mam means it IoCurb ination BeamingEven Greater itn no surprise to shoppe brad an Lznzluztnushowing tintiho commerpsioeindulnuplobpercent overIyenggo nk cer cm are in tout width was only up 51 to usher Comuncr Morris were lat on cost $15390 ha September with this yurr iignro at 7060 Going back to 1961the more items would sell tor Iloo uhldrmeans the pun dnsing price at the dodcir inn thindlndtocuru tiringthepmla nosedive 1981 index was up consider my over the previoul litiii index Whybreakdoun ol it me listed butthc 109 per centin lseil mils fruition to the cert or the inn tlomry titration lt oi 34 means that the average faintly ind to it per cent um plus sufficient to meet the ad dittonIl in tenor tor the some purchas Jnr Power greater concern is the prospect for further increases in the price 01 food but and transportation it he been argued repeatedly tint one the most diedive methods of combo intuition is to reduce taxes lowering 2o nieth rate Ibo would help business on well an ordinary people Induce tit wtbatktn ironing claimimam rind PACII entice smith have Idded it to the hrremmtic utilising ot mm Ind tmmmzn muid materuy re Some eel therek slimmed tor more decelitnlntiou power law more decisions in municipal Idtninddre tom chines tothe people else would more regions Provinaht deputation court he reopen rtble dor guidelines wllll locei corde linking the uiiinnte dodstone Peep who have read Practical Ford is tor ghtim ination in the sales cant but restixevthe conccmncrosslhebo ethouttheeo William toincroaoe taxes on the We mdrlwwi in mm we 501M incomem inert squotedindtoote blyloestntbeUntiodsutee nrrgggs 55 Eat is to however Imily cursing nomo year would have their present tarespgt Chlf 32560 raised by $128 which would Still bomhstnallylcsstlienihetaxonthie srnicinmmetnCathheUnliedstIt unystcm Ilso allows more exemption mtgggm on homes ex legrwln demandinOnnadatorthe Slovrig In SavmgEnergy mdembl mm mm mm mum lubum III Consumer AtrIirI yummy mm mm will hyreremiron det Mm NIII berries Nd at enlrry OnI yen in pneud since wintheiuddemmm Norway mp on worldwide Ihoriun oi dew Ionlctirnel expendve Ind mniooliIndIIiurprlletnltr West by cinc been closedmeo tut um the need to yen oqdlconlervmnamy tn Ill mmrtomu DInd togdeveliop new randomness gt DOWNMEMORYLANE Teghnolo YEARS A60 in TOWN tormen oomrnmderot Bit British Army in North Atria unveiled monument in me Armoured pummel It Glmp an Mi when Home took over II superintendent dividon CNN trom it Can trnrrsterred to Montreoi noun M0 OordotBurieiIdiumim reitetor Toronto thlyBaord hi Fri Ier looted resident Barrio Garrison Bnhniniou ub tilde Ire Hollis Mb Mummyu gtonErnestE Bettrlett Barrte or Vancouver to heme clatmeoupe tsornorkrgomotlnnir IM odiuotere Mn houndi oomrrdttee meetings to rat brinaing down cum Militant air on I31 canvmtion trimmed or $52 lg dig all gr JIM iii Err Drobicnnot tlih clot rI cod mo Weme those AIL Jim 0n um AM mind lire John Wm mL 8min Flyen lost exhibition re to Kansas City uonnm It Barrie um Kingitdwzrdpupilswonm LcifIanoIlmutheeofpohgglwlflm cm omntnnem lothe unlit MM am all hemp and was on to towdEtee at 0511 cmmu tdhh repgrat product or blow slumps MW on coil or post new zmmcm and xfly 501 mm down Ind in tin oil lam thkyltfod mm by ooooouu my all team ooac Cockbsirn smug curlma rig may tu lbealliidlhnd min the onservod run out in l1 humble native oi Hillsdnie ep gunto mmgto mum uut ould mm mm nerlmenu line 34 my he techniques ol mm contentwhen tuned to oxirociworttwbtle vohnnu Incineratormum oi awry irons ouch trout ButttItniunIIInW IotnounthdvdnthcsuntoumeItilmrorMnmd mana errorlnsurerrcenl biIeDorrdd not willed but it busily lanc Garretoi sd llkhcrd moment ed Indkickcd um goal mm torn MittIon nun ct IpermlnInt irlcrnntionIl WWW doze oral Ind the rec IteIrnoondned lo demely mm iimuuliriurmintended Emotionally Disturbed at upon vohliteortunIre old source oi gTreated Through Mime leo hcirir employedhut IrIln wait until the new carnival ixb th threat to world one It mulle stow Ice Ir mi in tint II posed by the oidtlld Duly plum Coal tar mod to be whnihe th est the economic allure creel by the XI tooluntil mm mt till it no Med 11 my mm WC ventionIl rnlnenle Witt an gt GHANA tCP When to express tear in el Il boy myhh lorrieohe In put Imu up via his lltn The donor erturv told psycho oincn onirl iiem Gtmard lial the child nationally Jsttled on the Immotlen thi the Jpoy ii the basis tor ex tprctrion to nitric Ind tor do Tvelocrrlent oi tits btlrrlrvd hep Wmmmmm 51 limit immune to Elyelrl Btrcet Horde OnlIrto Teleplwoe 7mm Second Cine llIli Rtrllirullun ll Iber MM Return poetIre rurrrnteed Dilly Eume Ind tuiory to unrated dubscrlnliuu tth dilly by curler toe weekly til no yen on mlrne disturbed emotional 23 not will to cipfe in nullity ltr round has dI vclopttlnecitnnxmwltlmn words II or ocular 1le rum itccently he ItIited Ineli lonr mtmn tertiin It Unison rtty oi OvtIWI with lecture thIt at to Al eo oamplcto but helpful lie raid he llu dewl anhyptihtm thrvumg poor of clinicol ohurutien oi didurbed children It the at dOrimtItion In biod OVZMIHED dentin with chil dren axed 11 who were reIlJy over body in mi their lot rInyed irons no lo iw hut they went very much In that presented mismllh the detlclrlll Urila amt lio pull me lied tr Stilltl copier tic liy null Mild their perutnIllites liniri 1100er Counly moo yum other cnuntrtII th yeIrlyl Motor throw all 300 yelriy Vntlnrtrt Mvtttlllltl ltllirs at Queen St war Toronte GOG1710i on that rdnirent tliernner oi the Canadian Pres Auditilurrnu cl Circuit all Jbl CIntdlIn Pm II ercluI tytly entitled to them tor to pnbllcltltlr ot Ill newI ditpllcn erln thlI pnperxrtviiletl in it or The Anne lith Prru or neuter Iprl Ilsa til locll new pubtirb cro by it empluyeei Ind producedtn tbit om Ines Rertrueliopn Nuns ii mum ll st 51131qu moi liver to the reel world yfCInIdl mm yurly All Wm who has dlenceI inhibition Input wordlollly conseylnr mo tion on line sellexpmsiimv Munich body mind Ind emotions they child Idet their pen them Wclmducrllonirt none ci his Iu The dthatlrr Some children dont undor cloud the ehhnhn but they are their bodies the yetmo It to unlrmtend wharls mil to preu tinnueives to its up to us qu um zcstums inihecrseoitheboywho struck someone when told to express tear remit at his WHICH reycntod till he Wu hordertrlr on the pay cholic Ind wetld hit out Is it in INT it we cxpreII leIr when IlrIid the only 1y he know to lth DlrouIni minim en were more trust about mini dummy Iooedmlme brlnrlwordlotl pair rm mpi or or folktale IKEon mIiIitel or ot to toe Children Mtlllcllntu to er mom on on or Itlilrz limited or the nieunln at liven uord Mn call on exportercl ulted to my Varaband but miting know tht the word meant Metl he Molt oi remotth IIdterhlldth thout at vowed ans Ind tuned to try to rind never More cried In trout oi me litr alumni who learned mime techniques tvvm CInI dtIn mined Clst St Deuir paid out when child or dunner he um It he knows oi htmrell it it rIIlly mom or pryehwrw lure thIn mime Mime iI In Irt In II prrrrlon ol emotion that in ItInJy mrmmmltvtu rrirnla doesnt let in per IoriIl nutrition be the meanind gesture but child uslrlr tile comer oi mime doeka plywood Ich to moon titty ot er prurient Ind thereby derich Mfitnod emotion oi reIl WE WANT YOUR OPINION TbI ErImlm tnvller earn tribulionI to Ill tcttm tn the Editor column Lellm should be restricted to too to too stem end they nrutt be lined Libel will it be published lyrlirrI Ihould In clude their IdlmleI and let vllnne Innsberl IIrII on he and it mottled IndianslLedSehold Plan EDMONTON CF The in members olrthe Enoch in diIn hand have stuck lhclr neck out with In oricinIl immllllsn propose tor innd dovrlopmcnt on thI Stony PtIlh reserve nerr Edmonton rIys mil lm the bIndI land development ottlccr And despite the uncer tIlntch oi thinnch Ind bu reaucrItie tnnrics thereI no way now theyre going to on Currently under lte scru tlny ot government depart nrcltlI irl Edmonton and ot thn the scheme propoici liverqunromtir tuliyrchg tcod lswnrite where About ill 000 hunes would moon population at 7000 on tensed rIther thin purchnsod lIrld Tits cuckold system would overcome both the hirh cost oi iInd Ind thorinevltshlt dlln clusters at nclrhborhoods IIl bir Sim Apply in hotm tile nmple oi the car that depr ectItes throulth use to the point where it is at no use the some proccu will its plan with home nxccpt over tonper prrtotl ut lime The IdvnntIrI will be link It will hchr become Iium Am brcIqu lilo Enoch Land rvelopmemnytimn ml till in WI warm handle the dcvnlapmcnt will buy out the depreciated home It the mnrtrel vuluc and place it with tho type oi homo thnl it required In wt lNClJJDEB INDUSTRY Mr sims roierenco in mi relted to the hypothetical purchue at home in tilt on the bulls oi Goyrnr tense on the loud The bIodI Pivotal Wblth Cree development IlIn envlurrs turn rccreI llcnIi Iron and one unron mlte lruiurtrinl perk wit the emphnIlI on iobrtch industry is Icon it way at runrun teelhr the lndlnru economic iuture The bond hu ll nil Ind three IA wells which are lilter to be drained by lb middle locus The whole ideI ls moneyt Inld Chic Rey CIrdirlnI so that when the well ruin dry wed he loollnr romewhele elre tor source at venue The live limo miles pro posed tor development were prcuuslylcorod tn pri vate upcrntanl tol rccrcn ilonnl use nnd to the national department oi detente tor weaponry prIcttce iiut with the cancellation ot the letter the lend nnw iI ol nrort completely unused in cohtrIsi to the other it Iqunre miirI ot theuercrve whcre lop sell IupportI prnln inrminz Ind thrlltrrI wonr art with Chtet Csrdlnul end his court cil Icrne their leasehold idea would nced new kind at home buyer but assert that tho Edmonton Irertl yrnwind population burn and Ihilllnu Itilludei lnwnrds ownerthip will combine to mite their tden tinnnclnily vtIhle The leasehold Iystcm hII been bnslc rcqliiromcitt oi the hand since the lion thu townto be rolled Kcturkenn tnr our lrrmltuolt root in the lIte mos Land surrenders by earlier hnnd councils have loft the id dlnns ultlt an aversion to Motrin rirht at the tent Enoch countll membcrs ItrcIs thIt iundlnc tor the Immilllsn devetn melit will not com rem overnt mcnt but will be ruled by other menu lIrrely irem prime enterprise Further ditclncures on tund in Ire belnl wlthheld pend in iusticI doomth be View at lent requiremenu or the nstivo development corpo rItton Elm lndtIrl rerervu come under iederIi lerisiltlon but the IvrvlceI thIt Kttutiteno tours would We to provide euch II IchcolI hortolI Ind mill would ltlely come un der provincial ItItute the hshd development nu en lInrled the mummy at tel iIlntlve Imendments It both level at lovemrnent hlr Sim is convinced the VIrlduI levels at lovernmont will eventuIlly sanctions the plan he Iald the rovernment out hardly IN to see the Ad volllnbutl triing cfpllhlrh espec demand on urhnn melon lncnt Tin lndtInI Ir tired ot Illttnz on their bIchideI he halt Theyve got the uncle Indnsw tthrI rettinr thI knnttvhqw about wlut to do with them BIBLE THOUGHT loom on my rim nod Ind beheld but there III II rnIlr thIt would knell met re ture lIlied met no niIn emd tor my not PIIlan ltlli 1m The only my the church is your to set the Ittention oi In World iI to tnnriItI Ill thll cold and lolly tIlk turn downtMIllh denronrtrItlon oi the love thIt CbriIt tIunht crurulls Canadians First STOILY Louisiana Governors ly BOB BOWMAN duties in In his brother Missile me rest em Bttville took over Ind the tilt in tnvrl down the hitutxlppi River to the Gull ot Ilulce However in that he billedI Ito mom many laltlt ed to iind the mouth at the river ttI iomdod colony In Tom in rtoad but we inurderod by write at his own men Pierre la tidan dlhcdrile wu better Iennun thunlk 323 Swift lm me gt which is hidden Kin loull XIV Ive dlbervtl the ink at colony in llouirtInI Ind be lulled trons Brest onozt it me with tour duos Ind no no itll mum to IIOIII the com uwi he III the blue wItor beromt nutiw brown lie know itd be was close tolho itissutppi ml to the hiddcnentrsrlce tho next Mlie IurvaI Ind Mobile and ms nude lavender cl illusiInI in 1731 However in WI Iulgnoi we other lath We prevented Min tron carrying out his timed his uyual ettlelcnty Ind up cesi lie captured the tstsntb oi Nevin eontrtctodlynllw lever Ind died opened insan Id urnment noelI MI no drpuiu Rllwy on cluttered Wily tulle lbervllteI olher thdine by West llt th with Ind Christopher then It liivm ll mill be Irwin to turn itllnl We titrltltlilnl law that Mr iluttvto itl one Montresl Qsllliit OCTOBER EVEN EllD irom Arrureman were made tor dmutatl at rnodn tram ptIytnfncIm tiltToronto Stock ExchIan en ouited In DrIle from Monan to and Mimi in ii m1 trillion iortut hiold limlflmnd lnmil ll om 0d hrsniord Minx ltootr mum MIIIMRXMI ended new re Irldedbdlt mm