Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Dec 1975, p. 1

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Ex pmn Inuokprvch Iy Intuit st Illek Iu Emit III III ICI Wrdnesdumn In our nllhslt IIII lie Itmty add on Idrtntn than oi hlr retnoecr India nd It onetl IhI chl rlty With 5min CIIIII Irrlluhor Ind Dancer turner mt Vino comet moldhhlhll Itept DonnerInd lilltttn It hit toy Ihop It lhI twth Io wilh ItudlnphI 1h North Iy hrquuIrterI ol the North Amerlm Air Delencn CAPSULE NEWS quIoomlox IMMIVIMVIW he ltd hon he explains IllIt WW whit Alexander chalrm mhuvrlry 1y per run oi tho utIlIIlet tommiulon with In nopllutlon tor http mi Inormo In ten IeIlwIn doll lint provlndII Increase rglckam Irci ommlltenn rm boon to toluene Jon mamlaiionbyrtho Onltrlow Ellll Mercury lrrawrer ajrgguzkgn lithium Iur Icuthlch Irom ea of tho Blnlb IIIJHIICLHIII the be lmumd mm mama no out lithli Iiffli MW Iain iiiimiitrinnim In uni ponibly Mnrch It lred silk Nnmmm Icrvlro Iu orlnlcndrnt to Ibo Ccorp uholesnlo power ultr In It me will ulto time or the Ioenl ro in Rum 0mm rlrn conllrmerl tho linum given by Mr Elton Introoaos will vary In tho mint cording to local eondltlohl The Gene Ltn llny reclnn ex tend Irom Illkt IIIII In Irnn Ion FIIII Ind Lindln In In hln urrllne nnI Ian Orlllln Coillnrwood lIiIIIond IIIII olhrr morgue 35W mm Moluccan nationalists face charges lumen South ltduom muomllau who nheldglrnglmlin 1mm 01th Inr in II how boon ehIrnod with Indmlully dotnnllt Iioptncel IM behavior out threat nonunion olvllroarml Jill killed in Argentina battles Ice rlnks AIIIES IAPIIJ ht Went MillieMm leitlIt twhgd Ar onilno twlfy one on tho ourkhtu ct Enema Airen Way It nnd early today kind at least 101 perm Irmy mama paid The bloodlhod Iuethor thmtnned the future oi Iruldmi Isobel IoronI Ihuky regime Sen earlier Mory on PL For nominated in INH Primal timhilJEIIIIIZI Ii Ilullo onion Mom on urn tmu ho yn lordoin Noigniuhtrn earliestIndemnity protldwllntprlm CW Mam Iry wore tiled today were out early IIIII morning tetl kimuwnwmm mrwwgig In thoicerurlncemnd prtoorv iT ours GROCERY cosrs the oil raid and oruldcrthtl onn Iound domeurbe truth they Ih lduudm do and Maggy lrntrrwoumn mm Irltend returned to tho dump whore lhey dun out to pounds at good chem The CIIIIOIIL lirrlgm 1flail Ihho rncllco non nr Eu all It flushing Ind fdumprirrlnl IIdl Alldlttl to India prox IIIIIII producer rIlrI ho Ind Iwn tucker Ilvooh heavy dirt oi Minoan 20nd AIIw tAll number DI IIIIr mldtntl Irnm wtmn Ill Mutowlvcrin Ltd row drnlunsgthnvn dlmvcml IlilIIlil mollwd oI cutting their Worry cor do their III In from mom dump ehlud rotten Ilml The trend Ir mnIIvIIIn ml to put lochon their ztr hm uni ml Iorno cone dr mm In ol load out bi Ih XIIhue It luyrn mar humInlrinr Ind loud to no In write Itllch iIitn ItIyiiell III mother oI Iwn chilch Ind mldenttol CIIholIo Worm Community utciwld Msh told her twp teed llvo Adult Iruldenll hrrtwn chili Iron Ind In Iterleo oItW unit yonlr bIt prllrhtgoiuig ll IllN llllll nit III ten mm mm torn out It uICKTcIIEcIIs rumours noun Oommamt lNOIIADI In re ported IhIt Dislnnt Early Wnr hint DEW llno rodr III Ilolt In the Arctic plrlrui up myrlcrlout blip our Ihn New ask III with nix rylmdor mm only In man We but the WI two new up not how hm finally arm Tho bun btcln min Mom Alter IinIl Ieniclnx In Elu de Inuit 1mm also be IIII nfentln new mun Ind tetanus In the city Monday tho new bones uhirh urn rotted In klober are In ltd enter than too norm to loot Ion Wen bu Ind non engine no not tour cylinder ulntfurmnlierhtrxu Ihe bum Ire not my ultlcr lIlIer In nIll hats mom tor III II more passengers All Ihedrlrer anan Iur In Norlh Inlt thin morning Tho rrIII wu ported us reindeer powered with lilll rrw mtndier IExomIner Ihotn by Roll KrIllorI naked toireview dpplthtton for incredse in rates riiy Intuit Iyurm throw Stork Brother Btu Lines will be teelrr at no the lunar bum Allrr months nI preparation tho cliyr bu Irnlec II ready to ehnngo lhn Joule and Idiotiqu Mom tiny Ono ol the mater changes dounlnwn mining the Mrpln Menuo lino In lhu my Conch lint dml on the mo Mariel Ind strum Itmt Four parking motor In being rentals Id from the nest ado ol the rim Ind mm Imm the rut IIdI tor the bum Nn partIIuz or ninth 11m will be hr lulled At the corntr el lihplI Mch Ind Dunlop Street where the bum now havomIlor Iruulrr an WNW Iliugt per ean inmate ll Inuunln In ltd union The per ccnt Incrcn rec nutmttlltti hv II nrlrcl co nmlt too In Toronto rcprmnt rut back oi about prr cent irnm In enrllrr rcquul tail xprtng the Ontnrlo Enemy Board not mind In anurnre 287 per tcnt Increase whlrh II rejected he rIuIn oI eppoIlllnn Tho nrctl Inr Ihr Oulnrln IIy dro In Iinonw Irruesralo ext dun program to hrep II nI power demands to pro vldn In IIIIIaIII troulh and now dotcionment Iran rlrrstrd Iilomhcr III tho Oninrlo lie Iniuro Ior Simcoo Centre Arlhur IIIInI IIII Iormcr titn lihlrluuri Ilrl Illrerlor nI tho III nrlo Ilydro polnlrd out thnl tho ready for holidays Ilclnhln Inr rnhtnn III Johnson Elrent School Iihe lnrk llht Mnnltun Park II II Robertson Park II anln GNvo School Ind Ilmulhy Chrltllnn Elrrncninry School Housewives fshop in garbage Vo hro Inlrly crullutu WI dont It nnyihin that doesnt look ood houtt Dr IIIchanI Vndr citirl oI environmental henlh In Scallln Inrl Klnu Couniy Illtruurnuet lho prIcIlrn hut Admit lroterI IIIIOW Iwny loud when they dont have lo IIetnlIerI Ittrd Ith lhrovr out food it Is edible IIr know IhII nImeanntn will ml Erodutlt Iunl mduoe km loin prltct Tho teal iuurcm in Ihe Iveruge household um rm Onltrlo or tern will our ounl tn IJII per cent In rrIIII price ho said Ms traffic is heavy Dun lines Ire loin hrltlr btulneu lrannporilnn prlo vner In rpcmi Christmat and Now Yearl with their Inmllle ml Iomi noet AIirny Coach Itun Ourin Iuokumnn In Barrio reportrd IIII mum wuulu uninp Ih but Iervleo nichl IIIII lrll nculny lhInImrthly IIo uld molt oI the partenutre hero lru veiling longer dlilnuceo and no to probably honimtnrtihound Ior the holiday ienrlnnrllldlann lunch Llnel III In Ilnrrle nhich alien tho only limousine Icrvlco Io Inien not nnnl Airport In Toronto has had to per cent Incrcm in business In tho past Iew day mkesmnn uud beiwecn to Ind to people being lrnrupnn Ird to the Ilrpnrt dolly moot oI them Irylnn to gel homo ior cuntsruns nouns Andget IhlIl 5hr only can In Milan chIck l1opgratmg Mouriay Mix Putin meter dill be InstIN Io mnth 9min Ihrtn dlho mintill not hm my Itixnlllmnt than Blake Ehttiew Led Hindu Nlmdnlo Md Elohim router hill um Ihn nonbutu to handle Imwl rap Also um tun ruqu will min Lon minute hwduayt Imm to 31 lit moon hut uiil rm Inv point Iluhx lilo Itth tn IS mint Ilia ULSES INTIRCIIANIIII Ihn butt on the ALundaIr InJ Eadtlew route will Ilse Inter rhnnre to II nll be nostlhle to like the saint bu Irvm Iln all llelxhtx Io Georgian Collar wt out ntllnz III The CIM end SunnIdIIo mules Irv rumban to make homin ute hemluay I1Itllt the Sum nionle but uniceo the Royal Vittorio liwplul IAIIIII SI Inl Shirley Avenue and Central Cole Icointe The Anne min Iwa tract the hospllalt dot Irlltnton hledl Art IJlort III Barrie Plain Ind Central 1th Int lmrt ehnnced mule rm Orndlu Ind St VIntenL ll mndlos route will union the Inn Iubzllrlalonn Toll Tm red ItiItnrood IIrmsI In well Boyllteld Skocl I1 Intuit hum him on ex lendzd mtn In MINlo Aw tun rellm some award mm en Icu rusfan inmd btu udl he II In In Damned In nth wraith 55th at Carat and denial Coll II lltll twice North wth Ile and the renlrzl NE all he Du Itelwrr re Imam II Iritmloclllmu aton IhI bill route mtunnlm hospital 1x now ruulet brlnr tho Intal number cl mlln round by tho mum lo 34 In eomltlo tilRliI by lib hum mellow Imam to um tout oI exam lard this enr Includlol Iduttn ren lnr ritlxen In Iturlroln There on no clnnm In the III at thlr time The nlza II owls 23 MI Ienlcn ullh ID cord I0 nu chilan nix tlulrntt with uni Ind curt rhnnre ll rents Ino eml is nuts on Khulna Im Seninr eldun emit In IVILF Ibln at rlly hall while the IIII dents plrlt their cud up It tool hlmlft Ilhn an he 0qu Idiom tho driver Inn on tern urn kmdlltd IllI Ith mlnti Olhrr Innolon my be Ra umu to um day emptva at ruin my holittnyn rHEcms new nusns ARE may Tonott Pilgrims to be searched for arms in Bethlehem BETHLEHEM chplrd Jor IIIn IMI In tho grotto whore IrIdiIlon In Christ wu born print polish cnndlcstlclu Gurbugo collected in city once during Christmas week There no rerbmtolloction In Ihn oily ChriIImns Dnyt 1on Inx Day Saturday or Now YearI buy For this week only meant ulll have once nweclt rub Inn rollzction In Norrie Nut rtII rcrulnr Inirenlweelt col lrrllun will return txrepl Ier Thursdayr Nell on public wort query inlcndeul Ihld Ihn cliyl land IIII Illo nortIIIol Edcohlll Drive It Ian cloltd Chririrnas DIy Iinxlnz Day and New Yenra Day The the II open Saturday ml to Ilr Ivx ml tin IIIunitmtnl will Idmlitu whtn Chilttntnn tree rnn ho IeII but In nlmlnn or tho work oi Jam III raid realdonir would llco the met on tho beuinan wry Irorn tho mow clearlnc Irea Show elcarln houhi Illa be comm oI mulentr dtulnn tho holldly mind he laid II to illegal In leave em phrlml on the Itml uvtmlthl Mr Fox um Ithllutt that Iho can Itlnlpcl snow tlrarlnn opernh Ioht The public work dqutrlmrni rm tho nmu at night when rpiilo it II minimum Mr Fox laid II the purlkpdurn din fupl mow lcrrlny operations ihtpollmeIll tow the whitII rhzrrlnn thr euncr the III Ind shin IIrIIeI lVlih ht wrinkled Itin Imw white beard nnn hintIt Ivory he look aI old Chrlllmu IlIcII outside Isrttll IeIdIIrI build uudlzn booth II uhlch to watch pllgrlnu Inr bond Ind nation boloro they Inltr the thurch DI lIIt Nativity Ion IIM nlshi mou tonight In Ihc roltcn Ihopo tho Inlk not oI Chliii blunt IIlotllnn when wiIIIho Irrlell owupoilon Inu Vlilhllwf NIIIII Iol lino Uberntlon Inlrrlion be the nrxl ruler oi tin Ichrurl Th hlrlhplteonl ChrlIl II In lira lownupiuri by IIrIII In tho not Mr Ind pollilrll Milo In Its pnnlimo Sign It lho tnirnritet In tho lawn warn that oItIyIIhone with modal out can enltt on chrhtmnt Eve Iqu Ito lib Inluahle ouilyI ht Iunrtt Iqentlu hro nl rhIrIuI Olli cltl lgnllrlt rtlylto pilgrim they may to rewlrod In Iluoa uh pcrmllt nltnny durln Ihrlr rtIy In the Iona

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