Slender Ind llaedxeaglnmm rrummww 5Isfhlm Ihe uy pl rlerllun In morn penalln equipment nerd dilly In Ihe hnlplul The Men mu no II Ihal tho elrrlpi meal be lell Inlnel II does Iol haw Io he dunnerer Irrtdry Ilme IL IN WP IN ll Gunmen reeemd her mm MW Garralllov III Ibero III II cl 1HK or Ieren yearn She II In ed In Ibe Inlenure llosplulror 5ch lwr noun Ind mlnlllea Iar polo Ind Inlrled In lnylnx llle the cold mle Ind Iwo noun yourld mt Ior lb openlnI ol Iorrhtholeycl know Do It new cumin II ulrd roll so mImlublWIll or lhI I17 Ibwl Ila new uhyleoe oxide ul Ilerllltrr1 she Im II new Iqlupmenl III IhI dolirlel Idlnlua of he In lhlr IIIuI lrlelllod lor lulu Lloo mouol II II III Ilnl Kerr Illur ol lhir make Io be IMMIIr II CIan III Mu Cueu le CW 900 Iterllnrr II III mun cent plea endipmerll purehu Jed Inn $211 yoked by memo lhellnplrnlnryloc MM mum Ir II more than mm for parlmull II Moth General hodth lhll nu the mold lecnmlonnl mm IIIII uslnl She moaned lallalllam the plum method Itrrlllzlnl Ilclorln HosleIl for III moths ms hymvmdhdm In one Ilreel Mow were hml VV gt unnu 5pm hem LuI qul IILJ WI In Iupcrb IllrIlouI damned by vyruxnm llurr Irlrxhxler rlll gr cialrel coordlrlllu Ilka double rea Grim llle maellh m1 Ilrh Crrctvnet Ierprorldex lllr Idlerl melhod rol lnleellnn ronlrolh Ihe resplrnlory leehoolrgln war rpraklox In membennl Ibo IIZMIIER Cancum em on explIIn Ihe open ILInn nl lho ll elmlerlehr Idz IIIrillur lo nIII pruldrnl or run lInyIl VIdorI IIIIVLI Auxll llrs And The ammo vle llnnr allclrromrnnd mlrrm lr In wnlnrowdldm Consumer umz nullur EWIINZILWEDNESDA power 0031 and upon ll 4w ck pl elolbe crammed Io relher mull French Irnoorlr BIIIIII were erpoulre IAHCII lull PEOPLE AND Plllers Both nolnd Ire Inkndrll In cmr elll IodIl III or llle any nulrlel wrddlnn In Intellen ud VlIlIanJr III Ileml InIereel 19 Kill Il IIIII Your help In Inp pnnx Ilrh newn wIlI bum Iwrednledl Pluu ldephono In Burk EumlnrrIl rm Ind III or III IomeII Dmrlnaeol TORONTO ICII L1 now normal nave blah lo warmerInniIell II paille bravely qu Ila mnlllrilyraJndmwi Imman III respornl hlllien by lmdlnz lml IIIrrnn Brochln pmldenl ol the Citrnmas AAoelalIOIl oI chzda CACI rald II gm years 10 with lln nuppr It mmn I115 embittd Illa nomenr Indian ol Illr ere um mom and lrade hoard Ilhul IIre CAC btgna our mum Iu or load Sam at most publlclud rillst nlll are mmlrafnd pIrtlrulIr Issues on In Ile lowme IlC nudging IhI II In llII Slam We Iasl IhI Jul nvdhblllly rd are mnldaln In Ip xrvwrlynroduorm Ihrldnx pcal In chzge limp Quebec We hm prerenledI Inlr nnmrnlute vol III muml mksul ml prvposcllonlaio nllysr our nlplllyalmdnrdl wmes lezlslrllnu rho Ind lrerlmenl lmproled olu be pacescum IrglllI Ill lho IIIM llme the or Irllullon II worilll ullh lhI nwmnml ml in pm Ilrmls on more complex Ian III tally handled volumer We IreMmz qur pvs mum on how Ill have mater say In how health are IIIOIIld he mi Wed Ilke eon hIII right In health crte Tnere In lne are hlg bale llsued IIIlIIIlHI like ulluw ml hnklrlz lnk lllrllllo tllltzs no 11 um Ontalia GovernmentPromiss nd ToIob Discrimination 10mm Ilu 0w he Introduced ean Ihll lIrIn xovernmml prornlsed lamlly lIw Ill OnIIrln relleds new deIl or women In MI deI Ind econolrlle rt ranch lronl lhe Home We IlllIdIIIldlhe Ipeech lnIrrled perm Mfrorermnehl proposed View ol Ierlrllvo Ind norm moan rulen IlluIIn lhn IInIlU II In Inllllutlon Iucll rnIllerI Ir monuonal pmplrly rlahu In the homo Ind II oorlorrnlna clllldrenf llr Darla Iko IIId hesow Irnrmnl olll lnlllIII new pro Ilcnl Alleodanu II by Indu llon only and lhoso lnlmalerl In bcIng gueIlI Iro Isked In corllld lIrI Walllr nr Mn Germ The llme ll 766prnl Wevn lion lnle In rI Illlo II or yearn III Irrrlhly enslly no War we can nllordv lnduhrrn no llllrllr lhe Mural In Idem woolen IM mm In rlzhl We on bamnz In lccl Lho mums lolce ram how hard before regulnlcry hodlrs Thue are all Inrlv cl IIIIII Ind rezulnllonl IllIl hamll new mini Nelle learner hoolnn In ea In elm Idlnn 1M on ncllon on Ilchall nu rwn HOLIDAY IN ACAIULCO Ewlolmln In lne Gull hin lco em relreahlo chum Irom IhI CanadIIn onler Deh hII Nnoouvrllo ol lid Owen at and We Am oI Dro phon mum SHOPPING rd home In report In anther rim omlonkrloewad exeollelll Ind tho lemnllnl louvrth hanrmvrhca loo II llle llln mm the latest am Int moat dd lo woosred elr holIdIy on the rmrllcl Mrmbl ol the Inn Ilro Include lIIlIny In Myll Vlelorll MIDI AllIlIs uIl arm The BIrrlI IIIIQII Inry were In lnrooln reccnuy erI Iele Mala errlIlInml 1e Ibo nlLirllIlI obleclln II la code ol Ilmll IIw wllh IpedIl Illenllon lo lho IIIIIIS ol women Ind lor the vlrlon loyal IrImoworZ wIll Ilron hen GARY AND IHEV IMPRESSIONS Coupler Only For hble rmmllom Phone the lam unlI In our ely lho Ipoee uld III Idllllon He lVlIlIIm DIvII plunked Io creIlI Iinew olllee or wroeo loverIrma lollmrove we no Khan In only Wele rarer had mblIIYEIe look on longer In rat Ilrlpen oll harall park Irnr nu llrs Ilrehn lrrlztlc at my quullon mar llle orgn cd wllll Ixallcr ls pm Irlzllnn ml mason pnlurv lrIvial lune Ind In boll The CAC worth mnm ram lzlunI III din cl Ila llomo soloum manbao or making llIlI Iron kunlred dnlnz laul lurk pm of colleelllre lolee norm roll conned Small mm action com armed Immd rolluu mm lwoolner roznmslnl Wed new clulnclaon One of bzlpcll mcnlly leu CAC rlwnoo brill III IIIW oonslnrler out nouns theyre eyeenlch Ina null51 III much link Inrcrnmber Ihe long hard rlogzln lllnl Kora lrllo now In Improvement In heIllll lhe JederII governmenl women ml roan Jim b06151 hehIII ol he 50 lrn no mos nppdsod all murlo Hydm appllrallorl In dlny coal KITCHEN Gossip an thew III In I4 rrlrll lo work In develop ll olen nith lmillr row plnlrlLl IllorI II no lIw Ill Canal lDzll allowr II but rolling Ilntkprclllcallydu on dllIrrrnI ypI ol Ilwpplnl upedlllm lhey were In reordl old new Ideas to block the nu allowr IL Ith harp bed In can In ISLE Dortmund MIWWIWV pour mpany and emo co u+ln vald Illa Ire got no lord The lnrml ww In wllldr lllonolmnmnl rm holdwk eded Wlsn come In Inn lulImanon IN Indtfal drparlmml oi 0Ilslll nerd corpornln Il IIH She said she helluva lhI cmmull wlll nd to groom unreal Illa II can om dunno Ill lilo mu llrlplace Mm dram does do lI Trie comenor um IIrrr Bo lIrI Andrea ENGAGED GIIIU PAIIIY II youre plannlnr to In man IIed durIrll J74 Ihd Welcome mm of Bnrrlo has IrrInncd mey whleh wlll he or Inlcr lo Ill hrldeIlohc 0n lInrrh II pnrly Ior winged girl will be held at lhn IInIldIy llln Earrlr arrInrnd by lIrIl Fran Gorow wllh rm Carol Walls In lha nIIchII hmlnrs llolller ALrport EIluld en roule lo Acapulr Illglans personnel Idmln lrIlInn and Inrn pran gum or Islam ror mono lnl Ill IyltIro eenlr II tlleal Mgllerlorlne weal Canada GradelAWoullg 01 come volnnlnrlly llIrs llrodrirl mld le Ihlnkl corlrumerlsm has grown Ilr Illn lamn reason DUELIIIIIIII pl llazcn ndion Inlvlller llIve Increased Clllwl rwpl cnd coll numrr group we Ill llemm In lrom llle IIlne rool came 1th rmml Mpll Izalnn powerlesmcss of lhe hrldcsclcd Ire IlIn lll lled lo nllolld Tho everlan will Inelqu IIsIIIoll mow brl III pmy Ind lrousreau Illiro dlsplnys nl Ipplllneu nlld olller homchhIrlr ldpn IIDIIK wlln many snggesllonr In plnnnlllg IMDICPIIIII Ior Ihe rpchIl Ardent ltat Ill$19 IIAIV olll SWTMIXID0II up Illan CO PidlIIlras Inglll North IlmericdsTwoFavorites pl Combined In One Fruit Piel Apples on Canon llalioml For ellIrllde you would null chooso Canada Fancy nppluau Everyone blown lIlr pleasure In none or derlerl bul ll ol bllrlg inlr map Ircsll II II In be null II In Ingred vCanadIIn apple or mom ion In and hreadior mul moml oll IlomIVhomemade nus Mme appearancr is llnl IIE III lmporlIrllY CInIdI mom ovu 91 wvlonzlam llwle PIlIllld he moreeconomlcal buy TM Wld BF ramml ma were owned only Applesauce II probalily lhI lm Immllllorl plumn lmll apples were Ivnllble In most popular Ind vernalllo ol llmdny nlmod II Itamplnz all me all and early wlnlcr on me procdntd products You rivol hllndnm Ill momwm todaynfbe lunan In willlllldiln reIlustlIokrcpMflm Inc The bunk made roll In enloy hull merrl cm on Ium nld llrllaln ran Wed Gcr Ill yen on Oanlrollcd almost Nonll Ilmerkrr loo lIlnrile runny lhI Nelber rldI lld the plum orIge kreos apnlnl II plea Ipple Ind vIlIIrl Ire United Scales have lolrlod ll md LII put at lllelr luIlnlekrdf condoned Inlo one del lln UN In pledging 375 mm Andmiz ndvplrnrluu Ipplo one lor Applesauce Pro or III not II III APPLESAUCE llIlslN rllr ahmltiauu Ipnle Iuire lard 31ch lllldr Applenlp TRH call BICYCLE hvvsufmlim Holden needle rannlr qul one of Illn I50 prize In lhn NORTH STAR comrsr dr d1 lel Ind men Irod OIRINNI brown NORTH STARS apples nre Ilsa Ilallnble lyl nulckeoolln laplncn Aboumne lhlrd al III apple clrulnmon IloyI I6 $I095 11 Ill ul lnglnu IanridliIIntlldlw melted holler MorlI 7I2 $1395 WWIIIIRIIIIIUII Drrlrlerllams sullnlillulllllllrlnll smlrsonlmlu Sliced SideBacon IIIVlIllPllIlKlrEILI Breakfast Sausage hurl FIGHTS lqu VANCOUVER CF flora Drxlor cumsellor at Erlc Rune mwlary hull mm lorulw won on all coLoIrn Illr lhlngs up at relon all hole yin cu oul lhII vumm lih IlllII SM ll all non Lllsorlmlnrlnd mlnsl In Ichoolr Women have to de lolop me sort oI WSIIlle sell corleepl But the wry Illlg Chadd Gheesr 399 do ml rho rlollr IINIJII anuNEIa WASlurlrrrorl lmuler 10 mar curr uIsIu Soft Margarine or mike them nsnenlrlly rull lly Dlled orIllI rind PIIIry Ior km Mulch pic or purpose Comhlrle lirrl Ingredienll TIIILEHGMDH Ind lel Ilarld II nllnulu Une When buying yroceucd Ipple ole plIlo wllh run the prslry produclr no Ire qurod ol Fill wllh pleuuce mlxlurI anlIIy hecaurr llkn Ille Illd lop lll remnlnln paslry Irnll Illey mull undergo ngd or mnkr lIIlIce loll Sen ed in Ircordlnz lo novernmenl rr gel IlruIIl nIllry wllll milk orl Illlrllnlu mm In Illreo IrId meIled bullerr Ilnke In mlnlllrll no cInIdI may CInIoI no delrees reduco Ichl Chnlce Illd Canndn 5Illldlld lo 350 derrees Ind um no and It Is Irelog he grade lo 30 mlnule loosen ledlor on lnu we Mandarin Met ch STIAldHT WV VFIOZEN Alumnus on suwr erIv 13 63 lolln nnrrrl sllcrlls Oranges FrenchFries ill59 Meallltles Gilletla Foamy Cucumbers 239 lm MASHCIII 104 um anunaumurlmloxru Niblets Corn wumm nlcol Bathroom Tissue ms noun IIleIIIrrIcrle wrnfplru III mall CANADA FANCY GRADE RED IIII GOLDEN BEDELICIDUS Apples Mm sncul loIrllnloI Whole Potatoes 23 Irumul lmr MIMI MM Slmllsm WWW Gropelrult PIIDIIIIEEIIFUSAEANADAIIO1 EHEENJIHM HEADS 29 SI Ads IOII Cabbage EACIIADA EXIIIA EANEYBIADE Anjou Pears39599f swnm mournuni norm no3 mum Mlmwol lmnu we PRODUBEOFMEXIW IAllIIUI mum Fill in your Noth Slur Jogger BIIIol AI nornln Slilols 24 Dunlop Slow morrnrrgygnfgnnm Wmnmopm my 7mm YOUNGS lGA roonuerl MARKET sgum IGA CHRISTIES lnA roonLlNEll ITIIOUI WDMLEY AN MIMI ll ESSA RD JCT 01le Em and