Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Dec 1975, p. 28

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II ml builds can Vs anue on Ice cu Sm CIA In any wild labia III Millie II watioe Sam II Me no If bird InaM mum Inn Io ammo WHEN All mm modd Itnrded IIummm Ind you ed by vindnhltMlpcr It mom uy Ind Ian Ida DIET1i II It IMI mdl Ida man aw mad utzh male or rubber Ira III IpecInneI mu Ila lime you IIIa llkl It mmmxmuunlllytunot need IrIm MIA typ Inn mu end the Ian tter MK Imn cw wth II 57 lulled med 6m we beat em MaurineMd II 1114 In Is Mann uMJl my run III at hydndin IndeeInwW Ivan It IIka would ht II In liu the mm rid Ullnu tum he nu lidIon nth Imp nut Iu hugs In IIII IIrnIIy xIruI use In Minz um II be but Ibo My be 001 Is my Innpnsu mt UNIX III dd Inlo Imagixmwn Ind mm up III Ihamn cut Carlin works 60day IIIS ANGEL IAII dont llll Ia mix went to IIyI urtime our CIrIinmtw mauwthln to ephy by wmisinl Help rm mum in mm were JIrIIn II In no duper e4 Iwrum In rhIrIIy sawMt when Imam new per pederm IMII IIII Mum plus mam Ilhunu Ind tzItyulen gun Ip gurnnm mIII elm une ol the new we lmnymm In Irony IlncI murhM hII humrn IWI mm IlIIIIu an inn Hymn CIan II vurIerrIy up lama than hII mm In mldumm in mutual le InrvIvI Ind ourIrh relevmn tween nIlI mIII lhI mly MRI uluneut welIr mere remdun with In It ustnlrlul Ind tom MIAMI In thew mu Iw melted Iml dIdIII lIlIll Iny the III InIIdI me Im let tllIIIC rm Item nmr wo timm LIrlln talkie II himv If Im when we pIIu In tom when he underwent IlrrnII 0p anIIen llutln the Inuit he new hum and III III embel tuned Ie III merII III IIIII III IhIndened IIII IInuy due Inn IIvnchId his Allvlll Iluek en orilerrmly hill Ilml been min at IrrIurrncn reds In end IrmeIIhIw with the enthwur movement and student delan IIrIIlent he will liven llwueh VIII elderI VIII In II III llrMl IIII rnuhl MAnIIIY with the rollegetm Indium INCOMV IIIIIM IIIr Item 14m his perm IIrIIy CIIIIIII InvomI Iulnprn IenIuIrI III hem Itllylnl te IUllliu Inrl uupml Ivrltemes Iulnlnl hII IurA III III Wm out hIdIe ellv nlrhlrlhht uheu we Ilurllns nut ll mm IIuI then MI Iollin nieekl rm velliu nIMyt heriutmer In In Minuet In nllhl rillhs In IIIIII InII en nmnlI hire an IIIlInz IIIII In vetrh my penennlmr to HELP WANTED III CuIln when run IInII InIIuAI the urea new we ulnl uy In lrIuIIIen IomIIIrneI xul hIIlrd beam pull Wm ml in II IIIlllHdlrllll nl lnr hIrIvrmwnt liIIl dour Lenny Brucll IlnII ll Im animal In IIrurI Inr Plnlhl the dean IIId CIrIIn Ior IIIl rrmn drrIleIIed one at my IIImrnI lo hIrn lulu liIr trl nuirle bi Illlll Holmelrler In quIdnIeIII lee ninth IIIcnuan II Bruce wu IIrmIIr In that he III attacked the trouble Illne IrdA of our mlnty IJIII hI hII own pennell dotIII IhII Il Irretl IIII mum at Mr remedy III III InlIzenIIrnI lhaI he had I0 ch1 IIIIL dldnl III uurpouly IIntIII hII Ip pcIrInLeI In hrep my nine YlIl hull mule III mi hi the mm It home with his will Mid IweIreId dauphin In their hemI merieelrlnl lhI wan Thu 111 mlnrrly may begin WI llnll lInI er nrmirn then dnelep III ullvuiii mime OIIcn he ImA lilllllilt unriueehlln they Ire health with time to think IIIeui the II Itne ISelmonelle In Sky heelt successhrl IKIIPZG Du VlnxdTmhquwb lambuwual msmumnuw outbllporw uvnIJutIlthudqvknbrd minnowHuman hmmrwmunm Ink MI mung9y Met WI MAIII up WW II the MI It mantel nut Laure mmvqunI lmn maul to II mm to Mr mille dolls IE not IIA not III was new the mamnm Ibo MW Ina dun II new IJ lbI IIIM all Mr hue II In min OM yth III Win um In no Imam let numb oI urL SKY In nkn ll WIM Ict OIL IItImWI Oat INI N5 Ind Wm pasien further val II IIIch were the but In 3cm PROVIDED Clll III II orighully prevlded eIIy III am IM emu II Iran the even which WNW amok chime mkwa umLI Bu rally he an lam Bib IuMhl MI IIbrIuIlan III We th when II IlunI In Ihlpwl but IIAI II IUMoDldlde IIII uld Ihlnk llut wllhln ear Ill be late llbIlC Itron VII MUD pretlllenl Ier It now EIy III0k rxanIy iemplrlrd IjohenlhtCNlwerIeTew renIe InuIIInl the MINI do mum on the up Mr MI nIJM nudll 13m vi the IIrIILIurr II Ilse InIIIIItd the Autumn Ind lower Ilnu Ir qu Id III hu ne ldrl haw In Ienm HI hu InIII Ire over In en knew IIIII one on em buIII nwleelellllhl II term Mr Ime IruIn hII cIrrrr wrung In the UnlIrd HIIIeI Il Ind hu never touch on how hIrd IhI work an be Ilbnl II II IhII Ium IIIan III II IhI key Iucernlul burlnm III lead people with or me mi mm IurI My Art campennlnlmrll Inr their eIIerlL Mir cAIlvtln IiIi IATIIMIINIZS III II nIIIII TIM Min primer retiree Mint nppwn la he In HIM In one 04 the pIIlIrI blnnollenul Ileslmi mu In IreIr Irem IhI NIIImII Truv In Irrtuln Iuwl pew IIhII Irellceleztcel Ilnd II er putr IIrre the her Minimum IIme me then mun tlw ur win he Iddce In the mun Inl II tileneheuue urkeys werning exaggerated hoard thelrnten VANCOUVER ICII IIIIIHWIIIII Ivi Ihrnrlthir 7n tumble Turkey Ilurhetlnl Iieetd an hernlnu Iheut IIImnanII mirth In tumyr Iuy the tinnwmrrt AmuIIIlon nI CInIdI II IenzpesI In Ire Leruulneh Annelatlnn pom IIIIIM IlumIIf in VI IIIIN Iuiume nu lIvarIIl muted oI danurruul Inc at the heelnin In In lurkm IlI II Irmpul In trawl hut Ihe min by LM lenl gm he to tie II any III llIroIrI Freeman turkey IIIDI Incline lmrd rIanmIn Helm nneIII II hue nI III runrrl lunc lerII II eel IlII lri by mult reurbe It damn IIhrenhtIl II lent In mlnulu rule the uoeklnlr thII rtlllllM In tmIII that IImwrlI IvlrlrncI nI IIInI 0M In nearly he per cent he VInceuur Irumi Invite luv rII CAIieltlrlelt aim llicmtl IIIII the shun LI Illnett rIn Imtally he elhntnelerl hy III In Icw IImpIe pmeutlensa cunklnu thr huu vrll mul yr marlnI the illllllill em Itln IenkrII Amen qucstell Iuecuulleus mt rIeImIIng Ilu Iulhey In reIrlIIrIIer IIIIIIIIIUIO term ll IInIeI ml nut an Alullltitl II ml hrtere lliDhIIllI Wuhhinl remit ulenIIII unrl vuluuu Imde I0 rIlniJncIII will he he named to ether IneriI unrest Heine will mly ml in um um lire Innlre ni Ilte Illnl llll turkey Ilnllillrmn the men Ind IelrlperIIIns lel mere 10 HELP WANTED BOYS AND GIRLS Earn Extra Money In Your Spare Time THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS mmn muesme In lhI Inilnwlnl rm UIIOKSIOWN IJIIEEMOIII ELMVALE IIOIIDIIN IIIIII MIIIMI IN IIAIllllIi Please fill out the application below and return It to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Depth ROUTE OPENINGS 16 anllold 5L Berrle Assorted LP Inley lhII preII assortment oI albums by our InvorIIe recordln Irjusu Choose Iromv hose mathIIsrblck oIaninuck DrIvIn Nan Ircdd MCKCIIDII Ik William onuboeh he Tony Mensch Singers Irern Burt Ileelurnch Wllll Love We eIderrRIng IlelcnsuMelI Anne Murray What About Me Dtck Nolan Folsom Irlsonlho Golden Illngu IrIbuIe Io IIIvII IIle Hurt Best Band Nonstop tv Dancing Ilellywuud Sound SIetio Orchestra Love Story The Carlton Srew Bend The P131 Aml Whistle The Golden Illng IIIIrul Yplr Liloorrhoflonv Mutual Singers Imnn nerruIunkul Assorted 8Treck Tepes lImi Inmlmrht Input lltln Iwhu NI llIl Him met II III liIucI lilll IiIIIw IIIIn In time Play The Iluniiml Iclllm lllitt 0i llle riuvu lilrh iIIIIlI lure Itimit It urn lrnm VIrpIqupi hitielu lhu llIIII nachsrmh unitim lilln Iita Imurn IT Ilzlmtle lush OR PHONE 7266539 II EAYFIEID SWEET DOWNTOWN DAR IE oreu More 10 the AM SATURDAY me se Name UNDERGROUND PARKING ENTERore MAPLE Iv Address Inlepliono Aoo

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