Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1975, p. 4

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Walls Editor Emeritus rumav DEM Hydro rates 0mg but charges While much empnasis has high legislature adopted ioacistmmlbemi 1W wmmieencommenauonthatanm our 11a incrmebe held to 22 he remain 10 30mg up on ion The increase is ex mt which it somew the pty or wholesale to munl mounting some ottiae the standards the interest the ew York market in this era this favoraihle but still is con burtten at government and On expect to borrow about $22 yanaceordin totnlormatlon given the seieot commtiee on Hydro WWWWhiiitrthi it In ori wuauhaooibemwmea not in TOWN Barrie Examiner Dee to so it hm Brim tub Thislstheruteltchar inbulksup pp agglpowerccm mtvsiomandgiseeduaiincreasertoeus tamerx will vary secondary to local condo tions The average tome iorelaii users including residentia comment is exped cd to be about 139 per cent Customers have bten told what lower than the vary in dilterent on demnd eonditioa when it comes to household eleotrle rates itde be talus into midero lien that the minimum charge even it lmytmhmmdmmd if mm ng or se ons Alter the basic costs are met the rate tor iurther electridt over the same line Mr holly becomes cap The Hydro system has respomibili at keeping down posts as much as atbie consistent with good management Anticipating tuture demand laan moori rrod turned for construction memorial in ping lioyai Victoria Hospital town up municipal land toliarrle District Collegiate Board iornomlnal sum 82 Reeve Jim Hart De puiy Charlie Criltin and Alderman Har Smith Campbell elected ileeve ol proposed by Om by aeelamatim Council objected to giving vcyPaddtson heaainst law Comb gllep Barrie Flyers de cilic nilirom db or hockey mat chcr at Port Arthur and Sault Ste Marie Gae Twenties Club held Yuletide nner at hobindaie inn with Mrs lion iaguo lends special lletidem limpet anadlanla Counsel dltiariorie Doughnut provided mush win cal entertainment Craig retiring president home lira Perkins presented with 71 he development that materialize in this growing province DOWN MEMORY LANE honorary lilemembcnhlp in recognition ldent during tour vrar lght classesin lolit and tenure dancing at Barrie Ooile te con cluded with party in which Vic chairman Oldest aurvlvin mem ber oi loneer Warnica tarnil rill Ashlor Warnlea 06 died oi services as thran percent These areas since it is based energyusoandhxalruppiy liuntera lrom Barrio Gun Clubbagged 50 rabbits around on Boxing Da hlayoroiectllra ion jorie Ha lton made draw at Barrie Arl ena in Soroptlmist Club rattle iornilnir tone mtulrrat coat wan at Lavull Glob iel Robinson ltira Frank at Orangcviiic purchased Canada entertained tranehise or Barrie area lrom members has ital Auxiliary at her lien Finpite and opened new bottling i7 11 ox ant on lnnistil St at Brock New Socrci overnment takes over in BC By MICHAEL HUGHES VICNHIA CF British Coiunhlans from trorn gent ee in the New new Social Credit sovrrnmcnt plcdgod to is moving again it some Mich Intrth ill related to In prov economy and the light allow the New rah lorty admisiy 11 went down to detect in ll ll election DC voters rltoae to return in rrivatr enterprise govern undsr the Social Credit uhlch hid tiller tit movince lor at years prior to unexocrei driest lundl tithe NDl in Wit It thrmn Prrmitr hil lien tum during the eieehort Icampaigra that the NDP ruined iiiilrhurrte Examine it na iirid Street Barr Ontario Telephone mam Registration Number Mil Second Class ilall iteturn portal guaranteed DIith Evn aya and Staiutorg iiaildeya excepted Subscriptionrates daily by carrier Ll cents weekly Witt yearly Single notes 15 cents tail liarria um yearly 002 year nsiam innii iy All other countries yruiyxniotorvthrow ycariy National Advertising Dilicert insane it Well Toronto not iil Cathesrt it blank reel Canadian Press ole at the IN lriiurrauvol Cir agt miliiva Canadian Frets ia exeiu Velvet entitled to the use lor re pub atloo at all new dispatch Lilli digit it it mha aisokiile local uejtsrpubj wild mo er claim 60 We galleria matrrlat cre omplayces and rrpra dueodt his nswrplw hpyriplitr Registration urn bar roam new 0i ail gloat adver the investment climate in BC and that his administration would change that situation lie has the winlehenrtcd aup ol buiinesa leaders who predict return or lnvettor cana iidnce in the province and sub sequent biosxmlng oi the econ array think the latest industry in more optimistic lindLr Social Credit than it not under the NDP said Fred hloonen vice president oi the Comii ot For est Industries LAIlDii DOUBTFDL Reecting tlta view of many businessmen Ito raid lovilil are more Likely to take this on investment than 01 were under the who saw emmeni Labor INiiCamfi have been in tux optimistic Midi dark days attend tor the work in man Although the NDP govrrn merit led by Dava barrelt caslonaiiy angerot the minor labor groups ieit employees grit better dell than they did ll dcr the previous Social Credit iovernmeni The snap elecivm rail bylllr harrett No uppeda year at political in anning that var three Libsrsl iLAs nun to So cni Credit in an ellort to oust LIb NDl Dr Pat icher and Gard Gardom both in the two member riding at ncouver grin and unrouverviiowe Sound kit the Liberal party in hloy in drrpuio mill pnrtv lender iiivid Andimn are the need no npproac to el ing the NDP LngDEltnigliPLAirEii IBM rubs urntl resigned over ths iqu arlul ways replaceihy Cordon rcihsan who won reelection Dec It in his horns riding of North Van eouterCapilano Shortly niier ilr Gibson pieced ilr ihdrrronivtvr rlrywn to ducal in the election the three exlrllrrnis iainorl the lei credit party and were sireerxlutin their bids tor re elvtlion The only muan or itricini Credit crrxitdtta other than lllr libsia to win roeirrtlcn was Dr swimalts page the tyi pee bliit in provld certain to ox was Painsvricit John Ghd Ernms and rtono Currie oi Barrie named Kinga Alal2 3de13 ii VNLEM MAN Business and Drum anna Auiyat Nasturtium mi street themselves seriously That still doaanl man that count on broai publia support urgent torvthat in JOHN AltlllON Tantra Altair Anal at mass Nswa co in the am two countsla in the weltern hemisphere were eonaldered to be pa llela to each oiher Titty era Canada Progressive Conservative party Prior to the election the NDP government made two mom pinch the new Social Credit ad ministration will have to deal withone regarding labor dis pntea and the villa an infinite llrhilng measure On Oct the ieliileturt barred bill wtach hours later forced about 50000 work ers in tour teprrata labor dip poles back to work tor 80day prrloi The legislation said that earn ployers and minus in the tar est in Wm Ind EC it new diyputoa would have to daya plus posrlbie liday ex tension to come with neve ilatcd settlements it their liar putes SETTLEMENT NA The deadline including the extension is Jan and to date only the latest industry workers appear aded tr settlement The lntematlonal Web at America have reunited agree ment with their employers and tentative agreement is being and Argentina And at that time the com pariaon triads aesm both eco nomlcaiiy and demographicallyu Both na in were emerging as meiotv wheat pipiaicera during the boom years oi the twenties Populalian growth was about the rune in both as was the di versitioation away Irons the toundlng rem Spanish in the cart at Argentina English and French in our own immigration rromitaiy in the mos mainly to escape Far clam oiten meant decision between Canada andArgenlinx whera aariivr and still linlii ltailan eomnuinitity had been established Even today there are Italian iamlller in Canada who ltetp in touchup other membera declaid settle in Argent The Nine also saw the grim in bdth countries or modern nationwide railway voted on by members oi the Ca nadian Poirotworkers Union The Pulp Paper and workers at Canada voted continue our act ent lllr Barrett arid hen un legislation was other moves will be made in the event that Eeltiements were not resolth alter the coolingott portal and it now will be to mmlm hem decide what action to ta should the dirt mites nntbe xettlrd Labor war sensitive area in ms Statistics to the and or 0c tober show total iii in million rnandaya lost due to labor div outer attecttng smite employ Tbs ipnmnth iisurei virtual matched those tor nil oi iti when in million mandayr were tort with 70nworlrers at irrieri The new enmrnt must rise deal with price from on food and other essential goods and services DEANM EXTENDED hit Barrett lrrt milledltd the reels Oct it along will alter measuru he aatd vculd iii the gaps in the stern rav crnmcnta antiiotlatioo bro mam vlvAElllNGTOIi Mimi ans trim in the United its rose ll liar rent in the iirrt nine months or 1513 over the same period cg std 3051 Ailmieyentav dward create Minirm With it percent In the rim rtnc mmlhs pi mt over the time period the pmiaus year iovl said it was encouraging that the increase large or in peat must be rem end ure anew an increase crime rate remains at it tntal treble la The figures were contained in report released today by the Federal iiureau pl investl tien recording crimes reported by city county and ctaieiaw enloroerwt agencies through out the US The report also diowevi that serious ertmomuruer rrpe robbery ulauit and larceny was it per car higher tor nil oi llltoter lm loss is tu during the first six mcr its oi Will mired in tire nailnliast soar by deating Dr lC Wu who had bceavlrader oi the year Smith be came lrderll member in $1 lirk and Scixrilx won the Liam eenctteney tabbtbtneuneot to Ottawa lnktoogeldaya it poasibla to be urmbera oi tenetalt god mrismmtn Alter Smith miliibdaire thrviuair bulibgL Canadian Pacic Railway othr railwavlti veiopmrnta 5534 M3114 renu aerated liootreal but in Failin mcnt or nine years was appointed Canadas High Commissioner to Britain and wssralsed to tits preravejJaa gt Baron Stratheooa and liouot lioval Smith began his career5y working tor the lludiorar Buy Camping in Labrador Queen Victoria had tense humor who Smith beemrd Stratbmna the used to ruler him as the lord lorm Lahridpr ms BBC EVENTS 15501llliiiiib convent hired at Webc lm Provisions and limit bronchi lo Canada by couldpotato solo until hours police had been given bell tirlttab Canadian levee raided iiian Rock and Dullpio causing heavy damage list Fire destroyed lipper Crna tcrlsiaiure el work im llaliway rm Hone and ms Gold in dimmed Porcupine area Ont ma First wheat train not Cochranervothllay minto Port Colborne lbe tolerating Kermit1 coat ring Sorry yeti Aim lilo strong other Timetofget rough iniiriiicition battle midst have beanavolded lnatM the loophole oi his torical relationship itsI becn to app pieiatonal ed benego on contract this tall take much imaginaf tien to relate to lbai oi someone utioa better The result has been to locus iniuai public atleniion on the emotional question oi play audio obscure the neces riiy tor action on the other three prvnga ol what was to be tourqrongedLattaek on in ley changes government spend tng reitrainta or vtnaetural in tbe economy hiring and November ovarnmtnt has at itrrti to decisive action In areas that were in danger at Not am one at the provincial varnanenla bu yet committed in writing to Import use With mi up ow Sines the antliniillilln in vdilla Nora Scotti Ontario and lm was urnovaoced oa Abate hare balked at Go giving DIInWI it in decision that it oootrola been giving than more re runtho erlarced la more than atratouaa long as lidount three years PLUMlNO on that law last lorguttsn ila regr that the prime minister couldnt hare promised an actual reduction in the amount at government spend in bnt innatloa continues to va rm its costs oi doinl biasi LWPITOLII Now that the program has it the prlrne minister had been made lanend the regu been as determined in rnidOo iatlons made public however tober lwhrn be announcedtbe restth will havapta be taken ringing broad outline at the antilo arni as be was in with the the tedcrai government can movement at tha regulations and new ledzrai spending re lndividnal interests are too dilt strainta then good daalot the angulsla oi the pur two months Parallel 1with Argentina hctsl faded since 1920s nua as well as everyone eisejr Replacing the rats oi inereua is the next best thing Delore the new and own meridian tuthaolr the lederai bixlget had beenbeading tor arecord dellrlt in 1575 to M0 oi tIJ hll lion thy one method at estimat iil Int an incredible lil bit on the tailoring year Even new tizera remain coat pngra out expansion oi bliinxltaiiam and the indexing oi clvii service pensions that will continue to exert strong up vgrd pressure on tederal spend ilatlon pro midDec Little it anything was heard about ilscai and monetary pol pienly or such as the MAUI 0N ECONOMY stili aayirv The nelion never recovered lrom this By the early 40s sue eesslve military resulted in tho emergrpee oi Juan Domingo Peron and his prronisrm meet oi the right with mixed elements at Europun Fascism ard Marxism Peron In his second wile Eva Dilute threw Argentine society andiba economy into turmoil by pouring the coun lrya wealthinio massive well turn and social assistance pro grams inating wages without the productivity to go with salary inereues When Peron was overthrown in root be hadcreated mental but aborted ravolutoo ary movement with thousanda oi Argentine yearning tor re turn vi regime likehii which would guarantee them ions pensions and sense ol destiny on Duilaloe watcrtront would ieatureiwo old navy The veterans calling them rtivra the citizens Committee to Create Butlaio Vstrrhllllt Nnili Perk aad they plan stoopootosnoooo 1drive relate loads to bring Second World War destroyer and marine to Bullan as pennapent fixtures at the park BlBLE modern Jeans aatih unto Mal will that he tarry till cont lbai la lhll to title toilets me John him One at lliaa gloat railings is our unwillingness to lotionth reel leader Somehow we prdz to watch each other that Canada elosest to them in physical shape and racial makeup mums NATION This usually centred on the racial structure calling their country to ma blaneo that the nation with the largest puiation in the western hemisp ere except the Canada Between Argenilna and min aelvss great distance about the same as that between cen tral Canadajnd Peking were and are thoinsny national cont nutnitles Latin America which hava larger indan and Negro racial groups than white ones llence the historic and racist Argentina comment And then in mo Argentine drilled away from that pattern ei similarity with ourselves ended the orig vied pruttitrte the country interventions st move it tradition of n3mw re Am gamma anmmiw mm riiisrhurs has ml in Warm rile roam Provinrlai nu Then lo cued between us Ont in park BUFFAID AP At gimp oi Ntalo area military voten an annouueed plans recentlv The new restraints in govern dmyomm ment spending will inevitably be criticised on the ground that they will slow down the pace oi the economy lta liieiy though that any Mich street would be oilret by an upswing in consumer and bunocu spending as the public regains some contidence in lbs economy and the stability oi the Besides the timing is right All indications are that the Ca nsdlan economy is in the early stages at recovery tram re cessian that as the Centers Board in Canada puts it provrti Io ba one ol the since the late lmr The momentum ot that recov ery which economists any has been under way since midsum to be grunt enough and Mr Trudeaua net relrroclous spending restraints am

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