lirnln tiitge iii ght his It SEEI fiiiYii SMITIYI mm you mm to bake viittr butler 21c lb and egg 30c don liehettertogiveusywr order lhmpton Jory of Barrie will PW urernuin ovinoltt Willi er ll little medical it Fr In Uh mu 31 itmt ch lsfatitory re gnrbrge dispoIal Inert iii di dolomitdlttrnlzyttl It 911$ am monolith new ounnyiiein St and divided honore with iniorenoonoeinrnn Coihngnood Ind 0rtlitn In mrtcher lie hrIIIIlIIIzII 115thle one loliowlng dIyl tailed tine roblrm then nrnelr title In Ionic oi the more mm mm cord for course at 41 for nine holes rel Inmtn ottan herein with Inntr Intinn rnIro bladqu oi nItlva robin whore moontint uiinr be full ISGcanrlll Ironin he to real hm henelltted lndinn with In men lotnod beeedtet Arnold Lee Carroll summer visitor from III or Pullmt IIquIr rhizfluntilonvvnul 0mm 307 Kc m1 hcmm lmgehIedotllInrlooLquithonhio Iodimtoo onmntleeeelm theputleir mm the budget IttretonQueoee John blePItee Dr II Amati weeir but In doubtiirl if their ff mi WW ti We It INTim II III stewed girth mow prise Lnid eluteer Idveoeod Very is by 33 tug in New um min IIII InIIIIIn In mine Ind binniol in not low won womens dunndoneht son the Imported horizon to gml wt we run on wameeltltnr ogging I50 tram my my mgr3333 ymgnhttomm on new moan ammo vrew conv onie II II II dill Itll int Fm WI cum Ind the potlcler which from the meld rletus given to max It more Indian In ItiI IIin lIIdIr III Int oittmblotl to move III herehero pinnee during the them in the PIrIIIInerIl eI IhII being employed direcuy by ted 1W3 mended vindli 10 Mimi liontor eonnrrreriulnI jwu tpotlmnrovo the Swami lling mmf III II 00qu mm mid he ermine It 3v WW Ii PM Emil mum again Wmmglih Prian my BMW new war my my Payne Ibrniel mum IIIIIII WM not err Inuetthlt lridlIns will rnighteieetumlhyudghl ineunnnvlturmru III em or vault fix dehibortiutlmllndtovm improvement Iveiie bliss ReteOCoanor bits Arne Wt WWI III In III III worsened III III Muchno III III III nanometer IIIWIIIIIIII unn moiety Costello wants lee Clayton Wells Miss GIrdyI Write iii In WItImtIr rnriienirnt ltbey Irene elect IboutblilndnzrnindiIn people civil union IeleetlIII eond mi gI App mu In denoted to problem ol number or realm gt my hm Muted 1mm election em moulded one oi itr lorB enmmterCotrpe re one My mm mm noopIIIIIou men election ltlr hlInIIrl lannIdggrIdthoudlholrthl memben Inoiher Imminent Thunmpeper me out dimogiylned llanr Jack Powell Billie Grillith gurpentr were not new mo my gmmmmdgunn we on ml Min man timid audiol Itortntrenoring vloingIl for women hindonett appointed town top but the riIurIinn In Nev mini eroded loreme on thy not no nrerolght relu tn0ntertel1dtlryeonr Nniecliouefy tour at 11000permum dtgluvilto litrktI where the native Jamie the when tin or more native cInI tlonr lo tbs eotrwlu MIMI elhrbnedtbeemldu Iriqu in add one it run 311l if mu air tm WWW OTHER VIEWS remediedn attention II no would be totenlxin oi orgInlutionr be ill mufer you In out nil inn uifhirriii in with aim the worst tori bir binrehInd coming much more II minor will line to hi to will hennth ggyom Into mint the but wit tugtertl it would IIIre other third or Pullman on mun bIhlt ol turninl In the that or APPAREL OFT PROCLAIMS MAN pectin unployerihervwid for Ill Wilde III Conqu leel thrt lndlnnr log to them unrverheiore vie government every thin Ith my my Mr Grtihem Daily News niobith Medsbwd edlde mi We were not eanhlr at winning et here many competent and title hlve problem lie all It and with the world letr Man In be uni through the humid ebIn niri leederr Inn romr ol thorn in thItoiIIrI out on or momentum rune Searediv oi tooshaecrrnted nbuyere their and dnnged lII tires lie was 33 eeIIIhIIIIII incisnndnietboduvvouidmuob willhel thoOommooIbeim amneoIIIIihnrdruntih ladbuutior mrmi My being rpm mam the ii it in rIther hove net bills with at long the KunloopeCuibeu mum writ Ind Igm We eoght to oh mover lhII IIIIII alien Mont Tohtrotthinklng thiswam rIr coretl delivered en Inn um mm and In dew lent tome Iereneu ol the in hit hetiem wilhhtrn nthertbgn In men pie who org upnconvconxiionnfinrligpm mnmem MM wdmimm lindnwnr lit Ind mines Libeni MP1 on bu mm mm hillJilIEirm ongmrrintutrpuler male of the spouts who otten goes to only we In yeiitlher longIhnired and boarded Emmi assented 1m ugly tor job dressed in his fancy otmuwdwmmmmhr The applicant may be perfectly able to do the min otfered often in view 1le With rings ensron gr 23 of the fact that sort are so scarce he Will is him Im will downgrade lilmseii and go llltt Emllml he could till most easily Yet in amazedpthrn lie Is turned down He claims diacrimtnotion uanir proc ticea Ind prejudice We refer of course to DO Ilmeheu Ilr Cbrr crowd not that likely to he found It In raided rock festivals mmhlrndhrIVMer Canada in spite of opinion to the om IiIouet us hold contrary is still democratic mntry Maltreatment One such applicant mentioned in and In not ruled by one will of the WW mum mlnirter newspaper eolumri even Inked the pron maturity WWMaxumwmmmnW Wm donors PIIRK WWWM id Blytleld Sm Proposed Speaker iINIlONliJ Premier DIle lute AlIn Itmder WIlerloo Second Ctnu ldIil annotation llurnber MM Popu1or In House homeroom Stetutory Itolldm excepted 3y 0th Willi rtreng inuence on the quilt or drill be can contribute to Que Perl llneIn Illletilllttlllr buberxiptlorr rein hit by or The Enmtm groin rectum House rtrIdity end constructively yet ry 51 the refereelneblef Politics is 11 Barrio rairo yerriy Simtot contort oi Itrnnl midi IIIWMWMNW herIn ref Ihetanemudh AN mIllng House thIt wort wrmmmmlgme yen ll ll enmity til yeuly torture oi Gourde will yelriy mm mu In other eountrru troop yeIrly irreo no net the tone of pouth MPP Speaker oi the Irrnunthnt in prime tlie the no IIIIIIIIII III sIIIIII II III in Win iiiieiliwniililii illicit football am or Iny oi it Im it otherbigheonflirtlpnttl itil he the Soul but he hu Ibovvn In with ti it St Wes Toronto rilntllttl of politieI not It mtn ere 3th st Molllllul thmhltt PM my itll ill hlhtlil Mill twin Member oithr Glnldlan Pratt gilt woeiubly biI II Iltion could be WIN the the efriiylimmm In MPP rincn IIeI befnrt nne Innii numu oi orcuin IIurI eIri thrt he liII been In ridermrn tit tlnvIrlIbly however It St myor In pram the centh PreII Ir mlun ernnurite ehoierle Irrepte dr to lever the gov ltInIIl the WWW laden Ire reunited lo Vmin like we of Mr Router not only tv he ed MI 111m number at other hr In mu am Exam cm nunuty of the proceeding Ind tvel entitled to the ore for re ltlmt el uh tiprIIIlIii newrdle Itch mm the point in polittrI where you 2mm We mm of end the lion WII mm The Anon otrt Free or lieultfi Ilonel th toe to bu been deputy opener Miran mlwmm be on waI In with II III low the in proieeoiootlilm mirror in Ill nriruni Irwin With mm mu For he kept root quiet liut IthetI intelligent doesnt on whit then under hI too produced In tho hewrplw Internet IIIIn Irol wII inortly eheeriui myrtehi Regirtuiihb ltunri expert he tell trtndlo lee iootl mum gtl lIlopreonito III III JII brute on but he elem tqu Spemrr Ind editerlel roIierlIl are Itlulyli IlouII ever In Its llgbilbl herilltrertrtrrtl snow by CY FOX CInIdlIII Preu nun Writer The lttddlr Eut tirerdy torn by orolound tension or result ol the ArIblrrleit conict how is dooply Ipprebenrive Iboui the possiblo toureurrieu of lordnniIn Prime Minister WIIfi IeliI assertinltion tn CIiro If the tilting ll roved to be the work ol estullhl represent tnr tire PIiertJne llheIIiion movement it would constitute the tint rmior lnItiItlue by eup porler ol this curve in recent moths The lnlertlrioArIb lurrriiler Iro ostensibly pledged Ibove ell to overthrow the present stole ul lerel Ind restore the torn tortnl and constitutional rights they try were once enjoyed we Jam mi Iliegod to thI here involved in theusends ol remgrte currently on living in neighboring eountrier tub Jordan not for yenrr the guerrilla All have by fora oi circum stances if not by rbolcoenn centrrted Inth their milling elfort on chronic ttruggle wi the Irth commanded by Kiel llussein of Jordan count thIt her long rrrvtd es thtl rnun blue in the Imelda urinal lIrIel Into AGAINST IitIin The lithi IIIIuII IiusIein rymhoilrtd the perpetuation oi thItdleIIrIityvvhith plotted it lirtithIIi too tg ritn offesding tvitb tintininre thnotvodeeedes Ito rogu mdlliliihit It MM Itod hr in employees Ind so enmity It to grill51mm remote oodhth hihi ii is If ilgrlnbitlnr conironting their atrial red the rleiry bet Iron itith guerrilla Ird liner they hrIrIded Is the motion Irv iorrer el Hulteinl rogIIIIr government in lordIn milestone in the history ol IIIIb dlrirnity hlblzrtunninx drfrIt hinilieledi Inn on guerv rllIr hour the Irreg ulIIr into It rut tamportry impotence II In or their muchdluriind Itrurgle IgrlnvI Zionixrn vrrr concerned iturreln vvlib the nowrumi nsted Wufi Tell II min in Itrument ol hlrdomeitle might termed to lure emerged Irluirh phenl from the prolonged period of virluIl civil er Now with drIrnnllc rilddrnn beer the Cairo esirrrlnltlon bee thin out doubt on the IIII hiilt of the present Jordmiltt ll eIl orderor In the group the murder oi leil world We the world believe DIN mm mill The Bitch September evglni rItion the vrry heme oi which rrcrlls tut rerI murderous brilleI Into ll reported to hm thveItened the liver of the entire IoIdInlIn royti trinity It another way of Ivtnging the north of guerrilla mowed dnwnh lt Irmylnllvt The Hindu shocked world where leader were rIlhered It the urn to Cairo for conference on tutors vntilinry atop Ittinrl lIIIIl nethooilngoliellrnryuiu metriy IrouIe Into the Inspi divldlng conservrtive gh elements whore ryrnpg thine lie with Ituurin from the talented redietlly resolv ftiII IIIIIIIIII Int ruiiirri Ioii llll orders or IIIIIII Irrvr III IIIII COUNCILLORS Will be held on Mondty the 19 to port It the to owing pimr in Poll lAll till leie in Camden Britten el Mn Thempeeoe Hours on In ineinnie nice and Lo Sroilr Sim Avilln Mlilr Pelt lLolI to It Ineiurlvr in Con rod It Midhurrt Communin Hell have this number Poll dLetg i6 Ind lots It Skyline Motel Corr Ind Highway to end 27 Poll bLetrl to to Inelutive tion ill end It Minulrrg Community Hell Poll eLei ii me all laII lbw thil number Ceili tom the niel tnmmunlty Ieii 1Lete In Inriotlre In Can II it me It ldInvIle Community llrll Foil IIeirene Iii lolreheve thir linden in It end It It Grendel Community EARL RICHARDSONI