cup Pyrex loa pol In tloan ellln resulenl end rnrrrl prlcel Pyrex percolelor my be washorulrMnkosnpreelgrm used rcgular percolelor or lbr on SALE ocrann me 10 2601 WHILE aumrmas LAST SPEED ELECTRIC BLENDER lndsoenuble plea ol lllclrm blur menll Future olecrmnrc pulh brawn Milan pulse much and mouth IN lint Ill Marlnbll Whllt Ammo or Gold 9010013 YEAR WARRANTY Au Wane drhre carefully member at ix Fall um Durham Trlcklnp and Trulan on every Ilmll TOASTE marl Prlce g9 81 Ww 4yltvrvw Tia la is 53 Aggy rhgggg 32 5E3 Its No Trick To Treal Yoursell To Greal Shell Our Savlngs Al marll Fresh peanull In rho shell dual whel lhe Irllle wilcheo would love lo lrll up on we Hellowoul Convcnlrnl ellcoloulor loaluros dual lhurmoalel redrnnl conlrol colour neleclor and emerlly elylod chrome body wlln wooogrern ends What every hunter wants is LEE ENFIELD 303 STANDARD SPDRTS RIFLE You lhu Leo Enlleld 503 eponan rrrle lullrlls every hunlrre specilrullonsl nghlwethl accuran rrlle has barrel lengluh magazinecapacl end wooden slack Approx lbs Our lislprlca 3997 Ea DL ADE BRAND 803 CALIBER SHELLS mm Prch box Ideal for any lype ol hunrlng srx cur PERCOLATOR 513 593 lonl llme lavorllo alan all lime low preparrn Insranl collce Complrlely drshwas urshlc yol lashalle swivele mllllaryslg DELIGATE PARIS STENIWAHE an 133 peek Dellcalo En lleh rlrmwereJe well 10 enlerlarn nu or regullr ueo oz re murmurs mxsor cnrrnv CANDY urrrrrnrrrns cmcms nous KISSES lrrrm Ilrnrrl Kmrrl erl Prlu hlre hlu rrln 1mm pkg eplp 2mm Alllmelmmuleuhrrl Filly 24 ecquu cl Twlnly roll cl Ne Halloween con oullrme resorted our Chic superswellreers plele wilhoul Ihe III III hrmng gum Youll be Ihe hllol lhe block mm more plenl sucker lrerrlsl Kmlrl Prch Kmart TRIPAGK CASSETTE TAPES pack Oualrry casselle rapes lor heme re cordlng Provlde lhme lull hours ol rocordlng llmo blank lapee lo plasma pack Eu Nm gum arrrasgg Eggggr runs mm Smpallly ulnade lo Chlr meme lad lemry In deem ol loran mile Ind mlhcr Mm Robrmon dlnd Lu Rem dork Hospital limit on Tuesday 04 ls mnxrkluhllcu lo Mr mi Mn Slew aura kc lo Dnrns on Ln rth ol lbrlr so Ruben Allard Al TLVJL Ba rlr Proud lrndparrnlr er All and Mn Darcy Emma mo Ellaryllh llr and Mn Klrl Judah In Karls un ch Kulmrr ul wrung MLrllor rm rr um Kell were 31 and Mn Rd cm and dau ghlcn Irorn Granlerr onll courtMellon lo Shirlty And An Aron who um awarded the Ryanll Trophy In llre Ml holler class In lhelr Abrrdm bellrn end Am are llle dau mh MT Ind Mrs 1m won Dr Damn pm mm the trophy VISITORS Illr end rm Wally Huber to ob pow llvlu lb or rlslllne lhclr molly In 03110 llll Ind Mrs Glenn llerrle uml lamlly Pldl Mr Ind Mr Slmlry Bilbo mll Burk end Mr Ind Mrs Danld Barber and la mlly Amprlor Onl They have vbllcd Uloil 0M ntlthbo led rlcmlx In he area On hldaymulng Cnul Ind Glenn Harri are baclrrg1 an open house or Wally and erlc before lhey Iravo on Sun day or home The Peulcllen ol sr Pauls Arullcm Crumb met lllre Fred home or lhclr Odober mcrllru There were re menur pmcnl em Pdrrlundall pmldan cbelrvd the menu Plum wrre dbcusrcd la Iumel Pruny sale In be Nov II pm In the thumb buemml Drew will be al ML lemed hy bake rule Wlloh comln mule lur more perrlwlm The preschool ohllrlrrne p1le wlll be held lha rrcond wrrk lo Nbrembcr dale lo bo announ ced Ialrr Mn llmy lloldno elmvmd Illdee the church Army rl lunlefll W1 la the Kummcr months Mrs Dallelore end Mrl Welch mm dollc lone lunub 0R0 STATION Dy runs crmwronn Dr Ind Mrs Douglas llullh bout ol Thunder llny rmhrly Vkllcd Mr and Mrs Douglu Plokcrlez nudolhcr In lhlx em on Oclvblr NIalIm uI lllrr ue mimeth her on lhe occulon her blrlhrlhy ul the homo oI llr Ind MN lILk glow Apprulmeler 55 nlIrnd Llllle Scull Gale run ul llr Ind Mre Deurlu Gale rul lenl In Royal Vlclorla llmp llerrlc Mr Ind hm Douglas Plrkm lug Mn Kerl Gllrhrlrl accom pulled by Benha Dcll el Drllllrr mended lhe Iurrcrnl Mn mum Bell II SNLII Sle Mun Mn Bell was rouslu cl Mr and Mn Plclcrin Inrl Mn Gllchrlul and nlcco uI Ills lllrl Jurph lrclchcr rul run In Royal Vlclorla llospllel Burle Frlend wlll be glad lu hear ler llobcrl lellrrr recuprrc Illnx at home lolluwlnx sur nry In Royal Vlclorlu Ilorpllnl narrlc Tho lununl chlldrrrre allow up only lo be held at lhe Oommurllly 0mm Orr 26 to 330 pm Culumce Iebe Iumd 2W lune bland Oorrre Illd brlng we children The 0m Lloru Club wlll hold ur nucllon sale on Saturday Owl 161 11 nm It Ihu Oro Illr grounds Tho Llons help eponeor many nrtlvlllca ln 0N OTHER CONTEST MW Bull Joseph Pnrelore won Ilm prlze ln fhe Eano cllvl rlen or lho Humble unauonel llloe Anthony 19 end rolbrr will ml cull mm about um