Mimmrltihrarciuwm pourbaromru Manager inwltua IBltirtlegthrn rnrcihdnto Kc Wlllh Edit ei emery will c551 timed to ay lurance ommission fund oozed out ol gingereas UIC premiums lithe latest Liberal ripoff We ray they are pretty monarch ous Theincredibie part oi the UIC prem lurbs debate is that the position parties are for the most part kingthe pro vision that would prevent persona ever 65 from paying inio Ind deriving beneiiia rpm the fluid We agree It persons In the labor iorce they should be entitl edio the same benets as the rest oi us What is really sickening is that the op posiion is not attacking the scandalous amount oi money theliberal Socialists In Ottawa are sp The opposition in going niiera Liberal Pierre and the boys are doing it to us The latest is the revelation oihow much employees and employers Wllitie intothe Unemployment ln iParIllment run this week Individualcontributions will increase about 25 per cent for most workers Maximum weekly benets $133 from 3123 That increase is close toeiggrt per cent Did the old stir the two per cent diileroneti eiween that and tile 10 per cent wage price guidelines because or lack oi Erroduciivlty onitspartl Employers will he dingcd another weekly up from $363 Hardlyrin keeping with the wage and Fee guidelinesyiiut government has al ys managed to exempt things it inict upon the public Manpower minister Bob the gures ioivsaosAiro methane ttedchureh was Idinner meeting at have not been oiliciailyre fused but are fpretty damnclose oowu Mruonv LANE ID YEARS AGO BarrlaEaamInar Decambar 20 I945 llrs Peter Hook supervised annual balre Ir Examiner December 20 1965 Proctor oi Collier St Un er at Christmas wants Club at Com kntuiity House He outlined number at billiarcnt traditions which are notreally rken irprn or bad beginning in Christ ty such as use or holly mistletoe gevergrren tree liental ratesat Cen rural Collegiate auditorium are tobe ro Nudnext year on achedulapi at DEC will soar to government red herring uaily gouging itself Irom taxpayer and Andras said in the sand sale Catholic Bllliilil Hensluapanaglnp Editor one over 85 are still ending on the UIC more out at thebelcagured especially disgust with oppositionvpartlcsthat keep their heads They should be shouting bloody blue murder about the latest UIC ripoil Iy corn We Yard Malibu Thaila Il IServtn Who ria mwhae in the endless coavcotioaal vars ui Indianaautism ltrtba Irma resubmit to use thatoece lauxllar word at the iron their the rumor llalll Xanadu paddled thl had bodybuilding anddeprivalion The people oiCanada should be dis gutted with government that is contin Vomcns league Special priies won by Father Harding and heir Pie Harold hint Scott lormer Barrie junior hockey star twice wounded in action in France serving with Canadian Army arrived home Ed Morrison retired prlnclpal Prince ol ross receipts or organizations charging hiaies public school honored by teachers Alter three years with drniarlon Bruce Owen of Community arts and Itory Miami or Uttles Lilli Players disappointed at Ilck oi sup Kort lor local grouprx GleeClub oi orth Collegiate toured cliyvatnglng cars Vnla to raise monaytor UNICEF Win ners oi McGuiIresslrophy for business 2giris it Barrie CurlingClub was rink oi run wm achmanltrrcsentatioorm made Don Browning Branch 147 ski rcnKennedKa smihsxhiidlorieiny officers for tiles with Charles Lawson chosen resident succeeding Fin llchib hon 0t er executives plcluredwere A1 Zillion unite Runham Joe Jewell Rev Gusherrlng illoer anadian legion held eicotionroi of Barrie RCAF l5 Graham OVEN WI vice Canteen come homeI partyi Elli Flaming returned to position rs saistant manager Jacobi and lunlsill planned big wet 25velerana lrom service Barrle Flyors lostzto St Michaels College in lunlor hockey Rookie rdoleneeman Leonard iiied Kelly was outstanding tor the lrish Nuiharrtaeorvrmnamtyr elected Jack nodgcra oi Kiwanis Cl its first president Leeds honored at Apnoetttl Mrs Montagu lngdi Active Ser whlch is to become Barrie Community House jointly owned and up er ted oy Town or Barrio Kiwanis Club Lions Club mmrammseaarmzwmmm It ilhe lendinggpce candidate orrswn rcpt Thaaver em Progressive Consch Iparty leadership csndldnte is either bero Parliamen rough avcraga based on ham t7 peopla whochave idrporlled two with party had Enuarterr partiul the require ment lor Illyiiliu attempting to imcceedileadcr llvbertitanllcid eat convention hrre lebhlsriz One party olilclal save other requirements do by Dec may not be lulilllcd pullllll some ol the tr czndldntes out ol aire race belora the vote Feb use The candidate must submit ioo signatures $0 iromcon rention delegates and to ram psriy members In three prov shoes or territories icindidnila ilarrie Oniarlo Telephone mom Registration Number uiri Second Clarrzhllll Return portage guarantetd DailySuridaya and carriers cenla weekly to yearly Single copier Id cent By Ilail llama ii 20 yearly bimuoe County yeary BoiahceoiVCaiidanslim Year Iy All other countries tuna mile Slurriefxnmiiicr statutory lioiidaya erupted reariyi Motor hrow oi moo yearly rAdvcrtlsin Ollrcesr to Halberd blrecl Subscription rates drlly rby National 5i Wul aoadlan Frear lleXCIll hint nillled to the usa lor tb pub citloa oi all news dispatch for in ihlarpaper Credited to it or The Aucdlltd Press or lieu Ito and also in local naua ouir lulled lhcrein The Harris rilxnmlncr chums Copyright in all original sdrcrr indigent editorial material rrp atod it mploym duced in rasweprpcr Covyrigbt llulalrallon Num nber tours rrglatrr at 49 the approval at hisior htr con ilutncy association and the convention committee it these nrentllltd layDec hi Iridi dates arent eligible Ior lnlor matlon irom headquarters In cluding llrtor dcirgrtcs who are expected to total moo Oi the t1 candidates In the race one each irom Brituh Co Iumbla Manitoba and Nova Scolia three lrom Alberta ncven lrom Ontario and lour trorn Quebec CONSIDERED LEADER Clauda Wagner 50yearold member nI larll ibt Si llyncinihe Is mnrirlrred by partv clltciaia the leading can didate lili Wagner entered Quebec pollich as Littoral to become lusllce mlnlaw In m4 Ila lost icon nld Ior in prnvlnclrl labernl leadership in liobcrt nourassa and In it turned to the Conrervatlvc rartv winning seat in the iedrrsi election hlr Wagner lr comnellnt against iirlsn hluirort 19 liurnilv hillnlllll irish gt holin lawyer who played major role In nersuarling him in witch turtles and rrrn lor thn Con neriativev in tow hi iluironoy appointed list yea Irv nohrrl Iinurairs to Judge Tiolierl Clichea commis won inuulfy tnts alnicntc in tha Quebec rnnilructlon In durtrv Is regsrdedrs minus candidate ile it one it crndlniitrr who have noi been elected be lore and heltas been member at tho plriy since the late 5hr durlnr his university rinvr lie Is partner in llonireslr Iarg rsi lap ilrm Ogilvy Cape and loriccus illtlsl 10 DEC nK raridirinle is hil Icr squat who wan llrsi cieird to the Commons In 1053 II lost till seal in 1M but lilr Orsiltevs lawyer Iormer director and nrerldsnt orllon treaI Lumber Ch td look It haclr In Im Ila as the that randidatl tti hiihlltlv daclnrr that he was running in ruplace lir Slanlicid rno Ontario candldatei boui its with experience in big linen are Sinclair Slavanr lit lhr York slrriooe and James Gillies ht hll lar To ronto Dan Va ey ltr Steveris political carter started In lha Commons in ma Vhlie studyingvlor hia Inrv de gree he worked nights as re porter on the polite beat at the Toronto Star With 11000011 savlngs be started his run low ilrm alter graduation and turned that into real estate development agency iiber9i far frdm lluecr IML liurrnu Thomson News dervttl ronotrro tttlt theirlcad cirhip conventroadittle more corpus kPilRK than month array the Liberals Claude VWqgriercoriSidired to dttehavent been Ihawlng very much promise There Is group at randl dalcain lhl llelil And some bushbeating has been underway But the campaign to date has been tar irom Inspiring IOI TlillEE Three oi the candldsics are in be given serious tonsideratiop Stewart Smith the new MVP and psychiatrist lronr llamiiton David Peterson the linear old lawyemnrt new anl lrom tendon Ont And liarlr llactiulgan lhe play compared lmingmm wasme ill the three western medicine rretatmott like cur ago paescolly god lithe oi the msgadaea WWmn his more oasadlo trying rditod int abouitheiraasi Theraarer riaantaoi pleoiyoll iralralepaaoa mu 13 va Iederal MP and Handheld low ycrIeachcr from Windsor Ont Smith nupcars to he the lront runner at this stage This Is minty because he an pcarato have Iubslanllll sup port in caucus lie lsaclmowitrlgad to he hrIght and many or hlltnls leagues conridcr him to be an able politician urn though hr in ircshman MACGUIUAN lllISSES lclerson also har won some turret in his my term He has been prominent in committee work and it has been recognized that he could hire bright lulure But for the moment hia youth In Against him hlsciiulgan it In said hill coercion In iooo he termed Browning ternaiional Flnrnce and urn an inlilll 1140000 stake lntoa sets oi in million within to months It became holding company torrcontrolling large block at bank stock at the bank oi Wesl ern Cannda when he war chairman llui his Coyne lormer Bank oi Can resigned in roll and wellpublicized con troversy ensued llr Stevens evcntudiyuold tie companv to lionireal llnancler tiarc Blen venu ur BPDKEIIAIAN 0N ENERGY vir Ullllilt the rum toil mer nance rrltle and current merry policy spokesman us also In his second term as An economist lilr Gillies has been director oi many com panics lncludlng Marlborough Properties Ltd Zenith Electric Supply Ltd Iidrly ilalch Co Ltd Zsllerr Lid and General Foods Ltd lie was alto chair man ol the Ontario Economic Council Among the other it candi dator is lIora hlarDonald rtha ilrri woman to arch the lead ership ipycvrnld ill Ior King limes nor ol the audits titlimped still get ti on inland What year as aould wral aii nailoubtlea have in waters landed Irhh thats Ital most at them learlicrtroin the to ma lier aadgouig clgndcailhlly trecruire$acedoincaiibre la rultambmcpwvbum to all and rorellvm walledmanmdthawrldlaany whannt them The r1023 cu prh are the great walla theissaetm egpataliai and Cm mantel And is the ears the United slams Canada and Britain thou vart experts or weapons and mm to kill main and destroy citiu have to be pp prohibit maner and unlis Take the late itapaas age Ilda the us Congress rauat more The usual oi mum airmail and modern aviation support semen Ira being said atleao and the some time to the brunet oi K551i luael ard Saudi Arabia The India not and all get ill brand new 545 Id not was ddivertd yet in the un serum Saudis mu grttha not at communion ernuatioapaohaga oi their air lam and military air base Iaa eddies the latter to coat silk igerlag 11 billion of leadership have some lsierai hacking But still it is bnrd to rank him at the top it has now had quite long political tile in Toronto and Windsor and it pcems he always lust mister lie has never been table to really mlltl the big time ND TIME And it the Liberals rlont come up with somebody else it Ieema they may iurt miss too iaci at this Liberal con ventionis that tlma is allim pcrtant The party probably will lacing an election within low months ol cleclin Its leader And thlacalls tor man uho can register quickly with the mhllcaud make the party cred ec price dilemma for ination boardW ilr VINCENT EGAN bottom and Consumer Aliain AriaLvit Thomson News Service The economic dilemma iltilll anarlac policymakers is question at prices Cangriluns by and large are led up with constant price In creases Ptiblll ovasnerlrtol IItaIlY led to thlcrtlilon ol the anti inllatoii been and In trim in the boards recentlyannouncer decision to reunite large num ber of Canadian businessestn submit any lnirndrd price in creases to ity but nittncreases are not net cssarilyvllnrl In Otuwar view it desirable resultssuch vs ronrervatlcniiow train price hike tiaclnn consumers nnd pro ducers wlih higher relative prices or enery la the melt important tlnge polIry avail ineiirods investment is ahllterl but business costs bsveht into more aocIllly rewarding outlets and everybody benellts Another aide ol that argument Is that in tree market corn ileilicn will keep prices lrom tiring excessively lAIlKIZT IlllMiT Iiui the second theory lant slivaya homo out In lorma that the consumer mutt cope with iihllereiall priccs oi energy eupplltt have been multipliing in rcren curs theres been We If any It roe ihz the ah pt Incrclacd revenues hair enabled Null to lan new anurcer to develop subatl iute product or to lmnrovo their production techniques lndustryn position nirvays neerni to be that Its this next price Increase rciiiar that the last one that will be the key to lulura ahundrncc Competition rOI coursecl lualon could land the huslnc stop and thcltlrnds has since abla to promote more elliclont Fri or mm not been known as hard working behinltherrcucv party organlurr BIBLE THOUGHT sacrum will brlag it lupin and cure and will cure them and will rcvoa unto them the Abundance nl pests and truth Irrenilah it Christ ia the cure lor anything that is man from the cousin to tha Church to the individual citizen lia raid com um to ma my poric lgiva un lumi it use end production oi enemy raid the governments unitno llaiian paper tabled Oct PRICErlllljl Ono vchnol Ct ohuc lhlnir togwith tho iirm agreernenl oi moat producersbrewed that price increases should indeed it used more imaginatively ii the price or energy supplies ilo use the rovornmenis ow ample Is pushcdhigh enough ionltlmrrl on scale down their use and ioolr IDI cheaper ai tlniaiivaa no new drmud plus the higher laval or prices combine to aoootlrago suppliers lo de valoo now Mural tubullute products and newproduclioo liut he heneliti ol roni petliinn are ielt mm more by consumers In heavily populated ulacesibau In urcas uhrrn iuppirors have miltitle nooniv What does it all afid up tor The returns sun in gelInd rohably wont be until anil nnaiiori program has been In ci tor more than year It the costs oi dolns husincus were liocen today un word pressures on prices wont be bound to continue ior the nut several months we ood increarav thst been decreed worked their va through tha pipeline and inio Iii nal prices boon lrozen As one example wage rates will be rising by to or it my yearmots in wmecaies And as griddle example energy tortsMitch are basic to any enterprisewill ba allowtd to risoundcr the gov ernments policy to promota rirnre ellicieni use and product on 51 THEP have already proval of birglal igpension increase Shouldnt one query ItA mad unvoltbls kid ol business While Dr ttisainnr was nub log back and iorth between is rael and MIbtDiUIL iw moaLha In trying to get nree meals on Sinai and the Golan Heights the Americanaircralt acd aeapors industries IlrI busy yelling lo both sides Frnnea bu announced stag grinr SI billion parents to build an armrmskiog industry In Egypt lrom which the Buy liens in the tuture can mail their Zoun eoglprnenl plug an maxim wards unattrmxamw new subway tor Cairo What In heavens narnn docs Egypt want with that kind oi sutgay to nation bursting at Its leants wlh the population uploson or nonunion peoplt mail or them aliil llvlagncar the bottom oi the economic scale at Mr Third World na lions lion long mould Jews urd trahs tight each other ii the Is raetia did not have USbuilt Fr lento send lemming over Peatrnlap villages and the PLO not have chi auto matic neapans and manhan died hazookas vrhlch can turn market suture inio bloody Ihrmblu N0 WEAPONS N0 WARS Takg away the weapons and most at those vars would not begin With very law exceptions it it this industrial nailona who sup ply tha world with their um and alrcralt These are the sell rams countries who sit in the United Nations and seelulurv doom irons mana warring in stincts which they are icedirtg at the same time LETTERS ro EDITOR Barrie branch of humane society uysvthunks for ossisiunce Dear Sir fma publicity you so grnei uusly gave to the Important wuk oi the Barrie branch ol the firearm llumeno Society is much appreciated by all animal lovers Specically we would mcnllon the Snoopy barrels In the vari ous supermarkets where the pub Thanks to Salvation Army bond for playing or Dear Sir has recently patient In rnd would like to say that really enloyoi sector rind hear ing the Salvation Army hand which so kindly gahered in the gADissronv lie may deposit cars oi anlmnl lood or the local shelter and for the shelter Christina party which also resulted In much needed donations ct food We thank you lur Job well done Gintelrilly yo gt ROY lidChLEM secretary the hospital hosilat parking lot to play my hymns rind carols tor the hear he ltovsi Victoria licvpital Barrie prior iilvy they be rewarded lor liirit time and uorlt Sincerely HELEN crevcxs cu Roilwuysy By BOB Illlivth Canrdlan National hallways the largest railway lli tha world with 000 miles oi track in Canadi and the United States has lormcd mm the debris ol bankrupt privatelyowned rall wayr sitie Grand Think and Cana dlan Northern had gone broke during World War rrltcr bulld lng transcontinental liner to Van wnezcrtazazsaus cc formed irom debris cooler and Prince ituperth Tb government elk them over and amalgamatv them with Conadianntiovenl merit Iiallwayr on Doc to tutti There was great deal oi oppd tlllon to the move but thcrc were alsortrong reasons lor lilany canal Investors in Ca adv Britain and csewhcr would have lost their literati inrs it they had not been cued Also the railways though coctiy were needed open up the country The moment invited llenry Thornton lo undertnio the task its war tormcr engineer who had gone to ain in mi to become manage or the Great Eastern liaiiwa lhen he servrd In irorlrlVnr as assistant director general decided to transportation in irancei ships and even radio Thornton was mun otvgreoi drive and irnsginallon lis mixed the Clillahuill Ehote staSona entertain pnsscosrrr atatlcns eventually became basis oi the Cut lie spent 5100000 to CN Into one or the great ways at the world and was vderrorsiarscrtticlm mill resigned In on to con guiMurwhuuuegrp32iL eunuch inuence in Parliament to keep him irom opening lloicl Vsooouvsr tor maul oi years It remained empt until World War it when space was urgently needed One at his greatest addert menu was the manic or railway workers lla taiell on his trains great de was paid that he know persont ally every member oi ISM 1W