Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Oct 1971, p. 4

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odu iedhre we add ii mmwmuhnI II II II Iedeerioihe mmiy MMomwillmyledd New or mimimmm ehewnbunnd ad expend Imenliiu their Alh willehw VI Id enjoy mere honed end all the not wil not 16 mm mm gt Imam II 991 III 21323331 32 iii Eh re View 01 mm MWWWWWWWMM daddy II mum movie Meredjeem iheymaybdhrdnd new bu mi we vmdm 01 WWWWOWd it mle item the Me of then int wheel engineer developed mI en eat my imrieinighi dilueehei mIknjem the or WW ueeiinziheir cm Zorgreihllnozlur wamwz Comp ee In no nu 19 me II lWeMimllh hm WilMohMMllOiMHwr mum my Afrm the mm Name Wmmmdii lane WIN leh the bright bdrgnidbrdrd melodrama oi mermaid violininn go II mi um Yer mm mm um 1011anth waikin dawn the they hadbeen worn inrmenii rm mMnI mu Jrdrddiddddrddrrm may be when hm lam item Amy wield Mei mi MIME gm drama Wham 3111th boobywere WI MM mun mgmm weihihini MW WWW 0ng Kw dudodirum III humid the unkemfmiherwm MW mwmrm ihMIhM 0th WWW memmteegrajiokeep Mmewhuioonahide we III mengpwmmr en Heiewil eneeilhei whmehhddlihiehihmexr Brrdddnndndrodd 919112Mone Bmhdeiesuhie Cmndo won ude hammmmmuu mgmhuzm Jimhh he led model ever held in dewne Nunery Handle It Woodbine 17 9min 1m an Lu union Mm AMI CMPodBanie ior Canadizn Mercerolder Puree ml 20F EMWIHHNQ errlwder hebenhixour Hr nelded it by uyinl Hui wu chosen in deiend south Simcoe in $5000 Mdland Commuivummgmm winler MI InIinpIImhu been the be CdnrdlIn uninnhu lhemeelvu mend elm um cmer chm com mm mm mg On rdugddor hoidlnnhile wmduuyredute mun were ilxhiianIeem ihecen mien eIderAnhueMeixhenMayw ivwi0ro anShInineyhoed in PM $101 Ii ElmoInm tome Em ii is oi Waiter VeeprI met when it was huh de illith Ind served with didiincli gfdohhgdgkar Segunorighon yweei gnghMegaw we er rep mdserenz Iiie we in Gore corner rad IRE eh Glen Ormond BialEe Pubill QU otdendiiizh iBerrieiIdmbWi hound beIuiiiul ground which run mm vquI innodmwmnrumiImdh mm in mm In nheeiIihdeleminhldhwe imp lhrmdxhioKmpeniciiDr1heyzreuew1 mm lmied boilieI ume and 1d mi PeuCiIik and 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EsIsdlidfuiIedwdhstfv no down Maud mm mm ihe Leudier lovmmme euW mm my miniIier d1 ihe lnieriol iie luheeri ion niee drny ii 10 WW

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