Fourintemhersol one family Norttrtt citrtterns ts Stdte Kl ITOWHI lhetcousimw noted it er one tereon eeldlhe to been celledot lte laid Znn llle law olll tmhe lu ulnatinx the he or htclornt hoax Capt tom polreemln arm has raid lhidny Copt Tom Putterrorlvn the rescue coerdlnetlon centre Ielt oonet gueruirsdlotrtr mattrry rrzulrtlon til determined that the distress signal hogan the dtrtm aimole supposedly lIte mnennywettornoon 23 itom IVcahln ontlrer in can toot eehtn crutrnr with Liter rllztn water oil Point Pelee in none rthoatd eiletettto be the western ondnl the trite Io taking on Court guard ioin longtist ot inclines try rnr ANADIAN rnsse tour rnonrnohlle rlonihl mother end her three uhtl 90 Saw com at hnWlW Wt tone or tuooncetdentat trot itre early today near Oluriotte 541th Mm 1h may it men at turn manners mttntgn Sun tisottiwilo rilotl tn Irrttirntr dwnllhh What Wt turbo trporteti nine tenth 19 WWW Chlllltiirln trottlc twoln tires And one W9 enonhohlte death illt hvThe Ontortnhrd rlxr Frost am out time two rnnwnrobtle iitdltrtly to arty Jttxtoy British Columbia Itso hat sit Ihoncd iotnl oi 27 trntttr ln treltte deaths telltlee sate rtettht einl Conollrn 5t nnirttn lit in nirelr rootBattlessttllrageton Street bottle continued hrre today ntlrr it pcreonr riled twinhows tnnttonnt aptoWerrarrlv to lUlinl UPI ll rl lliil Jillan who to ieirtd Nixont ntnaree sing three airmen Ehtna announced toluv it it rctras hcltepter one no tiuon rrtoxror rotornxe rob luststroll nuencn ltntnnt chm i3 In tnrnre inter Silreeco bans now tttruler GIN tctl or ptmtllltnl ertrdnlth the error flirt ltitlttml Welt Threte oiassassinalionrt Iy homo pnblculton at any rlnatlottvt Us ulpiu Hug chil mwrt tort tnnriLv tnnored 0i ihnr burnhr nro early today rim with their Guerrlllhs httat clron prteh in fire members t1 llnnrtr tree you tamore pear toJlururtrom the ed in the Mono and dr it communications limos rnrt eni return guerrilla attacker an Milne uEhtnlnnicutthrrs hlre rrrty today but rentrtcr Pithprimer eupcnm m1 Atlozettnrootthe attackers here rtported ttrted mte NDS tenth itnti Into Glllirt55lrihltrir5 plotinto Counts hr bertrdttonerer nor annthry nete preprrlol Day rate not underlay Prh tiny Brenner Photo yeeoold mother nlw htrrnrdlnepr mm hum the eighth continued through the ole Charter Yetrn In Otthe turnt rntlio coeretor who monl tomd tho xlinhlt nrurtdey nhlttrtnnd tree ooe eptntyr Nurse to the roast word Cart Show roaut strutti otticlel sold that then the writer was con tertrd by the roturrwtl he rolusexl to give hie name or the elthouzh ott end on mm at the onhtn miller The roller had used ltorre code to send an 505 rail Althenfh the coast tillll ln lllettd rescue rltnrts ottlclrlr doubted tho nothontlclty oi the it tho ncertbi exlytrot hoax titctr In lntormrtlon and the evasive enrwm the court want rpoltesrnor eatti Tho coast turd reoortht the onltcrxttrst eelri the Vesul ttonrt It Ilnltinzthen rolrt it warm rtt enltolittr hd er under control New limits could help reduce lilllS TollONlO tcrgt New tpcrd limits tor Ontnrte rotor rnutti who rtzonhlntlcn in saline hill tor hlxhnr nrer wanting to test mode hvan expert The new tlmtlr hlchlhlt elf toot Feb ntll our minimum marmtrhy wood to 60 Nm 70 ntttotper honr Road on nhtctr the maximum is tonin on will here top ot at were retried out ltn titeplt otttnnrotlre tnr The Slut lDltONl iCi ltrrntli hing llrlrt nnmhcre ut the the out that and wood prlzee the trntnriu tlllltt hold worn atom in relies tl and Er in sorter repstlrety itlnnere or rtI Ind to rim ter snow on pmone tiling tickets lth umhere 53911 Ioriel luend It up 1y lho drrrwdtu the tint limo prize money oi rtmoo hall hrrn otterotl lor holh lrrrtlrnd sen ond place tirteto and unooo oltrreti lpr both third and tour thplaco ticket beeetrse ot thereonnet Untons TUltiwpersonte rtdny tone Midi tlciccte KEEPS Sitcoms room SALES Ibo hi1 teem nixht Township Ira etm et the tannin in the ell dating the 1r Kinney no It one point lumen Skeet northbound path iroLICE CONTINUE PROBE numrotmt N5 Written toundnhehody Police lnyeeturtor WM oi LuteWurJoJudty they hue 10 lot Keith hlcCIlhn bell ed yenvoid rity taxi driver Iho in rounded lib to Iny Interdled in hospital Both men had Allerrntknir hlIeDonIid In N5 on worker ha been charred eltb murder pun hy duth in the eonneetion Itth the Ileytnu hire Lt being held In the llrlltu County eotrectiooel centre IrIIltlnx court Ippe In hiondly rlyM Polite Ibo conilrnled in tire Police Chld liner Smith uld earlier in the dI levertlntore mu it Gauntlet the mod ileohlvo not raid Item to sketch ot outlet in the dry to the person they MI th0 touted huntth braves heavy la it In Sendemo emu tron the Buflt pte wort nre pinning dty meet me ooentinl hf Inn today Itrdtbe dearth ot ecumented It In Mann tor the Ontario hlotor Leena reported next in the are Ir tinned end My they hnre melted pe thologlste end bellletlu rrporu but Chi Nth sold the con tmtrothothrewrte Illeot be released until introduce tvl demo in court Qel Spider In eightryner yet are ol the city police put ment In on routine Iurrejh in Mail when he was IhoL MacDonald Irrert Ind the button or witnesses re prto at mortied mien tn the we hllhlicbled that Chirl Smith describe the nut Iensite tint in this clin historyo no rerrrh on con Two counts of murder ore laid otgoin NEW YORK tAPl Pdlthooriud lhItHtlt told poll the killed It hit ehnloxhertweoildmrtbtil Ipertrnrnt in the borough of rho achrlrlmu no In Queen tiny or two ion lhll eIrly today nlththeir their mother Debra hlrehli er Ittertho little boy Ind repoltrd them rum no It zirl wen Mud mutilnled md lexed Ellen then too the Mtrewn lot lee tothewmnt lot torrent Alto charged two with than with Win llottid ntmmier we n1rlend ot the m1 hum mom Irtd molten tltred Fatah Police eeld rd toned attach1km in lorttr Ipnrtroent rumoured The irked nttdrharred hxllu htre hlrcltell Ind Forte had gone to police sletion Wehrm ot tuoowerolrl ltodell Mann his tomewid hallstd day night to report the rhlldren WW Wlnthmn Wm lost She IIid the had trien mend Pride mm mm the children ntthher while she and kneehlxh wee Ind rubble let gone Walnut Christmas recently drrnolirired Itunr teno shown ment in But Harlem Arr Iutopsy rm rohedulrd tor nrontr DOUII todry She llld snpersonio plane meets rst test TED wants to pick light lrnmltem lo AlmaAil in The tllxht rm peponod Thursday become ot elrtrale rouletttonlhe state Ililllll Ae rntlot rrld But the newspaper llud haldvhrlday that to in AimnAtn we the reason tor the postponement Although the tllxhts due to trite plate tnice neat here been billed the rst time moroitl rice eupersente jet they are rudely seen by Western lotion experts rantinnrtten ot taste and stud tou strict erpr ilevrd to be con the quezllon oi roEn lainl El though nt contortn test or pity Atiotton lstrr Nikolai hathv run thetltweoont hr tLhrt lhil prohirm nItrov said not be put into rertmnr lre until the mend hrlt rt the errtlrrt entl nth then he MOSCOW tltruterllhe 50 altliner rtrel oi the Anxio rronch Conwrtle lived up to tie Iciwthrie Friday on nhnt was billed in ttret reztlllr ltht rnrrytn night end nrnll esrrun It ltoecowe Do modednre Almrt raid the plane was in the Ilr tor tree then turn hours onlte emomne thonrlttts rw bt molttit edt mums Andean said st pair or unto pm tor Chhdy Ind Rotten Io rho iett elone tor shout to mimles but they to lo when the re turned police Ipokoernnmld erre red extensively tor the childrrn Ind nueettoned 40 mound bite linicrrsttn och htttstlrrrnn that the ctritdrrntucreeyer in the atom ho stilt Ill motor thmr MM hutth trim to he mien no Ilr in limit hlieeles It them Vnhq Snow meet snow tlrrrrru mi treezlrt drizzle FKILLING ducted with nary me me an hood with eonuilr city police mixture About immpollcernerr Irre eluding Premier timid Ream Joined by politicl ieaderl in Int ma cltlzrns It We nrI Morel mm tmrn the tiny Port Weill United CtIlrch 09L Spicere View Ind mem here or his tamiiy oeeupted much ot the emailtooeeet church Police representetlvee lrom Winnipeg Toronto saint John had hlonct NE Hil tu outwith 1on RCMP reroelsointhechurchtortho service group at Ibout too Can diIn Ierr penitentiary guards lend Ind totem em trrl Ind RCMP ltood outside rithddty They stood Iliuity in Illtrio snow and marina temper as the senice tundra our louse Art tour hetore the man he no police pellherrere curled Homemade bomb found in store WILLOW SPRINGS lit lli home nude homh rue tortrd heirloomde more rrlxiay only nrlnuaeIttr more Spittl to nun MJl Jetttn Bum lllldenlt rlnl ister who manual the mice Shh tiolm ehlchtoox hi 53 are ht rm the my ear tretentton tilthe meme mm Ind ime his time peer brim hlr hurry no we erased by Rev Sendy Modem rod Rev Ruth Etonext told the charged Itlh moods the po llcrnune death end to eontlme the muzzle to make tile lir tie that mm Hop pence it detlc Ill nndmtrndlru In Mr the Menl of mull xrorrp ol friend And tellqu Itiwded truerl niece lnn NS tor hit Nahum Worst storm in history emu CF mI worst dorm caused three dentin our kettle about MI 1110 nt ao firm erIcouIi mm mmled new Sprlrtx SMle Centre in this Ctlcoxo euhurb Sovietsvreported steppingup efforts to create lethal germs WASHINGTON tAPl Th Soviet tlnlon has stepped up 14 lortr to produce lcthal gem in own violation at Uetted Nutmemnrnt Irran bio ioptoel wortrre columnist Jack Anderson Cltlnptop intelligence rt Vuh lngtonhuod Soviet dlplonut spectrum to mrdtextl nuttcre hru llllleoYl toohtaln sus riotous inlornuirmt iron at end three US government sci turtlle 11 Anderson erwunt Inttl Dr Vyochesinv Strnnnov medi cal counsellor er the soviet entlt harry lenrntxt ol In American symposium on wcsilrd genetic enxlnorm entl later efen an nlthet rocn lists ind attended Anderson said ills etlnrtr to oltcit lniormetitrh thrt cool hrip the Soviets Idtenre their errn wnrtare research were obttous Some ot the Ameri nerd onlnternel router intro nettenIl router ore honed tor inter hlrrnnhiir Ir preacher prevvtce on between Pa mt to encirowith hrneon London riti WW II Wt nth British Arrt season brigtits forfplttokv ticket holders ondpnrte number 5240 rertrr other thz rv th PRIZES AVAILALLH lhrreIre er et my the digit with Hot three digit rt The 53 holder of oil with tho thirrtprtze number tt in anyrrrtre other therrlt Mot ilotderr ol the to tickets with the test tonrdtzits wtn Perwnswlth Iny ot the endlnrttn mmre tn to that te hart received 4100001 for trrsi Drize men tgr mud and $3090 each or third Ind tourth neonta Prim rst place number Iny rrrier other than vthrro are 50 print vl HM tnr ticttts with the lnei tour ritzite Wt Ind Iltittulm ot tlllol haulers ot tlrltru enrtlnt l1 Prim ot $1000 so to 59 per torrs heldinr tlrheta with an orc Cnoordo huire thtr llto at Whaler hunt err rt the norm my role It tll htni the rt they showed up at used tor bot cotter thereto spoke to th ee curity otttce ol the Natio tn stlttttee at Itcaltir 11 For wax mtitlkd KGB AGENT The columnist quoted in telilgmco wince as win Strpanov nae rusth 01 hole In operative tor the KGB the Soviet eecrrt police Advanced tolluler genetics in million turh as that dls wood It the Iymporltrnt is con riderml cnxlal to developing more potent rrrm wertnre Mapper to hrml new mutant etretn ol hectorie Ind Vinlscs ezrinet which people have no prostituted drtomee Anderson said Stromov cott crdcd that ho hnd Spoken to US cicrltllb and tint the in tonnatton he sought corrirl ho potlllle end purposet tint he the slntern3t we purely the parking lot on snowmo hilt The heavy Itorm whlolt rnotle normal driving hazard ortI kept meet mee IlltIN rhlo More llllod mutt the rterrn re persona remained in hospital Ind new other untamed mlnorlnlnrr in mitten enilkm on the ner cumin tltzhwey near New W433 20 mile Mi at One he an police spokesman Freighter still stuck TORONTO Cil lhree rmrll runs tried unsucceshrtly Friday tn more the mooter lake freighter Cori trorn the Ituhnwe me On gria his nest ot motto be The vessel ren Ixronutl Chrlslnul night on it inl ot the sensor partying nyI Items in Toronto Mm Ciht Mi rnthe tint attempt to mm the tolloot Ship tow ilrre hm rnme tnnzied in its propeller Scube diveuhetl to enter the Ironing tutor in cieeril ervkernten tor Scott to ener Ste Line at St Catharina owner at the ship sold tho Frtdnv larger tn not to he celled in trom Kin Iton Ont SUITED CONDITlONS PERFECTLY ty empty coroner de fitted to day It home end do their rhopplnl motherlay tExIminor Photo