Kuryaturrhln ganersl unemployment addition in the unem oymentl linlkudeauloldis lltln answer to Opposition leader ttobert dIs mused essentlaliy lwould only the Ietnthelttols is yve serious camolitisnottoowe known Dormer thaidghlplemSgeg unem amon er Is lnot too well kIsown it should sit something dowld be done dsanga the situation 0ntbeotherhandlhelsitthatlhe geinihlssgagrouplssoluh notbave the prime or an else tor that matter psthsldperecnttsbitht intthehtgbestithaabeenlhis car Statistics Irow that tho percen ol ployed In this group o25 per contoroverin live tlte only exception was uly alth thismequ it percent itsone month April 123 it was 114 to pp vsaas are or some Miner canon rm srlabor Wm endorsed at sort declared it olpoiillcs announcodliiddle abydlsoontlnued Pup sdysoobwithildlh on 00 can promenade 1mm Mic 11 to severe car and Es Wists Instdt ol reason over bgottr Devtillage iisrrgnslgwijsrne Arno uh George Iiub cto it Dies Ilugh Randall Richardson Dick Idcllionon Ken smother Dsdndnlon Club anlzcd mam its rwglth vs directors This use will slip Ibrnent demlnton Club at Arm Mr oilitd thllc or er un on completion to cars in town platter was prese ed also roses idss Hardy vsluod member at dioir arc brown Principal sportedrecord enrolment 12 st Barrio Ooila to Town in view ol Ilg tlnancesdeler4 new tire truck liensy KO died In Willyear ilowas son lounder oi Shanty Bay Colonel OBrien om veteran otPenlan Raid Wuummuxrma ri situa aid 11 In August W10 tintunem OtL mtm 0mm bycanadsn mum in Iaydd em hurls Dumb In in mm 94 per in May 105 in June 110 The high percentage oi tbisaegrou mulduol asuriIrisotoPtheprtm Moreover the olilcial tigures make quite clear that the rise or tiieconalst it lii notaslrane embertinlheseasonslly high level at unemployedamong adjusted ra In this group was per cent and In October it um 11 per cent There it the unemployment among the Hold wls August 1970 titan badebeen itll it Is hard surprise higher in Au tvn tniuiy 1W1 The sctlhaltharsie onlysligiitly loner In October Will tlldlthdn it had been in lVltIit stew ent in this age group has consists beenv bl Pant exiledenc shovrr that therelr whitish tnlhis in tact wa level to remain with none MEMORYLilli with volunteers irons Slmcoe Foresters Miss leonatsugrsin scored hole inone at Barrie Country Club Site was playinvdlh like ostsoco iltnds Malcomsonspgleous scored hes rliyatCanadisn Nalio Inhibition Alurter Clarks tervieartatlon on Burton Ave announced otidianga at the gallon in ern your Ford and clean wmdwm unveiled at birth Lino Cemetery Gather ing held at old homestesd near Gumh ill Irnncls Firth ol BCI won 00 molame given by Knights ol colum OTHER EbiTOIiS VIEWS WATER IN SWITIERLAND Iiinneapolls Star Sutherland that picture postcard ccuntryhas the image al pristine antiseptic place that one like clockwork But mality Is something else third oi all Swiss waste waters are raw un urliied into Latte Geneva go 90 nd on tons oi waste water each year At Lake inpano swimming was banned and other lattes are in daner Next year stricter nntipollution awn take eltoct and water treatment alone is ex pected to cost billion dollars it isnt much consolation to learn this even less it is an oxune ior eomplao en anywhere But when country the has been able to preserve its natun sibeauty us well its Swilerlnnd is laced Willi walur problemeAIt does once again underscore howvital it is to keep working tor solutionevorywhore blic LibrdiylOiiers Books Personciliiies iiianillodbeen minute tOiit Dramatic KAldlt AN to bench an old lndy byprss lotllAm LENA Patrick ed by the love she craved to My LIFE son BEAUTY written shortly bsiore her death in mi Helena Rubinstein tells her own story rsveoilnglsuma is oi her early personal cxperiesv Ind ilsrl its most have on as well as her business sdths ssetllns simple ventures philosophy and beauty bec secrets dlilcrenl approach oi course and interesting too Ill YOUNO ELIZABETH lg Alison Piowdell Wlslly intercsllns to peo ple who have been rllrrod by the TV series on Iicnry VIII and to others with irate tor history is this new title Till YOUNG ELIZABETH by Ali son Piowdcn Tlis IIIiin has produced rompuci very readable account at the contus sd polities cruel events and the personalities which moulded the young Ellrabeth Tud tlrbontal and Athlr diminutive she shows how Elisabeths ber ilrge experience and trailing ado her ruccesslul and en gmatlc monarch at iurbul ent period in Enginnd in the busi Vnourla ol the story the Irsyle lilizlil no gcssrsre vsyw gnaw schism and touch oi humor animusI minute is man by 59 Natbrthrievnold stiltdill slrccsnt death at leopold utilised ln erloRicoraciiir the not lip artills labour toot killing at nova Pranks in unease In the flwanllcsdt also hran in rimmed nitrtlouosrntroi no in We reprises its seleu red to Nit and went to work hospital In the Wall lnde cs Leopold docs not describe his crime bill relates cisrencs Dar sows ismous dcienra in court whichreprinted him lrnm dcnlh It took to years In Erl rm belore ha repented Is he says wss not because prison bliliales but bocsuso hs matured as man Tbcn ouid not believer in the wild spoiled boy involved In the notorious kidnap and killing Ills book river lull account at prison lie his philosophy ttnli ellortr to stone by educat indg himseli iurlhor heiphsg to ucata others assisting doci ors doing research and acting as medical sutnes pis Till VANililllll WORLDr on autobiography volume one by it Bates The vanished world oi it Dates enduress oulot episodes and remambrnncea ol his early ays In Engiind These were Is school days and period of preparation to become writ er The smell doings the cus toms and the personalities are set In the Muir and small Midland towns at early prrt at this century ills world Is stitched with homely tillan and is upon back wers birds anIrns elds woods and rivers he ever The book is pleasant well pod made tapestry which nat ural bumsn sndhosuigicsp pp Itallori dv motto stratum lg 5357 55a 55 in not out ital trill Frontier Ct srrikeetmege Oi REGINA iCPl Its land to the new prsmlar oi hunks swan own vim on how government should npsrsls The government which see ur crating Is one whersb ere will be punt bar at uratlai cabinet seine triers dont mean to suggest that ol thorn will not be lnlhlea bnttitat it will be No is mildsnanncsod treless hmuhmlllttlltti evt om lea but not radically so and has dallnitr ambition to use government In the but In teroria oi the comma man ti itll tutti Tim rs my ottntsrsro rrsrnl mm genuine Mauritania drainllmoie born her Is buahsntmustngbam oboe frigging 3mg bling boyisny at his ownwwmylym besntnoliiersboul lbs Illuminati normatoryannzn Pro am at rgricullurn 0V ll In enerrl way Jill mu even tlyrsdmlnr Thou months have been rar erop Instrrsnca plus avenitui as any in Saskatche mnnnon program tor snicuh wsna history as the New line machinery testing co Donocrsts settled into gov stlcn between pmveruiili eromenl alter seven years to es promotion ot Isrrn ma opposition mulbediliondellsr puip Mpgb polygamy mm lovIncomehrsetats motivate ironmlns development ls up Mr Blakch tor renegotiation some eon mm rm to um um tmvmisl pieces at liberal legislation were cruelly re period at special summer session oi the legislature roster lsrm hill wss passed which Ives needy lrrrncrs letter bu three than we srn hes the lot at those who are on lbs bottom at the social and economic isdder by Improvln health prognnuuhsdupdal ohm ants prov oppor ghlggzbmmmy les lor educational advance rnaior Indua 11 been Wr want to give peeva at WM HM mm Saskatchewan grerler control um mm mm nver thadocislonr which innu hm Imth ML enea their lives and this will SPREAD INFLUENCE tell the previous govern ment depended too much on the decisions oi the ernler said its hialenoy rose to Saskatchewans highest olilco Just 11 years alter entering the legislature lions because we want to use The member lor Re that device because It Is Centre who came to Sat al wry people can have pester chewsn in use to become soc control over llsclr lives rotary and legal adviser to prawn corporations has his QUEENS mu tilts Torrie Erectile Fllileld Street Barrie Onlsrln Telephone mam Second Class Itall Redalralion Number WA Ration Wlall Mulleed Dally mudays and opening thou governmenl and pro greater public ownership control oi those power centres gtwhich make decisions think it likely there will be some newCrolrn corporat Is To sen in by DON OIIEARN Strtulory lioildayl The oppositionitas much excepted harder lob in an election lb Subserlptlon rites dilly by ilornvvmmmt carriersoeweellyttlto year The government essentlstty ly single copies inc hy mail has to try to hold Its vote it it Barrie limit yeurlyy Simees candothrilwtllgohaclt County tiou yearly balance liteoppoaillon has to win new alth 12th parity IAll relies ercoun cs easy rmernrilhratese Notor throw oil moo yyearly sell hard National Adverllatnl others All In th ill it it who as University Avenue Tummy mm WWII can be put so Catbcart til ldonlresl it it Wilt mm my my liberal raiser Robert nuou may have come it with one at anaglAudit Bureau at uretha gm III that tslohcrs should be selllicensing The Guardian Press is errluo iver entitled to the use or re 135 Wme publication oi all news dispatch es In no pspor credited to it as it NW The Assoc sled Press or Rout can look not too bad and also the local em publish ed litrrein We is own in so The Bank lumith CUM teachers They also are spyocill istr and carry degree oi rs sponalhlllly as well as securing particqu education and editorislmstartsl ers lit mm upyrlght Reillbalion Nurse airow mm mm hermit Math vstmpoitsnl one Is In riled mean among other thinss thtr Oppodhonb Iob Respect lilr Blakeley who had early Conservative chum lions picked up irons latlter ehsng his views dun tells his year oi nnlvsrvv ll bacarns convinced some changdsv were needed and WIN lolsiloeo tnail toss the XI ol Ier tbs but alternatives its was located to Labs partypniities in while stisadinl orterd nipcrow evetrumps lab interested in It horna political tot view My innate were not to stayhere thou it would work let con at years and then go somewhere also probably to Albhrtl or British Columbia to practise law and probably be active In politics but iound the lab vrrr ercitind very interesting were lpresktnguneo groin to opera ng pu corpora ens and using them to meet par ticuiar social challengu NOT SOCIAL hir alalreno tile Premier Dd Schreyer lisnlloba dis likes the tag socialist and prelers in call blrrtsell dens ccrallc socialist democratic sudllltt Is person who believes Ina sub stnnilsirhls tor Interment to organizing the public at islrs olllhe province or the cotmlry but who has belle In tits democratic process Basically it you believe In the democratic process then means that you milsi mo dily your particular theories oi socialism It may well be that in your iudprnenl rtIcuIar solu lion to sect problem Is the best one Irons an Intellectual point at view it however it is ttnsrceplablo la the maiorlty oi the people or substantial block at peopleI then its the wrong solution aidj Doctorsto be licensed must primarily meet extensive loche nlcsi requirements PEDAWGVINEXACT But such rehiurementr lee teachers are relsdveiy mlpo They do need some pedagog trslnlns But pedagogy it it is science at all is moat inexact one Routine examinations can show that the teacher applicant has absorbed whatever at this that is needed And there Is no way beyond this that body at lsliow teachers can tell whether the applicant will be had or good teacher litter no other reason than let 75m bin is is =2 rise 555 gii pg afEE LE 3335 8a yeusgein wiiibaveto nglislert Earlloilollingwoodhtls Lorre ig poarsd recently grewlive pittsaeesmal oyotnsgnssnwaren ans var identitiod lira halal rayrdisenttnnewridaglors discontinuities Assisted Collier aonllovnrars iacquts cartirrr list visit to treads In istl arouud so much interest In Pram that strum manta were made in send back the lollovlng ear with much larger espedi on at three ships lie was also helped by gentleman voltmterrs one at whom was Claude on Pent brlsnd son oi ib selgosur el Montreal Trance and in whom Canadas largest city is named or got only as tar as Gaspa on his lirrt trip but this tirna he kept sailln tintli the Wm uvm1w gullnasrowedtoa verssibl um mm 1mm Indians Illil told him and he um yew saw the sits oi prerentdsy hp my mm Quebec City tor the tint lhns way Mr It was then the lndlan village at IW Mm Etatisenna II the right isn pressed Cartier the there werr seen moss hm Nwzwgmm PW ll ii 19 hi man to see what now is my real the village wsslocsled me within llillr the it on area otblctllll University cutter was told that it he omen ocrlsavaurst continued setting up the river titsdull law replaced the water would change Irorn tsry rule rd cansda ssh to iresh hut lndlan Chiel gt BIBLE THOUGHT Domacosa urged him not in go It is better to trust He said there were devils ahead who would kill Cartier and his lard hill to poi coahdlmll mu Psalms llltl However the grestindlsnvtlK legs at Rocheiega where its rivsdanOctiJurnodoutle disappointment He had peeled to and wealth Illness city but it was nib setllunenl oi abort men Cartier are not stroll in tact be expected to arrive rt some great oriental clly its tail two oi his ships at Sladr cons sellguarded red wentttp trill Will lo down Lord will lift you tsp the river in the Petite iierrrtlnc with the crowd loiiow ens and nail and dare to be dltleren armed it was glorious trip in Is friend that stickoih late September and Cartier thansbrolher emporium that there Is no real standard oi what Isis goodulescber uvd tlvcn any halt dozen teachers you probtherlll get hail dozen dttiercut answers as to what comprises excellence in their that user Is that pro rtty is at vital Importance In both medicine and law while It probably wotudbr impossible to llrvlsl constitutes inls Flemming hotttuenssa ssntvsecssststs iHWilt WAMAU Rhinitis