Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Nov 1974, p. 7

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ELMVALE NOTES Christmas Content Dole At Elnwule Schoo In El an Egg EKin RE gt g5 if 23 55 at 5r gaigg nish ggiag Run tor mm Shiner Votktllk III hr 23 It it in WORKING OVERTIME ON lEFROJIRENA Snntbl hm mm mm NW Mr Om menu oor whl Id In lot It PIS hindet ISIIDLMEIAIIIIIMIIM gee Frenkcom Rink WI In gt rte or Jmnuy IM In mtt Itemrs don Innlsfll It Cur II ltd eded wind to bet union Mme Wm mar on Win my row KImmmwmnmmhtu muvmtm PIIH SmIII PIIIIB bun Inner tor Iqul to year Di med our made tar mm wits III gm film lurk mattotthneetrrnu It etxtc pump yFire Agreemt electedBYLMedonte IWNSTDNE tsnttJtteden tunmil muncll tut ntected reorotectlon um trtnr llortuhoe VIIIeyIrII In On townIhIp on the roll thnt thl rIteI quoted re too run The propoul Imn 0m turned It ttxtIlIr meetlnu whlthleevo lhIrIm Amne retitled Ind nl mtmhtrn wre rcunt The ltttrr Iron 0m request tram In thc IreI entluned muttny rule In mice per nd let me It 3500 Mr tea are In lrrltnl at donlc IIII IIIlerIIe Ind lleonrtool uIvh new IlrzhnII It worm lmltr Apprml nu Ittlt request Imm Mr end Itrr IImrI Han for huIIntnI oermtt to new barn all purlvh II Con It Th led Irerh Itore Ind roe Itrt mm Md gnawMI MunI on three udlotelnx property ownm were md Ind Ill Ibprnvzd the IocItlon INDIAN TRAIL Om Deputy Item ltnnIrd Cunbbtll end Mr Ind Itn Monty urn IttIanId the mat They dLIcuued mllIlInl hII torlcel lndlhn trnIl wlth plnan In eultnble ohm thc OrIllla ItcdonI lewnu Inrt hlnunt Er taut blurb ngnr CnldvrItr werI Imnn Iltu Inated IhI ted to have Lth Inntgrthlr Inlxh ln menI lntlltute Ilre Mn er Inked counctl to would ntdenlnl md Ind moth It It rldouet stunn yldrwed Ind tnlllm to nu vprovdl on requut from hr VIIIly mId It We also Iutsl cut Ilrn Itumh Ind place Ilm It thlI Intmuztlen umlnx curve and mm brtdte MBDONTE ILL The councll bested hit to qumI route In th hledontI Ittll eutxlltltlon II pm at the townshlp road IyItcrrt to at tho bylaw II to be IorvtInlod to the OntIrIn mlnlstry It Inns rtIUnn Ind Iommnolcetlont er Ipprnvnl Another pth pushd to InuitII reads In the PIIonrd eubdltlilen whlch lIm tI Iub Iut to the ammo mlnlxtry up Prove Eh rned mermtrndanta Th tmhlte eI En tt trtIon row on In can dyCuthW Itntptlon rrblIItnx culvrrts Ind bertsbn vttiatun nanmete done by bmm bloc lnn roId culvertr Imcltlon we held evIrlIr glue to enlIrau mobIlI hnmI In In tn be mxtmetety too ed the rude depIrtrncnt Ihautd on In property on Can skszIdts Attend In Inatibn Tre nd II IIII II IIYNAIID Ill ElmroI Northtv In the Mod od dI loud or Ilwap dr the III 0w note thmd Grass Fed Beef Wont Cut Price chm Hills mretery ol the Camdtnn CIttlrmenI Assoca ttnn Ield todny te Cnlnry that roam Itntemente that as Itnlehtng at we wold war but prlm In 50 cents per pound on Ibsotutery rldlrnlmr IttlI pdnlrt out that cumnt out at mhlng petite rm Itre Ihotr to rent par votnnl Ind though thtI WI lot low than rum rnln IIIIIIIIIn colts thlI meat thIt rattle men must not It least to rmts Pvt wmrljor cattle relM on mt It they are In Italy In hust nes Lire rattle sold tor to mt mean ml the IverIII pics but trvm that nrtlmIl mull have to he betweean centt to 95 cents hliIII Iald thIt nobody II It dtnzrrrmrnt wtlh thl tut the less 2th can Ind IIltIlIdbb to auto Ind In lIct IN II already IIIInl Ice But tItht In men her an only Iontr bed mm by abottl It to 20 per cent Inna dltlon marry Iermm make much letch It nttt tend to lower greln prices and Inmate the met at tltutrl such It nd truth It the he tell Any mnlar lnrreue In grassland my rIIlclIon Ill rake Icvuel in to nchlctr In tnnrllulen ltlIIlI FJIII that It It hurtlng moducors nnd Itthn ronsutnrrn by vro yer hoot otlm at III In Incl cattlrmcr to NM momy It the present tlnte Ind hm edIInlchl MRI tram Icmtinn trim Ire and Ice rnln ult he mt hy pm Incrrstn try and ottut tutIl tome Only when detltetl In onetn matting rout sort EMI ntlt It Lu mm to It zbom lamprim or thetr product IruitI tgelnhlu Ind xn This Ml Io Ind behold thlIdtd not hmpm Food prtr up on at Imo lhl to tIttxttu CInIdI Mn tor the tur hvm last October tn thlt mm toad prim hm normed Itmoet to per zen he motthnt Octal Ilene we Id In Incrcu almost one per cent Thl II the lIricst lnlt cream that hen ever been dull rd up It tho period at ortr It yon Food prim were partlmlrrly IIIzhIn the stain IreId mtlk qur at nhlrh It used In the home How can the xovmzmrnt tell Wu whrt eInIbe nIbstIhrnd tor blend Inlllt Ind wear It you hm growth temtly It etm py punt be done ECONOMIC TWIN Ihm IIle 1300000 urn Ion Intmer wlum comrade wht haw for renewal In the nut to montlu Here you hIw the UH Intlntlnn and unlen clout Thlmloru IIrmy WIII In dtmendtng um may to meet the Mn wt or anxnttnw are they etnx to do ttr Are the mom who deelytth than people ohm to tenth II they see the economy em down In part sate dropp with Ination Ilm IxIln only to per tent ot the notkm betcha danyeoemmttt we ran MI 12 per mt rte next year We wtl hvpe thIt he Lt won but thIt the olcturr You Itlt your why It not who at this IntlntIen benx tontmlod TIlte beef or InttInce Good but told Iormoentnwtnthe drum Some at the cIttlI were well ttnlehcd IhIt II to Rs run ed at IIlenhle but ore II the mt rt the cost WhIt doe It really cost In In row when It and prepare It or to The IIImo ht IP proxlmetdy t2 It cents per haunt why In ALICE Increas in price tour or tlve an In the hand of the Mlltrdm th Ire he not mountllnr otr nwn lnnrunn at whoa til Iorert hmducte It It not Inth tor the low emmmt nl Dnterta and mine In Issue wrelrkneet Mattmtnl that Cnmdlnru IrI bctur all then tbt mt at the world Pen tie are rattan lllue ttrcd LI Nth mar 1th ovunmmls melting too many Inmate Ind chdcr whet me on when Irinlrtn cube tedcrII gown ment tmett on rst an the pvete nt of dlttlcry em to mother country Pro pie am very lttcnl thewly dam ot nuvernmzntr tVItergIto ha opened the mod gate at on toutnonalndnpumtotthe mphI mole hm nu Imrnt to Iltht for them Of the 30 per cent who are unlonleed thwe at the ten 01 the heap Ildm all all the mom the pawn muons Ind the lure muttenl It wltl not be the until unten In Bafe OrIUII ItlIiIInd Ind Patton that hm thin powrr nor th corporation who em ploy than Thou them are at the ncmle who mtr In the wrvlee lndun try the melt hndnm man on PM on IIXtd tnromn all there and more tIttt In the bottom at the Inmate vole nhn are dIlly ndlng It hardtr to make end rnmt who INIIY speaks Irr theml They the our mm Ind more IntlI lon Iqureun thrrrt wllh little rnmpmatlnl Inrce rn ulrstt What It the hop ehertl MORE QUEBIIONS Autoshutch load at BARRIEEXAMINEA WANT ADS 72824l4 Iunn By Road Ilth ltlr IIIIDonIldI mm Invent 1an unul math emnynrls Imunbernl Th 51wa ISHII one to be ptbllc utltItIn uxrmlalon turn toureth Mend ImIII pub VII mch de It In Inntlllt httnrhtp Wedthe nhote mnttnl mdt hllh Donth turd durum to mow how medma dvtllloped In bolt hunch Iran IIan Beam Burton Id the pun Iton hI tell to next yrul round hldch could mm In Bt ntprntdu llr Wk III wont utlt hue to decide ththIr to an msz patIan ot cIrI IIII hI roedand Owndtler BIIII olnutebe IIkl 7mm IIIIdol be Mind the tawutnp 81 ALBANS Immutan chardttdn Itt or no any wurn cl Hot mm Ind Inmtn ha been matted to cum oI IntInd yahtl cenllntru haw ronmxItlmI mlth be trust warn In tIlrr Anothu proved anth tr tor mm once tIIhlomhI Idarnment but newnhn uneven PInd cIn It XIII Iho hII Idrtud on hutlnl Oanwbury Durham Ind St PIulI cathodrnh In tutu In Ind cost In ItrItntnx thatch avenues We thI that want dr us luttnl the one Another quottlon Is In rub dhlde chuxhel wItIII twtnter out at mmnmterm netted tn thonm Thk Round be tomeIrItImty rmly to hut lerlnl the rut of the bulltnl It to It ttmptrm ure Atrttef to new Chmh IImzs tr mmlght be pumttrd weer lame de ceit InddIImlt handcw ulnhch1nchumwunt Ir than The KIM whethe to tune thy mm EnIIInII Ind Ioltt col then Minion India when themen mutt norm Homer decided to remnln where We Ind he Chrlxtlen martyr In NH IIIF trrI but churchmen mutt beware mt must reellze tth rhumh whtrh II uncomlertsbly utlt tote much at In con mcntlm Inn cennot hmctton Is In Iltect mm Chrtr hush Iltltmtl usr IDAYII rumour AND rvmev THE SIIPERMUMAN BEASI 0F ll mu vnrrn Ill IIIIIIIIIlI HEREINEa Lth Amos mun ltlt no Intthtlon at In Wit BIG IIIIIIIIIY APIEARING THIS WEEK Her NASTY It Ilttnlvo mun henna It rm only IImlly It It only named One Com ChurnhgltotngEtglr by rhtue at Mr etttee BlIdtnIn Ind Dough WIIker nvre Inclined II on com Inlutenm Stunn elednn voted streng Mlml government It nIetIl questionnaire vm In the rrmldoot etectlon tour yew no The no paIIl Int we tun ohllud to earth tor another nll IN the me The but us Iuhee mmlly dstovtwd Ilthln tot at the min then tm the men rotr State the mint III the rel Show hm Int In ex well at qtullty Inter rett busteeumIn odnn WIN Itm In RI BII from IBM dull COUNTY GLIMPSES cuntsrm mmr hIlDltUltSt sun Ar unnmectI nre bdn Inde by thel2met1ency Ileuuru 0r unlzetlon hold the tunnel Ittxth ponchrlenmn htr Burton ntd pnrhlnl me nu ma hrtnx tn mrene Inr on lrt Iy tvrrinx pee It nun utscueeronn CDLLINGWOOD SH mectlu dlcol m4 endntrnt to were Ixreemtnte rue Sonnet Meat and device Uttlmnloeltl hywmhrw In thumpe mmzn CAR ILALLY MIDWEST 151cm rb ouut Irnm the hrttlIhmmntm Motor duh et Tmto to II cutme tnmt arts mlen Itendrte Iarri lar CI dIIn ntnttr oer telly an Ye 1m hu been Iopmmt by stmme County muncll whim Iotnn Ilrrnellon by Vesprl tmynrhlp munnI PETITION LEFROY StIIIl name petltlon Mann the conduct at CIKIIOILI to the South Inntnal Oommrrily centre Baud he bun thelved untll me by lnnltlll Tmtho mun dt The potttion rlItrnI that the election nva III nnt pubtlb tuft property AlIDTIIEA MEETING AIIDIREA tsum Item born at the OrIIII pubtln nttt IUBI boqld Ior MM VIIII be Iormer can Junta Dur Vden Andrew St Genuine ltr ry Berni Ind MA Prcd Illtln mnor II Ltltth by men at In ottlce Nth ltAhtA CLERK IDNGFORD Stall Loan In Cotton at mtllII nIJ mm dutlea ItImI tannshkr Im In IInnIry when the want clerk Sam Imam tVIIIh In Mm otter IreVin Ilvo mn BAIT EIMCOI PP OllILLlA tSteIl Gturltxt 5mm MP1 Ior Stmme Elst but been membtr ot the On IEIIIA mm aw In In trtte hslItnre tor men um waI tlri Ilrctzd on 0t l7 1951 uhra he 6th Alex Glmour Ltberel Ind Gm than Stnnley NDPITbe ddlnl my hId been It ed tor In by In tete Lloyd uthemy llr Smith tonner mrmhtr II the OrllII nuntnmt my rLUIrnnn um 5TIIOUD InnlI Tntlruhk round bu Itmd Ind two umbL tan to Sub Nuwshgmt Ir An enn Imt hon course Dru Itrhl htu bulking humor ntd the wee uttered nut Frbnury n11 cost we PUPPET mom MEUIYAILESISNII It present II FIoI Elmtao Publtc Ratify on Setunley It pm Amthrr show II Imedntcd It the Strand Pub than on Ib Nevtalrom1tolpm INVITE RESOLUTIONI DUNIROON Stet Deterle Good Road In hu htnmeed Nottnm mad that reeMmI tor eomtnx wtnttr mtnntton In Ietmury Ihoutd be MM not Inter thIn In II Item 1an om who Nut tnuep mnll VIII tamer Ilnru ot tar emu Oetmty ADVANCE POLL NORTH lllVEIl team An Idvnnre pdl tor voter who wttl be IWI on the neuter mulch val elktlon day tn Dec the ban amen It the Match rIIIh mtnIl pal bulldlnl for unley Nov It we noune ed by Itln Joen Flemmtnz turntnx ofcer lllt PDIUIAIION IIIDHURSI sum BIr rleI minim In tut III ed It 1007 month to olrt nounInn 11 Du vanity In calm hm At the Iltll tlnte Odllln had us We Bond mmumoahmmdu NOW PLAYING Showtlme Ms WWW Immmnnmtntnonmnntm hmtn HEY Klns mom Lonesrecxmo rs BACK WITH ADVENTURES IN THE SOUTH SEAS SPECIAL MATINEES THIS WEEKEND SATURDAY PM Ml SUNDAY 1x30 ONLY umyuvu ville mum ewewnxtn Art we IN themed to meet gm Nth Juan rm Inter hen Im hemmrnmuud mint Inn amt on In um um oodstltnutlshlphvm MuduLh ence IIImam Den ItltehII Ind Inkt InI Gr nnk The lIter Include PeII nun nmnnr ltubbud IndIlla mottoumeot her Ins otter isgoutl at thosb H8alt Flsh It Chip Shunt all day this Tuesday 157 ESSA ROAD BARRIE ONTARIO JuIt the nrountII

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