Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1971, p. 11

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95 Slim 193 $299 it For Metgic Judging by edvlence ticket muraaub who are ovrrrcelng sales tor the wilds Iltll Play leket sates mm VI The real rah through dress era Beauty tmlght and tomorrov purest tbla wrelt and lroned amountsarrow mmedthernlnordllilctdh Iuthltlptllrlpimtbeme rcn bu vIdIPlv whim ad iron the originatdlalry tale in spite oi the ddilcultlea the byllanausriatian An raven gummy and enthusiasm at it Iebeing rated by the Players was evident The Playorsand UniversityWo only Ingredient that could be SociaIPlanningcounciI Hopes To Involve More Narrow Scope lnvotvement at nun ritieena seralaa available In Barrie has In the mmunlty ant ionising not yet been completed The on two or three malor problems counle tor volunteers wiltbatbealrnottbeeoclaltohelnveril actstypeand planning council year hel out art ntherodda and en 12 hire Ethel Clllion lumped MM wk leIiDrJatndtargeottbecheck anon elective it they named It itll dittctlntouabwltbherTeie am rarohasnileregthaervlcoalept can comp them hadbcu tutdlled but mention were urns about the turbidity to work Tedtvdy in all erase One hi the problems tlte concerns tbs come in Storey said the problem seem to be Willi taster than the tear awhoarainvolved can ethe 1bereil be an emphasis on Ihalnvolvemant at more people last at hat the elected dine tors ha utd Iberia will take place at thriller St linta ted Churc TllitOUGll FENCE Janet Baliantyne at no its address was charged with im paired driving about am when car she was reported driving mu ran throu chain link icncn cerns was presented attaat nights meeting The electrical TNNISFIL STREET worters union Ia compiling the there was total at can dem rcsulta oi overdonan It sent out andhopea to present re St yesterda about too to out lova directory on the social Can driven Dennis is llenry St Jean Graham oI HEREBY ALEX AiitllUlt ed owned by terms Earl iner oI age to an accident on lanisilt ac South PKllchLIat ler Photo lie is Littles ltlit on year Sleeping Beans Waits Oi Children added at this stage Ia children who believe In ialry tales the production It beIn stand at Custral mllegiate tortnna Tickets will be available at the bar olllce an hour btiore each tlctltm Perimnces ere tonight at 130 and tomorrow at 130 and pm THE PLAYER Aaron Dyct five year vet eran at tho Flam portrm elrtn sp renttce who wash band in with Diane Adair as Mother Pink Katina Deniolla lays the ioter Brtar lines In swat ened with loving ttsa alter too can oi sleep by Edvard Wit neon the Prince Wendy tllrts as the Purple Witch complete with green bandsanda lebaglollei evil cartoon spells puts Gcoii held the Kt and liteg ODon am late aatatool trenay with the spell the Inc on litter llose In tit ical headrestsme klnaon plays captain Lot The cat meeting It unfit Jamie Patter plays the mutt tn shining armour LOCAL AND GENERAL Moonstone and parked car at htelrose Ave were involved PARKED CAR Tlll Jeri WI 51 Little Am reported about teen daruage to Illa car which had been ted In trout ol his home today The parted car was really damaged by sec vehle which hit the scene traiile sign was also knock down GARRETT chnOu EU am ll 03 int vsar are an the Ivan hare anttnd tour tawnd It service groups have also enter ed Bands Irons Bolton Emirate arai Albion the Barrie Deccan can and the Sand Hill Pipcn Band will also participate Plans tor the parade began Oct it The James selected chairman and committees to an range tor hands and oats they met every week following It through and organising as much as possible llr Waltrn said alters were sent to merch Illta and Industries In the city ashhrg than to participate TWA TTILeTE All lioata will be along mistress theme hir Walton said Its said there would be no completely commercial rleair altth the business are al lowed to advertise on their Iloatn lle said most wottld deal with Juvenile therm but there would be low others with Christmas scenes on them Aim city com um ed Its grant tor the parade to soon Irorn the Jayne still had to dl Into llieIr Ttibtla They had ask the city or him The coat ol the Mods alone this year is ever seen Although meet harm volunteer their arr vices the Jaycees pay their traveling expenses and any other expenses Incttrred It gives them money to not more pieces tor the band Iiir Wal ton said llhen it comes to making the OH The average Income in Barrie based on teen tax returns is to piecing us euth In list at es Canadian oltIre studied by the lrderal department ot rev enue and taxation The ttgure Includes revenue tom wages salaries proiesslon It lets lllablc interest divid ends etc Top oi the listgthis time Is Oahvtllo with an average in come nI $75M Sarnla tullows at met and Alontit ltC ls third with 999 Torontos average was Will ninth In the country lowest at the as was Portage la Pralrlc with Orillla was lnwrst with an average in come oi Alto hTEls BEAST problems tinding place ton ccl their heats They are na Boathotrao In th Delaney Other groupa are using garages or storage areas ORGANIZATION Final organisation tor the par ade begins at Mt lllt tensor rowrow at the lair mania The main prdde Mr Walton said Were going to set 31 etatca end when the come in the gates well send tor Instance numbrr nine to state number nine Were bop lag Itll wort responded hre dc art mcatc the Ernrrgenry can um insulation and the arre bulsnce seniors have been not ttted and wiiibeeahandtoaee that things go smoothly the parade begins at pm It will ioliow route along taaa lid to Bradlerd 5L along tired told St to Dunion St and cast on mulopst to Itcrnpenieit Dr and St orent Park Or can expect the parade to the downtown section by pm cash prises at as and tro phy will be presented in the winners oi the rommcre non commercial and school classes The Jayceea hope to present the prises lanrnrdlatel alter lb parade We at opln to 51 them the wtnnrrst bcore tenor limitation said it we have enoth room were hoping to get the pictures and do every thing then Judges tor the oats will be Gard Ttoacli Sue latrvudcn cttVlts weather girl and cht Hildebrand oI Ciiliti omits at average behind Charlotte town PEI which averaged taste Barrie Is Just below Bructvltle which had an aver age income ot his The government study Include ed only as selected silken and Incurm to image and phage was not provch tor compact SOIL Other Ontario cities straitch were Cromwell this third on listt Owen Sound titan Pembroke ii737 nit 736 real Stretlord title tset St Thomas 33900 North Ilay eoo tot Ilclland ta no that and Peterhorough tom rm JACK MORRISON Estimator em ream caster ssAron lctt Intro docca Syd tlullcr new mem her oi the notary Job and Canada bred nl dental department Unit to Enrl Rowe right IE ol the Stmcoe Cmsnty tiealih antinrr hotel ls Approaching Bureaucrat Government III lion Earl Rowe Iormer lieutenantgovernor ol Onl arlo sald yesttrdny that Canada In approachlit system at gov eminent byvbarrnorwat ll Ih present trend continues Addan the trcckly Iunvh can meeting at the helm club the retired ttt Inrtnrr live stock bevcdc and harncu racing enthudast mid that since he tell Ottawn there has hurt an In crease In the number at secre taries In one department to as lrorn It That represents an Increase at two per rcnt he said llast ol these bureaucrats are univer sily prnhosors who have nctcr worttd at anything else and who are mrn whom you your acll wouldnt tnut to ooh alter your ovvn business He said that nearly hall the world It under dictatorship and that lhc eutltlltull attitude in Canada It cant happen here and does It cant happen to HOME CONFIDENCE tlr llore urgcd people to here more conltdcnee In the any other symbol he said tip criticized the government larthcr lrom the pr libel we acid he more huslnass in poll lisp than politics In business Mr Rowe rompllmcnlcd the youth oi today ibr being the best generation to tar and urged Ito tsrians not to worry about the length ol lhcir hair simply be cause some at them have nwre hair than we can grow LOVE SEAT tits George Soulcr ti Lay 5L told police yesterday aller noon that an antique love seat vnlucd at about $300 had been stolen Irortt her porch the pro vlous night Police are Investi gntlna Crrtninly th yre Inattralcd lr liowc was born In tluIlI he eonttnurd You would he Iowa and came to Canada at iruitralrai too It you couldnt get Mr Ilowe said that Canada nllrrs the host ayslern oI gov cmmmt the brat system at law and the greatest Institutionaliz cd weier to date and be do lird anyone to disprove It Sure there are problem but thtrc are none so great that cant he overcame through co epcation and hard wort he sat the age at two lie was educat ad in the pnhiic and mode schools at Sintcne manly an sericd on Simcoe County Coon rli at the age at it lie was electcd to tho proving cial lrgtslature tor Slmcol South in in and resigned In ms to contest and win seat In the Home at Commons lie was acting leader at the ngrualve Colorrvatlve part that In 193 chose Ithn Dielcn batcr as prime minister EImvaIe Schools Experience Shows Field Trip Not Instant When It comes to sending dilld on three day field trip some parents might think Its case at and seeing that he metro the bus on time The organizers know ditlcr cntiy From Nov to tulips it Wrihterw time studying wildllle rock and tree lormntions stream and late growth and rrlnlcd as In park InTIny Twp Prepar ations began werh beiare One at the melee problem was deciding what load and how much was needed As it turned out there was more than acquir rd llameiln said The list that Included everything horn to pounds ei bacon to dish deterrent was approved by dlclttllt sllite Ontario Hospital In Penctungulshene tinny at the articles were bought wholesale and the total artlnzrntcd tnaImosl $35 ices as my parens per mission and list oi clothutg the children should bring wcro also sent out in advance COTTAGES pecking some cmthrs turrets and Bound ltemelin iiny Twp clerk made visits to the school and explained the area and its history tlrs Elaine ltamelln urnt long as nurse and prevtorn ah rangcmcnts were made with Dr llchItlIe nl lthePcnetan protect work sessions barvvror time tttrhen duties such as put lrng gone away and bringing in wood and tree lime Friday the troop celebrated talk mast PROBLEM SOLVIAO lu outlining the aims and otr iecttvcs oi the Iield trip Dillon prioct at at our Lady lot tmaades so the Iirst priority at theIrio was to provide goth mun backgrounds oi experience In aublccts such as art math ematics science and phy independcnt problem sol vlng and the potential tor the stimulation oi interest and in vottcmcnt In individual problem solving warn also major lactate Field studies nlo giic the dad can chance to mate prartical use at concepts such as ur lance diversity adaption mee Cottages In the arch tuolu surcmcni collection andinter incisors and one tenths girls7 prolallun were lcttt by people in the area Emotional rctcuon and the and ltlr and Mrs hlurttn Glg opportunity to develop leisuro nae owners lot one at the rut sitIIls are also Important ha tngcs supcrvtscd and guided the said girls The srhool is planning tor Ilctarc the students rvcr Ialt future trips and will be conduc lhc rimruom the had can tin swlntrrting course early arai tnowlgdae all arcs but next er in malunrllon with Delaneydtreciorolsnintcllane the ilCA in Midland so that Amongthctlurons Dirt Ellis oi students can take part In canno the department oi lands and ing with tcwcr hatards OBlTlillllY Bob Armstrong IIAY PURSIAJIt Good Reception Front Weird Constituents this year Item the that election People are delinttely talking and some talk tilt the much By now there can be hardly anyone to Wards node In the clt ol Barrie who doesnt know eres an election on There are no big Issues no contest for the mayors desk and no public speeches Irons candl dates and most asphalt have taken to housoiohoilse mt lncondoora ramralsns In Ward Its no dIIivrcnt There are all candidates tor the lhrce is now held by as But they give their views thats good thing havent seen too much sign at apathy Iles been euutcll member tor the past ten years and was on councillor tho tint65 term hes also servrd on the planning board nildCcntroSImcoo plan nlna banrd ltcllrrd trons ticl Telephone he does sortie centuri dllts Garrett not work Bell but the past and it liorrison two works have been all elece businessmen ate lion Brass school supervisor Alex tlesald the site at the and Arthur and sales superva lily will make It impossible lor him mm to talk to every voter but he it lhhvve had good will try to see as many as pos rrccptlon irom the pen to with little hetero Mandely whom thcv spoke tine crmon One at the main things he is dtarard that people were even it atollt with the thought at It oneyear term and tell council lu should have been acclaim di ivr another yrnr But none at so randaiates object to the el rites and all icel It gives them Em In act some direction arousal to set up an area crnmrni Nevp kwitl autonot but or ts ll ItiCIItlWIIltlti roun cll Is the answer think we nerd something tiiuid Iurntoi than last Imemrnts between rounds an arm pannlna snrt dcveopment lie said the response to proposal has so its been lover nblc IIEMSET turn the ronsttiutotr GARRETT gut trlcrtlanl onsen am at be hill In Word airile varying thltttrtrerroim tirranco grre that the littlest in this circ Ialtlng to pooplo about Is his Aid library doesnt tion Is as high as two years ago Iletlred truth the army hes been on council tor it years red counting on his record to get him reelected There are six candidates and all oi them ascent me are gning doortodoor lm not because think pie get led up with It linbiicraey says his tile Ls devoted to community service work wllhvlurlt iroups as the childrens AId Society lisd Cross and the Chamber at Cont merce lie doesnt see any issues In the election and Is simply rn couragtng people to get out vote JACK MORRISON Jack hintrisen the otlttr vale cran ts touching on doors am says people are receptive to ash him about nrsrlvtlng tuprrtlsot tor On lnrio Ilydro hes distributing tnrds In all the ward residents outlining the protects he has sponsored or supported in ewesror term at eillce In rm to would like to are Centennial Park completed to Allardnlc dork planning dons tor the extension ot Lat shore id to Iluctworth St timid lion pl tNIl Iateihtte to my la Ity tn mist in development an and establishment ol lirm en lelt Bay Conservation Au er preservatlon oI the bay and area watercoursu MAY PURELDTV lily Puranvr has lvrund that people are Intertated In their own street or block but have tilde interest in programs that allcct the city as whole They ask me to come In tor chat and ask what to do bout problem their alderman hasnt been able to help with Or they talk about things lite the my sidewalk situation In one sub division tits own main concern ls with the Design tor Development Weve bcen designated Truth till area and unless tvo wat but carrlully rent planning pslnt nivIew ltrould go out at ton lrt lie so csts tntprotrd rrla llomhlpsbetwrcp Barrie and neiuhborllll munch Miles and is said suds putners pie essen tial to the area For the city Ilscll he aatl every study has Indicated the and iii riaa development downtown and this might strcncthcn the decaying roro at its gas company this super isor hes been Barrie test dent tor it years ALEX ATtTllUTt Alex Arthur took on the elec tlon prttnlrll trons the view point oi sha lnIarraatlon its too Is visian doortodoor and lcels this exchange at lninrmn tlan will help the citizens at Bar vie decide what their city In go ing to he like rather than leave that decision to private In terests and Individuals People have expressed to me their concerns ronecrns which share with respect to an Improved bus service pro vision oi sldewatts detrimental changes In seeing bylaws by law entorcernent protection at rur ehndo lrccs to name coin llo said he also intends to on rouragle cultural and recreation al aetvttlot and to attempt to have established wasterecycling proceues which would provide emptoymt in the city on per manent basis Mr Arthur was born and cd aceted In Scotland and came to Barrie it years ago MEI IRA llrl Dress use his tcsvutivu has been unbelievably tinre and more people are any lng Yrs you delinltriy have my vate Nmmnlly you dont get this ltusincssman Brass has brcn out trans to am In pm daily and hopes to are to per rcnt oi the voters halora clcrtion day Im not somebody who opens his ntoulh and tttalrcs prcliy spcaaitrs work harder than talk lteicctckl he promises to open an nlllce downtown where rest drnts at any ward will be able to go and talk to him about problem they may be having Hes also Interested In getting cltisens groups involved In ape riiic pruivrts tlo said ultrn the ltcmponlrit tlay Development ummiltrc ran the city marina liit1 years ago It It hl In more revenue III rs operation under the City lirvcl upvtlritl Committee tlr Brass said he has well run business and Is tortunate to be able to give hIs toll time to prolcciv he undertakes lI lso opposes the clty IeI puglirl owned train system an the but ser vice can be lrttpruvad without this expenditure Active In City Service will be held at 5crlt Icvy htncral rlor Barrie on iturwiny all pro Ior ltohcwl Armstrong who died suddcnly at his home lll Stcelo Sl this montlng tIr Arntstrnug was in his 56th year He had retired several years ago as vice president and general sales manger lor DeVIlbiss Canada lintltcd lie had been prominent In tiarrle community Ilc since mov ing here from Windsor it years ago lie was member oi trin ity Anglican Church Barrie thir ltng Club and past president nrvd dimlor oi Barrie Country Club Limited When the new clubhouse and course was open rd on St Vincent St lit Am strong was acting general man sger and responsible tor setting Elbe administration and lur htngs lie was member oI the lil wenIa Club tor some years its was director nt tloyal Victoria llospilat and chairman while the resent big addition was comp lad During World War than he eervad with Canadian Army urtlt on guard duty in the Caribbean Mr Armstrong was born In St themes Alter retooling in Imdon Windsor and Detroit be started with the production de hartmrnt ol DoVIIbIaa Cansdsi mited In My tbtt On Jan iota he became medical at lt ARMSTRONG itnl division On Jan all he was appointed sales manavtr at all liolllblss prod er he was elcrtcd vicepresident and gcncrll sales manager He continued In this potitltn until retirean blr Armstrong la arrived by his wile Marlon ten Dougie and daughter Robin both or Toronto and his mother Mrs IIArrnstron olStibomaa interment wt be at Barrie teams In September llrdm mum ma aalre mennrwr or acts ior Canada One yrnr tats

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