elmvlllnaatttchoiddanmct its own mnrdensd ml to com came endow with an and modern lurnirts bll MidiHI cater television The kitchen la done marginal to atainlm atael and ha all Iboaunts iaatum ahulllaiaaaad noel Iaiia da boards and card tahlu ltia board room II tqu ran pared and turnlrhed and la carp ahla at heidlog 31 pmla lha chm intend to rent out thin lm Save Focuses 1th tutu at the Zoological Park hauls label placed hacda oi chi too on to mm M555 llnmlaiiy troubled so more Monday tha urblichllmt my period the appeal tf so he it now focualng bin at tsnilnn on thathlidran ct Gim cea Dainty andthe surrounding area illr Langtvin la aahio tillat each child through some ant ratio dollar to the ace Thia doilar la in he tvcn to tha chl anchor will in him give to the achooi grindfalq The principal will keep hia money but indicate to Mr un gt Will it much ll been ld out Mr hanxavin aaid tum ia runnln out tor the aeoille laid ha as been lniermaditi trustee oi the me that can word the land and animals will he acid The camnaign la alternating to raludtilmr haltmlthgoeath In are and The rcrltlalnlru plrlllVIWld ho paid by strum County llarria and Waaagn Benoit cennetla data the public ndvertlrlng campaign has only managed to rain 01000 Mr Langevlrr spent all day sat urdry travelling around the Mn ty and lettihwettern Ontario in we dim ing to memhera at the mailman hope or gaining publicity tor his canvalgn GRADUATES Christopher Dlmtt node atod Errata tmm bade ro rrel insuring art the Can niian Mounted Police lnantn new in twin Settlement tiulatqtrer term atudon WW Secondlg NW in Dante andlrenr ntverltty inundahmqh llad 81 ann Ili hill Barnett Winkle unit will he trod in TM earth lam Walnut tetotltbwt Midwme anatuc nation narlan Parkaaotllolatedat the rib all am am Mar We at Oak mountingmw Saturday amDeminloanldent chemo which men the arm at Toronto Protlndal oiiicial opening thecmr AW dab ineliltiaa no Geomstrut Madthe Pmideot ant 1m 301d local president Examiner Photei thatiaurnher will immaculate it built My mum hava exeroraod in IThDllljnlntl till gain rim but we ban is AM one raw rnmrnti M3 ltbor canavtlu Wenonah It 4a no moc UplolhiatlrneJhaAmF provincial rm am oi the coat the fauna urea tluyn ma iiifmk doe hdleva it will NlolniyitSunny wellnesng rBtll Cloirdy lute In titty mica oi rttpklL moving cold air disturbances II export ed to New variable weather tot tha rent oi the week it will be aunny Wednesday vbuatnmulng tlmltlinnl ll torc enat tor late in the day Oven tightlwruiil beinlholwm nlrd the high Wednesby will he in the mid can capital The testing lot at til it at northwestern wind and plug temperature twice at new lo var nutter to the reminder oi the neck or thtv mm were the area Snow and lid ratnwttl move Willy southeastwant mu milieu and mrihwostarn 0n Toeonto liloitlv steady tow IMO early Ctrnrlnl Might Sum WWW but maxim winkripen mmnuomm to the imm lnM imam linmiltm Palerhoreugh Lake St Clair lAlte Ealt mm lake ill it NISWI Lou Merlot llauly CM WWAM cold today tow shown catty Clearln tatutht mo Wadnea can but Win dnttdlnaaa later in the ray aaocldl my thath drawingth 30 tonight lligh Wadnetday in an one New lathe lturoa Mill 0qu with to era or them DAILijolthl rm ottoilrtcrwa yr my irnmuuinta unit line down am this arming available Mejia Mfg tilt $1995 nnv ulnar Morons 176 Iradierd Sh lav increasing clotailrieu later in Barltan TODAYS it some IK 00 the tow Ulctodnys to the rnoaou texter Wt Wedmdday an to hi North hey my Alanna Northern liaibutiou Mm Georgian Mair WW and cold with tow um hrrrtca today Omrlrleb able dottdltacu with perms ol wet arm or and no as told lllgh today near to bow tonight in the tidal iilnh Wedmaden anth hie litter Geraldan no1 hlcoee litter wuterc James Bay Mostly at lght and Wadilow not 30 in 55 how Ml It too EhEzE eggs Oct Nil Smt Utied Dam Felitrphtp ilil NGBRPRINI 01L llLS STANFORD CAU AP Dr Michael Nib head at Sfrlold Uniwrsltya msaa methodctzcnncciituohwillt with an rm uhlch um thlhlavna Aid Worth nlal Patb Itll be dealt ntth rpliil exact will at the licence wt hltlgw Justuno he treat and city daveiomwot anoint axartiy mmlthepmentuim tnocl miunahhe iot mm baraaid nu tin Mamie joining the din rim mtad tadlitlaa on union St no mwmwltmav lltgh law lilh may loalahtluu Wind 60 $0 Won Kitchener Mount Forest Owen salad Muskotta illmllton Kingston leltrtaoreugh Petawam Neth lily Emmy lirruttlna Kaputhattng Maria are loan will litres Geraldton ileetonee egaasaassessassssss sassassssausnzasuss rsr aursi The tritirnata tn hudmerlr ht ace ta tranc avarliaolt helm title $2695 mam so am NW re winly and cold today utth mum zszassaaasszssaaaa Ontario Hydroa Bernie Campbell dlaouual anargy ccnaorvallcn with Ken Miller Prelldentot Slandatd induction Cnatioga Ltd Windsor ShaghanToiinunw farmsran For School IPosti trcrnctar research centre Qntaa 11 Nancy it aims to have Ila Utl at Gino ii attending Mania or the lintl 01m Itld camel will consider use can probably now mt oi Iiii Stratum said some at my tZagcmrtxruny the key to the mm my Moot to be pmhmni matrth machine who any mm at um llcid Ionization man account buc reqth lta gently leoden tor the holding at to rbid canrpronlde curiae mild tast mu mid mm at Sheet and Centre walnutr might mils oi est cotmmoicata all and hi writ nldhabellma Wariahmbo tweonthoadacdboll with sheilarte Foundry or kitchen ALB mural medium nullit millet Jo many pctvia hm told Ezfg malle ram aria PHONE mm CLEAN NEW CARS ball Wu Menthy SPECIAL WEEKEND RATES anomaliesazt 1233333 NEWMAN Mill You can not you new well help you use less electricity Bernie CampbelletOnterlo HydrceWestern Region lecne otateamwhoao malnreancnelbllltyiato show our customers how to use less of our productby name It more elltciently He works with industrial and commercial users who consume about 65 ot the power we produce Everyone who uses electricity whether Its lot or little can conserve lt ondwod like to help you Unfortunately we dont have enough Bernie Cem bolts to do around but we do have booklet whlc suggests man atmplo ways olchecklng your use cl electricity on other tuela around the heme Send tor copy otThe Wlao er el Electricity or ask tor one ntyour local Hydro ottico Saving electricity isnt dlttlcult And Itwo ouch save little well all save Icl Ontario Hydro Dept 620 University Ave Toronto Ontario M5e1xe