HER gigH nwAYOCIDIKIIMIl 55 oligs 33 35 32 Egsaa on In amtItem Moth will Ibo blotart Ittrr 7ch In Ottawl MI wrlItcn Ilnlt It htIaI Cannon m1 In brl Io tmudl the WI to mom at thortaa Inhttcd ure mm the Itbrnry LY Millikanmedulth Dolley Iho Itll report to In omatu Ibwt the LIP grant mowing berm Nov FInonce committee Supports New land Exchange Proposal Thaillmm mmlttca Is now alto the slam County BoIrrt nd Ion tor tln1 Ingrid lrw on But on VI lmtud ol te nee Idtooent to mdto sank In recent land enchant the MI bola mm to tame two gene at lll IIlttI It the rar oer at IIIIrvin Drive Ind Ut tl Aime tel tlre Ian at C1Wnd Industrial land on Ultle Alum cttyortalaalty Izmd to burn the nhovt boon Itve Icm Idllorne to ham hath Nd Mod to pudlm II ItIyemollon Hallo MIIWIII of he to wereth III In Allen dIII lldstrta norm owam hr eodItIoI vetoed tLa oblorttoo beam tree that and Mar bottom the Ind rundown am were at don by tho comp alo Zoned tor lmtlbulloaal use the lle none 13 port or morn ml the hoot board hII re umd tor propoud moods Iry lobed It mount was retorrod to the olty dmtopmcnt mmlttoe and llan Ilmnlnc Board by tho ttnanoe mmmlttot Tho lIrpl mhanoe way brought tows hm Iewnure alto om Enrolmenth uhool laadd on to mention the boa purdmd too um Irum Mr 1he Initial Mam till on Ier ntzhtx has mm the annual thaan In an hldrh rill odor and malty to may no at 55m rve County uninmltle AD lndmlllat by thelboa need to dt Dlsjoussion 0n ItchHiking IA lmndnmtan on that ra many at pm nlll be the trrt In shtva mks ot punt dim IIonI Ind tllms on mt prvt ton and ortme pmtortton ThurI atmo vnmt ntll tomb Colonel 13 In zomttlmtor at the law Ind uh onrttypromm at Omton Coll ooeymmnluhu at the and Iltmntll be FXhlal the llmte Mlle Eb Imlnlpollm tho Dante eiy polled Md Itudont Motilit tr from tho ctiltzo Then no tttnrco tor ttdtrta ltth may be trlord on It the mon dash Other topn to be umwl ht mutt bilge don mol Km PW todlon lrotd alnt stopllh 111a ttlnu ire bolted prov ed by the Gmlm Itrry III or IYIIII ELOCtll AND GENERAL TIlH DANUYLIDN lrrotuao at tho tlrI bay In the old lllelllll on Colllcr sued by thtlel Illll Plum nu Ipprmmt by the ounce contrntttee llorxloy on the con Itttton hit the tll not be Md llablo tox ooreonel Inhlrlol or damn TM group renuutrd an of the boy tor palntlng unn ltortnv ot tote mulrrd tor tlI producllon ol Ilro Dundy Una Ploy tor chtttrrn Ialnttng ol the not wlll bchla hook or Io Ilom now Ind wlll be torn plotetl Nov as Out wntzr lnta n11 bo moth lull IIth on Gllyonan 400 DAMAGE NW 400 llama was dono In norar wlllon tuotdoy about hm hm on ttuhwoy 21 about ctrn nitth south of El mvotoJJnmrI Auher ot Elm inlo trolltdert tlth utttlty polo otter tartan control at the our howoe Itrtvlna Iold nntarlo lmvlnhlnl lottm ut lilmlnlc III on not Intuitd nakt no lltr Inna suxuny Ihr loanralku Tull Autocla that In lllltlt httt In holJlIIl lltroo to IIx nttlo hIIte Sunday led by lillznboth Itorkht lltkora are to mm at bunnldn PM It pm $20M llINT 82000 nrunt lvr IltonllltTlo Junlor Chamber at Commam to hold no Santa tlnnl Parnor was lcmlltlltd htolntuy try the ham cuntnllllro Itto rlty UIIlrllltllttl um tart your lltlllllE YACHT CLUB Ittellnrrlo Yacht 1nb wall to tonic wntertot hour this thy llMElIGIINCY NUMBERS Flu llvttl Hm lfulll uty lnllu molt Ambutnoe Bervlca noon Oll moan tor lulu It that It could ex ttttll ll dotka lnrllltlca 39 ID loot southward llltt III II nanro cumntlttoo wonttnx tn Inow whether tho thaw would Iltoct tho ottyta tonI rIaIr plum tor tho Inkolhoh dochtott Monday to wall or mammoth lotion mm the olty devote mnt cornmtttoo botum uranttnl the Icaav Ptnnnlnz tumor tVIy man lnlnroathzr wnI Iaxrd by the olty devotopnlmt rornaltttoo to totophoae the yurht club lm dmtt ol nt lumen ad Ia Inhltr mornmenonttm VtNTEIl SCHEDULE It tlntot pormtt uhedula lnr rotatl gnaottao Iontm Itullont lucnletl Inuth ol IllKlthy ton mill npprolvtld bymclty Lullacll ween Inc ltontln Tho rdltdulo IKrmlll Ihuye ItItIoas to vptn on rotutlon It cry thtnt wool tram am to pm Sunday and Irurn am to pm Irtltny It to lol the oortod Ooh to hurt it Outn ln ller tor Itl Itnllont ttlo nnn to part exclpt Sundays hart lrldnyk Emergency IcrvIto at any ttmo lt null rohthllod omhttnp It off to Itntton prorntm and no lttlbllllo It lllth plleddlroctty than pltmnt DISCUH INFLATION Slam Uonn XI onr tho AIzoototIon olilrolitutonzl hauntore ot Ontalto II hold In dtnntr ntoctlnt nt tint onltncnlnt III on Ott ttt ltu trollon mm at jun not that nor III Utttst armhol wlll Ila Dr John tkItru dean of to Ilurnxolnsnt lurllot ltt Untvoravy Townoa poh tttoot economy department Dr rttpo wIll dlncuu the tunlc lattattonr tttttwl unwitt ram part anort GIIIIII llASKlITlIMl Tollle HeltlAt the library otEx Foilll IIIvest tlme and turner am currently busy bnm rl In ttrtr mu Item tractor batveal on the Inn at um tum cast 61 Butler EDUCATION DIRECTOR SAYS County Spnding Below Ihe New Ont Ceiling Inno httttllrlltt with mm II III per Irnl unnoun tetl lnat Mutt try liducntlult hlllllSIJI Tllolnnt Wall mount otnotnlrty nulth unttt the not atttlnu tnctu tor tho rtltlltly ll Itlcnstd xaltl ht Ilunnay Inn tor tho SIIIINII nunty tIunnI nt lid uontto lr llllt nultl ruhmlhonnl can spend up to eta Im cynt nloro tor olclnnnlnry Irhonl Itlhtont and lit lttt rrnl lnuro lot will lnrondnry Mutltlll Tho pur cont tncroare ntoh tm tho Inflotlonnry loulcom etnoo lott Mr and tho EWIHI mrnt nlnmt un ltrltllllullnl $30 nor ulonrntory student Into the tolllna Tho Mrlulllltt ltltloltt hhlth otllwl tho rultlngt lu Intrt oath hoonII nnrttculnr Iltttlt um to ho IIIIIIOIIMCtl next rmnth Intd III lVllll Tho key It that no hall llt tornmtton tn othIr yrau on the h1rl uztllar Ind tho nalnhllatl Inrtnrx math n1 thnullltolrauu out on arr nlwoys Inr hrtnw iHE NATURAL BEAUTYOFHARVESl SEASON Enrgv Marketing Agency Urgently Needed Milne dlamxl Ital hale aimId taller mon lot want the It tilt toraton on My Baa thud 15min Mull Chess Club Askls For New mm unchanging punish lrunthedlrlolnlbelm moeyusennm mlluhtuahlulemzrand Mamtpm Io ll Pmbeunleanmtltont Quarter Inmktuatathu mm Umrxttrlm an the dime plan It matron Olnmnttq tor to lar ram themm rultlte laid In lb ladlls mum mm Formed Nt the Illt 5N NIGHT STROUD 1m An Ithlll awn htgbt ll to Into an ntght It stmbrae rlrmcatiry about In Smart organtral by the srol Dommumly In sotlallall The 5th Illl It omi lmm to lo tpm HID lllc GHANA llUllEAU Iur unelornrntnry tntull ltlltl Itll lollJIl tor wintan and on Tho odIlnI lacroaxo tor Elt montnry Ittnlent marlin more to narrow the up ho tlmn oleanntory hartmood ory Itlnlrnt apcndlnn Thls tothm lo rt by rotnmttlre nhtth lttntod tho Rll IIMISM EIllltlllbldltltlf secondary totct In rm noted Mr Itnmtay tho board he unlnlnrd hau not hotn Itmttrtt In ItanIntinn through the Ihlmml colllng but my nunr lyrywl ur tho Inrtrnvlmnnlt Ittlul Mn thnmgh ttt IIIsir Inltnltt tux lulu on nwnk mm In prla tlznkntnvt to run Hull to tluumnu omnwlnnyr InnMutt ltlIlIgnl lnvliutm at ttKl lotn levul tn ltnvrnt lItt Illpltltly nan luexlnn tlln wan wlltnxt haw him In rllrrl tor mtrnlprd We on runnlnz nhnl null tlluldry Lt ta at tho vynt In It Inhn Vlnnary lttml ltdntlttnn It lnn lnr Ire Mttft In ltnlt Bplltdln by mhml tllttrot tlnutvtr tIn Ntlntnn hontd wolthtntr good mtrm ttt ttowIIIllttga nlthont tho In Itnanita omt mommrntlrd that thltdmrt Ihnrltl be ntvon nodule an Inltlat school exv perlmo nwoulbte wtth more emnhoatl on Indltltlnat prob tom or chttdron In thctr yonal lNlllVlDUAI MT NllON tndtttduul attenton run ha Butte bliner OTTAWA Emmy III the domlmm toot cl the rrulden tomb made In the tlouao ol Common on ttoaa lhloe the new Went MP tor NIN terlovslrncoe ltlr utlno former area marde nuance tor outqu 5th told that Illa Clnedl hoe sound alum brcmlae It It mmttally rollMkan In on art Ind tood mtlll planntn IN mutton Ire rooutmt Ila applaud the mm meI lntoatloa to establish PetroColl Ind utd lllla would on created Inland tatoy Illa muldate Illmtn It to wow cltrdtvoly II Show tam In tho energy Ito Own Walton Id be Involved In tho exalorIllolt poll no ball rdtatnz man Illadtrre and markcurlz ouch rolotlm altlitlutt htr ltlllne ealrt lhllo It hlluuhl not he Imolv ed lll IhI malt hollow ltlnr Goa could Eloy ltxntllcanl rota oboe Inatmt matuan he Iald by lamtuutlng tho momtln padltva ol prtrnl rum rornpontm Involved hm In runny deity Itlm anth al trrtlttrrr and clothlaz uhirh are currently mntrlbuttn to tho III tn tattoo UNDKIIIMYHII Itl htllno atrwul that toa etln must runmtrato on the rlttclent ntlttlotlon ot an Iron ho toot Inn heen mnlrrolurd Danilnlla altoultl he put on Itovrlopnwnt ot unwrinrrnuln youlat Ind technology whloh would Mala or Imreasr our VWlVlL bnt use Iota roomy he Inld step In Lllly Hm Ilnn mold be tnr townttm tor dotoktllmunt and tatIaIIulloa at more ottlclmt rqntmnrnt tho mm 001 um In mannto the coal ot orwrcy maulrattan Mr lttlno lttl Another am all Illlllwllun notIII hn Ilnhmrthtntl tn the hullonal bnlhllng mlo Ntltltl Ihdnxtrlnl tulltttnat nm hotter lannlnlcd III lclnllnty low cool to Improvc lhclr lllrrtnnt upu lllltllts Mr hIIlau ungrvlnd that tho Enrurnnnnl take atom to with Itxh wittparatlte data on on hthllttd by Iowcr ptlptl ltl rhrr rntlo Iho ondtltonnt tan lot rltttl rotary Inth nlII allow the tunhla to adorn class Illca Inld htorcmo llondoraon exowttvo Icemary ot tho Frdrrotlon ot tornon Etrmentaly Jcoohrrl AlltXlllllDlls ot Ontorlo The puptt teacher rotto ln Slalom County It to In tl nncntnry lohootnand 17 to In rmmlnry uvtloolr warJam with nrottntrvnhlo Ivrrnp n1 Sato and It In min1 Ityttl 1h extra Illonoy would allow tho ward to rum mptl tou chrr mm by to la rrlllrltlatt yut mmvtnrs MLI to It lln at to Its trttta In only Intact nrtxbttng tuctvrn nwnn lothoot and yuaruttl Mttlllou ttIItl run In nonnnnlm ttltc your tIIttl llttlI nntut tho Innath InII ltltttlnl up to will lltVetItl ltroronnttng tho Ktmoon Iolt nlltrtot Smut troops at tho World IIlnboroo nhloh ntll be lttltl at Ullchammcr Nor woy ultt be Col Hunk nunt rlntal hy bun tum IIILNt maltIn lpertll orgy mth Nulmrent luoh an air mndttlnnm mm In wavy ahoutd be Klttn tbepw mr lrn any M15 the mam all the ants auitt ohm mm cm Ile Ito told that uhllo lhI rue nu at the Canon Nlllt lw rtor Ibaltd ho Ipplaudtd uhlnnxtmtmtuutuho eh but pro ahead and been leIder In tho dtvdownont Ill bmdrr reactor Ihtob Ittl be em more otthlent me lo Itth Ihll would QC slope to com that the or him Imamy manila under CalludIIn Innershtn be IIIII mttng that by two halt the et rdrklt ramq Imd In om otlld twelvde bu MIN Irvin nrantum xthll Imp othrnerry la dull rulvcy roatJrIIm ctlcally lnllatloa prod MI hlllno mo no Wllll holdqu In It ItInlltm lIxItntry wish all lhelr MIMI Ibo wentnoel abtlttld be the Werlte nib ortdla no Important Lt uran tmn that It ant to be colald em as motto uttllty llo Ileo told tho cdlnl xuld my tn rUlclrnty to or to Idth mm In ur 50 nor will Noun that the tlnllcd Slalot Is now In crIIltal mslllon In rltrrgy rowlremcate tho Iroeh man htt aald that whant Coa llLt wold Iork traded by unnvtytug wow to tho Us now and Itttltlltg tho unto nlount at tho name who when the us demons It nsourm ilk tho north atop ot Allu tl 1th would nvoltl mlone da nugo to tho us ouonw now thus pmlxtlu the Caaedlnn mommy and dlsrwroie Prot thmlli measures hy the US thtld wold Ilnrnl our macaw lllt hlttno tIItl Evans Says The Should Assist Wusogu Zoo Mll Artlltlt Evil lICShlh too 0th nah tll Santos he tun told Iht nmtnlln Lamar mm It lhwhl lttl Sllntw Cuna ty Inly tho Ontario Tmogtcnl ltttk at mach llmdt llt naltl Ill Innle In IIMV letlttlz llnIky nl Khlll money In low lln mood Ibo tllmItl Cm Von tiyslnun ttlnt thn vmr ls ot tth tarrle Scout Troop llnrrleVIIkcrI LlI at 2nd Ill tondalo Stout trwp Ind Won no ltonlton It ot tlt tlalrto tdnut noon the wit ot the onlummnytomtton lunzaar Itcmcr Mr Mlne Izmd nith tho lmmtlll but ta lnllatlon that dam Imy mm rumble to tncrwla the It at ml and mum to am denim and lotto ntu to Iowa tho largo at Innntlon lhmtl no lrost alto IL tlo onward ploan the revs rmmwt plan no mom to null tho onoalv ItmsIa tanitlon tram menoco than ltIIt ed uonorrnv ntlh both IotlItIon and tmoawloymrnt condllloa notch now nozud many otho twntrln Province law gore 31000 to Ian lit llle 1m htr titnar sent the loo would be Maine at lta lotu Itunnt usututnm Ithnnt tam hat W11 Illle lut In hnbttu unlvatgn to nnw tho Itll hy water lltlttlt move an tawottn the italmtun hut art coal ttmnm soouis warrant NORWAYJAMIIOIEE trln wlll he wllt lmbtlj boot the scout llltrtct thetr own Imam tmmlnor Photo mi mum