it facsimile Pubth by Canadian MW CompanyLimited I5 Infield Strut Barrie Ontario Robb Publldaancmral Manegae Willa Editor EM WMenlglng Editor may ll ml me isontberl boease truliio the atie only do trail the job suited in recommend on respond Barrio En Highway 16 ust south uood would be appm inceitnprove ii sx wonder if the need in construction is completed The province had to come Lump 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN 12 Premier Exhibition Show ltobert Sutherland oi dont oi Barrio Agricultural Oliver Cameron secretary most Ryan Jr at Barrie thiegiate won rocholoithi in Sdtool exams Counted St duela Knight oi Columbus for nor oi CNlt passenger train irom Ailindala to liomil an exonerated by comeri ury gtin death oi Cookstown tanner lienry liaiper Diirwoody 74 vdriving herd oi cow across track prize with lite and Pigeons at CNE Poultry Show Registration at Barrie Collegiate Lily1311mm oi Ml highest nitrocml tor DI year at school historyer teacher Slind hiatcomson won 22 Non coagutlon to the Coilingwoodnga Beech areas but solution is envisioned in study may in mm irasibtlii study in re divided highway be built between the of Highway 400 xlmately to year beiore the new road would be construct ammenudymoommcnd the ghway 20 and con ruct Stayuer bypass within the next live yearn The length of time between the pro and completion oi the prompt County Warden IArt El toll in Barrie Examiner Sept 15 Duncan Hardball Ontario Iiiniiler oi AK rtculture in Premier liitchcli llepburns now liberal overrunan otilciaa opin ed nanta billed as Simone ouniyl vin Higliwny 27 1mm liidhurei to avcrley full width Crew win FourLangHighway Really Solve Problem ght in to in order to improving the tourlane oi Coiling rov rodiliy NICE it until the of while Wasaga Beach illgiiny zaaun least carry out tie intention of rrle bypass show us the on the way to becoming The trouble with highway construction ii tint oiten new ones are Incapthe oi doing the job for whldi they are intend ed by the time the are completed Perhapiwitli dw ndlin and more ex pensive oil rupplles on increased use rtation these highway he inture it not be overly crowded up with im liore and better public transportation DOWN MEMORY LANE national amenities oi Nextonihellstweru wtllheh study of the Colliagwuodpmduetry Improvements in both areas with etc tendaat increased use make it mada tory better accesabe provided it nothing oleo tho consultanta au gcetion the new highway heltntred wit 451 MISS Eddie Kathleen Moore Fixn LETTERS Townon ma lion Fro es in Bi tractor and ire scorad club Donn mo directed Slmud pre Sodety and Board oi Film College and Tenders let oi deprc ohn struck while rte physicians is Blgotow director attire r17x1rrm mtWe pt in Didi IIIII an to Canada Iran hi one In Detroit II all then uni or American air on union alluring appoion mm rtllln rar its all workedlaaudauayrur Wmu illlukilululllnhet um Juit how many may take up mm mm the my alter still in 12 more cm vaunn The only um eonnietlln my grrrd about mam luv centremopenlaOoilrith ZIhe hltntlce at III to Amri into war minor here were inrprleed about tho lama oi tho Zomdttlonai My arrnnimd 3imdAy by Pmldord 0m at the Wild No om ind rInl Wed at thirtlme the had oi unaia dltnoai arrme mum had called tor lhat was portion too with or may atlil reeling trim Wotan Atmoit ll uninrpririog waa 0o auduavnunn awe ra alum ascribed to lorde two 7wr oiimnu mice immunaxmzm or 13ml Emmott ll tliyltetd Street UIITIB Oataria Telephone mam Second Clan Illil Ilelitutloil llulber otM Morn postage guarintced Dally Sunday and Statutory ltotiday excepted Suhuriptioo atee daily by eartier boo woolly elm year ly5ingia cool too by inatl Iiarrie um yearly lmcoa Icounty $3000 yearly nalance oi Canada 200 yaarly Itii etnar countriel elm yearly otor throw oii $1300 yearly Nationil Adterllnng ittcm lmqueen 5t Writ Toronto ta Cathcar 5t lionirei Member at the Canadian Pren and Audit Bureau at CIth ne 111 Canadian Freii is mine Iver entitled to the urn tor rov pub cation oi nil new dlipiich es in thia piper credited to ttot The Airoc aled Pres or neuter and aim the but newt publlatr wed therein amt ihe Barrie Examiner ettma yrigbt in all original adver and editorial material cro wtlod by iii employee and ro praduecd In tlIlI newepiprr Copyright liegtnrailan Num her more fillllri all To meet common com on exile grotto ought to be grading at on It iptltIpptar Imminent wuthe an Accident during boron it did more dam mm lnmrzxzi TOO MUCH AFTER WATEEGATE Terms Nothurprising To US War Resistors lllar arct ltcllartin and MoEy liclpor Itilclieii 0d P201 St won John Craig Tm for best kept home premis mallard Garrett con gropriulor oivCo lit The olo in one at artlo gol ld Iircinrcn won Bat ile Cup at goli club beating ieiiow er ltaurice ii men in final Out Censor all replaced er to Do Bymc oi Barrio libeml in no its All men tired were Oonscrvativ Deer 51 co 0m Worth Ieir had 24th en trite tine quality oi exhibits and lil her gate rocei to than last seemed rightly better KNIT Villlim Lowti and Lew who were ottendingthe portion unconditional amnesty and two trtlon uppeir to ho devel OollaIe heva about had khmtdpllun liti on IN anthemme harness my leilow tantrum races M1011 hoieevboltod and 040 lieu Bath mm handeduabo was trampled lie was attended by Bnr the nullity the militia athow unrch Smith local iunenl km one oi time set rrolcmd aradmiu who lacaura rm aona mime in teaching etrldLv by the mlnbrr cl do you and diplornaa strong at tor his only the moat narrow ml ad oi Medandc would aimt Al to the podttc ooia oi ltr Cmtlldm who wan aiidtttd by Mr Sdlnldt ho ho to hit crud nlevant bueincii experience In an ahmt completed lttlA How many oi Mr SclnnlAte Wider teacher can match Are The Writers Rantingsle Caused ByA Fit Of Pique Al an initiator at Marian in that than Air Schmidt can no that to than area academia qualification oi succeeded in stopping the home lily colickyhyiaitrttor dawn ti an go among 9th Mt Untorlimeloty in Semini Mme within that CA DA many year lttr Schmidt ll alto lullly cl name Ntmn mu the aim called tor some IVlm at boycott my in We Um titMI at the muddy moo1 be hm hm aiuu otwhat the group an It punitive motions Intnrt Toroan Anti Drill PM he bieri swamped with nutrie ay connreltor ltIle thovun DID N0 WRONG she ryaa however there atltl tha undimlnlltted ballet by mitten that tnce they did nothing wrong they boutd not be purikhod lor dmlbdodgere and deter tzlp the rtleet 0d the Ford rolt nuial will be martruly er en conitrence ihi weeltrnd tor mister mm the roughout can Ida and Europe it to diam the Ford rnnaety DWII and what the reioanin oi tita viri CIINADIIS STOE The Acadian French Ilnd Quebec lly IIOI BOWMAN IMre on really two race oi Inrrhvepcuklng Coordinat the Quaint lrrnch who have arrtad into Ontario and the West and tho Arviian lrencli who lharln the liarttlmei Aoodtan ore ioaloue at their heritage and have avoided being demoed try the Quebec French Thcy huvo their own flag and national duye 11w Aradlan badrgmrrxl ted Mien Britain not part it Acadia lrvrn Im in 171 and called it Nova Scott ICape llreion wan retained by From there wore abut lt00 Aeodtane ect tled there mail In the Anna polli Valley Toy Wuu ex ilent tanner out their origt rial tlykni can still be seen them At lirat tho Itcrulkn In Nam itcaili look the math nt ttllr gtnnrp tn llrttin privtdtt ihrv more not expected to train the milti Idil l1 3th mmakeym twin bookmde melanoma in up willing to mod In low llLitt humble 61cm will Witty Enhdorha 0t urinal WM cull amorwutatocaalm Marvin on disarm IKE mm wt be Admiral It Im going to out my unit to go ha tor ilm that name doom told be lit waned to live in Canada attor wordi Ironlcolt or he dad Fnrde otter wrud lornate 031 dbneplim to rig to tho Uit 0mm oConada die twtod their tlvoo year ipo rench Fronch ihclr ronrrmtiatlve ltd this in Sept 23 1715 Ind atnln on Sept theiolowing on Unlnrtmatrty they cam un der the iniluenro oi Abba la twine who hlIDdEKlulld hit pretended that he won keeping the Martians ialthlul to their at Irglaricv stirml up by It ioutm the Arudlnnt took mrt in number rd their uaalnet nrttlih nrtttnri In till when it won clenr that llritriri and Frunro would he at wnr tor North America the tiriiith do ztdal that the Aruitnna wold mt be tainted and dmlrd rm So the Nova SLIIl Acndiana lost their home in its and an ill Acciiiani in oiIIor part oI the hlarlilltw attu inulihnrg wu ltered in lltt Thln tragedy led the American WI tnnrlclow to write yrnrrtrtr uItIih vrnlrl rrn in at iymplthy to the Acadi tortha rank at white odiool nod with tho Criiritnal Code at Gamble Among Themsyllves YOUR OPINION And With Criminal Code VANCOUVE itltt in ii 000 to drips although molt games are lmltIEt At one table baldheaded man whittled as ho tudled hii cord and the trace at eavcral nmkailtled eoclii duh inrtha Guatee Vann eouver oral men meat daily to gamble among themieltea Canada lhedtrnaroudtilerent aithemcnwhomethern loggers dorm tire motorityot its memberittb oi one down town ably where etalite ere ralotivel modal while at club ROMP mertly raided in lieuby Richmond at much 014000 In chips boa been can on the tibia one me The aloha dont advertise Lilia the batter player in their membttm Micro their cards ole to their chaste diet In recent ervlew the manager ol one oeatown old talked about Iii opor at Pt openod oy mi my end baa too mentorro who pay 23 cent or liter time monberihlp Under the Crimimt Code gambling rluh inutxoperta ae boo Iide iocittei mut not be allowed laltt into the hand ot owner and not allowed rakeatt trim the men They are allowed to charge mntmal toe uruatly ll centt hall hour tram cub player MONT OMIM MALI We have deem liwyrri and the midi worldrir at members connection oi evanbody arid club man Ma inodoi Va oven have carpi at plychlbllhtl oi membcri Members play meter at tho it green clothtoured tablet in other com no llouo ii alewzd Mr rinot eid tlt nwt holdeuoie limoon an undar Willi ie aornethIn Schmidt Itt TE warm smarts not no tor the out who arrady slice in addition gh ichoot lonelier 50 Go1 Iolrbllf dodml poms ml or prr Ilr Schmidt writer rrttact ioraultttalameurethaiha will ice that hli Irratlinal rant log againu Georgian mull lrom at phone that the 3mm merit taildi to aetublilt ML molly in this immediate ro Not surprising when there use unlveriily Inst ti mile down tho highwuyl And no tor the ryttarn within which ltir Schmidt workma iurlng that evrry rltild has the opponunlty to tihilt tan the iauriiin at ltrwlmigo any uggisi that them it wrong will your main when It mmut ly its to uiahuii even mod cumoi knowledge in many at to grad unto regardlxu web but tdlt in routing and mailmalcil Ai an eoeoomtai am over whelmed to discover to our mid at to the room at ltlr Schmidt Period who know what hut wan ii With thl tailght Mr use tho greatest economieta it have evor exhi rd not to Milan tlo pulm widen vying 0n mm may diatoitim ot tact While it pheu til alurl thit ton it tho rot lego instructor but cm djr moire DA thti is acted at the college graduates SPECIAL money he Itol iota on table mmvrgin ivmi 5th tom it not in principle our CLEARANCE 7m Montcalm Rynaxd Overcome Ttie to or iEE 5E3 Fig 553 55 3E at go LIMMIIIIIl umandlngbeiorotheootmt Cf lie turned nodded land are eoeraied Prim aim in loam momma Ihwmmndmm MWhMilimui irritan etow minim 1n Mi the ham generation tread down the old The pm Mrlmdlmuy Inux indenting mam mwmdhmwwcw uuddmuh yhytheyenaglmuwlp whdpm Ind Mum my rd loosed km WM out Barium ilk maeblnn alumnwmlwu moogmwabeotdamdm an wan um Um an lull documantn that unit ht mun pm tilled We domino M7 3m$mim Wk mu In em WW or thinklru that they no ol have when with rlebhthe hallmark oi Minin Wa atggardly aired to on resigned cool rolainwim dm II MM emu tn Nneloni earned with on or at boom and mineralrating 01 mm Mm oi leastnmrded Mistry at the time or Ni mien ElfHWM WNW to have ltlr Schmidt ntrr to the eilort oi collegeth to gain aata idiom rt out equal tot ochan intheooit oi thing drt just alto he and hit totiow works hm merited adjustment It the cost at litlog inmroover tho pant ear uni am now waiting with otcdbm Nine similar niluitmml in bomber cronnymlthoalotwmng with the mobility collide all not increase tour tritnite who unto tunic old one when mm the parliamentarian Gladitooe mm mm etlil writing pmilllcally in Mimi labor at tum trla 70 or later when he mud am dttiorere political Mullen twin Dr room itii mm mm that mam posture hope until he no 76 and mum mm Own mm lta ovemme the gerorihm Zdiddmm MN men alrhing to dleploco them mm Iluttitlltlthohindsklttolhle tory Noturalty WISIL the old but tindeth lhIJ Young people mm diam mid WE WANT to odmlatiter ham tor Illi 11 coming on tho tumour and the Indian it it waant tor the tail that Mr Sclnrddt II hhrodl an ad mtntitralor in in educational ia itllieion he mcbt devoid mu aimm hi1 WW in that dime Now there could give him aorno help Your tmly MICHAEL WOLFE nplrlt will mtan bun bottom longhliyearitaolikannyhe BIBLE THOUGHT And Jan tool the tunnel and when be had given thiali re eet dour and iiievl Examiner invite era In tube It ranch tributiou Lcller la the Editor otaain latter in are like there should or mtrttted to to tittlgnglvmm In mi mm to dial II multitudcewlll bebledetrot outwitteai tzritrr time to ownivgimnimtmt er drum and telo many pro New Ii PHI nuaa cm Tare hand all at and it Naaoited llle lei tilm IIVI It ieven other mm undo the iluoreiecni ttghie Ille hind nttitciLd with perspiration brlylltg the bluil oi con tldcncc oNIl BALI II ii 10 till lolbto imported are nine Virlom rotori ard drelgna ideal tor don rec loom itamlly mm or otiico ii xii $7999 th hlttltuitl