err seams com Another year is we wondering whntsvnm 35 nude re entire thWNM Salkt lied Array gig es in ere More the no at Iaxhr new year in in mood on II have meow thoalonlda 53 in the llrminera library amen oi the Fired early rar trawler sunset the gt Soviet lind Army tend rlihAtboiduddonv rlre Dunlap Street Arena turd beidllne on the treat pale who can target the tool Monday In 77 STOP COOP TRAIL The Barrie cwo minde DockeyiollowereIndJneien Inded done it 51 new mom tor Ioalieoder rd the WW $9 hdliohit If We III win lie on viiio the moat redeemed IldJQMII ultimo player It the tourni was pmd moment tor hen ment In Oshawa RETURN NICHER IN EXPEIIIENCE the drnitoef bend to trichi back into the Colu camp until the heart oi lui yrara champ ionship learn create club Inst brpnnine to pruI the learne leadinx Colltnxwod Blues It look it back domin ated all he nation In the early portion oi ma liarrle Ilyera rolled to In our rst pine linlrh backed by the three top Martin the law item VIII Iiret It the end at the moon withM male 51 IIIIILI in enmnd place vtIa In otbee Fiya first year player Mr Phil Brannon with Baird coming in third ihItIidne am quite Ila accomplishment Goaltender Grant Dole won the rm Belanyer Trophy II the needd three Even Sly III impressed with the m1 etyle oi hockey may CIhadiu leans ihli playn IIIiaIi We ten tor Iome reason epeode theta part oi tnI game tabla the way they pm the puck mad because it Till Ire city than no doubt about he laid dont think we really not marine uitiI wril into the third The Iuye at little bit more nunrectum and II eluted hodyehrckailttlebitbnrtl Idoneottbethree Tiler were only tour Dull railed la the lame Fiyul tona Cudi la lrsztlane into ml the tylnr at It tlutslhthe third period Goaltender was impressive It in at the Creche net the Fly erI hm 1ihueir heeieolgm rst lee Indet ier IklIn Milan team led to It theeadottheiintpuiodend held lead huan Into the in period the Lt epeeutore in Iltrn dance showed their appreelstlen lor the brunt oi hockey they nil neseed Id nleht with bunt oi applxuee ii In the lint time tth ea Ion the yen have been tested that uterer by an in rlahBarrie currently ha down rst place at the Senior hoe key Leaeue having toil only three men in at outinu Gary byte Ieored two toIIa tar BIrrl Don Pernuiti John ile il Ind torhy AdarnI were ih other Darrle ecoren nltloe Iarnn hiiroelav Dvorak Ind lIroel Pouur replied tor the Creche YoonI Olympic team eaueht the Flyerr tiItlooted in tin opening period Their ureneth Ind balInce It time made it leim lmposrihle to knock oil the park It want In leoialed cue Ily Iny means to two th iorwards 1ng the 1mm net with ne deieoeemaa ecrarnbllng in ct hack Olymylcl have mattered the lundIirlentale Seldom was thm vented or misled pave by ltlluel too eaelLendnr lien Pal Cuch player The vlaiiarI wer tereon em close eroord flat in the name duo in net this year II the Iiyrra now well anY ed to have dlIooirrod the Irt oi the open man Fevorlte tool in the early Itaer at the me their wry to dupllutiny lap in th rvp pens to In uncov yenreperiormenea ltow do you do re mernorlu oi yeara brlIIl ecriea In late limit and early April Xltinst the St John Capitals oi Newtotmdlandt BLOOD AND GOALS IN SERIES lliood and loaleroiied in ihli late bodey league II they Ietiu Benoirdwiu ialee bottle throw this mean Thou Itorire all made new early in 75 The aurnmer months later thbhmhdmlohbi xr Wm 31 the county handrail loop end WY their urithan win in the Iii mnly 11 Ontario eenior bIll tournament ht Burlington rank moon the top etorleI coming out oi Barrie dtnlny there rrlorithr The win earned male root In the Canadian charnplonehlps onlrnrin You cInt paee by the erod pl who had clear line It the Barrie net Tarant drilled the that goal at theenme past Cole at lam or the tint period Only the el loria at the Barrie nrtmlnder hailed the Creche lrom adding It lrui three more earls tIonIl hockey roIch Derry Sly ol the Flyern win We tournament in Europe the yrnra Ill we played the ltuaiians last year We knew what to expect ll uoldd be paulnf game will it would hale to ay the body which lie did both end ot the rink Doll came up with several hey stop in elndianhe tinole Islde at two breIkIIIyI Barrie oulabot their oppanmte thhk Grant Cole pinyed one hell at nine or In corn nienied Sly IIII good yoailmder he beat the husilane Ia Teroa he added Thdr goaltender played eeli but think with lily luck we could have hid more goals WI had Ieme good ehIncea early in the tune Dvorak came right hark site marathon by the llyerI to put the Olmviee to treat bytvro oaia It me of the record ed ler poked In rebound in cut the Iced In lull leII than minute later Pouur lonnd an opening lhrouli Neal path to out the Creche bIrkron top by two node at the NM mark at the more period with lit leit in the period John llchtlhIn bIckhandrd the park under the mash to pull Berri Clone to lhI Creche The Iiiilllu at little heiller lnthv llnIl period On num ber al oocasiona tempers tiered Iltbourh no real outbreakoo curred Seconda alter penalty to Czechoslovak Pagnuul some how Iound enough room between goaltender Jeroslnv Jen and the toainoet to tie the game Lyle Inept the nnlnx ml by Janr vtlth 1M leii in the enme Deieneeman Jack Smith let an the goal by kaeyinn the puck in the Curb aid lils ilret shot was blockiti but his mom third dtd oil Ilzie pad in Lyle luar wan pulled with Lil re malninl lo the earner AdIms had poiteselon oi the park elth toniy em in hetveenjdrit lhla teem has had knoll tit VIaInl aet whlnl IIch Ilony the ice knocklnl the puck away liciereo Tom Brown evnrded AdLIme with the goal Crerill will he pinyin the Snull Ste llnrl Greyhounds on New Yeara Next time tor llurriv ll nday Irelvat Whitby It the Dunlap Street Arena division win by the Barrie outlmen lioqu AIMIUOD Tourmm in Peierboroul Noryl the com dramo IonI irom ZIItview in junior xirIA velqu door Coke Generale tin iahod ir lirst trim in OCAA play out oi the plIyoiie end out ol turn there appetmi no entry title name Joe Lewrenee rrrneirdlera hiI win ill theirnt Barrie Ind Dil tritt Dpen Snooker Tournament In February Zimvnle hlereh ants can reect on their eilmlnn Itlon by Brad in the iinale flirtill Georgian Iy Intermed tn Vancouver BC Ind IIUIWLII they had good repruentltlon they lost loo Belcour came batll to ohm oil II in ry in the open iny round at the Ontario Amer teur SoluIall Annotation cham olonsldpe Igainit SIuit hie liter rle in October to help brin back the title tor the IIIer LI view entry The win eidrnlnalod lane and alien tense Ionian ldenl trama cordinde to make new thmunhoirt the Iuin mer Irrl Into the late cold month aiiIlI DOUBLE WHAMMY FOR CENTRAL Central Coilemtr Nettiidna wort not one but two loaihall titles olthe Oorelon Day Meow rdery Schaoie rare and ehrr tslyl Icrumpilihment it an around tidy time that ow taco honoured on the Dorrie apartlnn scene treat in irom Timmlna brought bompcondnzet tor new Exilndnor room on We arrived In Bar list In time to climb onto the vi yon oi the Dairye Ontario title le vniciled excellent football at the high etion level and became involved through repartlnt WIUI the Colin rnil Firm um good hodst clulie ulroia value like not been fully appreci city cud yIjrmrei Ontario llezhinal OCollio skills rink in IuniorrMixotl Collie Iliipped his rink in the in tho llret Jieilor Open Mixed Uillllli homptelhI the Barrie Country Club at le Itiarnnave rd olhhlienrrl against it other rtnks and Ientfr gutting lo rowanea hllcround oi mmpctidim WW dIy llIiIl Dollie wore vice Laurie Cuini oi limolkndna Iceand llary Lloyd oi llarrle and liolluln nilo ai lliirrie Collie anterrdihe club In rt xvientlnn tlioiinivtroity all fuarto where he is liliilu an tuiar attends Bush Iinrdrn Colinan institute yitlildnld mum at hhrridnn Collee Ilklluin is riddrnt in lnztln lluiulc award were en hy the hlhrnhlll rink oi Joan dortlln Amity lhernlnll inur tire Games were everlai Iouree oi Iatieieoti letting involved tram worklnz Inple Instead oi behind typewriter was Clillllie entity and open aeurce at can lute throwiqu slnlcoe County in only little It titlIJlme that we extend word oi predation to all those coaches and behind I1 pie with have Marked handinIund with the press in helping to keep the noon ilnr news where belonge ulI lranl To III the Jim tlrorta Debbie lironnl David liloore the DM llA Lezlon ilockey people thanks und vit Ionk Inruurd In worio In with you again in the new year to title honspiel some eltlnprd by lion lloll cihlmtd the high tun game Ilhm rinka tlrd It on points ioilouin tho linal rounds prelim organizers to revert to total azuregate rearc As mull the llnrrio Central Coilertiate rinlt oi iinlrb Iinraeilth turned the run nerun three time Ittlitld lilti rlo North rnicrril rink lmrl won the high on mm llay lViialrn was skip or in North rink Jordan Ital break in the tin nl round ntrlaht lrellln tour Iiilp htu lletetlin no mid minnod Lite out Ali Inst roclt to dive on our and time the 0in lie at the IMP botha Llgnu hnlilai Inriybi cud plug oil not required to break lie rlmilior Iliuatlon devel oped end rennin livhrlian mny ni on his Inhi rock Game COuId hellD to kindle 111a importnncdoi lIIt nighta exhibition pme between Barrie llyere ludcre oi the Ontario lloeltey Association SeniorA ho ckey lrIIue ml the Youny 01 min tvnrn trout Crechoaiavnkia wn worth more than any man etnry Iain There wee prertlae oi the un ior club to connidoe Preuidtnt oi the time John Wrigley wee homered with the pfrormnnen vitbuth cluhn Well mm think noted in partirtdnr on their at ll oi plIy was that they ien ed to be more yyrtematle htdeh re loci lilo tact ihli the club would have boiler MCIIIJI Irrnntemenl The club would be on the ice every they would hnve tith lull time where eehlor try Ilia large lee two or three tim es week Indudorlit hiya the lame opportun the lime oiperttrtlnp le The things we were pint iar was thlt we would come up with name Iexcltln laIt you Wild the llussiina and eneotlr people to com out and are cIilhra at play at eerdnr hodrey which on runny ataLdnnI with the club in our ltrxue II not brlow what thI people oboe ed trinirht There are clahr like Whitby nus trains wm noun John Ellis Conatnlctlon min or llama competed at thI Kingston lilinar Ilorhey Caun ttl ollA minor Item laurnl mm on Monday Ilid returned ll ehlmpe illo Dorrie vlidi iicieaied Trenton no nzalon Town ship it and Kirizttull 70 lleedlnt the Dude scarinl parade was Shayne Corron tIIli nine oIlI lttrbhie Nit hnd live with lllvlk Cathy Iinltlnnr three in tin tournament Andy Wilton Iiruclr lor bit with Stewart turner and Jim Emile adding Ilngles Excellent onltertdlng by lllIne and Allan ralh neirndvd tho linrrle urn and liulndcr Bay uldrh have tort mer Nill players in their line DI iormcr minor lea play era who can put on that think Ls equal in excitement Ind drIinI II torrixlite contort Flyere had no great deel oi Idvahce warninr en the Ctrchs noted iir Wrizl didnt have lot at Id vanu iniomletl bout the club except that knew that tho Crechtulovnldur orzlnlutlon wea lookint on thin trip ior tth club to pick hell dozen to down playere tor their Olym ple learn to play against the lttlIaltne Kingston wins 42 overSwadish club KINGSNN Ont CPI Klnvlnn Township juvenile Ill dare allotted tourlnI Vellontuna oi Sweden to lead in the tint two minutes Tllrtday illeli ral lied tor It tirtory in In exhi hlllon hockeyjame The In wer the eerond etraixlri tor the Ewedes who Ewell 76 to moan on Sun Siltl llcoepitcd Kingston eitIclr alth Iiidldnll Dave Ll lion and 6er Andrew yet one FLYW JOHN lllehiluhir ubecie em from the ouch ntlovnldan nei batueen ganl lender derail liar and hliroelav Dvorak mm ood period actionwt int nithI international hcekry game It the hardop Street Arena hiclliilon netted the second Barrie poet with liver alt Ilarrunlar the mood Cuth goal Into the hlym ntt In the IEIIlIiIrwr Iliciai countryClub Winsehin playdiis Iiilll Icvuizl Mum xli In the third prh had new llnrrlr 3d ulnr now advance to Division final Meryl lindtroita Dorrie Cur ling Club rkik midday um Subdiviainn Ior rhampionshlgcln Ontario Seniors ulnyolti as ilnz duhmnie Ilnrry hilrhlun Milly roird our in the ilnnl Endiwtt better know in roll Ind curllny rlrrlrs hIe team of Motor lliphtlan lrInkt lleraey Iiill r1nsronrl and hair hiavLIren Seniors are 70 war and over Titty at to Drillia tliie SIlurJny lvr illiinlon ll iinlil against 3rd rebridna best tvio at three tam ilivhir lit old trio had dlo Campbell liny Orr and lil uood llelrb they lost came to Ilancy ODell at Churchill rurllcrlln the so rnteuiri rounds ioblnx ltut liliehiea lavorad ioar our three straight lhon to cat back in nutrition Endiwtl alter winning in Ilraluhl blew one yesterday morning In Ilnrry 119 at Cool Ehrivaie losers in title bi EIAIVAIJI Ayr edged out lLiinyale peoueea at the lilmrnlo IIut Community rr run nresday ta winthe pee wee title at the annual Elmvalo Christina llockey monument in the toneolatlan round It was ilnllon downin Strand tor the III ilnrela entered the Suricunla Ileain hltx pecueu in the open in rune oi the tournament or DIrrle the result was In win near Port Carling Elmlnle Ind Dorrie next tirin led in good aume later in the Illrrnoon villi Derrle being ei lrninited by not In Dan lhrllm lor ljlmiale and Robbie Trinneard lor Dorrie end Generals rd Icorriesa listperiod Lar ry llcllann scored paworplay goal In Nievlhlul period llllh Jim Climente Iinkin on empty net marker lor the tinal Elm vaietnilyi Maillot Port Corllnr tire ballot at nluriu hill NV0F good mulch Ill tho nay to strain ihli and Tile Coolulown cnIry skipper try Ilirt lion boot holly lire liarrlo rinks but not eiwunli Elll tr ames and deal home to Cd chrnie New Yearr Sky pilot Itirlt Clnrir rays that In 1076 lth ulll be supersonic VDy the tiny this intuit rm ling Auoelatlon pinyolis tor llrl ilvhtonwls Ill be lrelilol lAl Sunday this Melt This it tor the up curlrrl Dorrie her our good rink rrndy to no litipped my Dal Denny with liin Johnston and llrrlrnm lind is our with singles coin to Kelly Cummingaend ltundy ilehlmlle loll Paihn use in net for the Iliuiaui Tuesdaye round brings in close the peace mpallllnn Earlier In lavished playing lhlel only the baniniu dlvlrlon tauind up Championship game Ior Ville irantam title it ml lor 510 pm this earning It lhe Elmvlleiii oriI hosed out of tourney in the Etoblroke Internation Il llinor Bantam Tournament thin week the Grout end lion Itlniarru deiculed the Alumni Canadians In no ynma Inill noel series Advlnrlny In the rhlmolovahln round ll Genrri tort hard ought to Dome Park 4l llilr was en sxrontlonIlly close arms as Barrio dondnotod the In tho lirel tun Hindi livilmr Domt Perk Ito and mresstve play outnuurled the innate Ilnyl with Leo minute to no llteve Detptnet thv llIrl rle goalie wet pulled Inr sixth IItatker the Generate hit the 10 pint tlve limes heiore Dor utnrk looted on the open II Shawn Saundere led the tier rle term with three veal and In mid Slnlu were tied by him hacltiord and Ted Ilrbonk Former tyrant southpaw hurior smoky Smith Deverde ltltSirlolrl Smih one oi llerriII rrcatert bate hnl pilehtrlwllu played in hip lonnus vnilltawith Blttebury Pin It and term llailll in the trio AOI It in the Illlllillie care unit oi lloyal Victoria ltoepltal Iiier nutterinr heart attack early Huntley morning lie conr orIl Milt the Barrie iilatiirt ont Irio irovlarlel Police now billuhy Smith ii south aw tlili llashlngiuatbeli coniro and all the pitch Ievi tolllrlturlnd HIIIUUUDCII to Ontario ciliiii hlonvhiplin 1931 at illyearn nld IIlrnrnirln to Danie as Shell Oil man the nevi Bll Ilie llurrle rlub at that reason he topmed ulh Smith and is in hospital lar yiidlllpx on the mound and our liarvuuy rItihlnn John Dobson pinyin iirvt base liar no but elcty tum unltlvthey ran into Soulluiinnlon Fishermen ntllr leacndury lilrlor ttltw loidarrutlr mittdnrtsinlih plln thud lirrrie III the lay opulent Sotiiltllll ion vim also had title tirhthn er named Nable They vlrva tied 22 ill entries end the ltnnl nos It iwcn Sound in late September ll lnrnl It in nmav hrlore Goldsmith hill lmitil 21 in our or the amb cat hiltlung dueie In OntIiIo baseball hiolury Goldnmllh llllKIl oidti ludni inlo hiilelcul hittaiy bu Illt riea hniuky hirillii tu no Iiililtl ullh eaelai to Dan Coidarm ticOormuk lold Reinhard Avent Glen Vnilrbrepi litany Little and David Duncan Scott Gueel Kevin nteKeIlilvy Ken WIiden Rob Quinn and week the notices Terry hydra were ouiatInlllnI on deienoo more sat whore riiro ed all but one in the llerrie net in name two lbctr next leI one name It against King City Jan in King at out pm 25 they ml to Dracebrld to play in the llreoebrldge Win ter Carnlvel Tmnmen In Canada its lideni Duculrhnvie RENTAIRUCK In nivrtaw or TITWm lltnu ry True Sinnl lrnru llnnvood on lridIyosatuitlIy lllti ll be he so touu lhst out the lilchlolirdl llrrlr the clubs olhericnin tiiit tcllctkaltd mulch right into hat lho tlrni yvsritr Il rt pr elivtr ktd Cu News quiz answers liilll In Ilnlnr 50 5d anirr III tI or so ou IIrliiro Quit min liliaahrlll ti oi Dirat Dtiinin ANNUAL JANUARY SALE SAVINGS UP TO ON MANY QUALITY LAMISI FIXTURESI CHANDELIERSI FOLESI SWAOSI ALL ENDS OF LINES SAMPLES AND DISCONTINUED ITEMS Opnri All Woolti liltitlill limit Ilhtin unlimited lit Irriiileute Friday till nm heturday till 539 pm nimhgnnaiiinnn lea nnocx sr BARRIE iIurme uvusr or iNNtl er 7260661 Cniltplrvilj truth