action On Development lhe pinata board decided testnlghttetmnnl Int time Transmittioa to the Ontario School the Deal In hlltton tor Sim Walls dtIi child renwlllbopaldhytheslmcoe he County board the ton1m school year The Board lest night weed to ilnrnoe tho opaIilors which will oott 81M casino the proposal had pr not been scheduled tor discuss too until the 0th hoard meet ins theater the hirsute were tried with severe ilnanc cities and would here had to raise the rrioney themselves with in the immediate future in the test it hours we have had some num there is some ursenry in this lent Jul metaring instead that the ho tell as passive rec tlon am lsaotr George Gray dentition NEWS nauseous omega ii IIII It not or lililOliItY Some Students Drink At N00 The new age at rasterin has created rune concern among tslmcoe Carrots Bosrrloi Editor tied trailers They worried about sheentselsm among litidentl it raised yearsrndotder Downersaid some students were not siternoon they would be rotated Ramsay director oi educstion ssid htr msay said there would children in miter la Minty who would share this bus service bot any diarlng would he on per pu beds with the Duiierin The board is continuing the areal system in operating and at the end at the school year will eomlder an extension at bus routes lai An srricndment lo provincial grant regulations allowed school hoardsto provide treasoortatlon ltl deal or blind children as oi Sept Until then the parents were rcspomihia tor all costs in curred eHurt Critically In Car Accident Nino your old Judy Tste oi it soon St is reported in erilicli condition in iloysi Vie torlI llolpltel today wills he injuries she Iustllatd when she was struck by car while cross ing the street on her paper route An accident at the intersec oa oi blulosster and Dimlop sreets yesterday closed we nd Iilml tos car driven hy Ter eace Anderson at Berlin and not damage to the recood vehicle operated by Jerry Peyton oi ltlt tied Birds lloth drivers steeped tlhe accident hsoosoed st my and Steele Street also held oi harrlo escaped Injury alter his vchiciI spun out at control on St Vincent St yasterdsyDamsge tu estimat ed at 8200 twocar uolllsion It the to icrsectlon oi hiery Ind Dtinlw Streets during the trooper hour yesterday resulted in $150 dam age to vehicle driven by base lio Walker nl Barrie and it damage to the second car oper atidpy tliiisrn Walker also at liarno Then were no inluriu Subsidy iirged For Com Crop CilhliiAhi Ont Cil boutheeelern oatsrto corn growers sppolnted titanium somndtteerttedaosday to seek solutions to probieoupostd by In large corn crop in the tint States thlayesr More than lermers voted to Ibpoiat the committee with bed representation irosn aihe Na tional Farmers Union the Out lerlo Federation oi Agriculture the Commercial Corn tirowera Assoohilloo independent corn runners and the out business community Watson representative oi the iederstoo oi hmieulture sold this years Uh tIVp ls estiinattd at hilliutr bushels The estimate the Irdillon bushels hldter than mile estlmsller land crease llholl ego to lit tutti Crownschop ed nursing homes tidal County id lolurv Quality Of Care In Nursing Home uonourp CF The oust lty oi one In Ontarios private Wesags Bull instee Wilfred at noon hour and attention VI It soon hour lt he come to iew oi the boys down to tho puh at he saidTltl lot hit tines snrl then didnt attend classes in the outermost It ltIrmsy director at ed tscstlon slid the situation about thyerroiila was amhiluoita Boaid lo Borrow For New School debenture hylaw iii the are ouai oi mm ior construc tion oi the now Mn Lakes Second School in Orillla and Inc the supply oi equipment or the new school will be utop ted hy the Simeon County Board at Educstlori The total amount approves inc debentures on the Erotect Is it ltlm Due to lcnnh oi time Involved to construction sad the large sum or money in tolved the board has decided to Ilnance the project by three issues as the eorntnictlnn pro gresses The debentures will In pur chsstd hy the Ontario Etduco tion Capital Iild Coronation ioi lowing sp rat at the hytaw hy the Outer Municipal Board SPECIAL IIIOGMM EDMONTON CF It spe cial program or pharmaceut ssi interns the only one in North America hss been work log well in Alherts The pm sruo supervised hy the Alberta Pharmaceutical Association with rinse cooperation oi the University oi Iithcrta is aimed at giving practical experience It covers all phases at the pre iesslan and produces MI iiasihle pharmacist said Ell Ambrosia oi the association lynwaed nursing homes will do lerlorsto it tho eminent iorces heroes to motor expansion programs nurslauhome operltore said Wednesday They statements made Tuesday by Dr It Cherron deputy vlnclal were commuting on health minister who raid the province is studyln the lien oi homes to dete no whetherl once with only so beds can pro vide good care It no cost lie was Iddresslas the on dual contention oi All Nursing llomee lie raid the minimum else the should tween to and lot beds and the maximum helvltca ltd and Kingsley ttlhson llrst vice president ot the group on son elation oi nurslagshoms owners arid the provincial proposal coiud destroy tho personalised care vslIIhle in small homes more interested in prov ing personal care then in run sing his institution he raid George llyde who operates einull harm to Niagara Falls homes you cIn gel to tnow all the patients personally and it min illiterrnes in lty oi ogre they receive Inc o1 Ontario he be is and tluclphsaidthetriratsller ants in corsair heist pttenu ol her grade llowwver lie etudentl sheeetlie ls restated shoot whether he it it or not Onetniatee sated Ii students were to he giiuiiour hours oil classes to vote in the bet it election hir Ramsey said It the students were absent during the Ihecntees the polls are open until limit he reminded board members More New Mutet we erlnteudeat oi academic Itiatrs said eases oi absenteeism he causo oi drinking or related In ctdentooecurred in only isolat ed instances the hoard was told students are chected every morning snd absentee Irs nottd Homer individual timetables mate it almost impossible to tell whether student is pment tor the en tire dsy youngster can theoretically he sons irons period one to the end at the day without anyone knowing he has disappeared lir liamsay said Tim gradet its are responsible tor their at lcndante Thoy have to lodge lnr themselves he added itc said an inyearold sludcnt no longer roquries legal guard ianship lies an adult hy low linrrtt superintendcnt oi operations outlined the system tor attendance shoots at Barrie Central Collegiate he said ev cry student goes to home room each morning where his attcnd once is checked Tcrchors check their tins lists and solo ohsenteos its tho end oi the day the school oiiice pub llsli master list oi abscntees laid teachers check their lists against the master list it Is tett to the individual teachers dis cretlon llr tlsrris said to eon tact the students about their toll uru to appear in class It the strident does not have proper excuse torm letter is sent to the prrents with copy going to the retinal oilicc Every second day students meet in their home room at tho end at tho ailemooo tor an additional attendance ehecir llr ilemssy pointed out the attendance scheme tor schooly was tell to rich principal sttrdeats at St John Vianoey School on the lessons content sens Ed it if ssiii rigs in it Ed Edd egg Eh iii badly out oihalencc In Item say sdded than any ulstaat lup ertntendent oi Icadernlc stinks hi it misht he necessary to tor tattoosrs mo datlus tar students htoaw than too would be ruined by at eltotte MW kmmoodatioa tournaments GIDION Bill 511 1111th schools in Siro rne Cotinty will soon receive Gideon Youth Testnmmts tor distribution among too there not sno students The aid eorit at work In Crude since 1911 have issued mt copies pi it it iEa It at are igg is the scriptures to schools In the county up to last lily TENan ITFill Ii tender oi tutu tor the eonslnsctlnn at new ilcld st ths hiiaasing Public School was accepted hy the Sim coe County loud at Educetloa last night The tender limit ted by limits diminution tilt notion was more then not low erthaa the nest hid ihrc1 oi ths tisnu tendering tor hitelto hell did not supply shcdtth cove to per cent at the leader price IINGLIMB CRASH single esr mishap on High only it north oi crown ltill yer terttly attended recruited to you damego to rchlcla driven by William Sanqu oi Toronto There were no injuries DAMAGE IN EMS Damage is estimated at mo in tingle csr accident on liigiie way too nortii oi Barrio ymtere day chicld sirlvrn by Dd erd Dorritctt oi Tomato ion the road and went Into the guard rslls No injuries were rcv ported lhlt IiilS PIG Ila accident on tho sldcroad in Essa Township yesterday ro suited to arm animal having to be destroyed car driven hy Ken Dcmpstcr oi Utopia collid ed with min which peldthors report had been wanticring loose in the arch lalcly There was tut damage to tire rur Aquarium Society Host lit Meeting The Barrie Aquarium Society will host aquarium societies team the entire protinoo It an open Sunday at the Bar third Innqu tip tum show will to open to the public irom to pnt variety ol rare and crude iish will he on display Enlxits will be iddgcd on size color and overall condition by judges certlticd by the Canadian As sociation oi Aquarium Citibs tor the year The brirltag is drained to keep parent in id ierlnI as Eli iii ii it his trio Edit Ea is tights EViiitiliTt EDUCATION PiicllmiiS Directors and superintendents oi tducatiart irons Parry Sound blusholrs Bruce Dil and Simon met yester dsy wintrepreseotrtttes tho Ontario research branch dcpsrtmentoltrcuury soil ocoaorrdcs It Georgian Coll ege Purpos oi the meeting was to evaluate educational iscillties in the Georgian ltsy partmeal oi treasury and so ooondrs Cameron dean oi Georgian College Margaret odrigue deal at tru siry lid mountats III Frank hlscdonsld anperlnln leiiiriinsihinihihihduuokitwghoue or rate School Board Ex Pho Townhouse Development In Turned Down By Board would only arm very limited it tuwnhuuso development at about in units proposed tor landlocked touracre land bordered by tho backyards Baldwin lane Bayvlcw Avenue and Glenridgo itoad was turnid down by the planning beard last night The boards toning committee statrd in written report tiiat it had questioned property owners surrounding the site and had sand that they had bought and built in the hclici that tho it zoningwould not chantsl till or mltlplclamlly soning ouid bc necessary or the erection oi townhouses The committee concluded that rezoning would certainly cause them Illie rcsidcnts to ohlcct vchemcnlly and lose con lidcnee In the healthy planning oi our city CAN lit DEVELOPED It lurthcr concluded tital the property does not pose any are lots diliicidty in its deertopmost and can be developed in its pro sunt toning blending in harmon iotlsiy with the surrounding homes Although the board turned down the application or reson lng members commended tho dcielopcr Eugene Sawtili on parse at stagge gathering noted the lniormatlon this way Kids dont have home Cooke did not appoint htdsmn tanllptc inrmod Ermine room his design Ming committee chairman Vet ltnichrs said it was oi type we would title to into in other parts oi the oils N0 NNFIUIIONHY The board also turned down request Wyoming to permit or oil to operate convenien Ct store cast oi Icrris lane and south oi Cttndiu Road The analog eommltie in in report poled that monlng would ch plan in small shopping centre moon spot recoding wt was opposed by the board in previous application by another tidy Tito cuntsnitlro reported that homeowners Its not deprived o1 any contonicnco since he th supermarket and indoor shopp ing mall are within walking dis tance oi lust over halt mile Tao store it established number or waiting customers Iir ltrudier said the store would be premature DOUGIINUI hill The board approv oi pro riy on the west sldI at Bayilc Simt Mat to tho and store to permit not llorton doughnut shop Suhlect to certain minor Id ustsmts the board ppmed submitted by Deny Isrms on be located on the northeast eer ncr oi Grove worth streets proposaliotahtunltssn lsl townhouse development on the east side at innistil Street north oi Tlilln was approved It so strth to minor alteration to the plan Subjects Studied By Pupils lire Explained Teachers oi the iunlor ditision of St John tilahncy scparntn school mct yesterday with pale cats at sludan but with slight variation from past session They dispensed with the old lamliiur method at putting wandering group at parcntr ln crowded room where the icu chcr may or may not hate on pertunlty to spunk with them Yestenlay parents were seated in the classroom and the trash or then proceeded to dciivcr complete indoctrination on the enhlcct matter their children would study this year Teachers hirs ills Upside hits Bey liosiyo llrsi Cheryl Green and Peter Van Nispco wen on hand to Ncoivc parents The mectia were carried out intervals to enable Barents wldi tore than and grades too to attend encit hits Gordon itlclhughlin eiai loos work any more so you don know what theyre doing Getting better idea oi what they no learning is an education or me Mrs John Sinisrd has boy and girl in grade as well as two other sons in otha gssdes She thinks its agood idea She let interest to the pro geseoihertwogrsdete en They have been raised In French and so the transition to Digiisti must to as smooth as housed Vloderpost has shootage children one in Being told exactly iv thektdasrrgolngtohs To Parents taught enables us to edresoaing it anything is lacking in their help in can thcirt nirs nicryi Green who teseh es gruch said This tion session will give the potent greater insight into what the marks mean the next time they son report card lilderinan Parties tied it Seconder motion In city Mincti Tires eiay night dealing with the guest oi the Business and Proi ieuionat Womens Club at BIrt sin to have the week oi Oct 11 to Oct at orochrlmed nutrient Womens Week was duly moved till end resnnrlid to writing hetero it went to the floor Alderman Dorian Parker said today she did not note that site did not have seconler Io ported and that hisyor Insi iloss Stephens amide hisyor Coole could not her under lismeotsry and di not lechnloalllppotnt to be part oi gen with Aldermen dint IIrrl hit remark Why this lion against meat at then was ready on oppomtm test nsonsmn IIIv Neglect elem tires in the cause at tot tarsal tint in im tarlo in two lniorme