If this 31 tons nsonnu seer The Town Ind cmuewine on hold their Cbrisimu Pm inthe Wuhorenxeiltr worn on the mumbled together lib Iiernusm oi dancers the Ittendonorns Ibont 100 21 cent llama look thil In use me re rent 353mm hour vasovlo Mac Ind Norm hlnrceliiu or their mirtance Ind time due riglth your do and Don bomber oi lands awe Arm mode besie iiiul Ioblgiddmkhgo boll il ill lui bullet wmcninyed by all to ooociudo cry bsyoyievo All mill If Dr tty Untied Church to why the Pot Luck umdteon whichwan caved bullet otyl mini time Is enieyed WED CHURCH WOMEN The Girlstmne nicotine oi Trio iiy UCWMIS hdd in thechurch school room with good atten deneo at to tire Evens mo presided over the meeting with tltov em Lois oi Love Ind the your tint limit loot Room imri Iii committees were given at lbs putyears work liIv Poul Perkin oooduetod lho In Itolletied oi olitcero ior 1m lire George Holt was in chem oi devotion Ind Pronmm Christmas comic were Inns To pic 0i devoil we The Limit 01 the wor The new or The nieonliir oi the Chrhtnun Cari di was load by hire liinw Portroyiril the ruining antitrust Iround the War wee elven by lite liolt with India misting The ehoryi thouzirt on Gwirimu irern chapter in Dr Ethel Ch rnano book was reed re err control was won by Mrs ymorid hteilby liloll cell on Revealing your liinle Friend Ind exchange ni Cbrlsirniss lifts and one nor lllllomtmlldl cookies hotel was served by the line Selby and outsi mber and hire IUCHHB riendo were noticed lroln iiiohi Strand Ind mkstown euchre oi the mens Womens institute norm authors were am my lliilor and Bone lor the miles blob scar lin the mens section were listen Oarr tpinlnI nun chor in Funds and ilob th drew went in Arms Dove There is one moroth euehie 20 so be sure to make it Div the Christine and New Yeero terttritino euoluu will be ntthdrswn but they will re sums on Jun ti which will be the year lmd Mitch also it Ler Your So Merry Goldman and Horny New You tram Thornton tr no Sunday School with your time Iupednienneiit and vliecd story oi lholbitrt oieeyi rievnrges cafe kgmuwmm monogam homo nd uMnmmi icIeI Mummers isonki blnedootcountyondleod with lm Erasenlnllons by enloyeii by Guthrie audience wow lien truer Wu anew POLICE snioriinr IN SANTA non times dry police meant Roms Concern donned Itil loent bulletin to crash bout one out It must Grimm potty organised by the Quebec Sodely tit Grit pied canned Tho some Santa Cairo we solids ore unte purclnud irom don tiona givenby thii erenuui ice rectal Jeocberodolnnitbhl cin Iregatlou oir Trinity United bidet own lito present their white to iiovPaui Perkin toidzt Glit which save many motile tor the adult at well Is the chilan id iiOUltNEH Thornton lriends were shocked in hear oi the sudden Vlllibl nl Kenneth Broity oi Egbert on Denis lie had carried on Iuecoseiui lum bustneu on lot It Con oi Essa Township ior rmst oi his murrlod lie Sympathy is extended to his olic Edns his iemliy or leur Ions end one dIulmter and tire Men and one brother on well his mother iiin liitred lliI rei linden Service was hold at thI Theni Io Funersi Home Million on Dec re with intennenz st Thorn ton Union Cemetery lift IMIMN StunniOWlln oi EH Thornton become proud grandparents on ov29 whcnchonIrd Ind Nency iCcr riparnl Brillinner iii Sieyner wel comed their llrot dauphicr to the lornti circl Six teler Anglican church would welcome nil in their Chilli mns Eye Commmien service Itll pm lilo Ei md bond recently vIlited with her boomerrelate bianuei oi Compna She accompanied nnutloar brotherin law and ioiotur Mr and lites Jim Nicol oi ltiliston to this southwestem Ontario town Condolences rte extended in the John and Helen Sherman lsrniiy ii iii Thornton in the sudden ipusing oi the lat trro perm iir Ind hin Howard Clerk at Bolton on Dec Only tow hour separated attending the double iuncrei on Dec it from this community were lleivlile end Margaret Dir en the latter being niece interment no It Noiiivilic Cem lg the priscnialion lne Liv its ChrlIrruss tree ot the Peoples Church willow daio on Dec ll wero iiuymond Elmer end iiillliri linilhy Leela ARTICLES FOR SALE lintiii ru III inoruii Iirei mid Ill entries lied ctresieriieldi block and nbiio mudwin iimlilon will Ilnrus section one sinyie oed box north and mattress new on 01 ubte mason teak res phone For QUICK ACHON TRV AN EXAMINER winr on Telephone Hill the under Uriah Corrinan pence rm ours iieaxue WVlibuildoy doom Ind Horton lioitJhI letter in memeiced the Mermaid nay no Vlneirit Cooktown lisplrleniub by Holt oi KIM Words could hardly deroan the whole allatl only by seeing li could you comprehend the utioio program some uuiotsnd In ieelinu were the wellris ire with it iiAI oi coiorIri iilhte cirrtinivouoly dishing comin liivo with urine mm the nine rowo ol chbhr members in the tree with boy oi the too point beside tiie large Illr who songAwey in mil durinzt one and onehutl our presentation Symphony and lime Orchesiroo were back mund music tar th coloriui baguntrwkh at do out John Ind Windy Blond on the birth oi their lecond ughterane cember ll Itlhe Myst Vic toria Hosrllsi Burris rieter lor Michele murieerncre Permer net bars and iriends oi the into oiukey reccnh ly coiled It the iiunbm Funorni ilome Decision in on their respeets to the dress lolui iarrned on the itth Con oi Em Township on lot or low More betore movinl item the RR Thornton In to Tori onto in 1915 was the yous er Ion oi the MI lliichrel Ind lleryluirey one of ml Thomion end he attended the inrmcr Mount Pleasant school Surviving relIllveI In one bro ther Peter oi nerrie sister Ann at Toronto and sister llulh ot Coohtnwn interment we at Thornton Union Ceme tery on Dec ll dust nnnther reminder that oil roads loud to Trinity United church Thornton nn Dre It tor the rnseniotlon oi the ch re InnuI Chrllimu Pszeenl The rut ClirlotmIs service will It the must mornini time oi 1013 also on Dec oi rpsliter 15 to victory over Ace dtoooud IIMm will when the Wei loll Eden the Gotrie by till nothing the dinner eIiol linsbu ms led hymn Ado lico trern tin llliidd Jones um Chrtnmu reaction which us do ii leu we put by naeA mbera oi the point proo ed they dont 1er to go out told talent Broken Dollies tbe Dom oi ooo Ilrtt Ind tilurn won litre Fem inwndel Mn Mir lilkle bin Jelluozino erI lionnce StoddIrt Mrs Wio Bladforci Biueo wiiifpiay Huskies BRADFORD Soil vVibe ob improved bradle vol will plly Huntviiic Hos es ContrIi Ontario Junk one encounter tho but Ironmon sundry oiebt The Biuu uric Ibo ionqndtiolwln lrvaiiilton Hermie we Miniii ligiiidiiotheidlmwgr up in iitoion in red worn on 9rd lbebrodlorePoclrIro Ire ochiddlod ioyilii WIDTH tor Central Ontorio intennu to idea charge KINGSTON on cry4w eesiarn Onilrio moat doctors were ordered Wednesday to so Pour In eourt iIn on diaries or selling deedsiocli most or huinsn consumption Hichord Collins ii 0i Nor unod out Gordon Elton it oi duper outi clLlejho tiger am it we and lionsituhl ll Venhlvek lull Dnt were released on their own rmpnzmce Del loop Eldon bell oi the Ontario Provincial Police erlnr inIl hivestigniinns brand esld tho channel at conspii in de nuud tho public were aid loh ieolnn Ioverei months or inter tlgoilon which berm otter Que ban min into oreJilted crime ier this year ilo said toolinton indicated that several dosdsinr operators In Ontario had lmntrinnly sup piled meat lit only tor not lend to Quebec residents ier resale in both provinces IVY uy Mild venue wry liliiei one iriend spent Christin Suedy with his matte er litre Doreen lililier in Beer re gt Edith iicDerrnoit spent lew ri with Mr and Mrs liert dwordr oi Torauto this woeir hirl irene lilrnns ottrnded the tooth birthday at her Iunt ltlrl Berily lo Hochiey this wee Judy Wilson and Sharon Pet ion or spending thil week in used llr Iivd live In Caldwell oi Thornton visited Titundoy with Eiwood and Jean Jennelt Cbrlsirnu lave srrvlro at can dieilrbt and mail will be held to Christ Church on Dec at It om bonnie LIMITED tLILQE Due to ihereeentroguietions issued by the Can sdlan RadioTelevision Commission vhicliroov ie suit in changes to the priority ot channels carries on our system BanIo Cable TVLimited have lonio porarlir nitlidroivn our requesting permission to stations irom distant lppllcniion I751 432 600 microwave two American ntenna site However the IppUention 150 00 submitted by Northern literswove Limited remains uh changed hockey tourney GUTHRIE lr IIi nuneot attorney in tbe oro anoint on do or the juvenile to petition wit it lg milo log Mon berm till be yet It the arena vlhnu with eiindoe Soinrdsy Ind WNme MM will pl iri iiuim mutt vr oioiwnorcoinninrw sift Nurtle 0rd Minor boo ruin sung two pun 23 ll nted on robots have vs inm Iloo Evn tier to com in in dste Oil Well rounds next Ontorin Oooj be warm Febrtury on changes DRAWING BROWN ior mini lingo Iv Mi iii denununiootlou mile bionic Ioniwm items mm ext December mi mliol oil on ii whim these eubdivieimu up to gnu undid slon developmails in tbetowrn Jill and discuuoii services with The council decided to be Ore de It the tennis coniynm PLIUCJIWING VICNFHA liAHliOilH Sinii It the mmidpoi be VidoriolllbourJtlIiuiooinr red Brian Hopkins osmi sry the otmnrnl bad om wemnonxs PERKIMTRLD Suit Hw but condition the noun intended bro dell or to $111 networks lms mm oi mmltiel toqu by ecuuil council tor inturo rdereeav oiinwi nomad ORHJM 15MB Oriiisl til council which it MM will Mil ii 70W VABDXXS MiDliLilSl tSiziil Smith Compbdl barrio miter oar SlmxeOdunty Ionientn lust wozi be no reorI cl Oro ontIiM where ntbdivistonlJonnahip Hort Brrdo bust lib twill mt which would invoivo IquuatI stud bumble llan 14 wells WA CLLA CALLS shown isurii sent CiaurwidIrLiiloo meld oi iBIniorCitlwu In Yooll Street loiienleg usistrnu do ner potty its no 11me ree ted in tended out till whistling Itiim turns the ore bl Melon Iii Gm the oil township tollo over node in Pa est littbour subdiviini had been loiiiioli truglntiolion Ind lo investtutI loll litION DENT onltwi isum enabler oi eonununlty Ind Iooiei Iervit or June TIyloc Mid the blur re io Re oonl Centre wontbo tion convention It Toronto to iner in else and bedidnl reliclvrte hlelixbndpel ior ccted one be lnesemon one county word In rm HOLLAND Mill BRADFORD Still An irr ipecizeu tour mu drieionr Iris oi the sooibwett end at in Holland hunt us revere ed invl copy ol The wttnerodeted mt ma it raid ll Iem oi virfln mush lend was Men up ooina bod been started end irrigution diie one built Two heroes lust en ld Ind too more were It Eodi oi leur lsmillu will not and wort t2 me under In izecoiro Eiliiie ration scheme it sold errors cannons COOKSTOWN Siolil mien gt stutter bor lID Eiaenci Teaming blown Is Perrys Corners thee lIteo has Dixmo Cornerepbeioro it use uncured Cotillion to tell lililiDNlA SCHOOL Fvaale lSlIli iiuroriiai Centenutol eiementery orhool here was first opened lor clay res in September oi ml II nunlunIuHH IIIIll weviIIIIl The Sterling Tm Because we havem salesmen yo TrUsts breach and well take care money wi well be using it We sis GuaranteedPIan lTiuIl rate at Interest Guaranteed GlOMIi Certlttrates st currenttolu vote of Interest am theecLuiveientoiiSdlleimpieinterest en cumu etedtnmaturity Income taxes deferred Deposits Iccepied Invtime tor Inv amount All contributions and interest idler tuarenteed litSterile Tunis Ind insured by the mods Deposit Insurance Corporation maximum 520000 Transfer from other Rettstered Sovm pay no commission lust co oin ton Sterling leverythinn After all youll depositin your us and lust like the Insurance companies bunks and other lnstl ullons have an awful Iotol nerve charging you for the privilege etitement gs Piano pension ref ndxfi ump sum retiiemontlilnwonceun otherniiaillieil monies accepted IAvsngeoiolhortnvestmentpiionsend plans also evnlltbie mass runzrconr 35 Dunlap St Boot limit 7266495 STERLLNQ Amemberottanoda Deposit insurance Corpnra tlon