Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1971, p. 17

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WW1WWI ANNOUNCEMENTS sumo COUNT SPECIALNOTICESICASHITATESI cnossm ii cceAI THE EXPROPRIATION AcT romeo WEE unt3h Notice of Application iorApprovai toExpropriele land 55 organ 35 iii ii ii IE iii it it EE HILLSDALE BAPTIST CHURCH ANNIVZILSARY Withtiara arrangetar IrJdeoreelOrilRa D1 BINGO IEDNEDAVI AT Ill SATURDAY AT PM Iain lard cranky Dal Gill and hard It Orilta 11 PATTERNS gr Est EST 353 iii it 3E Sis it in as ET as 595 55 55 rm CANADth PM TRLISDAT Der mt Gorernmeot ilPr any word or twu New Dan is LIFE louamhraandcmra inrhyhlaeormeltr gutka rst Wm mg north hung NMWWNSRLPOBINNISTD in egg E13 if In to to levied or oi or or two or Public 31 municipal to snort JNWCI 01 mun BY wmno OFTHECIIY OBBARRIBIODISIDLSBWIIH water the City van or Rs TAKE NOTICE THAT arle as tha in mi Ootrndl Corporation at at at Barrie intends ill 0mm WM ml Irt us or mtoslclpal purposes or Clerk oi the Sixth Carmella ol the at Veapra new to the in writing at Darrle the purchase price at those taorh whom oi the my no4 my rm over period not exceeding to years The Ontario limidpai Borrdior an order to dispense with the assert oi the elector lo the urtdeb tokloy oi the raid purchase Ariy rrlrpayo may within ten dryr alter the publication at this notice send by part PUBLIC NOTICI ol wh train the letterl rate Application will be made to apron works Prepaid lo the Clerk at the lily oi Barrie at the addrue Italic notice in writing rtaliny his obiechon to such approval and the but notice colloids oi such ohicetlur 1he Ontario Nurrlclpal Board may order purrumt lo the up It ololulo that the assent oi the electors ahlll not hr required and may approve oi the raid purvhllr but helore dolor so It my itll appoint lime and place ior public hearth when any obieelioos will be considered DMD DATED at lho Olly oi Barrie lhls irri dayml Dccembcr MI ll bTRAllGilAN City Clerk line to nAnrur Ontario learns Stadin lrlr 51 Honey Munch 5i llui lets it Chrcuios ii Crispy Cili llcidi tircuirr lobill zoo ters to Lucky harms its Emily TIIIIII YIHIT Itorrrie inl Special K19 ll OUIUAW lllllSlllM Loops ll Doro lulis ll lith soIr De1 hl Ierti lllral IlN its Pt troo WNltlmltnul rt reliildred rumoursrot or In Aw Ii er Kramer Nuiholland Ema lial arr lie Oaey loo Encarta rouse an Lately writ Torrents earlier LEAGUE llrtlnerday lirrIaaa lllyh Stacie than and arert mute NOTE atel mareIa All ROYAL CANADIAN oi debentures payable or belura Wednaaday mm lotlii it com ctlANtlu more lull lllhaisdulMKUrurrr Emily ill Yioitito yr Hi Del ca Moricll Ill Avrilnourish moth oi North mer cl romaiimca llrhl in color and other timer dart TIES llrgiijil gr 41 5pm is 531 as re ii in T0 SIZE 50 seaports true HIV Mareum atrrn mutated shape Sew it nowl 4m wheel rd bl mi rEmai AM Cltler JM COMING EVENTS NEW YEARS EVE DANCE ilClCDiS Now On Sale ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION moo NUPLE OFF DATE DEC ll Inc Admiuioo Food Mmhmeols Prawn Millyde BUMVS CENTS cartel in color no stamp handllnx NAME ADDRESS BTYL runners SkiMOIi Draw Millionaires Night Wat rbmntu Ontario G10 irons rso styles in new not Winter Pattern Catalog All that Galaioz so cents FRIDAY DEC 17 Prim Food No 0am EVERYONE WEWME lit sew modern way not INSTANT FASHION BOOK Utopia Community Centre ANNUAL MEETING oratory December ll MD ll LEGAL KNOCK please remember the pol lu arrpper arr Satunlay Dec it on tho IDUI llDC rareoily COMMON IRON URGED SALEOP LAND IN THE COUNTY OF SDICOE NR ARREARS 0F TAKES Notice is hereby yiren that the list oi lands liable to be will tor mean oi lute to the Mini ol Sirocco has been prepared and was published to advertise roenl September ith lm in the Ontario Gazelle Copier oi the arid list at lands or advertisement on be seen hi my oilice or will be mailed upon mahlnr application ior arose in delalrli at payment oi taxes as Mama said list on dudesed and thorourhhred rr oi the industry through replied the two sbould oi reelurln any plans ior track belttnx ltbtlitatthehouroltwo oclock in the altrroooo shall at that hour the cutnet Giamber County Administration nodding Barrie Ontario pro eerd lo sell by public aurtlerr the raid lands in pay such rr rears loycther with char tnrrrom 1i any at the raid DNUJ are not ruld on Wednesday Dee enlllCTBUl run an adlourucd talc will be held on Wednesdu member 81nd 1711 ll two oclock seiner keep th mini rtata Whrl item is Brlnd name Specillcatlans Uoholalary Finish rlyr Color storm County murmur rouuu Adminlrtrrtlon Building BARRIE Ontario in ilala it easier lor the peerpact litronober the Articles clsulilcatloa la the llihulela TRY EXAMINER All laooler Rarirl Place IIIUNB mli soum promo Square dauntor continues at Central Sdtool each Drenday Printed Pattern NEW Womens Sites at so to In KKMJOSLIOIIMLO takes yards Moth labric please loi each pllienr add In cents ior each pattern lot that class oralllox and rpeclrl Ontario residents add ieenta alien in Print plainly SIZE Seed order to ANNE ADAMS care oi The barrio Examiner Pattern Dept 50 Front Street FREE Choose one new pattern INSTANT SEWING BOOK cut what lo wear answers iroo Nut eucltrn Is Dec ll ITJO PL Members oi the cornmunllY CT ll JLlly Ru Book rents lcorrra back to the common lly to Mr and Mrs Glenn itl bert who hare taken up realience lira ll Shannon is rislunr her mother lira Donn at Elmvale Oonyratulllom to Larry and lly lion who were married NEW YORK AP Stan must loin term to avert resettled lerisiatiia abuse olllrrck heliirsl the president oi the Harness Trucks at America said Thursday Edward Doucherty told delentes to the Therourb bred Racing Association coa unite to present to yorernmenls the cm oil Aereapzrles and rltrdtnienla Candlllon perry to the animosity turnout Ii MB BAUNTBR Can million In ALICE BROOKS Whip up new iasltlon rest averting at 130 rrrrro wei ilully pull Illlth Easyl Go to new iasblon lericths this yearl Jilly rrochet vest cardi In coal oi worsted wlih No plastic hook Topa shirts dress es penis Pellern mt NEW rites NH incl TFIVE CENTS icolosl Ior each pallem too stamps please add 15 cents ior elch pattern lnr lLrsi class Dille and rpecial handilnl lo Alice lironts rare ol The Barrie Exemlnrr Needlecrall Dept at Front Street Welt Toronto Ontario Ontario re sidents and loan erals rake in Print llltlly PATTERN NUIIIB ER AME ADDRESS NEW mt Noelilrenlt Catalan Irrore Instant iashloos halls crochels quilts embroidery Ills ireuatteros lo cents Neil Install Creehet Beak step hyetrp pictures ieach you bow to crochet instantly Plus newest pnlterna iron Camplell halal GIII Beck more than no rill ioratl on euionrnces iron Ornalrla Allllll Dank Hm ham who had eye surrrrr Nov 25 Dr and tin Arthur Vrrdon and Mrs Prank BealLr Thron lo visited to the community last Sunday Nov to DINETTE EUCLID Attention all euchra pluersi The Ladlcr Auxiliary to the Stmcoe Manor Beelon are alar lny euthro in the room at the manor Dec mo pm horde irom the so cents ndmLsslan will go towards buy ing cart ice the 11rd Shop RBIVE iuttly at Ralph lteiir who pas at my last weekendRalph was his tony resident oi this commit prior to selliny the iarm on itlth line and mov ing to Barrie levr yerrr no ltcrrrember the til Achieve rrreol Dny en Selurdl Dec at Central School tor come Fatima Fruit Come and support the iris with your pm store Prorram starts at 115 pm Nita Wendy hitOtIarrie enter lalned the elder at Hlllcresl ladye Orlliia in her accord ion one Stoday recently SILVER WEDDING lira Ruth 1hrrell entertained Book cl Prlla higher to cents OIL Reel ll patterns It rents lllltmm Oallt Book IO cents Book Grills ior Todays Lir bar It patterns at cents CLASSIFIED ADSDONT COST THEY PAY DEC 6TH pm my T0 IiiELECT when on place your Artlclaa For rd in The Barrie LAMBERT councrrron rot VESPilA rwr wartime rewrites once MUNICIPAL rtANNIno eunrartmo rxcrssrvr casrs RETAINING LOCALAUTNORITY amoral and lamIly who hare purchmd the Drmsornre pro hllas Colleen him was soloist at Ernmanuel Baptist Chnrrh llarrla on recent My ciao aunt come rwrltr anyone Iho la in trusted to this type at rerrar Nest IM to hlurray Gra Synrpaihy is rateoded to the JlnLLeCammunit it ANAHEIM ml zl 90 edb alluding In MMcaddrraarndiira Andree Graham and 315 Km tinrid nledlhempig with mtrhllrlrmd my my ll All MW smoker mllrxlce rack and Blue sroun talsr pottery WHEEL LIVESTOCK TORONN CPI Tndinr wu retire on broad demand ior all rinses and rude oi shorhter rattle at the Ontario public alorhyards this week Replacement ealtle prices were line to higher good and choice real calm were in short will at hither and her pr car were thee Lnrh prices were Imehanyrd Handler cattle On olier this week All tail week U10 in date Ml 03751 in data rsro cull this week last year mi choice rteerr ssso seso IlUanES to 3m road sets medians souso eemrrroe no choice hellere serum with raise to to road 3w me dluln 83130 corornao IMHO road em net with rates to medium Lsoma camera and earlier ibit and heavy bolo clia hull TM with sales in common anal medium to rlockers and iredrrr that calm IN ON alter this wrek ms last week rm to dill IVII roarvo lo dnle Tm noel this week last year 1390 choice rulers 4143 with top choice at as good 3640 me drunr mi common bun ers mt Den Am On alter this week Mil last wrek 10530 in data Ml 1m to dale rm mm this orek Iasl year ml base price alarm stars and boars rotorrao coed heavy rows 1151 Sheep and lube llii 0r alter this week Lesa last week 1566 to tilt 17H iii In dale lrewod this wrek last enr handyueicht br em with sales to lights to so common mrdiurn 3d heavy lambs rtze sheep GOOD 112311111 About or pre cent oi the tth romumod in North Amer lca ls used lor iertillzer and the balance lo ehemicalurserll mm histogram errts ad tailb one rule that Wall pro truded eoznrrittreataya road at the preeminent tax bill out Wednesday surrey by StaUstlca Can ads shoved Canadians owned net debt oi All hiltlcar ta lor elm irireslorr at the end hi irp irons about It billion In yerrs rlllll mayors oi autonro llratndrnlry realm ind ltndr Mlltlalrr JraoLue Prpia to hold out spinal United States pressure that micht slowdown Canadian production with oi humus Aiialrs millntrter Slur raid us and MI oitleials harr reacbad no arreement on an about rr rlrian adding that only elected leaders may do that Dr Sharp tab new meets with Norway on Min and Krealrnaorduyhln oil the East roar prov that Canada was lelntuerr it territorial tints lllllM BRIEFS TORQUE alumna juryLu Stall on lortshn breeders medulla IR hold IL annual Inertia at Berti larrrn lrr Kirchner nun Decrmher are at it acrerdla to on arid dr qt mm and notice BOISE roam EVERETT istatll Annual Inertia ol the Canadian Stand ardbrecl liorsa SocleLv Illl he held at the Skyline hotel in Tor ontooohloodDrcI an here DEC IiiELECT ROSS ARCHER ALDERMAN WARD III CAN IDB SERVE YOU On Thursday Dec 9th 1971 and an the second Thursday or each succeeding month One at Our Representatives Dr will be at The Continental tan Barrie lothtadietrictandlhrooyhmrtCanadsmaw Wlndmtllnprertimllyalltypud Stool have obtained loans from th ham DrnlopmnstBanktnaaquiremmsn ultimatumroman pearl rtarlaraorrbuamu and maths Umwumeroomtaomeem are Invited to arraoye us apputnymm lLIILDD reproantatrvehy Hephonin Barrte Ont 1251834 or In advance by writing to Illr lV Stool at the hiid0ntrrlo oiilee oi INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK lbtl University Avenue Toronto Drum Telephone starter

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