ll rnr Milli MIND nnrrr AUGUI 1t rm wrirr To Meet our error To Try lieaching Agreement BURMA IC it iggggh Eng 15 SEEP enlarger Egege hndlhrvmliondry hlnrri rer WlaAnselee BllSEBliLI RECORD ll rnz CANADLAN rrtnaa lillDllilliST net lrnnoee her been in alled lo llldlrrtrel United Chitroll The UCIV hrs been bury this week eiernlnl the dorm Surr tin All It 1180 Well will resume alter monthr hour dayl Everyone Ielrorne GRADUATE NURSE Carnatoiaiionr lo llin laiiy Delleh rho Ira mounted lrem the Hiram Nirhlinrrlr School at leor Term hir Ind lire Lynn Iluraeil luva returned lrnm Tim Study Tour oi the For North Sympathy ol lhiI rorrnrrurrily il extended to leek Coutll and Iarrrliy in tho death oi lire Cant lirir week lire lrrrrkrornir eno valueinz It the horn oi her eon Perry at Einrane Planned lo rt Smith homo lrorrr oeoltri RETIREMENT PARTY Irlvriee puny om hell Ii the home oi Mr Ind lirr lama Orur omrioo being Imerretrrrmat from Borrlo Turning limited alter worklnr there lor rd yearr The iarnlly patented home with rurlle picnle table Our best wirher no with lmra lor howy Ind re wnrdlrrz retirement OLIVER IllZltiIlN The ocearlen Ilso welcomed 11 and lirI Peter Oliver Kor en Ind lllorlr uho arrived home the day vmieu Ironr two month tour of Europe The oliv nr inrrrlly will take no widen in loronto in Seytarrber whrxa File in lilide Iilh law lino NEW lllllIIZDNS in Ann 22llre llldhurrt lite lorical Group oi the New llorl zone will have their cocaine mating or lire tall in St Pruir IIrlrir Hall at Mo tom Keep the too oi September Am lor llldhrrtri United rCirurch anrrlverrrry rorvire Speaker to be announced later Mr anrl lire it lluorell and himnt wallet with lit Ind llirl lr Oimeterl Ilemrl tm thin wrcli rjvrquri rtan arurt linre you noticed our rlrnl ll lr Iliuaied on the left hand ride ol linin mod Inproachinx lira ivillaze it will be tinted no in the rrrorr luture Thil lo piece ol Irt worthy ol car rioo to view it more timely litre Alberta Gill it expected borne tor luv dIyr while loo Anzrloo tinmti Wert Aimed St WI New York Plltetrurltr Godmrtl II Allow IAI Arrxrlu liutonl lumen lIlnrdIy Grime It Montrerl St 1de It New York rm weaver ed CN Tow mplelai in rm visitors get rlev ll Mill WAT AMPEELL WONDERFUL 1MP III Ind hlrl M1 and Mr Ind hln Bill Shannon have returned home Intr roost ere ioyabla balidey Color by train to Edmonton the traveller then out by bus to Damn City endlrirbnoka Aerh Tilt Iran mam then trIveIltd by the mii el dngrlusg lrom WhAebom lo slimy ea on the Narrow Gale Italiwa Aboard Ilrip was oer mode at true to Prince ltupert Alain Mg mubcm they beIrdedIbttIleVonrouree Ind Vittoria and enioyed the trip on tin Caribee lrrlt re innan to Edmootm wry ri lionll Ind Inner stop at iiillrtti our home ended rieet helloy lire lieu sold ey own the o7 linen Itld Inlrorl lite one very eeri tered thouelt they no noorer our wilrie and wool end rent nun bald ruler The dry they were in Cuheo creel the itmoerelrre our tee in the elude la the lend oi the mid night run they mm but de lay and oere Wooded Add no the errorlee that looked as ll it were on too leet my There were very low hourr dukoess rod Inert tlroer reedlo Ire hie uotll It least ordnlllrt the um and then there were Promo It Philtdtinhie all low houn oi dnrhrexr SIeriexnItAliImN iioustoontndmtl Br thlr constant llmlllhl lead to threI erwr me when it loo Annie It Sen Preeelted ll Willi inilliv Amrriral IreInI Earl nocrrev rrrvrrnrrorr Friend Ind ntlzhboun are l4 PriWL my plerrrd to lenrn lhrt lloh Baltimore so no New York on so 5e5 Mil 57 I9 51 Noel and Keith Witt lonl Jun ior hockey playm have re eelverl invitations to etlcod niarb Boston 56 All iii ninill Illuukra Ii 51 All We Wriand in $9 ldl 20 rat KIrraII Cily out bdt Onhilnd area 556 beyareere ell nulling toe you to make the big time We knew you ulll give them your best hiinnmta 5t bi lil 515 WESTERN HOLIDAY micron 52 or toe are hit and hire Brown Son CelllorniI 51M are oy Irrra Ave Ilao lir and Ten ro as not toy lire Norman robin Yoore 51 limit and Milwaukee DttroitA Gertland Baltimore Boalon ro New York Minnesota Oaklrnnd CIliIomiI Tea linen City rage Glrner Saturday Oakland It Calliornln ileum City at llioneeola Texrr It irlcaxo New York at Detroit liilonrrter It clevolInd Booieo rt Beulme have returned after worl errr holiday lire lottia Corrie Ir enendlnr or week It the Oro meme oi her daughter errd lolltill lir and hire Iynrr horrory WCAL VilillOM Cant Georre lirlnrlane hra irrat recently returned lrom Cy ymo III and lair oile Ind dau rnlor Debbie nrrd her Iriend Plili LImh eoent the weekend with lirr lliclarlarior mother AVIEW OlTllECllY the arch the ilrlr 1h tower run hare exten lrn mmhulm as well news or srrrorrn ilrr Wt mybedd VrrloriI St Alia rlrltinx with klrL Campbell thin on week were Air hm hm lion and bin GrIrI Imer Richmond liill klr Ind hin Olirrr Crabb Seotixrd and lieu lllr Ind llrr Crush oi ilexrlaie hlr Ind hire moo return to their native iaie titer tourmonth rirri llth Canadian Irlendr They were rrrurh lrnoresrrd with one local Sandy 0an Arm develop menL THOUGIIIFUL MESSAGE Elev George James ED lllnlrter at St IIrnea Unit led Church will be holidaying lor the month Augurt on Sunday July hi be welcomed the rrunmer virirore Ind til III with moron roessare on New Church end Male to Iii lo rrork lor wholeness were and hrothertoed to too at ihiou et little worth oi div ision end in own eomion end use lmorere elicit Christ hre prom lo eodwr liir enurea Sunday Auxurt than Grotto rill be to rhrm oi the urviree with the UCWi rel ooortble oaiie on Brow Aux nat it there will be week on Aleoirol Ind Dnll Addiction Furndnllon PRUBYTEIIIAN CliUltCll nrua Fdrrr Imith In Prerlrrterian ehurrh coruiouad hlr win at IermnnI mine rubied matter What mod on trutdy htinili Door ll lInn Detroit to God end the rhrrrch rmita romrnrroltler riuke or out oi our reiiiab lodlllerrneo in otlrml All mruiateomatimo meet revere litnm accident and death and how we react rhoor elrni our Christian iallh rrn bring in rtreoxtlr rod luhmi ion Sunday Arran will be lir Edrarr last Sunday oi turn our rervree here BUIINEM EXPANDS iredI flower burlnenr ll expanding or the proprltlorr hir Ind hlrr lred liuiraard are buildinr rhnda houaa or rhnrhr and plants twin to be in lira early in ember Up In new the plant rd to ha in the tour iira new Ilrrrdr house will leave more room lor pork lnr Ind Ia roiume oi cuotorrrerr mm to be yrorrirrz rapidly thin Ill be benecial Have you rlalled the horn lately with oil ite lovely undies vase rte and the bran miniature Ire really lovely gilt item The lIrrriira oi the hie Sunuri announced Brptholrlti II dalmatian Ind rinlnl it min PM redo Ind Arm Allen winced It noun Centennirl our lor their Ionunl irrnliy reunion on Sunday Iilb over galleria to enjoy reoerinr Inmily Iriend rlrrvr hour ood with and en lo delirious meal rm and reirnrrrtnz mpiod tome oi the white othcrl Iere rvolent tn roloy the lovely park and that Furrilier were present irorrr 1bronio Goodrroort Cree more Gillard ChrndriiL Dal rton lry and Snood hIrr Wil lred Ported IM telehrrtinl her birthday uhirir added to the lestivlrlea Willi in RESPONSIBLEl luondrr how many Sirourl ruiderlI Ire rrrrre oi the led thrt there it went rdiewrlkr Yonra st lrorn the corner ol lrorrr the corner oi Virtorlr to the community ilail It in rarer ed rrliir earth Inrl rIrI pork right on it close to the library laurr Pedestrian lorrcd to wrik on the Ibmider at No 11 High morehmirthoriantoittu lawn lrlro it respensibia ln elero tirir street oil Ind Ieo car do not perkr Then is it til llithIy mot or it local muddy mmclil Some one Inoulrl Ind rraly mun have responsibility WUNDINO FIRE Alllltli Another tool local Ioik Ira riirnmirrl in it oeomIry to mod the tire urerr repeatedly in the It in bonnet We undue etnad ea lirernan entire all direct to his home and in euro tirI work not noted II the were oi lire In what is the reason lor the Ilernr Ihieh IIkrna tome working loik who hm to me early in the mom in end ere all know Iorrrctimer rtturnirrr to rieep diirrtuix ri not impossible lllli ANNIVERSARY 0n Sundny July 77 iir anti llrr iIrner Leonard and Mr arrri liirl Cilllord liiiler Vir torin St Streod Illeruled the Mt Molina Innlrrrlury oi lire and hire Albert liorml oi Virtoria llnrbortr liorrird in in rear lllrt llourrl not the lornrer llariorle iiiller elster at lira Leonrrrt end Clllierd lili ler The reception wII held in Wyebrldeo Community Centre Ind merry irlendr nod nelebbourr called with reed Melee Ae Nmoanyin Iheir parents were lilaaea Audrey orrrl Gladys liii ler oi Toronto end liirr Wriiiom Boierr oi Barrie nrrorr NEW ZEALANII Mr and lint Jirrr Jobbill oi Whanrerle New Zealrod Ire visitor ulth their cousiru llrr Byilniyerrlty OIIAllA lOl Senior Norm and Palm Ll raonaunmrmrmw oIDorinnalrrmdero ironnqdortorelelnliev their router llr Ind him He ville Jrrnlaorr oi mum and lien Err Jobhltt ol Torin hlr Jobbltll crandlrther htrlu Ii lohblt leit lhroolo to to New blend in 61 Indlimtethaiintalhirde rceodrolr to init Canada Deon Wrbbol Varmint it who lair hoth rotlr hlr nrrihlrIilIroldWaiiIee VACATION SCHOOL lmed School It Si Jmt Stmd mornlnl with or prerent 11m helplnl in tin nmnirdioa oi the school are Lind Goran Linda like numry lire Bhu are Glenda Blank klodrrw ieo lirI Audrt Toma Arm lire hiulrllrlll Karen hidiebh Prtrrrary klrI lllrouir lirlar liamrdI ioInneltoldlrnrlnr Wernhlo rr belu led by hire Barrett and other Moon In ii litmuiii on i1 10 rorda lot the Ichool ir lire 60 been it our plank ie oironod It Ouotmil Park for Thinedly Ao lot the etudenu Ind lh rpuenia Aeorrlrlrrclcrxno is extended to my tirlld 111 to Ilimd Iny ol the rmloor FAMILY SHOWER hirr liervyn Ayere oo hooitu with her rialor lire Melted lor hire IioIlrndr dauybler BIrhIm on Thunder erenlox It lrrnily rhoeer IlarborI it Iormer Strand ill and her anrrlIn to Jack Srdtnn lrIrrInedlorArrnrrtzs Ab tenderly rnm Stroud Iter the ueornr mother hire Jerry Erit ton Ind hlI rum Irulldnr Thompson Ind htrr Ayere daughter lin sterneobroy Illti Porn Irul lnereu Ayerl MEAL ACCIDENT Std to re Pauilyere had had hit his blryrie on SIi rnday and the mkeod to hospital DerrylDerory took turoblo oil porth rod code onto moreoory Too bad It happened hoytl lN THE WORKS BEST WIIHES TO THE MARIE KENNEL CLUB FOR ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL DOG SHOWI SlurGain dog food for you on Silliiliilill lliliSlilii rrrrrreritiilt of IA Illllll omieoi peck oi 25 or 50 lb it will give your do the same high standard oi nourishment tinia to into all Sieralrr Iolrnel loort producta mode by taiorrndsrirnioolinersFed ytr go eral ins dedheeimdlh best cereal produote lrryavepe produel your dog irgzlnglto love So you want dog en the it oishurtiainuometo loy It the Iimlo Dog Show Therae true lb sample walling lor you Andlromomber when you giveyorrr dog the beer hell tore you for tt SELECT rerun servrcrs mirror 24 Verpre Street Ir our Ontario oorr melee Snooneyo insthe Georgian Mall Barries largest Selection olintemationai eyewear fashion frames Prompt eilicient service on all eyeglass Thereinsomething in Perlormrnml souroarn Dog on oorrres in econ flier Ilrier in on lroildryr rlilrllr Subsidies MAWt CPI trollean dalry indoury eoolumao rrld Thuredry the new itderel io Erreaee In milk Iobndlee writ viroml prices Canadians pay or rlairy melons 94 John rr inekann president el lre Notional Dal Cornell oi lurid rrriiii1P or on on GEORGIAN MALL TELEPHONEr1268891 prescriptions The leading name for eyeglass fashions in Ontario plume lllreiarrl rtateroont tlul the hith ruhsldiee will Inol rranil in higher rolarl jrrrtrrr