Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1975, p. 9

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lt tn moms antuuur runoxro stunt out any rrerd seilinz Item Ind Dun khby tram namhlemittt Ittlunrr Elmnpla1r titrry TORONTO Cil Slurp ntooterr mm du Canada Dl rlriou rontlnul to dominate the World llocrrynmcnllaur tut ot scorinx Ierdm the lustre nursthl lull my mrrk in rte rchaduir liam Terrill ti Quebec Nor diques lends the trout in both MILmed Ind lotnl point He has goal 15111 and point Qucbec tunremit Chris run1 ls 12 points behind to train and mists while Bobby llull ot innipadets rrnks third with 21 none and mist tor sr point The leagurr too rookie are bemlrr minimize llwhur in tor control at the Puck in lrolri bl ill but net dining Kill trolley Idiot In at points lor Dairy oi thnipel Jets remolns thevtoir eorllendcr with 259 lsaulnst Heme in hm Ind mummy ihaludrrr oconml Alis le tintl zoom all i7 15 33 5d 2938 81 it $1 Bonielrru iltrll 1V Ntlsoll ibul HOCKEY STANDINGS nut CANADIAN Rm Nellmal nutter mint ll 22 131 9151 19 10 141 itll 116117 131 411leth rmytltt Dlvblllll fillch it ii 12 115 100 40 11 13 6105 107 30 1120 at 113121 11 d1 1J 19 mt idunderr Athhll Louis hllnncsolz limit won sllzozt Adlrrrs Illrlslttn lit lat 100 19 1113107 it onto rt lll rm to Cahlomia ti only 21 let ulvblon Montreal 2o5 6137 will lot Annclrs trill illnlrlt Pittsburgh 17 ll 31 Bullalo leoll trulinxs tux 111 llvrli menu Cuba 1021 90131121 32h 5111311311 Dctrutr Washington Resulls Tuuday Toronto Atlanta llorlirtill Washington It itilnncsota hot Arisele tllrrlu Tonuht Philadelphia at NY blunders K1011 City at Vancouver Eailluillilntcldclzn ilouutm Ontario Junior lv iluelvlr an 2n list at Chnihatrr Vullnnd llamlitun 161 175190 311 lt 31 313 155111 21 163 203 Ill 21 11511 231 15 Hull llnndny llllmtltun Wetland item Tuniynt Chlhulrr at turn Sound 3119 out lite Julius Field club it Vancouver 14 nil114 lIl tvin lllhiilnn litld hintoy ntrits dur in theneeitrnd 30V ARE 114M TLllii The Sorrel Union heat Sweden hlundry ill lku thu laud ill the world Junior horkuy tourna mttil itlll it 20 mniost canltlr rcpttgrnlcti Valiquctlc tenlrni Luzuuc to in Illl in for iniured ulnar urdry gumn ltETll TORONTO tCl Oiirlcrs t1 the Frnnuhbrutl cult Kulimaan muouhtvl onus whom 111 not race in Calladu The null villi he tetimt to tut un der $1 million rindlrulenOn the Plant5 ntrivullrom irrllto DQDLEY MOTORS General Repair lJiCi Dunltmsl hm ti Mechanic Cull lritr Dadriry 1167771 llnlltlltt iltcutcri roccirllrln in Tuneup Brakes and Elec itlial System Open Duelist nnruuu herd Clusttt Brtttltrs tlth bind lee outwit strzs rllttillnltt saw YORK mii Glittlltn tlei Nun tinuntil the Natlunnl trotkey Leagues ilanlrcal Cli llmlitlit tllt llol Ilttl 115 million mil tult in the All hrivcr Bititll llru ill1 Vutk ltls 135 tll lclllri tiitll the Ll ills plum in mitertits iflilllit ultiitur his Durllllhlun lie cluitnrd lhu intuit was in rimming tllrutcll ill ii llElblNKl Voyageurs surwl tuuu lluti tn lulu iOntttmtn llnllduy Intuit initial Finland no oil its Tiltien mm wm mogul RENTAthR ill DAYliELD 51 7110500 rt 10 3120 lit at Toronto blhnnay Lutt italic tsinu Thomas too rrouthrs near the nor itl tnntut Clrude um at Cincinnati Sti Cloutier Qi ngers and hirrk Nmier ot Ti ronto Turns both wt brooches goal and Napier lletberi Vv ltureit Netiomumky Vdrsirr Nr mix SD irornblay Ullmln Lawson Ca Similar Environs CW1 Ct Add no SD iliir 11mm mm SD Dudley Ci Napier Dnluy Abrmron NE hm so Norm Garrett lllu which so McLeod Ca Chcovcrr C1 trthsrrle 11 Brown ltrodcilr lttlrd ltlury ill lluntullt 22 ll it 1130 rt 21 l1 in to to tr in is ll GDL1ENDLVG hlln GA 50 Av Lou 1031 151 1540 1m nt 146 um ml 931 121 Lofnliilsrion no charge arCiNADIENSSHtiTOUTCAPlTA Cocrch pushed Out iilititm mllml Willem ulr dikhod him ly NllL AMHWJL it pronoun tenant tannin rm lace gut rrrnlluul nutern uMAiley laid But 1111 end reamed he IIeul eorhint these goals 013111 said epl no men it hetero the build that Detroit ital Wings shed nlzhL in JundJie other 111 emu Tomnlo Skull tats ilmptll Adm Hum or and 111nm North Star unset not Airelds Klngy 21511 were no arms Mild in the World liutkey Ascotlion Schmrtii has been general loi rnoord minute tonne llJr it lehmidtl ns unwed in idn the NHL WW nilill in jhr bu his rzzzua mu ensround be turn ion in mi Illl in out Jr rims ion lire the ikii lhau until Ibat lohln run Crptrrit lo NJXG lioctey League or it Lily Cd ali hi nul out it rezl Camden in Na Lonll llocltcy Lc Olinidly touch and vi the Instill cent Peter all tax mill wish ihltJc our us want iie trttrluul ml ltttrkn turn they also must tud mind mixactions from Illdl with all ihl flat paw The Wlnzs lllmst blew the Vutroml llocltry Argue Pen uim out on to nurby Centre enul 1n the llrst psiod loy Boris Kuinxinf the till at the Wing ulm the Suilet Unions lniuretl Bradshaw is slower NordiqrreslfTalrdK loudn tnlxhell he in there nun in WHA snoring actipnj Ill Coach Churk Noll use nyi itradluw ulll ha in than Sun day and has no em IbOut the Intro inhiem slotting down the Sioelm dont lhlilit his lnhrry will hate any rliret on our client lnniu ll hell thin ciui the mach saulTne ewe ugly tot rest will help But inllten do it unlit ilmdshaw iht 1tilel rurnntl going to cinnn any my quarterback look it itiuut WWW WWW injury or quarterback minim at the mod trim ltmu linrrls Miler last Saturday In the Slwm rimmed utlmu iur his time new Nntlunal Football ll WM latlniskl stepped trio lhn idO oval nulllmm llt ll My Ind mini lirtath nntl threch the Rams lo ma victory nlur St taut locker room but when 111 Iliw 11 Wr Curdinola it Ill tor one mudI dnun nnd heaved yard And he was stillin thcre tillttl the rum mded limit to maul Jackson tor an rtiitr It says hell hr to dim 1m still ho may be back on the at the stall oi next Sunday Amerlrnn Contntencn tliuiti Mum hm Dan mm rHt victoro over hlinnesola plum earns szuinst oukldntl Vikings then up tor Sundays Raiders Wm heat Cincinnati Nutlnrul Curlisrunce title game Bengals 3146 in 133 Sunduvt other lintrrouno pinalt xumc Harris has earned the right to rind slid cinch Chlitk wont to able Lt run 1llzres no harm nbout illi but think can drop but llltl Hnm oi rite mm r01 up an rltliC saltl ilmli litulll have been in tum show who us nerd hcnduttr licek it he with have played start this wrck 11 Mr 1w 1115 A5Sllllrl11 lllES Nobody liguml Terry mi trim could do the Jail hi lllil but he did it And he dh hell do it nin Nobody ligumi lllltt lnw could do ltr int hr rid nd not even deursltl 12115 twoossittu Flay vlrzhostav Anlsn Scblnlimov ganEnlalwu$$ ssaaassasnc 7t 40 otherttusthnrnrrksnen 52 61 AS 57 heels hi le tactile Unil Alumithriltl Fimburrh storm theioresomeone gsio Sell Oil i3lllrzd reprgsemihvcpf inloiutiitmmui tmttainmtnunt armti guaintee and bind my company that we will make no char tor Sales for mana emerit fees no chargetorjt lng gcvemment statements and no urge tot redemption at maturity itntunmrtuFrnliiutrnlnmuv t3 197 WE The Sterling Trusts Guaranteed Plan oitinhvalenilnterestumnteed Growth 119 lrusts brunch and Well take careyt everything After dust we have no salesmen you pay no commission Just come in toaSterling youll bedeposltlnsyour money with us and rst like the insurance companies hanks rind other institutions well be using it Wed have an awful lot oi nerve chargingyou torthe privilege ingometues deterred Cenlilcitesntcurrent10rateotinteiesteam 153cc tedan mcfor mi the utvaient of 1253 simple interest when Mm at Rzllsmed mrmmg curnu ated to maturity All contuhulionsand inletestutes guaranteed by SterlingTrtrrts andjnrured bv the Canntin Deposit insurance Corporation maximum 319000 SavingsPlanspensiontelundslumpsmh retirement allowances and other qualied montesaccepted eAranoeoiotherhNCsMOpim and nboavoiiabia pl AROSS FURZECOTT 35 Dunlap St East Barrie 72645495 IEl=m ntemboroiCamitlu Deposit Inturnnee Corporation E5 wuusllythehoatmu lcuatlhoctvlcCentnbetmn lessorneotu crowd at lie wand two calls and while controlllhl tho Vladimir Mtan were the 1L he Ei periorrmnti tron Wm derThI Maa mmwmrwmnwlmnmu to es and pcttu unset nus mum out 11 tin pin min in rim 11m Youngs root tor mm lino he nuotn late in the Mood patod iii in Summit Ill um riod lead but Geno Chm mm torbiftwnngolg in tho Second per nro ounxr go Tontzhtr schahiiu has Phil 35 Ill zz foil BETTER PRINTING SEE JOHN COCKBURN LIMITED no monnow RQAD HARRIE ADDEmelNGl One it our additions to the mmmnm America mmmmwmm NHL terms the room um pm Prtlllr EXPROPHIATDNS ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL T0 EXRHOFHMTELAND nu mm or applicatombymo aublcr minim and Wcllm tor opmwhl ho axon inhhnlinmhipol inrllslii lnLnOolmiy Pminto Mario tor the purpose at if Kims 111m 11 min Ink11 and writ retrial 111m away that toolboth rm rm Plotrowedum guinsonthomreboardhrthn second Wind Jill Lb 3m slim had oide Jud Ransdrodx lhrrlelkltncd in Morrisme 1h lair salad rind ho nbioctivu ot the ewronriniinz authority tho approving authority in writlnt tr in the est redstmd WW rervod personally or by moistend mail within thirty duos liter in nenrednutdwnoticcornixnhobumthy um within thirty tins alter tho tlrst pub liustion or the notion who is not registered thlintbocmotarrownor monolithirrthiydawsutterthn tlrstpubllmtiob Transport at um TIE MWMVNG AUTHORITY 15 hiinislrr of rm and Commicetim Parllumcnt Buildings Norris Ontario MIA in Minister ot Transportation an Communictdons llllee Dimclm MinotWhy Brazil notLt Wham Act provides that is when no inquiry Ls requested it sit11 be mklxted hymlmriryotiker woointudbythohiinbturoi Justice ard Attonxy Gianni to no inquiry cilkvr it dull givn every party to the liniuiry an oppor tunlly to omen ovldtmo and mount and to and Woo wllmssos ciliur pemnoilyorhyhisewroolorusczl lil may recommend to the approving nutito ly lhul AW i0 thoinquiry bu puddle bind ilmilttl or his costs or tho rnrnlry net in me mo and arva in its 11in WM or uy wt com roams onnof and RM owner dcnui in the ct as totlors home We may mlmemmodlonllmliod misconnoitteootoboesteteotnm peteotpemn or polson incapable ct mm mu that and guardian exooztor uni1h trqu 01 trustee in whom in is vested mislead whet men an mm of land time in mum is dotlnod elxi whom name is mum mm in tho proper Land ncznlry tr Shor 50mth porounnhonnnutrvai moot ncnrsnllu All rim title urn Inlrml In i119 allowing tutu In the Tomhio oi llinirlll its to County at Strum Pmtntto It Ontnrto beta ma South rulr ct lot Cunrrlson mm rru oi lot ouncein droiluuirrl rs urns no midu in gallium of Lot ti null 5n onmuon dtllld as nuns it no is trl nrlgot Let Cumula 12 designated PARTS and being rnbicet to In eattmtut awe Oi lizil Crud detained in lnrlrurnrot hnmher it puts Colleeth dellxnlktl runs unitIliumI Plan ry Oltlro or the moron of pectmber rant Centurion ll llthlu Milrisky oi Transportationand Communications

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