiieettve shmnd per yovem line in not not action or even he dressed in better detail guidelines ior members oi court The green paper was issued to meet the Cabinet While it was suggested that at best denunds for tougher set at rules with conflict oi interest law an only elimin the recommendation tint it be by In not oi Parliament Onoproposal supported ste some oi the possibilities open to vert ai holders oi public oiiicc it ts at least requires hternbera oi Parliament and Sen nap in the right direction and meritth lame to declare when they may have Ind urenrl consideration Honestyln High Places it is an increasingly saddeniug specta them An honest man is the noblest words cie iowatcb the Watergate soaudsi as it oi creation And there are coantiess that In investor olmht to he unlolds week by week For it demon stratus that litany most in lgfhpiaces people in public posillm trustare Idualty forgetting the meaning oi plain oncoiyV The Ilergata is so much more than series oi monstrous mistakes and serious trirues emanating tram the White House The Watergate is symbol at our times Cortnio than are prepared to go to ex tremes to sin either wealth or power INOKELIIET millions oihoneatnlarvsmund the world N0 in veuuctoooriertithdy Iredeprrvedby lack oi educational more ommstahce at chance to attain positions oi leadership Then there are others so disgusted by the iact that men who are but common criminals can gain such newer and wealth that they keep away irons public tile and politics unltles by No amount at modem tedtnology can and red both ior plower equals replace the basic ethic that has been money and money ilSti DOWN This is selection oi IN torisla on ltinerd louios tnuslated irons the Preneb Isngsngs press It Canada Quebec It kill or the whole cosmlaluty to the lad erat government by the wept em provinces lle mainly in two sectors wheatsad trans portlion tn the first lrutanccr the Prairie products are asking ior greater stability in iarmr ers incomes This is not demand that world be lsrtaeutbie to Int isiy particularly in view at the wmidewida load shortsge The demand ior wheat is high and there is no longer my need tor the Prairies to reduce their harvests but rather to respond to tho wortdI needs Tysusport ls emitter crucial economic problem ior the west Ind it Irmparitstly but lesl Ind less rd to wheat it was the construction oi the railways which gave birth in the West and permitted the East in sell it manuiocturcd goods theta in return tor the wheat rent to eastern parts The Wait primariy the Prairie provinces thus devel oped an almost exclusively agricultural economy whle the two central provtnres no plied themsrtves to develop Inert at their industrtsl struc tures This specialisation In pro thirties by regions has re Itlltcd tn inevitable friction and the West isatwayr com plaining lltal it is thori ebangod when counter with the beneiits galncd by the two central provinces in thciield oi trantport tor example tho Welt claims nlanuiucturtvl roducts Imported irortt tho liasi are subject to higher srltts than western agrleuL tursl product lmsorlei hi the Belt Ipccauro at their Inleui The iact that Watergate and the sex scandals in Britain as well as the monumental money irauds now coming to light in different nations capture the hcadnnns is significant For it indi cates yearning among the ordinary people ior good and true men to load can buy ring mmxmmammw tursi economy the Prairie provinces ought demand special status in Canada British Columbia at the ex treme western point Ind cut oil by the ltoeites might do the lame tiui then why not the limb ilrm providers as well be IIIII oi their itsqu alum ehl past and Quebec bccatlso oi the cultursl character in this use Ontario world he the only province truly Int tegraicd into the country Thus one can see that in so card particular piston to province or sexton wild to to rlitt selling all chain re action sans the nation It is only It the Illohat level that vanylng but not ncersesarily dilioreat interests can be reconciled Attention to regional diversities should not mean regional division This would be into ior country such ll ours which is resisting with diicuity the strong attraction at our with her to the southGilles Bayer tJuly st thinsI IA Droitl ilben premier such or Robert unu rassa says It Is inevitable that nrgahtied crime contributes to the election itltids oi politi cai parties it iI high time the taxpayers question the demo vrsilc talus oi In election rat the llusnciug ot electoral campaigns Everyone knows that elccr lions be they icierai or pro vlnclal require astronomical expenses which only party wtlh Iultlctcnt ltlndl can top port ttlel Is all esndidatcs and Party chiets are not uxurtiy bursting with riches and the mom sources oi political organizations are always more or leis nhrcure it her rnmos InIvltsha that big companies or unpaired crime migrates contribute beauty to election campaigm es abllshed bymanltlttd over the centur has The morabty that guides good men along the right paths has many names it is to be hoped that the tragedy that is Watergate will throw iorward men with vision not just south oi the bord er but in various lands and regions where honest government today is lack tn In attempt to hires those lluiss which political parties can have with the Miners world the Quebec legislature has ssgreeiod that the stats itntnrs political parties itowever eledorat osm pIignI are very expensive ii is llscrrdnre the rim that protest the style Itself at election campaigns that must be questioned in the old days political arty depended above all on he candidate lu the con Itituency whereas today it is leader program Ilogsn that the uranium try to sell to the electorate The new language ui commu nlsstlon is used Ind audiovis ual eiiecis publicil on into vision on radio an in new papers rartcela out til per rent oi the political party budgets during the weeks oi the calm pairs To eliminate all contrtbo llaps itxlllcb totddvmllhk the as power law pllen at student lands the organtratlnna must iIce elec tions with still ilnartclag II the only resource at their command aim at all in order to do this the election campaign parltki must ho shortened thanks to permanent list oi elaolurs Secondly the parties must he showed in use radio and icctlsinn trce oi cbtrgo to transmit thlur message to the people Expenses would also be re duccti ti party organisers would rely on political atrength and cello to regard their lendor at party program as pucisgs at soap that must he sold to the public At the some times the ac rcrtt during the eleuion ram palgn should rest primarily on the candidates in the can siltuenrles Ind the elector usud than have chance in eieet good government with Canadian Sioc iiilurker Should Outperform US vavcsnr soars Business and Computer Aiistrs Analyst Thomson News Service What corner site the who Iner doldruvns la the stack IIII kett hallo possibly the sutumn dotdrurna and the winter dol drtvns but with little bit oi in On the whole pill morsels have not been II badly battered this been Dessplte the tintevlested rule that CanIdlIrI stock prices follow New Yorks lead certain group at Canadian issues have you Is US markets have Applying the revised adage ii you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs riled my not ilslly understand the reasons tor the Itrrterteans gloom syau dont understand uollanlt could be It It thIdiIn investors The reIoons have been many sad aorne at them have been exclusively Amerthntbe Faulty Funding scandal and the WItIrgIte mess ior ea arms rm7WV nl Iilrl 13rdin The French Language Press out having been irleted by sit the ssdrels oi In overlyor united campaign phtl trrs Gamls July at aberbmhe LI Tribune When msn iameus or not passes on the sistemutts ot sympathy and etslogtes Ira morally unanimous decency preventing criticism oi the on lions at the person who has lost died However when the man is hula St Laurent iarrncr prime minister oi Csusdl the demonstrations at sympathy are sincere and not Just the pollticlsns attempt It that mutilation wilh In ad vent they ioughi with do dsln using his lliellme While already tar into re tirement Mr St Laurent relt rotted smote vrool that his political career had not gained hlrn nay enemies and on the contrary had made him popular throughout Can ada and even on the inter uallonsl scene Mill St thuraai probably was one oi the must presti gious prime ministers Canada has ever had and did not It tain these heights Just by bls political rhllily it was becatua he was al ways cnnscientious man be caura he always held to his hunnn convictions that itr St Laurent protected the luv Ige at wire and prudent pol iliciau it is not through con stitutional arrangements that Canada will he revitalized it is through men like touts St Laurent willing to put all their energies not only to wards dcionding cause or their own viewpoints but also lownrtls Itsuring each cititeu that his rights will be rerogt nixed To say at than who has passed away that he was great man neat Canadian doesnt chanao Militias but tor tbs most part CIoaI dian Ind U5 msrletI have been Itletled by the Isms pres sores hioIt prominent among liltld III laltrilou blsb interest rates sad the erosion oi the dollar in terms at other car rexirs and at gold MONEY EUPPLY Joli Ita Indely rerouted role to economics that lailatlnn ti ai iected manJhIli onthin can by the rate growth the mopeylupplythat is bank de plonts and curiosity in circula Oil lnbotb roadster business conditions hIVI been In good that more businesses than usual have been asking the bank the lsryer loans in help tissues thrr steppedup Ictlvty Here in Canada monetary Iti iitorliies have been trying to cut down this demand tariqu by ting interest rates up and Ive ad some modest sueccst Bill in the United stain little Ii say restraint its been pill on the slow at new rtvllv in tact ltllt mars brutnesres Ire seeking tonal II precaution aralast ptlhls credit controls to come wart door It Ill Idd up to tor the investor The return arent in yet but CANADAS STORY Fishermans Pl li IppIIrs that lbs sailtonsith light is workingd better herI than in the Uni states Ind that the Nixon Idrnlnletratlon may have to stlrh with its con tsolr and guidelines ior nulls while yet HUNT rooms controls at course load to udlroo eor arItI prolltIwhlch us try actor in determining Itocl prices interim ilgtrres show that sorporateprotltssa Iverage are rising more up idly in Canada so in this year tbsn in the United aisles 50 according to the restoring oi market saslysts Canndlsn stock markets will probably continue to outperiorut Us msrleta in the short term pro distinctively Cansdlsn groomsminerals sud newsprint producersIra among those ia vored by Iaslyrts Tao was at mph Ill nun err erpecl Ill met III have been rising to re sponse to the helvy demand ior the commadltlee Ina there is no use at trials in demsad Newsprint producers ton Ire ealaylag heavy dominoInd the recent Illght deetloe in tho Csasdlsn dollar it lost so Inth grsvy to our mrpttat airport err seilng to the United aisles ighi Condoms Grenlell By BOB BOWMAN Now that Nowiouhdisad has Joined Clitltll it is tustlitshlo to claim air Ridinrd Grenleil Is one oi the heroes at Canadian history Grenieil was British doom who totaled the titular to Deep Ses lifoersrten bocslus hewsa concerned shoot the tight oi iishermon in the North and on Icelsnd They oi en died becsusa lth could not get vnedlesl attention in la9l Graniell was raised to serve the driving ticets ott New toundland and Labrador Ind was provided with hospital Ltlp about the size at John Ca bots ltalthew that crossed the Atlantic in lie Irrlved It Newfoundland on Aug tall and continued his service there Irtd along the coast oi Labrador until he re tired in ma It number oi books thI been written obots the woudoriul work he did in cluding the intending ethospb this and missionsch the poor people along the coasts One at thorn ts inhrador Doctor by wt nitrud Oomhcr briet and catar iui tie had many adventures in ma he was asked in go to remote place in has by who was missing iron bone dis ease lie set out with his dog loam to travel to rnlles much at It over the toe During the night the Ice broke and he was carried out to sea tie and his dogs hialdlcd together on the stab at too to keep tram trace in to death Finally it was nec essary lcr Grentrti to kill three his dogs in order to use their shirts ior shelter it was heartbreaking thing to do be calico be was proud oi his dogs Eventually he Ins seen tram the allure Irld resolod tic lIter had bronze plague ior his home which rests To the memory oi three oohlo dart Moody Watch whose lives were given ior on the in Avril Ital ivoa Later to tile Grettiell inclined to Canada the us and Britain to provide anon ior his Oren ielt lllulaus rl ouiouhdlaud OTHER AllO EVEN raveRu llldo reopenedIs no canoes arrived at Montresl mils peril roattos see treaty at Montreal illsulslnud oi tPrineo Edward lslIndl wss separated irom Nova Schtlr tootTracie ior one oi Can Idas drst railways were landed at North Sydney its tillCsnsda began moblllk lug troupe It brllain declarcl war on Germany ItalSumo Ont became it tillPerilsrnentsry Library at Ottawa was damaged by ilra listHollie oi Commons provrd Bill oi Rights nan THOUGHT spam saith unto him Im the any the truth and the tile no man rouseth nail the Father but by me John itsa Here is liles greatest question iaiiowed by itiea greatest sat III lie is the wsy out in sad up fDoat tiara tlirn away John The donihxnts Ire spediia ilr Churchill wlllltlld strong posher Nationalist chin mtIlt perrvada the Americans to tatI them in may lay the British out at lien Kong tn the hladtlghi at states so pure after such tears round ridcuious Even betare the war ended the Shines Nationalists who were tilting the irpsoae had We will not dediurshiliiu omen nor anyone else lusu II do not move this The record oi Iocret deals promises made but not prorod by Is lalures IN the job Pm Manns lerrana is not new We will aorsr Into ssilooa Isador can we when we will nItIr sure Ing you my leader really to lot nn LIGHT rover Many Topesiries Throughout By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK AP Ute it tho weater and memory is the tzpcury rt weaves on every urban it is pogoahlry othcydaya and grey dips tremulous mo rreaLs sod dull years late on scene go they lasted Dompam million at those tapestries ltseyw all have sameumlto Ireodd pt terns oi rploltd bales lonely hm lovely toys MM and iorcitingsbn no two Ire ear Ictly alike Each memory trpootry bar nsbtla pattern oi in own that makes it sepa suta bolts any other Ute has worms you an ex tensive memery pa tern it you oars look back and romcrrbcr when Lydia Plnlrham was imisehold panic and bottle withher picture on it was on the shelter oi more US ghts than any otlter prod Tbere were about as many Wills his his pens with bite Is there were pzopls who had become too Ugh toned to do or CllALLENGl TO GOD Practically every small town had speeshanstiug atheist niece tavcrile crowd drnuaru tricic was to lurid dollar vailat uiail and cry dilpllarrlr Examiner ll hsyheld Sims Barth Ontsrlo Telephone rzoasn Second Class iiau llsalrtrotlun tictber out lleuru postage gusrsnteed Daily bloom and Stautory llalldnvs excepted Suhicriptlou rates daily by esrrier the weekly $1190 year ly Single copies tic by null Barrie lly yetrtyt SlmcoI County 5th yearly iiItIacI et Canada H900 yearly All other countries $800 yearly htutnr throw all moo yearly Notional AdvcrtisIng littlees bl Queen St West Toronto bdi me on Cathcart 5iw atonireat tiernhsr ot the Canadian Frau and Audit Bureau oi calcula tions The Canadian Press is mine tvely entitled to the use ior re publication at all news dtipstehr es in this paper credited to it or Tito Assoc Iced Press or ileutrr and also the local news publish ed therein the barrio titaner claim Copyright in all onglat Idveo its as Ind editorial material ere sled by its employees Iltd it produced to this aewspsper Copyrtrht lirgtstrstlua llam btr tuna register at Presr Lilo In or mwmmoohW to his onan Itrl meticsdwithinthn nest nstuuts God lhasnlly mboaglhedhersrsy vaun bianahenter to be annihilated rum hall pt houseuriaa convent no to get In ot bouillon rid oi theta on root perch there In netting Idle all in wheelchair with ily matter Inmherhrdtounwliw cuts or oornhread It every meshor also what wottid mobile and lids hm to upthebaooagreueormvyr wth this area or dudes shill hindered after were at too urea stay Tiers was ours toms iii Auberch who slept In underqu than In prisons it was had It tons in liatsh to thlemy tell mellow tIies about life had been like when Manny Their ehildbod 50 tubule been laugh more thrillinl1 thug the You were liv loveoilod was kldwhe tried in sahahlrda with slingshot Md llrlzlitor um who lived nerd do Ina ways land up at whatever You headed to borrow in emergency mag sort the daysre Meiro Policeman Is Also it Post TORONTO CWWhen lswlasll every inch lils historicthree irame writs run bookstore hes loamy tor dirty hooks in iiilll the Nihilist Godo picking slim volumes by Ingeuarts an pools tor ply lcctlon toyeeroid secondclass Nattahle la the Metropolitan Toronto police ioroe Jewiuskl is wet himscll been published in lllllh srcs such as tllave Ind pubs its submitted one at his volumes to the publisth or Anacsi and althnub drew retedion slip Margsrei Atwwd eorrrrueored dont think hes ready tor book irom IL butinawlilo hrmixhtbeone 01 those people that we mate book oi with very tut editih and selection So all began publishing aim verseEalondg with mg and tan poets under the imprint blinding orhbss