sr the to the so II oi It it it do bit lIolt you oh to us ior oils Ill the had roll and low Ihat tho ndvlslnn Aoulr SPORTS vnooaaiu Ar raoub rum burnout onto nrlawmoanbw Manamaum adult aporls night It Sunny bm olunmau Itiloni to slim sru 5am Rsssoicalroti and Karl Elasticy tho spurto ii sumo Oolnmunity Associa lion whirls in orusrdaed only We day at the Also plan Gontrolld Grbnrtil Ivrfrt Pwb miney wr EitpCl ELSsa Reeve mmmdnwhl 11 adult dance on WI 06 thImlnrr PM nous inti 5i 5i provide solu miss assoc rmcr to county council be hot up his pressure IItll the recall that the mods committee main sur reymiiwasbeodrdbr Run Bill Omit ol Nath usage and lb pnlett was lpommi brldoe opened In winter coat ever would with most oi the tinnan om Video by the Ontario auntsy oi lranrpoatotion considerable lrnprnvrtnent COUNTY BUNNLDALI PLAN WASAGA BEACH Stalii public meeting to dilruu amuld meals lo the uranium oilleisl on or Beach by the lown plsnnlitu board on Thursdn evening OrL 11 change in load iiss dcslp nation irons rural to open rpm and change irons rural tyl ras idealist have timed PLAN rvro EVENT SMYNER istalii hierrv bera oi the man mural in Discussed Ill Cduntll summit rismm our gotmmm iscls you cant ro alrnlll or rrslrlctyrouih out hopelt will be controllth irodin arlld Donald lnIno Ontario mtnlsler oi housing dis guanine mats mmhuipt at Illa October martin aliquot gaunt in svl Gmulh Irt mulrrs ilto noc rssnry provision ior cstrltlitll Inclllllrs and services he sold lilo councillors lhuy should consider whclhrr they can host handlo til Illuollon with their prmcnl system or llll up dialed ndrnlnlstrallnn it won not the lnltntlon oi the Dntnrll rav crammt to impose rcplolull souV ornrnrht bill thrro who pro vlnclnl plan or croutb mus DENYAL GOOD simcoo County and Its Iwo tlllcs nrrlo and 0rilllahod this responsibility or doln lls own planninp In Rteping mu the thistle at tho pcoplu bcro with consideration iur tho ovar hll good at the province tlr lrvina sold lhrro would boost early announrrmtni concerning ltoltslnrVa have to lake dci Inlto steps to lrnprova housing in this and other areas Ito sold explalnlnp details will bo plum shortly Tho Ontario minister was in vltcd to Silicon County countll meeting to outline Annulm merits con rnlnn reslrurltlrlnx hluynr Daron Parkcri and dclcgallon irom lintlo mum and llayor Graham Cord Itllti representatives irons Orlllla wrro prcacnl Numerous questions asked eon ecnilhri proccditres costs an pulurlittcs during lcllzthy question riod iillttii tho constdernbo inlerosi At one stage hlr irvlna advlscd it was not rcallstla not to plan together In coordination with olhcrl lo mentioned spcclilcally tho vlowr ot the people at Simeon County and also tho provincial planior development believe there is hood lot you to seriously consider your resolution to tho govcrrunesll nl Ontario asan that no reslruo tullnp study ill undertaken unlll lilo ho toldtho county counc tillers it was Important ior ills rousn ly to proceedwllll lls studios our with Its two titles liar rig and nrlllla which are like ly to bo two at its leading mulls centres Tusk inrro stud lea now bola nulda should bo osy carolully consldrrcd in or der to muko tho gronlrst use at ihrlr ndings It was sug pcslsd iiEllilEitAliC WAY ll os dutln his dmmm rlivirto missed sarcoma THIS WEEK SCAMP st Illlitiop leities that the resiructurlna action lab on should be is doclslanol tho rolutclls and ptopi ooluod1ho ovonlmanl ho woiddrll manta raaionni government on less the people concerned risk odioritke in Bloom Irillia township rhntrrmnrsi county plunnlny and iornlcr chairman neova thrsa llurtorlioi innit ill both rxplnlnod lhat the coun ty asked ior delay until ms to pmvida nmpio lime to study rcsiruciurlaa in olllor areas and assess its bcacllis or dcllcitna clra Wo realize It Is in our pull lnlcrcsi lo kcrp abreast oi who to bells done said llcoro iiur Ion strum tho calmly loll ll rrqulrcd three years to not tho studying iobdono There wrro unrrlrs and concerns ovrr ro plonal pnvcrmrlent which II was atntcd had rrsulltd in lncrcas ed taxes clsouhoro Mayor larkrr said llnrrlc was lnlcroslrd in carrylrlp on the study and this assurance alto wasnplvon by hiayor Cord oi or The lniier made It plain howevrr that tberowould his strong objection irons Orlllla rhlepaym lo rejoining lho milli on this artsent bnsls No man tionrd drillla withdraw tram the courtly when it become city in 1959 and did not suticr WNW Ically llnlcpsycrl irt Orlllla were concerned with centralisation oi powers maainr locoi govern mcnt mors remoto lla meo tlonsd ilto county school board stern was not Is enlbuslnstio nly received In Orillla to pelr hops eiaowbcro iIIX CONCERN lleeva Peter Forbes ol lier laid his lawnsz shillko to Simon County bocauso tho ad mlnlslrollon was more concerto ori Ibout taxes liars had been able to hold lba Inx llna this year willla in Duran county the averozo proptylu went up 11 or II per cent hlr Irvino said tax increases depended tutors services in some regional areas there ttad been more may spent an serv ices andtllls put up taxes in Ontario government Lind pmvldlt oil 00000900 moreln tax as sistance to municipalities be reminded Various questions were asked llllrryi but Dayii Toalsblandranrtday nalyl tlililtl IiiSilEl WM children He Featura It till Iatl Ill Last Complete thaw mot liol Ollth Oprnl trio ROXY saoowioelm to About Lbs region or county tier oi administration looking alter water and sowcn Oxiord had such request beloru ills Do tarlo lovernrrlant It was stated in an txlrnsivo area like ll Comrrilvru ieit Iblotd ti best brows localy leave Forbes mentioned to glonol police operation osvl oak rd about other services at ro plonal levels and thotax cost in rstepaycrl llliayor Card Ioldtbo avernca rnlrpnyer would bo confused and there soon bu ullo ion patriot Orllil rail ring the tVJlI ly undes its prosrnl rtnscture mini and limbs both oro rep rcsenlcd on the ad boc commu iru wllh tho county allulylnr re structuring but beyond that are uncommitted at this stage AllALGAliliilloN The question oi omalaamallsn at smaller municipalities was brought by iloovo Orville llurzhes West nullllmbury rnrllllorlins there had bcm dis cussions with medium No said that decisions might or ullo ancod by this root system not till that urnnll ior plausibly slud ies dcpcndtd on population oi 5000 hlr lrvlrto rugscllcd neighboring municipalities might Join in aucb appllchtlons ltcavo Martialid Lynn oi Midland said air mussldwlliles In the lev Tiny Peninsula planned Mother but hadnt received such rent ior Iludy corks Simeon County could malta its own restructuring plus and silt ed the govrrnmeht to pass lilo necessary lerlslstlon as Prince Edward Count had done Mr lrvino slrcss that ilwas lin portant to keep the people at the count well Idiomled and to he zuld by their views RECEIVE MEDAL ialNZ Austria AP Tho mucknor Socioty hsr worded ilI im Bruckner Modal lo Zil bn lloMa musicdlroctor oi the boa Angelou mislmoole piano in mi that MIL motion it all giving holiday APPLICATIOND WAMGAJIIACH StillI Nov 15 insan tan traasurer by thaWaear utility WEEKLY HUME day ovcninl Oct ill ONLY llDllEs rrs oi mobile homes and trail ed In mobile homo park Fill AGHEEMENT leONSNNE iSlaIII lion agreement tor the shoe Valley area TO DISCUSS MALL was given oi hooded and trains eonlu oil mermaid lllelB Now playing snowrmalr PM alm tau nouns room mama rial and ems iii Fclaso la Locomotion va impacted the 1m iatl during tha amtnor and tell saasori trim Wall is Tb ea oas er Ill be received In assistant 13 1de Electric Commis Hal accordion In notice oi the MOONSNNE Slsiil dan ers which have recently been set up on private property in lltdonle Township are being hollilod that they are breaking township bylaw The byth any any mobile homo moved Into the township must be plao IIEENN Slam Fini An glican services in Tecumser township area were sold to have been conducted in born by Tfo seekuhird rams HIV GNOME Glut Prune tad has been frequently amended by naturist Ind pedestrians who use Ibo bridge rexuhrly Tbb p9 desirlan rrossiass ban melt ed spacial rheolbxs atlb numer otts school children Irma lbose using the bridge It replaced ball century old onelone sin lure which didnt bars pedes trian walls GLIMPSES ltov Adam Elliot in lmywilb records showing the data ior one sent on Frb in oi Ihsl year tralrliinl minister lr El liot beds territory which ex tended irons York to Orllllo 51AM WWO STAYNER lSloiii Amoro rnrnisrbava been made by the Stuyner Granite club to am the mall curling reason at tho rink here on bloodyuNav Archie Gilliam is prcsident oi the club and Stan Nixon chair man oi membership DLNNIR MEETING loan htrL Annslron Minis Columbia ll dinner rneatinl in day Dot lk YOT alums to STAYNER Stall lVreliiy eucbres ior the tail and winter season wllibo started by the Lady Orange Benevolent Assocl allon at tile manna bolt on lri MIDLAND DRILLIA iha councils oi Oro Township and lledohla Township are to meet soon to discuss tire ORILUA lsIaiil Tbe quot tiotl at whether Drillla should Main have downtown mall non outruner will be discussed It publlo meeiin planned ior next month with details to bo osmouncedhllsteriibo tool as erlment pas aurnmo mixed reception with some praising the general ion and others lamenting thl arkinl apnea lull MMUMM eiiort to the am ibis is sotnelhin when you us have to hep on trains said when industrial promo lion was discussed month resident oi Aunts ior mun mu years Mr Irurrgls came to this Essa township police lit logo irons Taroolo in is brother Sorts operates pm his sons are active at Georges niroliurs Store Guergls in Is loader village trusted and also has been menthol oi the community centre com mitten ionnnia lStIiiI maneat or the National Council oi dumb NWMNW or day Nov to during regular buo Inas tirilllo It blond Doe to municipal the Blrcbmert hotel on Vsdnaa election day no new Ienn will WASAGA BEACH NOMINATIONI With nominations opening on Thursday Nov Increased lo Irrrst be to be shown In at sled prospects Nomination papers are to be tiled It the township allies in on across Irons his hotel and JVEWS norm rwrf Us mm nu oi mammalian roteI as shoots further ore and Utila mo in nil ba delayed unit pollutm study is zoomed out tpnng Oman maimed Uri Mt hid cm ii that on to ruler storm wolrr well on too expertise to EXTEND MAIN ORILUA lSlaiil uasim llunoi sanitary sewrr main irorn Leach street to Filima to West sired WK on way ll It In almond cost oi rtsoaoo as been awed by all Wit and at l0 to the Ontario Municipal Board ior iuslt al approval uterth aloud the some route also was wased strokes to the some approval Cost oi the Stnln Community Pair Association will be bold II Surnldalo Comm romnsunily centre on Tuesday Nov start lnr at no plan NOBLE cramp miuxowoon tsum or Ila Woodhull has been Lostallod noble zraild oi itaniio ite brhio MKS No it ior tho ctr ruin imn with lbyllis Return or vke grand NOTICE ms mmornsmo omen sonar mom noon no clllnornacron BLAKE bi again be ior in years $270 355 ION momstm cats Mu PARRY Souuo ensvruuunsr BRACEBRIDGE 220 HUNTSVILLE Fans shown are Round lrl Plan Little Laird Pollution Study MIDLANDlSulilIios Marriott 535 it re FREE with MW Corinth Gillian MD litu hi IlsllltahlIl WHENYOU 693Y6unlaarrlsroourecoil KERIENDaiuo FARES ARE LOW ENoupH THAT LyYolJCAN AFEQEDTOTAKETHEMII $925 430 535 725 CHILDREN UNDERTWELVE TRAVEL HALEPRICEJEDDY BEARS FREE gricusrsoua imputation Ar BARNIE BUS TERMINAL Maple and Simone Siism Phone 728d