or Installing Bet Canada walla rm In adult along utlcld $1 be completed by txll mo 11 out now too on to to com extends rum llt torsion under hint on to more Ild Hayeld St on llelll These cabin Ire rltcnl the bits nth Item to xiys remnants timth uurr tlu Mr re trots LI this Ina Ins ban meatqu In bar yum Iwm our Gemini to our lurk lav IIItIen rays untied eegInrcr Norm Downturn Municiual Bonus Savings Accounts htrtl Ctue mm tum II urr Inmrr mu mm BRANCHES II mum mt Irr Mnlm In Im Brandtml an mu rum Consequently ha says the er urns1 WWI tronrm but 932m oi mm plpos Ix lull bl cables and to place more coblts Bell rnuat Lay more root In mart Mlmgirt part III the in out be mm Ilzrh may on lr Crmnlnrtum notes major Index routs t1 the Bar rin rah25 It rm tbs north ball oi the uty Inil moat oI V217 Touon not to hllno on to pipe burledtuolnlbree led and connected by mrrRIalts Once ll roth In plum to mm lloatl Immva In not most 01 Mqu and Imico Io Ibo north hall oI Iomrshlp trlnrnlner Photo snowllurries predicted Cold snap in area welcomed not as resorts lace skiing rush North llay llIlIburtou Noni and record hlrh Itmpernturo It in Geriun llay Mostly cloudy today Itttulx northumt 20 to IIIKILI today All to all tour tonltht near 23 Sunny but uiudy Ind Nltl Friday ItItr wettier altur rceortrlnt nnd holldnvors are expected tba atrrt oIttIe neck Irqm last he IrI ruin and mild III told Illu Slope lmo batn IIoraeahoo Volley ma man temperHum dorm all heel to get them Ixer Torn lIIrIIIltoII qu bl hlnny retort um cloud mutt grape Ior tho heavy use untlet mart was cloned only tor one oi the neck hovlnrt Ior arctum patrd an Ibo uecltentL Ila Idd day becauso oi the rain lllzhs near 15 Sulbury Alrorna Sunny uith or roldrrtemptroturra no they rrlltwnrrnowtnl In Colllnxuood Snow ntaklnl mm hnro could return soonInnhtno un llILI momlnhlud Ikllnr look been on lull rinca eukty und The resort has been making llnuel no ping ll ex Ienrl Inm Iinnloa un der lllghuoy too and north ultrath ltllllt mncro No In uorh on Bell CIInIIInI now new Iectlte syrtrrn toolt button up your overtoat In to be cold out today and Friday In ueother otttco blarnu It on told Arctic min theh II outed to don Inrto Onlrrlor weather Skies rrIII be runny thI Toronto wener ollloe In are out quod It no tblr mornlnx Frequent Ilurrler Ind snow ruuollr are on Iur rh Barrlo Irrrtt today and Prklry wttl be Mhuest to to hillt tutlnv III In the low Innlght IC Ind the ltlIh lthy $0 Ivrezast Ior other arm Ir Toronto Sunny with cloudy Dele and coutlnulnz cold to day and mm hlrtrl north west to In IIth both day IIeIr low tonlxht nrur db Colder In thr ruburba Ilunllton Peterboroub Lots St Ctnlr WI rabies somuolnhlrhmaybaw pnllnl In 3an syliml was The pipe runlIan telephone Ihotll mm or mu In In um um wmmm do IN the Iomart ttItbout eIen toatldcrlng the wait oi martin ruou so Irr ter reason IIamIlton estlmutrd Ilorrashoo uould lose up to 51 mo It the chrirtmarherr Yearr wtetu Ira washed out Itren Ittl sorts utlI reopen when large crowds rludantr HRISTMAS SPECIAL All Cars 4343 Dee noon to Mon Doe I9 Im Ilouiy periods tom Wlnds northuett II to lluslly cloudy Irldny uilh CW lot rice Iluhl both do nerr 10 my Intrluitt II In 20 Illxll Lew llllh orntloru In tlnrotor tho hollqu good pm In the odd uen about seven or elrht at tho nr nunrnadu rmwlor three uretr loony lonlrhl Irt IhtlIII rush tho rtayr enr It Ilooer out probably be he added and Iltllnx tondrtlour tdwr without tho cold Impdurluz mo mortr three datrlllu up Saturday he nth mu m1 you my from being barnta It Ibo tool un dayr ullthtltl hm uIlt be optrotlnl thlr weekend ed roorl skltru condltlone Ire Int elasr 5L Wm l1 Itrml rrlwltur loam over the he rIId lfomlon II CtrIslam reason traditlnnully Mount St male and Itoon hllrheucr Ir lho rom moat lutrollro per rtnno III remm betwrea nan hlount loreIL Iod III and Drink alto hIrI been WInzhun Itrm rurqu chucked loduy clout mostoIIhI week but will Owen Sound raid the barn been runnlnz be DEC Inn weekend IIld srtowma Inn equloment lithium ltor were shut down lbII week my to roxoro rhIInx corttll to rcpnlr the men the rloper mm Emma ions to tho ll they were were left In tollouln Ilia IIIIII and below to tho than LOCAL AND GENERAL tntn Culllnuuood mulctrd ha Irlrtuy otwnlnz lur lIIr Ijrort tnhny yeun uxperlehco teach IIIo atudtntr huva deturotwl thr arrlwo bullIla rnII olllccrr unrterrol themeortntetbd un 1th II halal base at the tool at Church Slmt In rlylo IIrrII yro Irr to the old dnyr Itro public It lnvlted ranrplo Ihoold Inshlbnrd brLrtrnn Irrlrlt orr It other Sundtyr Dre Ind 38 Irom 130 pnI to 430 pm IIDIH IF AGES CONCERT StIIrIrIIIr from the Tlmothy Chrlstlan School on Ferrlr Lane uIII be presentln pronum oI choral anti solo tlnulny wllh rer dlnu board on them How 01 Ages It Irorrtnn Collezo Ilrrrtrc Irldry at nm the pull Ir lnrlttd to attend Plot 12 per rnllo tlrrt 100 mil Im 5391 cm NEWS IIIuIInuar trucnIIunn II Insx Lake Erie Lotto Ontarto sunny mm with cloudy period and eontln mum utnz no Iodry and Irtday Cam Snounurrter In low locnlttler Tm thdr nonhuett 20 to 25 IIIuh TNan mu dwa5lo1 mt mum mm to 13 Ietorburonuir London liltchrntr Lotto IIIIlt Ielnwawn run Southern Georgian Ilny North Bay IIurrle today and Irlduy with bury occnrlonal Ioowrauallr near Ilun Lotto Iluron and Geortlun Bay IIIIanlnr thrlI northtmt I5 limit XnNkaslnl Barrio Drive or pron nahgaanahh IINHNGI AT LIBHAIIY Illnterroloir by Jolly Brng III Modiepulnt orm art Into ex Imnrllro Art0IlIon ofonturln Ml hlululfllil not it on ruspr IInrrln Iub Im Wily my bum Tho mu tyingChristmas ymcnt to all mum my pm at In memberr throne to nmbumm return nvrrduo boot without Nltlhl the limo IIu library Itltl IIAIL IIEAIIING ll lccwt booltl III both lol Colllngwootl woman will Ionr ll Ind Multnster Street row or brtl henrlrtl In Item Saturday Dec to Wed4 murmur gouge ntnnnu nuday Dec oI utthout chm Say anvlnn been ehnrm utth In line Iur lntenerr mmgufm gfmlnfwf rIItIrIIIrr crrnIrrIIIAr mm mm Chrlstmnt Iorncmury MW we um M1 IIaIor LI tha thclm oI project Md In wny Intllcll by inulo It and stu tents Irom Ilurltcvalo elrmen CANDLELIGIII BEIWIC my school to Ieuethnnulrhtne Inrlthlohrrr oI litter HIGH RISE PLANNED Church 05 cook St Ira Inrlted to bring rolotlves Ind Irlends to eandlrllght meilttutlon oroA round by the chairs orrnnlrt unit eitttnlr reboot oI st Gllea Itnv rervlcen entltled CIItldreII oi Urht will be held Saturday and sundry rIm you hlcrru brrr In the eonmuntlon would ruoply thclr own candles IIAIIII ll IOOIIIIUIIN Demolition permit Issued for Boy Club development homo ol the details at thumb tect huIe yet to be hammered out ItIr mrnuuny Iran not rubIIItt tut Itr dorrloprnrnt rnoptuollor pmlnclzl approval room mm Irltl tlub In wtomte urobIeIIIr oI Iinunrlnl tho scheme Tho rm has also been rlvrn rlty noprotnl to lot rorhnun tiny 1n the tormo ocrvlco tin tson at tho mt trItl oi tho IlC Ion portal New manager one PAllK CONCHIII ittttltll IIro IIan Ituhbrr Co Inuorlto Chrlrtnrtr carols an at Canada Ltd 200 Iulrrlow concert ptmr will hit periorm noon but new neutral munn ed Monday at I130 In tho Grove trrk Home by the Ilurcntr luv oulh IIKI Junan Orclmtrl tltuoI Linton Ihlll IctiOtItmIt In mm mu conduct Ictlrnt rttreclor Iur tho company on by Johnhlmtayur Onto the txtttln buIItIlmzr romo ttown IIIo tlarelomrrent IIrIr Men Iletril Ilco urcollmt and ucmrni Iarotor Nlvlmrllm fl colnpany hope In but can mural on not crtuhllslrnl haremmoo IV lnvlltd anon oi nzzusulte hishrtsn In Cnnmln In Im or an rum to restlor tor Morllooulut connommum mm courts berry ortrritl by the 113mm Hm III nl an Anwrluun rumrrarIy busul at Ohio Ohio It Ittalttr VIIYWCA herlnnlhu Jon conrm on mo II expecth to brtlu In Ilurrh trrturct lI lull Ilno III outnmo IlIr rourro Ir Intended to Intro Irlle truth Iurm ran oilthe duco the my old eroit which Ir om mmpldiun my 3mm enlvrlnr WW rv rr ho raid the Urban iixyonrlon um road tlm ltkll dIIIIIbuted currently through It notionMun network ot viral The Instructor ulll b0 city counctt IIrt onroIttl dltlilt nttoronlo B1Ild the prop not Innrpmdmt trro denim lIrI JeonKnox uho II had plum or the developmtnl bu It demolition ytrmlt hnn brrn tIrum by tho ttty truIItIImt llIlt rpccttr Ior It hrlch bultdlnrr hi the Ilay CIuII Ilrrrlomlenl ot Collltu anti Illnho WEN onto ml by liltIIUIllIl lixvnrnlun Group nu Irrnld It trqdburn As an authorized representative If It mytomfrmenTrrurrn gtInrqntrio and binrl my tonnrnriv that will IIIako no chargu for ittb commission nothorgetormnnnnomcnt forts no clrnrgeior tiling Buvmnmhnt Stiltrmtnts and no hinge tor ruricrrmtion at rrttttrrity blnnedorr behalfuim Ilrisdny at WEWE The SterlingTrustsGnaranteed Plan gt Ilecausewuhnvmtu sulcsIIIbII you rnvnp gonrmtssmn ttIstmnItln Imbtcrllnr gt trusts branch and we II take cure of uvurytlnnn Alter nit youll be depogiting win moneywith us and lust like tho insurance companies banks and other institutions well be using it Wed have an awful lot of nerve charging you tor the privilege olncomn InxttrIeItiiutl Dormsttracrepted anytime tor any amount IInnItIr trom utherchlIIurId Rotitrnrnnt Saymgs Plant pension rotunds lumpsum Irtnumont allowances and otherqualiiied nuan accepted Mantle pl other tIrvrslIIItnt optlumnntl plant alto available It tubsst runzrconr 35 Dunlop StEast Ilnrrie 72676495 HIgiI rate at lntcmt Guaranteed Growth Certicates atcuuent 10 rain at Interrrt rain the ulvnlentol1255slmpleintcrettwhen eumu alert to maturity All contubutlons and IntuitIt rules ntrurnnlccd bySteiltnnTIIIslInnrtlnruvrrltIytthanurtn Dc out InsIIraIrtctonIorntinn Irrartimlmr 32 000 rm ItuwertuIgwm member iri Canada Dtyui Insurance Cutpuratlou hours on tho property cIIIbe yartmrnt In March Examin IIII 1M Urbrn Intrusion rr Photo rm ll WWI born quIItrtrzn Iroct honrtttor my Chm dwetqynent on mwmmmmumuwh Ir at ml or 11 dbnth IwmAummmu