QUEENS Guevevowea Examine Cotillion Midway Limitsd Id Hayfield Street Dorris Ontario JARobbMlishsrGsnsraI Manager KWAlls lditos Ensmus Hsnshsw Managing Editor sun to mt rnon it as Si 35 trio 3535231 59 is 35 it Ottaan In LII ii heroism of ToUpgrade Exports iorrerroiwa or tollsonsiau i5 was iii agar ET as is get Eiaii E5 E5 nit so it 33 gt gr pEIIK regg at nnsx Inn Dsu rim IN THIS worn THE SEEMSTO or SILENT rms3 d1 discusas reedarid hammer imam meim nutilnnosxolaiaatps mWshVIImm nordmisbrsm 39 32 ricuspayers Bas1c Rights orroic Deserve Attention the problems oi government are al woys many and varied and In this time oimlcrating ination are even great enthm usual gt as you who have been burdened ohesvicot taxes iatlsshietory thI country have been clamorln ior rot lie which oi course could come about by cutbacks in tax npending Farm grvlips have been pressing ior is hotter deal ior iarmers who until recent Iylisve been lagging behind in the econ omy but are now beginning to catch up Then there are shoppers and consum ers who have been upsetb some at the sharp price rises and it same time why results oi marketing meth which brought this about lhe waste in itseli is appalling nro rottin oi some 30 million egys tn stor se on people are starving indie ls extreme example oi bung ing by bur eraey question oi whether the economy wl stabilize has been receiving etton tiqn In the midst oi higher interest rates increasing government debtrsnd reports odshortages it time when modem ma chinery and technology should enable lndustrlslsnd isruiproductiun to reach ntw peaks No wonder many are wondering what direction leadership should take to iind delistic solutions headline in daily paper perhaps Too 1an up one phase at the problem when said 200 Civil Servants demand 615 per cent pa increase The story exp ined the elected dele oics oi the CivllSorvico Assooatlon oi ntario JppmiM demand or per cent increase war one year it claim ed this was designedgto brin their mem bers to parity in wages in rtvalo industry and to protect cm sgs est in nation The hints and problems oi smsll busl ness in trying to keep with toda high costs have received ention on ilnanciil Reyes The losses suiicred by many shoe nvestors in recent years due to higher overhead ior induslrlsl and business operation also have hit tiio headlines Governments are perhaps among the iew who benoilt irorn lnIlntlon which ables them to overspondiny the past But ior tho at rrisiorl lniiaiion creates Increas ng economic piobiems iiild ollen real hardship The dety and others Who have to ich on tired Income appear to be the hardest hit There is greatorncerl than ever ior eiioctivo steps to be taken against Iniis lion and this could be done more mils Um tically iron the top Those Who make government decision should lead the way DOWN MEMORY LANE 25 YEARS AGO IN TOWN ush Examiner Sept 16 1949 Pub lic School Board decided proceed with building two schools at total cost sore coo that new schools erected in Br total ears Ono WWI be located on lor onAot north illilicrcst the other on qurtngton st between at Vincent And Rodney Aiicr serving thousands oi boys and girls ior 80 years educations tool iikey Vietonia Schoot origin aunts311 Wicil be sanctioned and posstbiy at oo toyistwns later demo ished and sito sold to iedorsi government ior new post oi ilcoltin Gear is later became school 401 rots od ehil mi and now remodell ed ii Senior citizens recreation centre In connection with Amy Week lla 501 Jack work said recruiting drive wbtiiti be held by With Battery Di 45th AMIonk Regiment Iloyal Canadian Artilie Grey and show Foresters Birds tio underwriters Iiom Tabletcall and Miredvii is iiarris qualied ior CLU degrees Emerson Creed retained Binlo Country club mens goli title bqstihg Bill out In iinai Ititilek Poland pltche twohitter ssilorrie Gig os best lliinesing no in Co ico Trophy minty soitbali series lorry Couso was winning pitcher over Bill itaycrait sis Harris Iliotors boot is es in Bar Iif sonlor iinais Third ascman Slevo ii rice and catcher Doug Ramsay starred otibttt Directors oi iloyoi Vlotorisl Hospital studied pious ior proposed memorial wingns iirst sisgo oi new building program Bruno iovero loii iormining ilrovldenes ier In illiudr isund Sorintiifid lnriont aln oi American Hockey league opened train Georgo aLso Vic trig camp It Barrio Arena with 60 pros pacts Owner Eddie Show hockey hatt otriamcr supervised workouts Alter so years as clergyman Rev Dr it Sinclair minister oi Essa ltoad and Siroud Presbyterian churches announc ed retirement oiiiiii suitors views AMNESTYWIIH JUSTICE Christian Scltnco Monitor De its the public outcry over his un condi onal rdon ior lir Nixon Prelt sldont Ford taken the nettle in hand and proclaimed progrum oi conditional amnesty ior Vietnam war demtera and unit evaders Vo spyiuud his action Its we have stated the past it would be grossly unjust to those many thous ands oi Americans who iouglit in the uni popular war and to those who chose sl ernitive service or went to tail iotlitr than bear arms ii the deiorturs and drill dodgers were allowed to violate the law without some baiincinrt oi ths scales Working ior operlod in jobs that pro mute the national health IAIN or in teresl and seknowledgo silo soon to the United States and its loss tuiion is not an unreasonable price to pay ior hsv in disobeyed the law Commondibiy ilirt Ford is iryln to balance mercy and justice to givot us some 50000 Americans sn oppontunit to return homo but not So condone elr dots The purpose oi iii program he said is to reconcile Americans and rloro that unity ttthtn which honest rliiierrrncus oi opinion to not descend to angry discord and mutual problems are not polarised by excessive passion tor Edward Kennedy to Mew it least Ior twohas set stun tor the moat wideown Demorotlo potty no in nearly 25 yam only clear and obviously toriIii ii gives them more tax revenues and on Dmmu WW oil debts easier mm mpooslblJtleerslal homol at kart three motorstiran Jackson Mondale Minnesota and Lloyd llcriun Tensend llopmm totive Morita Udall Arlroos all DJ last yws nvnmol INTERPREde THE NEWS Democratic quiiind Should Be wideopen Race Goortll lly IiitUCl LEVIIT Mimi WASIlthsION lCi Mills IRIMII Askew Ul htta lime the LAME MINCE IISI Not since Harry Truman rs tlrsd In ma has there been such ism tiald ol potential candidates Mist Stevenson tho unstors isls lather won the nomination lhat year losing to Dutlbt Eisenhowero loss In suitored again our years Mr There are low Iiiio dispute Kinnodyl shootinced reason ior not seekingst this limo lira it which has hold all lamination ior his ismiiy there an low Use who our to accept It as the out oi whom have been msIdiil pm reason limlnary moves at As nornl Kennedy would sold President Ford in However with Kennedy out ct ittlesl strategists point out t3 the admins more prospects are Its Mil to boot the man In the exported to emsrse includliis iota Ford would not hs oilcthl senators Birch noyh indium to run In moo when Kennedy at Alisl Stevenson Illinois id at mild be oi MI ideal ago mund himlilo illslne wiiilsm lrcnlraily Kennedy despite Iroxrnin Wisconsin and oth liioiactlhei hoiuDemoerst era stood to wilrr hiavtly ironi urination Kennedy sppearod to be its lied back Monday wills the station that my May Now the would Is anions wuhinnos Walter mm liiicllmorslily that lace Ailblml Ind incurs mm its Illpubllclilaclniiclillxa Mai Gilliam Ohio Dale Waterloo ArluMiIi Dan Wal who Jimmy cm ICANDAI NM FORGOTTEN hombliesni who Iuilsrrrl Ultl dilLituIoolnllllt oi wsicnl Winn pretldantitte rd Nixon brought down by Iran dai would hove been unlikely to have let the public iorgsl the Uisrspaquiddiok Lieldenl lhKlnlltdyIiimil rsooriilud mm In eartunsnrwsred ousstlona eon IlsgiitrullontlviberM mum Itsurri potlu guaranteed Nuly mmmmm mm mm is which young secret stalulory midiss twanww mm mm creep Buhtslnlloo utu daily to 52 mhlim um In mm line candidan he would lyl sum mm mar any questions raised llsrrlo All yearly Slmcol mum County mom yearly no WihKtzuiedy out hiundnin Cum mm mm appears to ho Its more liberal mm mm 50 my oi the slist eld with iirotim Motor throw oil moo yearly drkim WWW National Advertising niiicui mid hill at Queen It West Toronto new labor niaciilti Maillot so Catlicasl Eh Kennedy Illern lisnlrasl Illis II mnven but ha still in ex col Iiember oi tits Canadian Press to late touch and Audit bureau oi artists annuals mime NHL out ieoUmmt runi The Canadian Puss Is mint lsaly entitled to the use ior so BIBLE THOUGHT pub leation oi all ma dilpsteh But seek ye llrst It mmwimam litre oats famine it as IleIA Street It Ontario Telephone mom II In this pspsr credited to It or III Alnihatsgcrus or as um mm dom at nod and on righteous Ihl sum Exlminsi eIIIml Illnr mu Coyyrlrht in all oristoAI adven am Hi Matthew tllnlsndidllwllimsiesitlerl mm III has made it rest pisirl ti pmdurrd In thit newspaper but ill lord and IIII work Conyvlrht Restoration Nurn III in It worthwhile nu barrows restiterll KW All Illt luvs is go thine The UWtil MM the ow Mishlenod Paulie comm ovsr wtuotbln smug whoever ronomonommou Wrnddl Aridzrson Walloon portions1 Smith and Florida and aldermanMien to he tions in WallaceIlka Jule Aoku slam out till stamp on Formostottumts dliitouttlosavo mkoncyTD Cashibulldorrcon help you do Itnutomatlcslly All you do Is toll your TD branch how much you can reasonably attord to sov month Thonithot amount Loccountthat now pays 9s interest IdonlMMmshsoovtsnbuilknow to about each pay or each Is automatically transferred irom your regular account into Fromlum Sayings load Soyour monoy earns moro while youre saving You wont miss what you dont sea And youll be surprised osvlngswiil grow Monoyintho bank ltfsalgoodioolingh tho bank whoro poopio moko tho dliioronco and pick upa free scoro cardfrom your local TD branch how quickly your