Trudeau forgets role in Canadian Cart ination be beaten Pierrelrndeantislakasoand wantstutothlnksotoo lrudezu is consonant Whatever he does politically he does moveanti well As Iiobert Stanfield Sowa nowhsvehlaislan ination linilatlon will probablybe beaten Bul not by the government iThKeie were signsinllation was being slow that trend would prdhablyhsvo been cdntinued vvithout overnment interfer tlzures be and the in gang cant lose The governmentwiil get the credit of more like rtaka It ior any cuts irons now on the cost oi living Without really asvin Ithewn lil ninailon dont want to doanything to lion then inflation willcon itihue pf Jifo beat ination peo is must be per suaded ination la pro lean Iilrudeaus commitment to lighting In nliiosis his pitch to Canadians that in mum is probiem and it must be problemgtbeeausc look how ser ious the government is ilrudeaus iightsgslnst irritation is more torm than substance lie bu decided tolireat the symptoms not thedlmse resent periodoi Ination is diiieren than otitertperiods In that It is worldwide rlheeilorts at an Individ ual government to control It must be limited titers are toomany actors outside an individual governments con fainter sweeping Will to beret VE aoreansaoo thrown Ilsvris Elumlnan December 27 1955 Police Commission honored inspector John Clark at Provincial Police for ser vices rendered in helping set up Barries new municipal police iorce Presentation made by Judge James Harvle Mayor El don mooley Greer presided at banquet ior retiring members at municipal OPP detachment which had handled Barrio law eniorcement or two decades Edward Trehlrhsri irom Kitchener was introduc ed as Chlci of new Barrie Police Force which will start with 15 men at midnight New Years Eve 1956 Chiei Tschlriiart comes in Barrie highly recommended as capable fearless lcop who will take no immense but known as iair In judgment Former hockey star and allround athlete in Main Ontario Thomas Kerr in stalled Worshlpiul blaster Corinthian Masonic Lodge italph Sueigrovn gestural manager announced Kappoint ment oi Edward Ied Delaney as sales manarcr ior CKVII Barries new TV sta Bruno lied Favero Examiners photographer reviewed arts highlighted year he had covered this year included were bout at liaplo Lest Gardens in which James Parker at Bar ank Acidoe iCrjedii Union vononro ice The ru banks tilinialiiiai co in out undenedlion oI Canadian advantage over othcrmdlzposit Cr nancisl inaiitutions million is not rapflats to since the banks control entry to Chloris Iaynihe tederai liking go cm the operatorson the the tyslem iredltunion system and these prices chum In chm hsowllcd to services irm Elijah in we says no on or to the llsolo Act to gov ms ltuv 5tcict vs contr till to 31h Association presented its View viriunsl tits llanlr Act is due In 4971 oienl The brlc also star the siloca in sys em Ion tochastercd links at lull controlv over tiller clearing sys In Cansrla Is no longer lur ill jnte ciioriny syhtclrl Is the process uhmby corporations iancl lntdlviduals may pavgncnlts ol er mug elearlng system cheques do ittd lor credit srcrelurn to tile lortltinlon are drown PHDPDEEIANOE zlhs assoclation proposes Ilut iredit unions make tn oi aymentiterm with illilld oii your lter depot the elearing system rather otf thanihmtsil merchants Iine association says the present clearing sysisns clearing Iys holy name IJOWN MEMORY LANE 3g charging iecs iar their er es as Inks can so in edit unions aboisld be con crating immilaiiii$ lit ill have the cilect to their notebook ilnsnelal corn oconimends thnt crodli un OM in briei on the Bank dlsn Cooperative Credit Socigtv Mt shed with Finance Minister laid be regarded as comprisim Wdhlscdonatdsrhe hm re llnhnclsl sylicm tor the pur3 pole at determining their right to thaCanodisn clear ll also recommend that the credit unions Varilciplie la the management and control at the him lllleaa the herd my soul and iii ll iiiiii It itilll bil tract ex la the nest ten accruals on my ttsking institutions oi your blsings Then my Andtbere lstbe question of just how much Canadian government can the kerlvrllb the Csnadisneeonomy Governments have tried to speed up and to slow down the Canadian economy Butfluy speedingup or slowlngdown oi the economy seems mostly to have happened independently at what govern ments have done it Is signlilmnt too thstylrudeau did not take the opportunity to try and re shag the economy oi Canada temptation there It Is no secret that there are those close to Irudeau and maybe even Trudeau bimseli who ieei massive reshaping oi the Canadr ian economy is needed th Trudeau did not take the antiin ilation Issue as an excuse to chaiigo the economic structure Were Ination still the serious issue this overnment now thinks it is it would be airly easy ior this government to ioree and persuade Canadians to change things an done it government ielt Inflation could be beaten in Csnsda by Canadian eliorts alone then the economy would probably have been changed it there in victory in the ination bat tle It has already been partly won And that battle was itaIng to convince government that in atlon Isa prob lem and that the government must take share oi the blame ior Ination Trudeau has admitted ination Is roblem something eves Canadian ouaewlio has known let some time lrudeauthough has not really admit blsme ior ination thltrudesu may not have to ever admit in the long run the governments role In In tlon may be the most important art ination and the part Canad untli it Is too late rie ibnght virawwithllri VsillCanad Ian heavyweight champion lilrrlo Coiledk iates junior iootball team coached by Dalton Ncsbllt winning Georgian Bay In lonshlp at Barrie Goli Club beating her kid sister lira Harry Youn Jane In very close ilnal Barrio Exam er Trophy at curling clubs first big weeklong bon lei won Nell Normans rink irom rillla Bs DeVilbIss basketball team winning Georgian Bay title in Laur ler Cup hockey lla Emms Barrie Fly era tied hiontreal snadlens 33 liean Richard starred ior hiontreal Skip George Kennedys BanIo team oi Walter Craig Ellsworth Crswiord and italph ltelvc won Yuletide bonapiel at Cam Borden beating out iierb Shannons rin by narrow margin and some ukcs One oi Barrlos most noted citizens hia jor Mark Robinson retired to erlntend enl at Algon uin Park died In oyalVicl torla Iiospits at age 89 Woridsmost modern rubber plant hisnsileld began production oi tires in Barrie Penin sular Park Hotel atlllg Bay Point iaye Mums mating ored resort for Barrie people ior more eluding with Conicmcc on Materials which has inst ended than on years destroyed by lire CL 125 Mutwszrwieaamemmwzzug snt apply group says Wit Barrie Examiner l6 Bsyeld street Iisrrlc Ontario Telephone 7156531 Registration Number out Second Class illslI iteturn postags guaranteed Daily Eu ys statutory lioild excepted bunscription nstrs ussiy ivy csrrler til cents weekly mill yearly Single copies to it By liail barrio mao yearl mcoo County cocoa year ilsianco Canada tam rear ly All other countries 500 yearly hlolor throw oil moo yesrly National Advrriitlng Dtilecs to Queen St Vestrloronlo toi mp din Caihesrt 5t hioat lca hiemhcr oi the Conadlan Press and Audit Bureau at Circula The Canadian Press In exclu sively enlilled lo the nroIor to publication oi all news dispatch es in this paper credited to It or The Associated Pro or new In and also the local news pub lished therein The Barrie Examiner claims Wcynght in all orisbisl adver tia it and editorial material tro sled by ils employees and repro and determine clearing this dad will UGHT ssims lolti limit and Ihsik lhontc you lrml ion ducod in this newspaper nnswersto match the list re elves quests item canalsatly iiiKy Copyright Registration Num bcr roasts register til YOUR Cr io BUSINESS isis in open reg rug and jolt for lashspending bureaucrats by vocalistnos Business and manner Main Aniyai Thomson News Benita This may be the tenets Ioc merrimentbsx its more like ted the government should share thenfmbgwzmm spendln him over lie or that the prime tnhv lsirr Is severi years late in discovering spsodln wen eoatrilsstin to lll limiter and that am never really get chance to debate useless unisfsmot in lint set an example Ms sits the ior nibem tionvlhal it ate and promised tatry to re rm reduction oi lust under $15 billion In looted spending Elliott patio is en gross product is rennin at an annual rate oi out set sound like Hulda But it willie be enough to give sobering ioit lo the his sonch in commentthou era who cousle power wllhtbr nutritive oi snii their upondltures oi public be funds ailloa crillca were quick to Iaqu the love masta spehdlagdrestnlnis as can that government one rousiaschccr overnmot that ad teal Erma had om prolil to be some sleightcilia THEWoaLnicoAi liailiishuiiiiiililint International meeting has impact uoild in actual been my pal IM And there this hdeednedmtesr imminent danger oi dostreyin do In ai program thaI ilaticn mosses ih salaries oi Ir its regrettable perhaps that lisnseatarlsns or senior tic some potentlsily usetul govern servsnis lust alter they have meat services have to be sscri substantially increased Ilcediniormstioa Canada tor 5tops Canadian National sample halivsys secret to the true Yel iaAlta tlve yan oi axis to omittobortowJscamdupsndonths ti never was Diminates 31 to st ltull together and tsasd unasullou rationalise the outow at lov budsst but smases tor other meet intersection to the Hindu and departments to eonsmnlcstiaas media sad the share ita tomlon payroll and pub ils usuallan oollsylor book stores snd exhibition prime mini but certain smut ol sub ea as be to rub at lemma may be necsta trea not only In sleo poeblmrdhtlttloa They have made human but slsa an economy thats to stirt on Insulin semi re tscll on the intoxication oi id atralni on public mom greater than preceeding meetings Ily JOHN llAlIIlllON Foreign Thomson Nana lervlce niishasbecnaycsroimnny International ing win the relatinrs between thorioh and on my have about most theysll have been reported In oi Art Powell Bill Dyment Ken Walls your paper about lnthls column Equally inverted you may have had no direct think they rcpernm on vrlLiI the like oi licriry Kissins ilamld Wilson dcau imidcnt Peril in at 01 iendance Ibn Isct pact on all at us than the many wlier ones dentin mainly with politics lessor This is because all these sum mil avnita have dLvurad iw lure world where ination will continue to remain high when Altair Asutyli coniocenccs death the poor counties iortotien oi them lhmth ndlitonoi14iwork In Canada Etirope and the 115 mum still continue to bear sense ol the td burden tor bringing him the many mossy poor es In our world What the representatives oi the an rich and countries in said out and about the availability oi oil will ultimately silect us NEW GAMBIA The War Third World nations hm one strong bargaining poi sliioa that is those ones who are sources oi needed raw in leelals They are ionning tough cane and comment on your llicsiyla Pierre is lint the Inter oi 1713 cam iniemnllonnl Trade and ilavr in Fronts have had greater in minded corrunodily mmuaraeewamum nzaronrazuraww Itroll MI Richardson rs yvlo 13 we In the rich countries with 11 nation ooninvneo lust com cluderl in Paris vuy note was the rescission Nations General humbly last month detintng Zionism iarm oi realms it did no sod through which they not the usonndlons like Canada will set future prices This is not Item conliar in the iuture Commodity cartel were termed last In bans Ito and continued till Durham we have seen lhs nhstsosver do the ant alluvial costmnces deaths and ongoing activities ot tha with this vital question oi ula other rrisetlngs have men ilons between the worlds many toned nations on eoormiie motion The other day is the same There was the United Nations UN ssaemhhv tin controllers sevenii special session In early US ambassador Daniel hioyv September on the priorities at plant called the years activb the poor nations the meeting In ties In that boxy the theatre August oi 96 recalled non olthaseeurd sllgned nations In idma Peru the ennui meetings oi the World limit and the Inter national Monetary mid also concentrating on financing the economic development oi peg nations an economic aumrnlt Paris last month which en chided Canada and now the li lloth he Kisdruor have also iy med the eoliviiles oi PM do and beyond the UN premises mad the stimulus their causohas received from many countries metvbir United states aid or technical mist ancs one dollar by the United his to thiy op struck in the three connotations pr as the St lirlens island Expo 07 named or her 0111 DEC 21 EVENT llnllrst atelreonch service in uwdiai it air 911 oi mil tare or oilu Whine and Quebec hold their Ilrtl slots iollcvri Conledtretih tinDona Smith mind inert Gerry to negotiate with 01vv Negotiationsad developing by JOHN DAY tonnox taumultina helmets oil era and porters appear be developing like on intricate sci oi levers eaoh hearing weight on other Following the fidelegatioa ternsiloasl energy and raw terials coalerence In Parts week the aim will he to tind able balance amend eons potlag goals lads fragile coma over energy cos ram rial trade international deveh opsneal and linsuce Negotiations will take piste during the coming year In Iepsrate commissions Canada is on the Sr dealing enegy and or oprneat Bul Canadian diplomats attended the Paris coalereneo ray baitinch in the ellinput tant eaer commission rest large on the bslsncv working on theotberissocs TASK DEHNED Goals oi the eight indtulriai participantsCans United States European Economic Community mic and Ilvtotll eram perhaps the easiest dellne Their prime aim Is Io agreement with the ornate izstion oi Petroleum Countries OPEC on oil pri Its main importers want lm to remain steady and Iy low but not too low Canada linited States and Britain cially have embarked on developments at new oil sources In the Arctic oil and oil shore industrial counlrics proposed oor price on imported $1 barrel They dont new and expensive sources undercut by OPEC ts currently sells at barrel OPEC wants to keep is oil prlc mien ta to it agreed on this Int iilt oi oihcr iuues ave negotiated in the other commissions Arising those Issues 0PE and underdeveloped producers al raw materials want their exports priced with Industrial looda they port Canadian Energy Minister Alastair Gillespie says that be conceptually great impossible practice Other dustriai countries larger Tbe htcd ior expanded credit ior developing counirli especially In lean years the International Mommy Fund and other armies Mil LIKELY Easier progress is expected on this Issue on the basis statements at the canterence the United States the EEC others lint the Industrial grits want to lg the money ore in their own wallets widerpior ersoy count at iron moonlit