Libraryr Bldg PrOgrdm gm lion program lot Burt Mir than us mm by tib bold chum Dough Himll too May Mr Hamilton outliers the needs or the theory to the inn nnce committee Ihtn he prr Iatnd it til thl Ehrlnl ert gt The expansion Itr Hamilton saidI nll unintl Itwphase Wlflm And wont ot Ithe roman wall to mini uprtal expenditures in the rmn olindandhtuldsn gcnquhI expansion envisaged by the Lb rnrv hoard nut meet the heels the div to to Ihich pcpulnlionht mtmu pro tected he said when the library more tul its new mildm it program to build the mun uhrrry we misu could he used as small thenre an art gnllery rrhear ul room or musicians or meeting rooms Ilr llintilnnl nkl ANNUAL IEDGET lhe lshrary board also presch led the cormnttoo with an In nual budget tit mom Ihe city hIStedtomcetmperrcntot the bixiget the min at like which will go toward in psy in at silt uhries the building up at the hint library and tha acquisition or books The hand was told thn com mittee is proud oi lhe library but its building expansion pro gram Iiouid boil down to Ihe thcr were the financial capat ility to cope anlh it The board was further told lha rity has priorities and that the mt budget rrill go up Them idle the commit nouidn be making any Judgment It the present time the committee reeognixes the Wily nt ketpinz capi Illl expenritures in line Iith tn tilya debenture debt thich is roughly million per year This car payments on past wat urcs will must to In approx imate it rrilllon cormnittea tnndlrman Aid Itoss Stephens sai The committee will dwells the nlyt capital budgtt runsou and its current budgct villi be anionic cmruwnen plo be the ruins or the thrustr Unclaimed Fnught Itorn and presidential mn Bradley interim str uxptxr an prudent in in to Bixeau Photo tmt tho mm In electmut mien then no one not nor the niernmcntI an take it any trom you throat going in In or it in return mum bi meeting In Tcrhntn this week Scatld battle him it DouLAs Sesth adornment ot the association 1N new JOIN IILTLIIIY nl Barrie is shoan presenting the re soitnmns rcpnn to tbs Anom ton hinnrnpnl Urdricli Ute lllhrs at threedry prnvinc Action Against Is Suggested To rho emu in mm utilities than distribute porn hot 150 trot brim to it milllul will litr Akrmdtr thmmn ol tin Barrie Puhii Utilttms Chm minim Wed harm nitrre The mowh ndllrs to 1503 dlrnlcs lnclettrial Ittcnthng the lhrcedIy more $300 ann torrid my ALTERNATIVES lIo said members should on cut perm Win mpmmwntwhn stirorcwrtatbm lie said Now it doesnt laka lzvnrt to we tint it you mm warehouse uhleh was destroy in Monday night rm The Ontario Fire Marshal is condrtting In investigation tnI Hue tnthe Eradierd Street determine the cause atI the hotdtnz Fire Mclrshcll ProloiniglCduse Of Fire Bradford Street in trom the building Just be lorI pm used tor storm or iurnilura Tha Mldll named by the and maimu Ias destroyed by tho hint Iten Morrison estata was in Mind tor mono the content No estimate or nimzrr lo the bdonxed to Unclaimed 1th eonth or building on Ivaii Twentth to so Cityltlerncn Ind tun vehicle brought the tireunder contM by to pun Anon has not been ruttd out The Ontario Pirn htIrahniI ot the wine at Itire lilondny lice Ins called in to lnmtlp evening at the inryncr Unclalm nla theblue which was reporv ed Freight store and wmhouse led to polite by passing mot nn Brndtord meet print who noticed Imvh cnin ntlllnulh remen arern Itlll It CITYNEWS fnru BAulllE ExArluNElt TUESIJAY trim mt in the Irmuiderlng mini The interior or the hasernent llevv Elsi SoughtilBYW =BQYC1lltb Water bucking tln in ditches be cause ot ittPlugged culverts lie said work Hews are gn By RBIIERT WHITELAW 19mm Burrn Lochl murltcipnlitics need more rcprnsutuiua on the new link mptruiann haunt Iknut Alexander of tunic pzxipru idea at the Ontario hitcinpd Eledrt Association 515d lion da The ohmic mltmm hns mind too association mcrnlt has to 12mm MW Hydro thrporotlon htr Altmia hid that seven rnanbun are undid to adicd the numicipaiitics mullmillion chit invsstmtt in the the trivial nattm tin ownership rcpmsui about in pt an somethingand hcro ts expat is paid mrdully OHM opsnw mutant Wtliasemenls Result 0i Rain ans ot transportntloa alxl lion and Earl rioa Public Works Depart ment both rtport Ina malor pro titans because ot the mill new liter and treaty rains rpnkcsrsian at the ministry yard on Ardzzh Road said this uho bone proposed stout law in Orininnlly ltd up as plan earthy rt ll new no arcI evelever it was ater than to Wm mmmluhm id 10 llx Vim lb rrirtitiiliiiiu Sf iidiifsiti the my mama cumul el new W35 ungator singletmil hous lowinn min 63 ll hi mm er and one tor npnrtmeitt build Nm pox memdm lllngS ayciub proposes to build led to 000 per unll lrorn nso In mam Ba II II III II IIIII mm LN law is hlxhu allhouxh aput mhItnrpblIedh to Iohtlmgnur Given Approval NW9 all 5W gt LEVY mg glablinntopuangyigolllhrth dd mm in the most woman strcIet The citya current park dtdlcation rcouirrment is one acre at land lor aicry loo use In units Ttns wold mo acres must be dcdicltnd by Bay club int parkland We might its Mil rire ou the parcel oi land lBaychth intend huldin ml adld Ronald Ilouticdga mprcsrnting the de reioncrs Iltnl we propose is in pay W75 per unit rrtd this to es tutu consideration the park and general levies tardoliclr IhAa 6515 acl Vaughan the other rtpre scnlnlile Sr litizens CentreBudget Tilersrs per unit lol kvl proposcd by Mr Vaughn lor the development is based on units at the previous lot levy $350 Per unit Iddltiounl units at the prosentlot levv ot $1000 per unit and 00000 in lieu of park dcdlcntir in two representallics ctIiin rd the additional 55 unit would cost the developers $263000 in terms of letter hoth ww llnnd arid tor pcoeral ces tveva tried idiot this de Veloprntnt nvcd Ialtl Aid James Perr chairman attire committee erot levy phil Settli$14ilByCommitlee moon budon was rec ommcndcd Monday by city cottncill finance committee lorI the operation til the senior Cili zcna Recreation Centre on Blhkb5ter nlttto tormer King George School The budget util cover the period April to Dec 31 liity per cent oi the $1031 WNW will he pmlllnrinl subsidy Tho 313000 requested by the centre was trimmed down in $14000 by the comrulttne AIparHinie coordinator and accrctary will he hired by the centre Pcrtprnting liaison tuuc the coordinator will be As mods are provided by the city and the province the two lnrels or goternmnht will have representatives on the centres board in addition to senior citi tens piano has becodonaied to the centrn hy rcrinca club Anothersertire pitta is inter ested lndonaling color 1v set the centre gin open with tens omrloo yean old it is the result or survey under taken in Amt to ascertnlndhe naedsI at senior citizens Wraiher permitti In April oponlng scheduled uh sinngImily house Mo was told by Aid Perri lhat mulch intu costs nl ner yldng highrise rpartment un its more inrlly close to those singiedarrtilppnits Itr Vaughan snid the Baycluh development will aside in temnl recreational utilities We hope Wuollld want to encounga such lacilities And we hope son would take ths it to wnddcration CITY WOULD GAIN htrftoutldge said the city stands to gain $1510 by im posing lot levy pl 000 on all the units this sum is over and above the $100000 lol park dttiicatian the levies in 162 lltiiLt at $50 per unit Ind the SB Idiitional units It $1000 per unit Notilmtiorlt the comrrlt tees rewrnrmndation to mun cii was reoriesed by Mr Vaur than August nould be the very latest construction could start Ad Pcrrliagreed with city Idrninlstrltor Geroid inrnhbas thlit park dcdicatlon require ment should ordy he applied to Ithoho immoral units hut maintained that tho $1000 lot levy should be housed on the total units ltlr Tamlrlyn was asked by mmmittce to renew tha cityl redevelopment policy in enarat Is high tent or acnlcinx as and kind ol problem being slush piuxzcd cltrh basins which chine water to had up 0o private property trench cd homeowners Ire tinting pro hems with Modal basements later be said cant sink into the men ground andts runn ing across the surtzce and in to basements At aeunore the lllad hirer rose behlrid dam and some residents prepared to evacuate their homes Dynamite was used to hmah up Ike iaim at Wilsons Com crs about 20 miles west oi Barrie as water rose close to Highway 25 ccl lind unidh ResumeI lalks Otticials mm the Canadian General Electric mat plant on Eradlord street and the UE local 55 said that represent lives tronl here have been cali ed togcther hy depath oi lrhnr icr talks to end the sirike action on the part ot the can torkeas The strike is now in ilsrlourtii week liiero is no indication Is to when talks might end UE local slsucot on slrikn no it ovcr wage issues Ap proximatciy 5500 workers are plants the hiring oin plannan tech iiillViY unwjlillrrollcrcrus Eluurlvr htemberl the Army Nasl lir Force Cluh llama mumll now moulivc ore FROM LE trout mm Noll Ichtnmn word vice presidcnt latch hymn lust ltcmuldcnt teal Retard presinmt Stu Robinson part pruldmt the MM consume their Hi Jim Woodward nite nonstop Atkinson Jack Haskell Mll rny Lawson and Sylvia An dmui Tori Gillir was absent tExsrniner Photo on strike at nine Ontario CGE had already Emma th post By Committee Three persons may be hired for the planning and doleiop meat deparlmcnt tall but only planninx technician perform lug Inning tnnctionsvoiil be no orrrmended by the My dctelr oprneoi oomirnttce to council tor approval And lllayur Dorinn Parker obr icch to the procedure under taken by the conuniitee Mondhy because it witlnotI slnkct the hirin ot planninx KhIIIIcia IheIth person at the butch torcity council approval nld James ferrirehainnah or the committee told her thl will not go bniorn council to approval because planning tr In existlng vacancy Now whos the cierktyvist replaciuzl the nskzd ltI new opening Aid Per ri replied The workload at the department hat increased The need is there How aboutle planning te chnician periorming toning lunc tious she asked again think the commith is trying to eir cumvent council Again she was told hy Aid Perri the position is not re pireenienh The replacement or person nel is an administrative tuncr lion Aid Perri said Council lino oi planning technician WAS REQUESTED The stat increase was rcquIesr ted by planning diroctor hen Feds who said it is warranted by the iolunw 01 mark the plan ning and development depart ment is handling city administrator Grraid rr mhtyri was dirttied by the com miitce to aircrtiso tor the pos tlion to tietilled Aid Perri said he would like nicinn delayed will city plan ner is hircd as by that time we mt ire tie nerl an as istnntclly planner instead Aid wmmer and Aid Lak ing said they were in nor oi hirin all the three now be cause thcy are tonuirrd to meet exist shit shoriuc Its only Iimatler or stratr on Aid essungcr said The end result pill still be the same whether to hire tho plan nlng technician now or later we need plannng trcilnlcnn So What strategy is that tiny or Parker asked siili think councils approval must souzltl Salary oi tho nlrrkriypist Will be within the Iron mono per year and thatot the technic ians approidmntelysnmo hiritu the planning technician chnicinn had quit and it is why not hire him now Dennis Sheeting kill ad udicator at the Georgian Bay Drama Festival held last neck talks Susan Reid who Terriperattncs will drop to 211 degrees tonight hut rise to near on Vulrrcsdaclihn torccast calls tor clear kies and cold wcaihtl tonight rcdncsday will sinrtolt sunny but cloud ovcr later in the day Synopslnl Rivers and crooks in smllmt 0mm vim of rum stzcn tcflrv altrr tomnt ial rains poundcti the inner lakes rosin mujni mil rm god rum one to tdlii No iurtlmr prcc tatiiori was ex pected today army as tuncat attics giie way to Sltrtr rhino rrmncrslums mil re main in the upper 315 Ciotxi irom Pruirie disturbamc is expected in spread acmw the south Inn Wednesday In Nurth Pr tilirio It bfint nc trend today with snow spread in eastward la Gnratdtnn did mos Bay rezlois late Tvm to our inches at snow is possmle tor sumervg tom Vcdneozicy 1croliiol Clearing by hiltr mm Wliltld Mfumbtlh to 20 BASQUE EXIIIIIIIIONS PARTILE TIIY AN EXAMINER WANT AD saenlek min the best Ictress award or hcr performance in Still Stands the House 300th hand trightl won an acting Cold Temperatures Tonight Warming Trend On Wednesday nnht low men it todmdrn om high air Cienrtrrz hv rmn ninth wash crly 15 high it 013 today Cica tonight lmv around r2 am bmmn clotzly milder highmtxtr $0 LOCAL rlurtlu sinny then cloud malts Windsor Ale SI Vodtanodly LIGIIT AND LASER cicnin Georgian The Ontario Science Con tro will sponsor Cltcmis try and Cryogenics Show Mar dcmnrtslruilort are tree Now under nuw management at Mr Frank Mika Comptttely redecorated Ind IalMootliiluned THE EMBASSY HALL Inlhhia lnr WEDDINGS MEETINGS ncnmznn RECEPTIDNS DISC IDCKEY AVMLMIIIE Excellent Catering Senlcn For All Fractions Barrio 7163967 The Georgian Festivnl 74 will nature Light and lJS cl Show sponsored by tho OntarioIsciunce Centre llll at 730 and pm ALigl and sound demon stratton Will be put on by the College more narrator Wednesday and Fri day At 1215 pm and 115 at 730 and pm All these charge and will be hed in ACTING nwnnn wrruuhs ward to merit tor his periorv moon to the same play Both students are trom llarrin North collegiate historical Exhibil lit Eastview Friday The ird Simmn Ownly iii hind udiibitim wilt Ida place nina in the calrlmtnn of Enstaimv Sunni rrh minim rm to Iati minty smdmisimnr 01m to ant tlltnlrice tvto or true hmuisitml prpyccts pr cludirr vanilla cxphmhnn villi he ltllgtd in the tritium categories yrttristorio ancient mcdlctal and renew moiimi Camdrn Sumoe vanity The exprctnd loo tnlrits will he at in in tlic catclmurn at Ertticw scrondm school and in public may not the cxhlhf it between 530 my arm pin the nuwislpr his 13 hibit in each meow will bn proscritnt nt pm plus an 19 wgzd tor the best overnil mtryf The xthitian lSI mm hp the history department at Ea rim Sapndary School and tha lltstorical Society nuts our mm at unnz liquer tu III III lid aucrt nnLuANIrrn All onAntsIun scutnutu rum Notruntnntn courtto STAlMAN STEEL urn once aoin lllthu mime mat 6114120